Rushmoor Schools Plus (RSP) Steering Group Notes of the meeting at the Blenheim Building – 29th March 2012 Jane Armstrong (JA) Lisa Hogg (LH) Richard Lane (RL) Jo Riglar (JR) Marilyn Penman (MP) Fiona Hodgson (FH) Tony McGovern (TM) Paul Baker (PB) Debbie Wall (DW) Sue Hathaway (SH) - Farnborough Grange Infant School and LCP Chair Wavell School Autodesk Ltd. St. Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School Manor Infant School (to item 6) St. Mark’s CE Primary School Rushmoor Schools Plus Connaught School Rushmoor Borough Council Rushmoor Voluntary Services 1. Welcome and apologies FH chaired the meeting. Apologies were received from Mark Sammes (MS), Liz Beckwith (LB) of the Linden Education Centre, Don Cook (DC) from Cove School, Matt Smith (MSm) from First Wessex, Richard Mann, and Corinne Martinez (CM) from Cove Junior School. TM took notes for the meeting. 2. Notes from the last meeting and matters arising These were agreed as accurate. Matters arising would all be dealt with as part of the agenda. 3. Funding update i) Balance MS reported that the current balance held by Manor Junior is £28,397. Additional funds are also being held but these relate to The Paul Hamlyn Foundation grant for The PIER. ii) Subscriptions update The only outstanding contribution is Guillemont. 4. Community Interest Company (CIC) – Mission TM circulated a summary working paper covering RSP’s strategic development, 2012-15. He has been working on this with MSm. The mission is a revised version of previous work, intended to be a simple flow through to the action plan so that a clear direction for RSP is agreed, with all actions focused to outcomes that were measurable. The strategic objectives have been simplified, but possibly too much. The draft Terms of Reference (ToR) was also circulated. It has been drafted to make the distinction between the Directors, who have ultimate responsibility for the management of the company, and the Members Group who advise and steer the decisions to be made by the Directors. RL suggested that a distinction be made between Members who attend Members Group meetings and those who are associated to RSP via their annual subscription. This was agreed, except that TM felt it important to retain the openness of this group, and therefore that associates were welcome at any Members Group meetings and have voting rights at those meetings. It was agreed that 5 Members were needed for a Members Group meeting to be quorate, and 10 Members for issues requiring a vote, (although this could happen with notice and in absence). JR suggested that the ToR make note of working group sub-committees – this was agreed. TM will circulate changes to the draft Mission statements and ToR, and requested that any comments come back to him by the end of April. 5. Strategic Action Plan TM circulated a summary of the strategic action plan, containing the two current strategic objectives, the sub-objectives for each, and the actions that ensure the objective is achieved. The full Action Plan will describe the Lead, costs, timescale, outcomes and measurement, plus a traffic light system. An action plan summary, alongside the Mission statement, will be produced and launched at the celebration on 31st May. The plan will form the base for future Members Group meetings. RL suggested that an introduction including current data and context would be useful – this would be included with the finished document. RL also suggested that the strategic objectives feature measurable headline targets that the actions would contribute towards. TM agreed that performance data needed to be used more proactively to ensure that the RSP’s effectiveness is clear to see. TM mentioned actions not currently included in the plan, including Speech & language therapy, future ELSA provision, and Counselling, which required more consultation and costing. FH complimented TM and MSm on the work done so far, and TM confirmed that the work would be shared in greater detail as it is developed, with suggestions for improvement welcome from Members. 6. Project Updates i) The PIER / Emotional Literacy The PIER MS, FH, LB, Jen Hill (PIER teacher) and Anna Nolan (HEPS) had met earlier this week. Lots of positive successes were reported, and some exit programmes in place. We are awaiting statistical analysis data from HEPS service. Spaces are still available for now and for next year, and schools should be considering potential pupils in Year R / Year 4 for next year. MS has chased up the works to be undertaken to secure the garden area. A new LSA, Emma Saunders, has been employed, but requires ELSA training. LB is looking into Team teach training for all of the staff, and she will oversee the introduction of performance management procedures. Emotional Literacy Support There was a discussion about the need either to subsidise supervision groups for existing ELSAs trained through the RSP funding, or to fund training to provide additional ELSAs in schools, as a number of those originally trained have now left their schools. It was agreed that the latter proposal was higher priority, and that the supervision of existing ELSAs remains a school issue. MS reported in absence that the EP Service is requesting the need to offer further Boxall training, particularly to ELSAs. The training will be free to schools, funded by our agreement with them. MS suggested that schools individually determine the most appropriate individuals to attend the training, rather than just target to ELSAs. ii) Motivating our Middle Years TM reported that the 6th Form College has kindly offered to host this year’s event, and free of charge, on 12th and 13th July. He is still waiting to hear from three primary schools about their involvement, so about 700-800 pupils were so far confirmed. Unfortunately Wavell are unable to attend, but Connaught will be sending pupils for the first time. iii) Fundays Planning meetings for the three events are being coordinated by Heather. There was a recent issue with the Aldershot group because of low numbers able to attend planning meetings, but the event is still taking place. There has been some success with funding from a Rushmoor Community grant, and TM is pursuing support from the Military Covenant funding Rushmoor BC has received for community cohesion events. iv) Celebration TM and MS have been planning for the Celebration evening on Thursday 31 st May at the Holiday Inn, Farnborough. About 45 acceptances have been received so far, and MSm, RL, Jen Hill and Andrew Lloyd have agreed to make presentations. v) Parent Support Advisers There was no new information, except that the PSAs have recently met with First Wessex HA to consider ways they can work together, and this meeting also included a discussion about future sustainability. JR also reported that Linda Graham had attended a recent governors meeting to talk about her work and this had been received very positively. vi) Business links RL reported on the following activities: A careers fair at Samuel Cody School, which also involved Cove and Linden pupils. Careers day presentations at St. Mark’s and Linden, these had gone very well. Cove, Wavell, Fernhill and Linden have signed up for the robotics programme, and Connaught is likely to come on board. An all girl Cove team attended the O2 Big Bang robotics challenge in Birmingham in March and was shortlisted for an award. This was covered by the Farnborough News. RL is supporting two work experience students, one from the Linden. RL’s new job from March focuses on Autodesk’s reach to primary and secondary education. He thanked representatives for their input while he researched the new post. Autodesk is likely to have 10-15 iPads available for school loan shortly. RL queried progress on The PIER’s signage, sponsored by Autodesk. LH suggested FH talk to Martyn Baxter at Wavell as signage around the site is about to be updated. vii) Collaborative leadership RL reported that he is still to confirm dates with his colleague Ian Mitchell for the series of workshops for up to 12 potential middle leaders. RL did attend a Patch headteachers meeting in February and there had been a positive reaction to the offer of training. MP confirmed that she already has a list of 7-8 candidates. MP has begun developing other parts of the collaborative leadership project, particularly the support of individual leaders, with success. There had also been a meeting with Tracey Clough at Flight Safety International and we await a response to that. viii) Funding opportunities An application to the MOD Schools Support Fund application went in last week for Partnership Manager and PSA sustainability funding. We should have a result for that in late April. A Big Lottery (Reaching Communities) meeting has taken place. The group agreed that the focus be a management / PSA sustainability bid. TM will now meet with PSA line managers and MS to ensure the bid is appropriate and covers all of Rushmoor. ix) Children’s Centres It was confirmed that Action for Children has won the contract to manage Rushmoor’s children’s centres. FH suggested they be invited to attend a future RSP meeting and talk about their plans for Rushmoor. Action: TM 7. Local Children’s Partnership (LCP) Update DW reported that, on Rushmoor’s behalf, she is facilitating an update of the LCP Plan for Rushmoor, initially tying in separate agency plans with the six County priority objectives we are familiar with. TM had produced a report following a Schools’ Support Services audit of Rushmoor and Hart schools. One recommendation he will action is a small file of information for schools detailing the support services available to schools and their contact information. JA reported that a Youth consultation has been taking place, coordinated by June Bing of HCC with support from DW and TM among others. They have visited Connaught, Fernhill, 6FC, plus Hart schools, across Years 7-10, with Wavell to be visited early next term. Using keypads, the consultation asks about issues for young people and how they access information. Survey results will go to individual schools, with Rushmoor combined results also being produced. TM reported two striking early impressions – the impact of family money issues being felt differently in different schools, and the power of the internet, with 30% of pupils reporting that they access the internet for 5 or more hours every day. This led to a discussion about training for teachers about the use of technology in the classroom. LH suggested that Carol Giblen at Wavell would be a potential source for this. 8. Partner contributions PB reported a noticeable dip in the career aspirations of their Year 10 pupils, linked to attitudes around the qualifications needed for entry into careers such as learning support. There was discussion about the heightened need for pupils to have access to businesses to understand the range of careers accessible. JR reported from a peer challenge she had attended, the strength of feeling about the delay in accessing speech and language therapy in schools. TM made an offer to secondary schools thinking about providing a government-supported Summer school for transition work. TM suggested that schools might be able to buy-in to the Megarider bus pass scheme for Year 6 children attending their Summer school. 9. Date of next meeting Wednesday 11th July at 9.30am, at the Blenheim Building. It is Farnborough Air Show but this shouldn’t affect transport around the town.