Page No 1 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Community Code No Applicant Recommendation Page Nos MAE P/ 2009/0971 EATONFIELD DEVELOPMENT LTD MR STEVE JONES REFUSE/GRANT 3–9 CEF P/ 2010/0240 WREXHAM COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL GRANT 10 – 16 GWE P/ 2010/0453 MR TONI JONES GRANT 17 – 20 LLA P/ 2010/0507 KP CARS MR P HARPER GRANT 21 – 23 GRE P/ 2010/0513 MR MARK SHOWELL GRANT 24 – 31 GRE P/ 2010/0514 MR MARK SHOWELL GRANT 32 – 35 BRY P/ 2010/0521 MR J PARRY GRANT 36 – 39 WRC P/ 2010/0525 DIRECT TOWING MR K STILL GRANT 40 – 45 ESC P/ 2010/0535 MR P WOOLLAM GRANT 46 – 54 WRO P/ 2010/0542 MR ANDREW JEBB GRANT 55 – 58 SES P/ 2010/0578 MR SIMON GRENNAN GRANT 59 – 64 SES P/ 2010/0579 MR SIMON GRENNAN GRANT 65 – 68 BAN P/ 2010/0580 MR JOHN AINGE GRANT 69 – 72 ISY P/ 2010/0588 MR T GIBSON GRANT 73 – 77 ESC P/ 2010/0602 MR GEORGE JONES GRANT 78 – 82 WRA P/ 2010/0608 MRS PAINTER GRANT 83 – 86 ESC P/ 2010/0610 MR R JONES GRANT 87 – 90 RHO P/ 2010/0650 MR MJ HUGHES LLOYD REFUSE 91 – 94 WRC P/ 2010/0663 WREXHAM COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL GRANT 95 – 97 ROS P/ 2010/0682 MR IAN GOODE GRANT 98 - 100 Total Number of Applications Included in Report: 20 Page No 2 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 All plans included in this report are re-produced from Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. WCBC Licence No. LA0902IL All plans are intended to be illustrative only and should be used only to identify the location of the proposal and the surrounding features. The scale of the plans will vary. Full details may be viewed on the case files. Page No 3 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2009 /0971 LOCATION: FORMER NAGS HEAD INN MAIN STREET BETTISFIELD WHITCHURCH DATE RECEIVED: 25/11/2009 COMMUNITY: Maelor South SY13 2LJ CASE OFFICER: KH WARD: Overton DESCRIPTION: DEMOLITION OF FORMER PUBLIC HOUSE AND ERECTION OF 4 NO. TOWN HOUSES. APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR STEVE JONES EATONFIELD DEVELOPMENT LTD AGENT NAME: EATONFIELD DEVELOPMENT LTD MR STEVE JONES _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE p.p. 9 dwellings. P/2007/0494 Acces s Application site p.p 5 dwellings. P/2007/0493 Land off the eastern side of the main road through Bettisfield and currently occupied by the former Nags Head pub. Last use was residential but has been empty for a number of years. Residential properties lie on three sides with vacant land to the rear with an extant permission for nine dwellings. Page No 4 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 PROPOSAL See above. HISTORY P/2007/0494 P/2007/0043 P/2006/0962 P/2005/1057 P/2004/1408 P/2002/1128 (Land to the rear). Erection of 9 no. detached dwellings. Approval of reserved matters 11.04.08. (Land adjoining above site). Erection of 5 no. detached dwellings. Approval of reserved matters 30.11.07. (Above site). Outline permission for 5 no. dwellings. Granted 06.12.06. (Land to rear). Outline application for 9 no. dwellings. Approved 05.12.05. Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use as a private dwelling. Granted 24.12.02. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Within settlement limit. Policies PS1, PS2, GDP1, CLF1. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member: Public Protection: Highways: Object on grounds:- Historic problems with drainage in Bettisfield and with adjoining site having permission for 14 homes with a reliance on sealed cess tanks, additional cess tanks, would be unsustainable and would increase cost to owners and increase traffic. Environment Agency has stated that further housing in Bettisfield should not be allowed until drainage issues resolved. - Not a sustainable location with no public transport and a limited Taxi/Bus Service. - Refer to design and access statement and provision of artificial lighting to deter anti-social behaviour. No anti-social behaviour in Bettisfield and many residents attracted to Bettisfield due to the lack of street lighting. - Do not accept that renovation of Nags Head is not possible and is one of the few original buildings in Bettisfield and has a historic significance in the village. Notified 25.11.09 Condition required to control construction noise and septic tanks should be used. No objections. Initial concerns that parking and turning provision was inadequate and 2m footpath Page No 5 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Welsh Water: CPAT: Environment Agency: Other Representations: Site Notice: should be provided. Amended plans have addressed these issues. No adverse comments. Simple photographic record required. Concerns regarding foul drainage proposals. Further development should be refused until a foul sewerage system is installed in the village. Land in general in Bettisfield is unsuitable for soakaway of effluent and no watercourses available with sufficient flow and dilution for Agency to permit a discharge of sewage. Cesspools are costly to empty and increase traffic movement which is unsustainable and the Agency do not encourage their use. If the Council is minded to approve then a condition should require a suitable design for cesspool. 1 letter of objection on the grounds:- 4 new houses to replace the single dwelling is unacceptable. When permission was granted for new development on adjoining sites it was assumed the existing property would remain. - Poor state of roads. - Issues of drainage need to be addressed with a high water table and land gets saturated. - No main drains and concerns with foul water drainage proposal. - Latest in line of planning permissions in Bettisfield and the quality of Bettisfield as a rural village settlement is changing. Expired 04.01.10. SPECIAL ISSUES/CONSIDERATIONS Policy: Policy CLF1 of the adopted UDP seeks to resist loss of community facilities, particularly within settlements. The policy is however not applicable in this case as a Certificate of Lawfulness confirmed in 2002 that for at least 10 years previously the property had been used as a dwelling. There has been no other use other than a dwelling subsequently. Visual Impact: The scheme comprises two pairs of semi-detached properties linked by garages. The properties are relatively modest 3-bedroomed accommodation. Existing dwellings in the vicinity are two-storey and whilst Ash Cottage to the south of the proposed dwellings is at a lower height the distance to the property ensures the new development will not be overly dominant in the streetscene. Highways: Access to the site will be onto the proposed access road that will serve 14 proposed dwellings to the rear of the site, previously granted planning permission. Page No 6 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Highways have no objections to the scheme on the basis of an amended plan, which now provides adequate parking and turning and a 2m wide footpath to the site frontage. Whilst visibility is only 2.4 x 25m in a north west direction, Highways have no objections on the basis that the previous use as a pub, although not for a significant number of years, would have generated a similar number of vehicle numbers. No significant increase in vehicle numbers since that time. Drainage: The Environment Agency, Community Council and a nearby resident have expressed concerns regarding the high water table and proposed drainage arrangements. The Environment Agency do not consider cesspools to be a sustainable option and further development should be discouraged until a foul sewerage system is introduced in the village. Whilst I agree that cesspools are not the most sustainable option, I am satisfied that on the basis the tanks are properly designed and maintained there should be no problems. A condition will be required in regard to surface water drainage. Residential Amenity: Separation distances between the existing and proposed dwellings comply with adopted standards. Conclusion: I have no objection to the loss of the existing dwelling which would be costly to restore whilst it has been advertised over a length of time with little interest. With regard to drainage, whilst cesspools are not the most sustainable means of foul drainage, a condition will ensure they do not cause pollution. The design and scale of the proposed dwellings is acceptable and will compliment the streetscene and the properties will not compromise residential amenity or highway safety. My recommendation is in three parts requiring a financial contribution to offset a shortfall in secondary education facilities with Penley School currently full. RECOMMENDATION A That the Council enters into an obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requiring payments towards the shortfall in education facilities. The Chief Planning Officer be given delegated authority to settle the form and content of the obligation. Page No 7 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 RECOMMENDATION B Subject to completion of the Section 106 obligation, planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions below:CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. No part of the development shall be commenced until samples of all external facing and roofing materials have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with such details as are approved. 3. All foul drainage shall be contained withiin sealed and watertight cesspools, fitted with a level warning device to indicate when the tank needs emptying. 4. No development shall take place until a scheme of surface water drainage has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be completed before the development is occupied. 5. The vehicle parking and turning areas indicated on the approved plans shall be laid out, surfaced and drained prior to the first use of the building hereby granted and shall thereafter be retained for those purposes, free of all obstruction. 6. Prior to the commencement of any demolition works on site, the following details shall be submitted for the further approval of the local planning authority: i. an audit of all existing building materials ii. the potential re-use and recycling of those materials for incorporating into an agreed, replacement site development, and iii. where relevant, the recipient of remaining building materials. The approved audit shall form part of the building contract agreed for new building development for the site, a copy of which shall be submitted for record purposes for the local planning authority. 7. Notwithstanding the approved plans, details of the finished floor levels of the proposed dwellings in relation to surrounding dwellings shall be submitted, in writing, for the further approval of the Local Planning Authority. Works shall only be carried out in strict accordance with the details as approved. 8. This permission shall operate only to allow development to be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings and the application documentation. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, no further development shall take place within the site (other than the painting of the buildings). 9. The use of the garages shall be used only for a purpose incidental to the use of the properties as single dwelling houses provided that such use shall not preclude the garaging of a private motor car. 10. Construction works, ancillary works and the use of plant or machinery Page No 8 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 audible at or beyond the site boundary shall only be carried out between the hours of 07:30 and 18:00 (Monday to Friday) and 08:00 to 14:00 (Saturday) and at no time on Sundays or Bank Holidays. 11. No windows, doors or other openings shall be inserted into the gable elevation of Plot 4, other than those indicated on the approved drawing. 12. The existing hedge on the north east boundary shall be retained at a height which has been submitted to and agreed, in writing, with the Local Planning Authority, prior to the first occupation of Plot 4. 13. Within 3 months of commencement of development on site, full details of both hard and soft landscape works for the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be implemented in accordance with a timescale to be approved in conjunction with the scheme of details. 14. Within six months of the first use of the development, trees, hedging and shrubs shall be planted on site in accordance with a scheme which has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Any trees, hedging or shrubs removed, dying, being severely damaged or becoming diseased shall be replaced by trees, hedging or shrubs of a similar size and species to those originally required to be planted and thereafter retained. 15. Details of all boundary means of enclosure shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the details as approved prior to the first occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved, and retained thereafter unless otherwise agreed, in writing, with the Local Planning Authority. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 3. To prevent pollution of underlying groundwater. 4. To ensure satisfactory drainage of the site and to avoid flooding. 5. In the interests of highway safety. 6. To ensure that the development involves a sustainable approach. 7. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 8. Due to the restricted application site and its relationship with adjoining properties it is considered important to ensure that no additional development as described in the condition is carried out without the permission of the Local Planning Authority. 9. To ensure that the garage is not used in a manner prejudicial to or likely to cause nuisance or disturbance to the occupiers of nearby properties and to ensure that facilities for the garaging of a car remain available at this address at all times. 10. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 11. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of the adjoining dwelling. 12. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of the adjoining dwelling and the general visual amenities of the area. 13. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. Page No 9 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 14. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 15. In the interests of the general visual amenities of the area and nearby residential amenity. RECOMMENDATION C That if the Obligation pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 is not completed within six months of the date of the Committee resolution the Chief Planning Officer be given delegated authority to refuse the application for the following reason: The development makes inadequate provision for increased school capacity. Without this additional capacity, local schools will be unable to cater for the additional demand for places generated by the development. The development therefore does not accord with policy/policies GDP2 of the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 10 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0240 LOCATION: LAND AT WHALLEYS WAY ACREFAIR WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 26/03/2010 LL14 3UH COMMUNITY: Cefn DESCRIPTION: OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WARD: Plas Madoc APPLICANT(S) NAME: WREXHAM COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL CASE OFFICER: JS AGENT NAME: ISP ARCHITECTS MATTHEW HOARE _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE The site is located behind, and to one side of existing residential properties in Whalleys Way. The site is partly used as a parking area for local residents, and partly it forms an open area which is crossed by a number of footpaths. The area that is intended for housing development within the site contains sloping ground, and the land is higher than properties in Whalleys Way. Application Site PROPOSAL As above. This is an outline application with all matters (layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access) reserved. The application has been Page No 11 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 amended to reduce the scale of the proposal, and the indicative layout scheme shows 4 x 2 storey houses (2 beds). It is intended that houses will be affordable housing. RELEVANT HISTORY None. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Within settlement limits. UDP policies PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, GDP1, H2, CLF4 and T8 refer. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Objects. The land is very boggy and the area should be left as a green space. Local Members: Consulted 1.4.10 Highways: No objection to minor development, providing there is no unacceptable loss of parking facilities and that there is adequate access in terms of pedestrian provision and highway alignment. The amended plans do not raise significant issues. Education: Contribution will be required for Ruabon High School due to on-going developments within the area, and deficit of senior school places. Welsh Water: Conditions required Environment Agency: Consulted 1.4.10 Public Protection: Conditions required re treatment of potential contamination, dust and noise (construction period). Wrexham Access: Consulted 1.4.10 Site Notice: Expired 28.4.10 Other representations: 10 neighbours notified, and no comments received. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/ ISSUES Background: This is one of a number of applications which have been submitted as part of a Joint Venture Initiative with Welsh Assembly Government to provide affordable housing with Wrexham. This initiative was approved by the Council’s Executive Board on 19 November 2009. The partnership has identified potential sites within Council ownership and will seek reputable experienced developers/builders and/or Registered Social Landlords (RSL) capable of delivering the maximum number of affordable housing units. Upon completion, ownership of the affordable housing units will transfer to RSL(s) to provide housing for social rent and low cost home ownership. Policy: No objections in principle and all detailed design matters will be considered as part of the reserved matters. Page No 12 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Emerging LDP: The site is allocated for 100% Affordable Housing in the emerging LDP – deposit plan, with an indicative yield of 4 units. The submitted illustrative layout plan demonstrates that this scale is possible in principle, although some layout adjustments might be required as part of the reserved matters. Layout: As mentioned above, the proposed layout is not entirely acceptable in its current form, but this issue can easily be overcome by moving the position of a couple of plots closer to rear boundaries of properties with Whalleys Way. Suitable amenity separation distances can be achieved which reflect the sloping ground, and sufficient room is maintained from existing pathways, and the existing parking area. Access/Traffic generation: The revised scheme overcomes previous highway concerns about the loss of existing parking facilities, and helps Community Council concerns: Although the site contains sloping ground, it does not appear unduly boggy. However any surface water run-off from the development will be conditioned as part of any permission, and effective drainage soakaways will need to be considered as part of design stage, particularly if the extra hard surfaced areas generate more surface water runoff than current levels. Also as part of sustainable development measures for the scheme, the submitted Code for Sustainable Homes Pre-Assessment Estimator report confirms that these new houses will need to include a code compliant sustainable urban drainage system in order to achieve necessary credits under the Code for Homes, and consequently this system should help regulate surface water drainage more effectively. Regarding their concern relating to loss of green space, this matter is considered below. Loss of open space: In respect of Policy CLF4, redevelopment of informal open space can only be supported if the loss is not significant, and helps with retention and enhancements of that existing facility. Although the site is linked to adjoining POS areas, the site itself is not formally identified as an Informal POS area within the Council’s Public Open Space Survey 2009, and this survey confirms that there is a surplus of informal POS within Cefn community. Although acknowledging a loss, the site at present only has limited benefit as informal open space due to its sloping character, but this area does help to facilitate a useful network of pathways, leading to nearby recreational areas and facilities. In one direction this includes the children’s equipped area at Ash Grove (ref CEF34) and the informal space at Chatham Quarry (ref CEF14), and in another direction, it gives links towards the large informal area by Rhosymedre School (ref CEF17), and links to shopping facilities within Cefn. Page No 13 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 The scheme as revised offers scope for these existing pathways to be maintained, and there is also scope for these paths to be enhanced by improved natural surveillance from windows in the houses. As a result Policy CLF4 is not considered to be unduly compromised by this proposal. Educational contributions: The site is within an area that has a shortage of senior school places (Ruabon High School), and therefore the ‘reserved matters’ application will need to demonstrate how this shortage will be offset, and in this instance this can be controlled by a planning condition. Conclusion: The development in principle accords with local planning policy and the principle of housing development will make a positive contribution to the area. P/2010 /0240 RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. Approval of the following details shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority before any part of the development is commenced: a. the layout of the building(s) b. the scale of the building(s) c. the appearance of the building(s) d. the means of access to the site and building(s) e. the landscaping of the site. 2. Plans and particulars of the reserved matters referred to in condition 1 (above) shall be submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority before the expiry of three years from the date of this permission. The development shall only be carried out in strict conformity with such details as are thereby approved. 3. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission or two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters required to be approved, whichever is the later. 4. Development shall not begin on site until a scheme to deal with potential contamination at the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall include a phased investigation approach to identify the extent of contamination and any measures required to remediate the site, including post-development monitoring. Where remediation works are required, the development shall not be occupied/used until a Validation Report to show that the works have been satisfactorily carried out has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 5. Each dwelling to be erected as part of this permission shall be constructed to achieve a minimum Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 and achieve 6 credits under category Ene1 in accordance with the requirements of Code for Sustainable Homes: Technical Guide April 2009. 6. No development shall begin until details of a 'Design Stage' assessment and related certification have been submitted to and approved in Page No 14 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out entirely in accordance with the approved assessment and certification unless the Local Planning Authority shall otherwise consent in writing. 7. No dwelling shall be occupied until a Code for Sustainable Homes 'Post Construction Stage' assessment has been carried out in relation to it, a Final Code Certificate has been issued for it certifying that Code Level 3 and 6 credits under Ene1 have been achieved and the Certificate has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 8. The contents of the Proposed Site Layout plan no.6686/L(9)01 Rev B as submitted in support of this application shall not be regarded as representing an approved site layout plan for the development. 9. The development shall not begin until a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, to demonstrate that 100% of the dwellings to built under this permission will be affordable housing. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme and shall meet the definition of affordable housing in Annex B of TAN2 or any future guidance that replaces it. The scheme to be submtted shall include: i. the arrangements for the long term management of the affordable housing; ii. the arrangements to ensure that such provision is affordable for both first and subsequent occupiers of the affordable housing; and iii. the occupancy criteria to be used for determining the identity of occupiers of the affordable housing and the means by which such occupancy criteria shall be enforced. 10. All foul and surface water discharges from the site shall be drained separately from the site. 11. No surface water or land drainage run-off shall be permitted to connect, either directly or indirectly to the public sewerage system. 12. The details to be approved as part of the reserved matters shall include full details of all retaining walls within the site, and details of finished floor and ground levels, and details and levels as approved shall be fully implemented as part of the development. 13. Development shall not begin until a scheme to address a shortfall in secondary education provision has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall include the following details i) details of measures to address the shortfall in primary education provision; ii) time for the delivery of those measures. The development shall thereafter be carried out in strict accordance with the details as approved. REASON(S) 1. To comply with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order, 1995 (as amended). 2. To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 3. To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 4. In the interests of the amenities of the future occupants of the buildings. Page No 15 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 5. To comply with the requirements for sustainable buildings published by the Welsh Assembly Government in May 2009 (MIPPS 01/2009). 6. To comply with the requirements for sustainable buildings published by the Welsh Assembly Government in May 2009 (MIPPS 01/2009). 7. To comply with the requirements for sustainable buildings published by the Welsh Assembly Government in May 2009 (MIPPS 01/2009). 8. To ensure that all details are reserved for future consideration. 9. To ensure there is an adequate supply of affordable houses in the County. 10. To ensure satisfactory drainage of the site and to avoid flooding. 11. To prevent hydraulic overloading of public sewerage system, to protect the health and safety of existing residents and to ensure no detriment or pollution to the environment. 12. To protect the amenities of occupants of existing adjacent residential properties, and in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 13. To cater for a shortfall in education provision in the locality NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT Further advice on compliance with Condition No. 4 may be obtained by contacting the Council's Environmental Protection Section on Wrexham 297041. All ancillary operations and the use of plant and machinery, which are audible at the boundary, shall be carried out only between 0730 hours to 1930 hours Monday to Friday, between 0800 hours and 1400 hours on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays and Bank Holidays. Applicants should note that the Council has the option to control construction site noise by means of a Control of Pollution Act 1974, Section 60, Notice, where deemend necessary. If a connection is required to the public sewerage system, the developer is advised to contact Dwr Cymru Welsh Water's Network Development Consultants. There shall be no fires on site; to include the prohibition of the burning of cleared vegetation. The applicant is advised to submit an appropriate dust management scheme prior to the commencement of the development. The dust mitigation measures detailed in the scheme should be implemented for the duration of the construction phase. The proposed development lies within an area which could be subject to current coal mining or hazards resulting from past coal mining. Such hazards may currently exist, be caused as a result of the proposed development, or occur at some time in the future. These hazards include: · Collapse of shallow coal mine workings. · Collapse of, or risk of entry into, mine entries (shafts and adits). Page No 16 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 · Gas emissions from coal mines including methane and carbon dioxide. · Spontaneous combustion or ignition of coal which may lead to underground heatings and production of carbon monoxide. · Transmission of gases into adjacent properties from underground sources through ground fractures. · Coal mining subsidence. · Water emissions from coal mine workings. Applicants must take account of these hazards which could affect stability, health & safety, or cause adverse environmental impacts during the carrying out their proposals and must seek specialist advice where required. Additional hazards or stability issues may arise from development on or adjacent to restored opencast sites or quarries and former colliery spoil tips. Potential hazards or impacts may not necessarily be confined to the development site, and Applicants must take advice and introduce appropriate measures to address risks both within and beyond the development site. As an example the stabilisation of shallow coal workings by grouting may affect, block or divert underground pathways for water or gas. In coal mining areas there is the potential for existing property and new development to be affected by mine gases, and this must be considered by each developer. Gas prevention measures must be adopted during construction where there is such a risk. The investigation of sites through drilling alone has the potential to displace underground gases or in certain situations may create carbon monoxide where air flush drilling is adopted. Any intrusive activities which intersect, disturb or enter any coal seams, coal mine workings or coal mine entries (shafts and adits) require the prior written permission of the Coal Authority. Such activities could include site investigation boreholes, digging of foundations, piling activities, other ground works and any subsequent treatment of coal mine workings and coal mine entries for ground stability purposes. Failure to obtain Coal Authority permission for such activities is trespass, with the potential for court action. In the interests of public safety the Coal Authority is concerned that risks specific to the nature of coal and coal mine workings are identified and mitigated. The above advice applies to the site of your proposal and the surrounding vicinity. You must obtain property specific summary information on any past, current and proposed surface and underground coal mining activity, and other ground stability information in order to make an assessment of the risks. This can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at Your attention is drawn to Highway Supplementary Notes Numbered 1, 3, 4 and 5 on the enclosed "Applicants' Rights and General Information". _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 17 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0453 LOCATION: THE BARNS FFOS Y GO BOTTOM ROAD SUMMERHILL WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 26/05/2010 LL11 4TR COMMUNITY: Gwersyllt WARD: Gwersyllt North DESCRIPTION: ERECTION OF NEW BARN FOR THE STORAGE OF HAY-HAYLAGE, TRACTOR AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS CASE OFFICER: KH AGENT NAME: MR TONI JONES APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR TONI JONES _____________________________________________________________________ /2010 /0453 THE SITE Site access Proposed barn Existing barn Hedgerow /trees The proposed site at Ffos-y-go is off the eastern side of Bottom Road, Summerhill. The site is bounded by a residential property to the north, a relatively recently built pair of replacement dwellings to the west and the settlement of Summerhill, approximately 200 metres to the south. The site is accessed via an existing access off an unclassified road to the immediate north of the site. Page No 18 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 PROPOSAL As above. HISTORY P/2009/0274 Agricultural notification for extension to existing barn. Prior approval not required. 29.04.2009 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Outside of settlement. Policies PS2, GDP1, EC3 and EC4 refer. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member: Public Protection: Highways: Other representations: Site Notice: Object on grounds the proposed development is unsuitable for the site. Opposed to the application on the grounds that the size of the area of pasture land within the ownership of the applicant does not justify additional storage space over and above that already present. No adverse comments. No objections with adequate visibility at the access. None Expired 05.07.2010 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/ISSUES Background/Proposal: The proposal is for a new barn on the site which will be used in conjunction with a recently extended and refurbished existing barn, for the storage of a tractor, other agricultural implements and the storage of hay. The proposed new barn is 18 x 7.5m, 3.8m to the eaves and 6m to the ridge, which is comparable to the existing. The additional storage would enable a secure and weather proof provision for tractor, agricultural equipment and two cuts of hay. Costs would be reduced by hay not having to be wrapped outside whilst it could be stored for longer periods when it would be more profitable to sell. Visual Impact of Building/Justification: The proposed modest new barn would be located to the immediate north of the existing barn. The barn would be largely screened by the existing barn when viewed from the south and set against a backdrop of trees viewed from other directions. Clad in green metal sheets and with existing landscaping helps assimilate the building into the landscape. Page No 19 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 The location, size, materials and landscaping will ensure the building is not overly intrusive. The local Councillor is opposed to the application on the grounds that the size of pasture land within the ownership of the applicant does not justify additional storage space. The applicant owns approximately 7 acres of land with another 7.5 acres rented. Whilst I appreciate over half of the land is rented it is not unusual for small holdings or new agricultural ventures to operate in this manner to keep costs down. The land is rented with no fixed term and purely an on-going agreement. I have spoken with the landowner who rents the land to the applicant and land to other farmers in the area and this type of informal arrangement has been operated for a number of years. The applicant has indicated a financial commitment to the enterprise and without some degree of certainty with regards to the sustainability of the enterprise, would not be committing to a second barn. The tractor and other agricultural equipment has taken a significant proportion of the existing barn and with the likely purchase of additional equipment and storage of two cuts of hay I am satisfied the additional barn can be justified. Other: No residential properties will be adversely affected given distance to dwellings and intervening screening, whilst adequate visibility at the access and with similar movements to the existing situation I would not anticipate any increase in highway changes. Conclusion: I am satisfied a second barn can be justified and the location, scale, materials and existing landscaping will ensure the visual impact is minimised. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. No part of the development shall be commenced until samples of all external facing and roofing materials have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with such details as are approved. 3. The building hereby approved shall be used solely for the purposes described in the application documentation. For the avoidance of doubt, no livestock or non-agricultural storage shall take place at any time. 4. Prior to the commencement of any works on site, a detailed specification of the construction of the rear wall (w elevation) and floor of the proposed barn, to include any proposed excavations, shall be submitted in writing for the further approval of the Local Planning Authority. Works shall only be carried out strictly in accordance with the details as approved. 5. The proposed access shall have a visibility splay of 2.4m x 33m in both Page No 20 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 directions measured to the centre line of the adjoining carriageway over land within the control of the applicant and/or the Highway Authority. Within the splays there shall be no obstruction in excess of 1 metre in height above the level of the adjoining carriageway. The splay shall be provided prior to commencement of use/occupation of the development hereby approved and shall thereafter be retained clear of such obstruction. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 3. To ensure the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards and in the interests of nearby residential amenity. 4. To ensure the amenity afforded by the trees is continued into the future. 5. To ensure adequate visibility is maintained at the site access. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT With regard to Condition 2, details shall include details of the precise colour of the metal sheeting. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 21 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0507 LOCATION: CROWN INN GRESFORD ROAD LLAY WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 15/06/2010 LL12 0NT COMMUNITY: Llay WARD: Llay DESCRIPTION: CHANGE OF USE OF STORE ROOM TO PRIVATE HIRE (TAXI) OFFICE APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR P HARPER KP CARS CASE OFFICER: SJG AGENT NAME: KP CARS MR P HARPER _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE The site is on the corner of the B5102 and 5373. PROPOSAL As above. The applicant intends to run up to 9 vehicles from the office, but not more than 3 would be there most times, up to 5 on busy evenings. All journeys would be booked by telephone and there would be no public waiting room. The office is intended to be in use up to 1am on weekdays and 3am at weekends. Page No 22 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 The business commenced operation from the site in late July 2010. RELEVANT HISTORY None. DEVELOPMENT PLAN The site lies within the settlement limits. UDP policies T8 and GDP1 are relevant, together with LPGN 8 private hire vehicles and 16 parking. CONSULTATIONS Llay C Council: Local Member(s): Highways: Public Protection: Site Notice: Other representations: No objections Consulted Recommend conditions Comments Expired 12/7 /2010 Adjoining occupiers notified 21/6/2010. 3 letters of comment/objection received, on grounds of: a. Use during unsocial hours would cause noise and disturbance to adjoining dwellings b. Increased traffic will be detrimental to highway and pedestrian safety, given the level of use and the proximity to the traffic lights SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/ ISSUES Residential amenity: The use of the car park by taxis during the early hours of the morning would create additional noise and disturbance for adjoining dwellings. A restriction on use up to normal pub hours could be considered, but the permitted hours are Sunday- Thursday- up to 00.30am, Friday and Saturday, up to 01.30am. I consider this time to be too late into the evening and therefore recommend any permission is restricted to an earlier closing time. Highway safety: The highway authority considers that there is adequate parking at the site to cater for the public house and the proposed taxi office. Conditions are recommended regarding no on-site booking or waiting room. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The use hereby permitted shall cease and be abandoned not later than 31 December 2011. 2. The premises shall be used as a non-operational private hire office only, and there shall be no public waiting room or on-site booking of taxis. Page No 23 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 3. No use of the development shall be made before 9.00am or after 11.30pm on any day. REASON(S) 1. To enable the Local Planning Authority to reassess the impact of the proposal. 2. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 3. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT You are advised that the premises shall comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act, 1974 and you should contact the Council's Public Protection Department in connection therewith. Your attention is drawn to Highway Supplementary Notes Numbered 1, 3, 4 and 5 on the enclosed "Applicants' Rights and General Information". _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 24 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0513 LOCATION: FORMER KAYBEE DOORS 82 CHESTER ROAD GRESFORD WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 16/06/2010 COMMUNITY: Gresford LL12 8NT CASE OFFICER: MP DESCRIPTION: CHANGE OF USE TO BIKE SHOP WARD: Gresford East & West APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR MARK SHOWELL AGENT NAME: MR ALASTAIR WILSON _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE As above. Application site PROPOSAL The application proposes change the use of the site to a shop selling bicycles, cycle clothing, bicycle accessories (such as locks, lights and pumps), energy drinks and spare parts for bicycles. Cycle servicing and repair services will also be provided on site. Page No 25 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 HISTORY 6/10037 P/2000/1083 P/2003/1099 P/2003/1153 P/2009/0298 P/2009/0718 P/2009/0889 P/2010/0514 Change of use to light joinery manufacturing and storage and distribution of timber and allied building products. Granted 28.7.1983 (Conditions limited the hours of use to 0800 – 1700 hours on weekdays including Saturdays, and not Sundays, and the permission was made personal). Use of land as timber products garden centre (fencing, sheds, decking, garden furniture etc) in conjunction with existing sales premises and relaxation of condition 2 of 6/10037 to allow the storage of goods and materials in the open air. Granted 8.1.01. (Hours of use was limited to 0900 – 1800 on weekdays, and 1000 – 1800 on Sunday or Bank Holidays, and the timber products had to be associated with Kaybee Doors Ltd, and for no other purpose). Erection of conservatory display (in retrospect) and relation of condition to allow sales of conservatories. Granted 10.11.2003 Relocation of log cabin and pool display commercial sales facility (in retrospect). Granted 8.12.03 Change of use to vehicle sales and repairs (partly in retrospect). Refused 7.9.2009 Change of use to provide retail convenience store including internal & external alterations, ancillary storage/office staff rest room/toilet & three office units. Withdrawn 11.11.2009 Change of use from retail to vehicle sales, repairs and car wash. Withdrawn 25.11.2009. Erection of 2 no. Advertisement flag poles. Pending (see next agenda item). DEVELOPMENT PLAN Within settlement. Policies GDP1, S6 and T8 apply. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member: Access Group: Highways: No objection provided conditions are imposed to restrict the use to the sale of bikes and does not change use class without further consideration. Conditions should also be imposed to ensure that there is no noise nuisance or light pollution in this predominately residential area. Notified 17.6.10 Notified 17.6.10 Make the following comments: - Visibility to north east from one access is impeded by bus shelter. Although it may be beneficial to close western access, the development is unlikely to increase vehicular movements compared with previous levels; Page No 26 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 - Public Protection: Other representations: Site Notice: LPG16 would normally require provision of 40 spaces. Car park appears capable of accommodating this number it is not formally laid out; - Recommend condition requiring parking spaces to be formally laid out and appropriate cycle parking is considered; - Recommend turning g facility is provided for refuse wagons and delivery vehicles. - Recommend conditions requiring parking plan and for turning area to be provided. Recommend condition to deal with potential contamination from previous uses. Following a site meeting and discussions with site owner, contamination condition no longer considered necessary. 1 letter expressing support for the application. 1 letter opposing proposals and making following comments:- signs not in keeping with area; - site is more suited as a replacement area for local supermarket and other shops. Local shopping area in Gresford has no adequate/unsafe parking area; - opportunities for any other development or provision of car parking in Gresford is limited, this site may be the only suitable site available for a much needed upgrade to present shopping area; Expired 15.7.10. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Background: There has been a recent attempt to convert this premises into a convenience store (see history), however that planning application was withdrawn after Officers expressed concerns about the suitability of the site in respect of parking/turning (in particular for large delivery vehicles) as well as potential adverse impacts upon the vitality and viability of the nearby Gresford District Shopping Centre. Policy: Policy S6 permits small scale retail developments where the following criteria are met: a) b) c) the development is safely accessible for customers on foot; the development does not harm residential amenity and / or does not give rise to traffic problems e.g. on-street parking that cannot be addressed; the sales floor area of each development does not exceed 300 square metres. Page No 27 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Dealing with each of these in turn: a) Accessibility on foot The site can be accessed by a reasonably good network of pedestrian footways located alongside the local highway network. b) Impacts on residential amenity, traffic/highway issues Small scale retail developments are generally considered compatible with residential areas and given the opening hours of 9am-6pm Monday to Saturday (except Thursday where opening until 8pm is proposed) and 10am4pm Sundays and deliveries being made between 11am and 2pm, I do not expect the proposals to give rise to unacceptable levels of noise or disturbance. The opening hours and times when deliveries are made can be controlled by condition. I do not intend to restrict delivery times indicated as this may prove too inflexible for the business. If deliveries were made during the proposed opening times, this should ensure minimal impact upon nearby residential properties whilst also providing a reasonable degree of flexibility to the business. Deliveries are to be made by a large van and the plans submitted demonstrate that there is sufficient space for these types of vehicles to park, unload and turn within the site. The proposals are therefore far less likely to cause highway problems than a convenience store where deliveries are often made by large articulated goods vehicles. Such vehicles could not turn as easily within the site. The nature of the retail use can be controlled by condition to ensure that it does not evolve into something that would require deliveries by larger vehicles. The applicants anticipate that some customers will cycle to the shop and are therefore intending to provide cycle parking facilities. This is a reasonable assumption given the nature of the goods to be sold. In addition there are bus stops located immediately in front of the site served by regular buses to Wrexham and Chester so the site is well located for customers wishing to travel to it by means other than the private car. Notwithstanding how accessible the site is by other modes of transport, it is inevitable that a reasonable number of customers will travel to the site by car so it is still necessary for off-street parking spaces to be provided. LPG16 would allow a maximum of 40 spaces for a non-food retail use in a building of this size. The plans submitted show 25 spaces being provided (62.5% of the maximum) however there is sufficient space to for additional spaces if they are required. The plan does not include any spaces to mobility standard so amendments are required to ensure adequate parking provision is made for staff or customers with mobility difficulties to park and access the site. A revised parking layout plan can be required by condition. Page No 28 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 The application does not propose to make use of a warehouse building to the rear of the site, however the plans submitted show there being sufficient provision made for vehicular access, parking and turning to be maintained to that site via the access and car park serving the application site. On the basis of the above, I am satisfied the proposals are unlikely to give rise to problems in respect of residential amenity, parking or highway safety. c) Retail floor area The proposed retail floor area is just over 460 square metres approximately 50% more than policy S6 permits, however the policy primarily supports the development of corner shops/small convenience shops in neighbourhoods or villages. This application does not propose what could be considered a local convenience store. The proposed retail space is significantly less than the definition of ‘large scale retail’ (developments of 2500 square metres gross floor space and above) for which policy S4 requires a sequential site selection process, with a preference being expressed for town centre/district shopping centre or edge of town/district shopping centre in order to protect/sustain the vitality and viability of such centres. The application proposes a specialised use selling relatively bulky goods so whilst it is based outside Wrexham Town Centre or Gresford District Shopping Centre, it is unlikely to impact significantly upon their vitality and viability. To ensure it does not evolve into the type of premises that may not be appropriate in a non-town centre or district shopping centre location or may have a detrimental impact upon the Wrexham Town Centre or Gresford District Shopping Centre, the types of goods and services sold can be restricted by condition. Appearance: A new shop front is proposed in the elevation facing Chester Road, a new roller shutter entrance formed in the site elevation (for deliveries) and a number of window openings in the site elevations of rear of the building bricked up. The remaining windows are to be repaired or replaced, with the large side windows having security shutters installed. A new roof is also proposed. The proposed external works will not significantly alter the appearance of the building or have a significant impact upon the wider street scene. Indeed by themselves many of the works would probably not need to be subject to a planning application. The proposal roller shutters are unlikely to prove harmful to the appearance of the site given the semi-industrial character of the building and the fact they will not be particularly prominent. Page No 29 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Signage: A separate application for signage is being considered (see P/2010/0514). The visual or safety impact of signage cannot be considered as part of a planning application. Conclusion: Although the retail floor area exceeds 300 square metres and therefore does not strictly accord with policy S6, I am satisfied the retail use proposed will not prove harmful either to Wrexham Town Centre or Gresford District Shopping Centre, the amenity of local residents or to highway safety. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. Notwithstanding the approved plans, the use hereby granted permission shall not commence until a revised parking has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. At least 10% of the parking spaces provided shall be to mobility standards. Parking spaces and turning facilities shall be provided in strict accordance with the plans as approved prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted and thereafter retained free of all obstructions. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (or in any provision equivalent to that class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without amendment), no services or products shall be sold/provided from the premises other than bicycles, cycle clothing and footwear, cycle accessories, cycle nutritional products, spare parts for bicycles and the servicing and repair of bicycles as specified in the approved application documentation. 4. No customers shall be admitted to the premises and no deliveries made to the premises outside of the following times: Monday-Saturdays, but not including Thursdays: 09:00 to 18:00 Thursdays: 09:00 to 20:00 Sundays: 10:00 to 16:00 REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. In the interests of the amenities of the future occupants of the buildings. 3. In the interests of highway safety and to ensure the scale and nature of the retail use does not harm the vitality and viability of a Gresford District Shopping Centre or Wrexham Town Centre. 4. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. Page No 30 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT The proposed development lies within an area which could be subject to current coal mining or hazards resulting from past coal mining. Such hazards may currently exist, be caused as a result of the proposed development, or occur at some time in the future. These hazards include: · Collapse of shallow coal mine workings. · Collapse of, or risk of entry into, mine entries (shafts and adits). · Gas emissions from coal mines including methane and carbon dioxide. · Spontaneous combustion or ignition of coal which may lead to underground heatings and production of carbon monoxide. · Transmission of gases into adjacent properties from underground sources through ground fractures. · Coal mining subsidence. · Water emissions from coal mine workings. Applicants must take account of these hazards which could affect stability, health & safety, or cause adverse environmental impacts during the carrying out their proposals and must seek specialist advice where required. Additional hazards or stability issues may arise from development on or adjacent to restored opencast sites or quarries and former colliery spoil tips. Potential hazards or impacts may not necessarily be confined to the development site, and Applicants must take advice and introduce appropriate measures to address risks both within and beyond the development site. As an example the stabilisation of shallow coal workings by grouting may affect, block or divert underground pathways for water or gas. In coal mining areas there is the potential for existing property and new development to be affected by mine gases, and this must be considered by each developer. Gas prevention measures must be adopted during construction where there is such a risk. The investigation of sites through drilling alone has the potential to displace underground gases or in certain situations may create carbon monoxide where air flush drilling is adopted. Any intrusive activities which intersect, disturb or enter any coal seams, coal mine workings or coal mine entries (shafts and adits) require the prior written permission of the Coal Authority. Such activities could include site investigation boreholes, digging of foundations, piling activities, other ground works and any subsequent treatment of coal mine workings and coal mine entries for ground stability purposes. Failure to obtain Coal Authority permission for such activities is trespass, with the potential for court action. In the interests of public safety the Coal Authority is concerned that risks specific to the nature of coal and coal mine workings are identified and mitigated. Page No 31 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 The above advice applies to the site of your proposal and the surrounding vicinity. You must obtain property specific summary information on any past, current and proposed surface and underground coal mining activity, and other ground stability information in order to make an assessment of the risks. This can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at Further advice on compliance with this condition may be obtained by contacting the Council's Environmental Protection section on 813722. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 32 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0514 LOCATION: FORMER KAYBEE DOORS 82 CHESTER ROAD GRESFORD WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 18/06/2010 COMMUNITY: Gresford LL12 8NT CASE OFFICER: MP WARD: Gresford East & West DESCRIPTION: ERECTION OF 2 NO. ADVERTISEMENT FLAG POLES AGENT NAME: MR ALISTAIR WILSON APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR MARK SHOWELL _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE As above. Approximate position of 2 no. flagpole signs PROPOSAL As above. Page No 33 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 HISTORY 6/10037 P/2000/1083 P/2003/1099 P/2003/1153 P/2009/0298 P/2009/0718 P/2009/0889 P/2010/0513 Change of use to light joinery manufacturing and storage and distribution of timber and allied building products. Granted 28.7.1983 (Conditions limited the hours of use to 0800 – 1700 hours on weekdays including Saturdays, and not Sundays, and the permission was made personal Use of land as timber products garden centre (fencing, sheds, decking, garden furniture etc) in conjunction with existing sales premises and relaxation of condition 2 of 6/10037 to allow the storage of goods and materials in the open air. Granted 8.1.01. (Hours of use was limited to 0900 – 1800 on weekdays, and 1000 – 1800 on Sunday or Bank Holidays, and the timber products had to be associated with Kaybee Doors Ltd, and for no other purpose). Erection of conservatory display (in retrospect) and relation of condition to allow sales of conservatories. Granted 10.11.2003 Relocation of log cabin and pool display commercial sales facility (in retrospect). Granted 8.12.03 Change of use to vehicle sales and repairs (partly in retrospect). Refused 7.9.2009 Change of use to provide retail convenience store including internal & external alterations, ancillary storage/office staff rest room/toilet & three office units. Withdrawn 11.11.2009 Change of use from retail to vehicle sales, repairs and car wash. Withdrawn 25.11.2009. Change of use to bike shop. Pending (see previous agenda item). DEVELOPMENT PLAN Within settlement. National guidance is provided by Technical Advice Note 7 Outdoor Advertisement Control (1996). CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Comments on original proposal (4 no. flagpole signs):- object as flagpoles of this height and design are inappropriate and not in keeping with this predominantly residential area. They would also detract attention of motorists using adjoining busy highway and may cause accidents. - Request clarification of height. Plan says 5.5m but application form says 12m. Page No 34 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Local Member: Highways: Other representations: Site Notice: Comments on amended scheme (2 no. flagpole signs); - very serious concerns about amended proposal. The height and size of flagpoles out of keeping with this residential area and has the potential to cause nuisance to nearby residential properties. They may also detract the attention of motorists using adjoining busy highway. Realise that some advertising will be required but not sure if it needs 4. Would suggest 2. Highway comments (on original submissions); - flagpoles are likely to impede pedestrian visibility from accesses. Provided they are relocated to a position at least 3.3m from the centreline of existing access points, no objection on highway grounds. Nearest residential property notified 24.6.10 Expired 15.7.10 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Background: The application originally proposed 4 flagpole signs, however this has now been reduced to 2 to reduce the visual impact of the proposals. The signs are 5.5 m in height and will be set back 3.3.m from the highway boundary to take account of comments made by Highways and also reduces the visual impact the signs will have on the street scene. Extent of control: Control of advertisements is exercised only in respect of: a) the interests of impact a sign will have upon the visual amenity of the area where a sign is displayed; b) the in the interests of public safety – the impact a sign will have on the safe operation of a form of transport. Amenity: Whilst I accept that the locality is predominately residential in character, the application site is a commercial property where some form of advertisement (including free standing signs) could reasonably be expected and would not necessarily be out of character. The flagpole signs will not be immediately adjacent to the highway boundary, are not bulky and will not be and will be viewed against the backdrop of a large commercial building. As such they will not have a significant impact upon the appearance of the site or visual amenity surrounding area. Safety: The amendments made mean the signs do not intrude upon pedestrian visibility splays at the two access points to/from the site and as such will not impede their safe use. Page No 35 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 The signs will not be illuminated and being set 3.3m into the site will not be particularly prominent. They are therefore unlikely to prove distracting to road users. Conclusion: The signs are acceptable in respect of amenity and safety. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. Any advertisements displayed, and any site used for the display of advertisements, shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. 2. Any structure or hoarding erected or used principally for the purpose of displaying advertisements shall be maintained in a safe condition. 3. Where an advertisement is required under these Regulations to be removed, the removal shall be carried out to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. 4. No advertisement is to be displayed without the permission of the owner of the site or any other person with an interest in the site entitled to grant permission. 5. No advertisement shall be sited or displayed so as to obscure, or hinder the ready interpretation of, any road traffic sign, railway signal or aid to navigation by water or air, or so as otherwise to render hazardous the use of any highway, railway, waterway or aerodrome (civil or military). REASON(S) 1. To comply with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992. 2. To comply with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992. 3. To comply with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992. 4. To comply with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992. 5. To comply with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 36 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0521 LOCATION: CAMBRIAN HOUSE HARWD ROAD BRYMBO WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 17/06/2010 LL11 5EA COMMUNITY: Brymbo WARD: Brymbo DESCRIPTION: CHANGE OF USE OF WORKSHOP TO LAUNDRY FACILITY CASE OFFICER: MP AGENT NAME: MR J PARRY APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR J PARRY _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE As above. Application site Car park PROPOSAL As above. The current permitted use of the site falls within Class B1 of the Town and Country (Use Classes) Order 1987. The proposed use is ‘sui generis’ and falls outside of the use classes order. Page No 37 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 HISTORY CB/01005 CB/02278 Refurbishment/alteration to provide light industrial, training and office accommodation. Granted 7.5.1997 Extension to light industrial workshop. Granted 6.8.1998. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Within settlement. Policy GDP1 applies. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member: Public Protection: Highways: Welsh Water: Other representations: Site Notice: Notified 21.6.10 Notified 21.6.10 Potential for noise disturbance. Recommend condition to control noise levels. Traffic generation unlikely to be more onerous than existing use. There is adequate parking. To ensure traffic generation there should be no public access to the premises. Recommend drainage conditions. 1 letter expressing concerns over: - operating hours; - chemicals to be used; - traffic; - health impacts on nearby occupiers. Expired 15.7.10 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Policy: The site is not allocated for any specific use in the Unitary Development Plan. Policy GDP1 is applicable and requires that adequate provision for a parking/access is made and that there are no adverse impacts upon the amenity of the public. Amenity: The business is to operate as a pick-up and drop-off laundry service for other businesses or organisations such as hotels, care homes sports teams etc. They will use their own fleet of 3 vehicles (small vans) to pick up and drop off laundry from their customers. The machines to be used in the building are large commercial sized washing machines and tumble dryers together with ironing machines. Public Protection have acknowledged that the business does have some potential to generate noise. Subject to a condition to limit noise output I am satisfied that the development will not result in significant levels disturbance. It will also be possible for to restrict operating times by condition. The applicant proposes opening hours of 8.00am-6.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am to 4.00pm Saturdays and not to open on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Page No 38 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 The opening hours are reasonable and sufficient to limit the impact upon nearby properties. The proposed tumble dryers are the only equipment requiring ventilation systems to be installed. This will take the form of external vent located on the east-facing side of the building. The details submitted suggest hot air from the dryers will be emitted from this vent via equipment designed to reduce the impact of any odours. The vent will be approximately 16 metres from the nearest residential property with the car park attached to the application site located in between. Full details of this equipment can be required by condition and subject to it being installed, it is unlikely there would be any harm to amenity by way of odours. The applicant has confirmed that no chemicals are to be used during the washing process, however I would expect detergents to be used in the washing machines. Provided this is drained from the site via the foul drainage systems, there should be no impact upon the occupiers of nearby properties. Welsh Water have not expressed any concerns about the suitability of the drainage systems in the locality to cater for the development. Highways: The development will use the existing site access and parking area. The amount of traffic generated by development is unlikely to be significantly different to the authorised use so I am satisfied they are adequate. Conclusion: I am satisfied the proposals accord with policy GDP1. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. Details of equipment to be installed for the extraction and/or treatment of fumes from the process (including any external ducting) shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. No part of the process shall be commenced until those details have been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved scheme has been fully implemented. The works shall be retained in full accordance with the approved details. 3. The rating level of any noise generated by reason of this development shall not exceed the pre-existing background level by more than 5dB(A) at any time. The noise levels shall be determined at the nearest noise sensitive premises. Measurements and assessment shall be made in accordance with BS4142 :1997 Method of Rating Industrial Noise Affecting Mixed Residential and Industrial areas. 4. The use hereby permitted shall not operate outside of the following hours: 08:00 to18:00 Monday to Friday; and 08:30 to 16:00 on Saturdays. No use of the premises shall be made at any time on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Page No 39 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order no part of the premises shall be used except for the precise purposes described in the application plans and documents. 6. Foul water and surface water discharges shall be drained separately from the site. 7. No surface water or land drainage run-off shall be allowed to connect (either directly or indirectly) to the public sewerage system. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 3. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 4. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 5. To ensure the nature and scale of the use is controlled in the interests of the amenities of nearby occupiers and highway safety. 6. To protect the integrity of the public sewerage system. 7. To prevent hydraulic overload of the public sewerage system and pollution of the environment. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT The proposed development lies within a former coal mining area. You should take account of any hazards to stability which may arise from coal working in or near the site. Specific advice on any past working may be obtained from the Coal Authority Mining Reports Service. Phone 0845 762 6848 or from Any operations which may involve entry into former workings, shafts or adits or implementation of site investigations or other works may need permission from the Coal Authority. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 40 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0525 LOCATION: EAGLES MEADOW YARD HIGHTOWN ROAD WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 21/06/2010 LL13 8EB COMMUNITY: Caia Park WARD: Smithfield DESCRIPTION: ERECTION OF NEW PREMISES FOR DIRECT TOWING APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR K STILL DIRECT TOWING CASE OFFICER: SJG AGENT NAME: BARRON DESIGN MR C BARRON _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE The site is on the west side of Hightown Road. PROPOSAL As above. The scheme involves demolition of the U shaped buildings and erection of a replacement (287m2) building for the business. The new building has a pitched roof, and is two-storey on the west side, sloping down to a single Page No 41 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 storey section to the east. Materials are brick and sheets for the roof. A new wall is to be built to retain the screening for dwellings in Hightown road. 6 parking spaces are proposed. No boundary treatment is proposed to the Eagles Meadow frontage. Opening hours are to remain as existing: 8.00am-5.30pm Monday-Friday, 8.00am-1.00pm Saturday. The building is to provide servicing for vans and large cars inside the building. The first floor will provide storage space and an office. Measures are shown to prevent vehicles obstructing the path at the rear of dwellings in Hightown Road. RELEVANT HISTORY 6/16927 6/17309 6/18960 Change of use for fitting tow bars, car alarms and sunroofs to cars and light vans Change of use to workshop for fitting of towing brackets/sunroofs to cars/light vans Continued use of workshop for the fitting of towing brackets/sunroofs to cars/light vans (previously granted under Code No. 17309) Refused 10/7/1989 Granted (temp) 23/10/1989 Granted 6/2/1991 DEVELOPMENT PLAN The site lies within the settlement limits. Policies E4 T8 EC4 and GDP1 of UDP are relevant, together with LPGN 16 (parking), 17 (trees) and 23 (contamination). CONSULTATIONS Caia Park C Council: Local Member(s): Highways: Public protection: Welsh water: Site Notice: Other representations: No objections Consulted 21/6/2010 Accept that the proposed development will not create additional traffic movements. Recommend condition regarding parking. Recommend conditions regarding contamination and construction works. Recommend conditions Expired 13/7/2010 Adjoining occupiers notified 22/6/2010. 1 objection received, on grounds of: a. The first floor part will spoil the outlook from adjoining properties and cause further loss of amenity for properties b. Increased traffic will cause noise and disturbance to adjoining dwellings c. Proposals do not safeguard access to adjoining dwellings via a path Page No 42 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 d. Replacement wall required to retain privacy for adjoining dwellings SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/ ISSUES Design: The new building will fit in with the locality and will improve the appearance of the site. The scale of the buildings is appropriate for the locality given the higher ground to the south. Residential amenity: The higher part of the building is approximately 18 metres from the first floor windows of the dwellings in Hightown Road. The dwellings will see a sloping roof rising to a ridge of 6.75 metres. A new 2 metre high wall is shown to retain privacy for adjoining dwellings. The new application presents an opportunity to control activities on the site in terms of hours of operation and activities on the yard, which are not restricted by the existing permission. Highway safety: The proposed use should not add to vehicular traffic using the access. Landscaping: The bank between the site and the new Eagles Meadow road is not part of the site, and has been planted as part of the Eagles Meadow scheme. There are mature trees to the west offering a backdrop to the site, and the proposed building will be slightly further away from the trees and less extensive. . Conclusion: The proposal represents an acceptable redevelopment of an established commercial site. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. Development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with the approved plans unless the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority has been obtained. 3. Development shall not begin on site until a scheme to deal with potential contamination at the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall include a phased investigation approach to identify the extent of contamination and any measures required to remediate the site, including post-development monitoring. Where remediation works are required, the development shall not be occupied/used until a Validation Report to show that the works have been satisfactorily carried out has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 4. The new fences, bollards and wall shown on the approved plan shall be constructed as part of the scheme and completed before the building is brought into use and retained as such. Page No 43 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 5. No storage or repairs shall take place in the yard. 6. The premises shall not be used for any purpose other than a purpose within Class B1 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (or in any provision equivalent to that class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without amendment). 7. The vehicle parking and turning areas indicated on the approved plans shall be laid out, surfaced and drained prior to the first use of the building hereby granted and shall thereafter be retained for those purposes. 8. No use of the development shall be made before 8.00am or after 6.00pm on any weekday and at no time on a Sunday or Bank Holiday. 9. The site shall only be drained by means of a separate system of drainage with no surface water being discharged to the foul drain/sewer. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 3. In the interests of the amenities of the future occupants of the buildings 4. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 5. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 6. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 7. To provide for the parking and turning of vehicles clear of the highway and to ensure that reversing by vehicles into or from the highway is rendered unnecessary in the interest of traffic safety. 8. To ensure that the development is not used at a time which would be likely to cause nuisance or disturbance to nearby residents. 9. To ensure satisfactory drainage of the site and to avoid flooding. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT Your attention is drawn to Highway Supplementary Notes Numbered 1, 3, 4 and 5 on the enclosed "Applicants' Rights and General Information". Further advice on compliance with Condition No. 3 may be obtained by contacting the Council's Environmental Protection Section on Wrexham 297041. A) All ancillary operations and the use of plant and machinery, which are audible at the boundary, shall be carried out only between 0730 hours to 1930 hours Monday to Friday, between 0800 hours and 1400 hours on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays and Bank Holidays. B) There shall be no fires on site; to include the prohibition of the burning of cleared vegetation. C) A dust management scheme shall be implemented on site to prevent dust nuisance arising D) Applicants should note that the Council has the option to control construction site noise by means of a Control of Pollution Act 1974, Section Page No 44 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 60, Notice, where deemed necessary. The permission hereby granted does not authorise encroachment upon, or interference with, the adjoining property. You are reminded that the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 applies to this development. If it is proposed to provide any illuminated sign then this will require the separate written consent of this Council in order to comply with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations, 1992. The proposed development lies within an area which could be subject to current coal mining or hazards resulting from past coal mining. Such hazards may currently exist, be caused as a result of the proposed development, or occur at some time in the future. These hazards include: · Collapse of shallow coal mine workings. · Collapse of, or risk of entry into, mine entries (shafts and adits). · Gas emissions from coal mines including methane and carbon dioxide. · Spontaneous combustion or ignition of coal which may lead to underground heatings and production of carbon monoxide. · Transmission of gases into adjacent properties from underground sources through ground fractures. · Coal mining subsidence. · Water emissions from coal mine workings. Applicants must take account of these hazards which could affect stability, health & safety, or cause adverse environmental impacts during the carrying out their proposals and must seek specialist advice where required. Additional hazards or stability issues may arise from development on or adjacent to restored opencast sites or quarries and former colliery spoil tips. Potential hazards or impacts may not necessarily be confined to the development site, and Applicants must take advice and introduce appropriate measures to address risks both within and beyond the development site. As an example the stabilisation of shallow coal workings by grouting may affect, block or divert underground pathways for water or gas. In coal mining areas there is the potential for existing property and new development to be affected by mine gases, and this must be considered by each developer. Gas prevention measures must be adopted during construction where there is such a risk. The investigation of sites through drilling alone has the potential to displace underground gases or in certain situations may create carbon monoxide where air flush drilling is adopted. Any intrusive activities which intersect, disturb or enter any coal seams, coal mine workings or coal mine entries (shafts and adits) require the prior written permission of the Coal Authority. Such activities could include site investigation boreholes, digging of foundations, piling activities, other ground Page No 45 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 works and any subsequent treatment of coal mine workings and coal mine entries for ground stability purposes. Failure to obtain Coal Authority permission for such activities is trespass, with the potential for court action. In the interests of public safety the Coal Authority is concerned that risks specific to the nature of coal and coal mine workings are identified and mitigated. The above advice applies to the site of your proposal and the surrounding vicinity. You must obtain property specific summary information on any past, current and proposed surface and underground coal mining activity, and other ground stability information in order to make an assessment of the risks. This can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 46 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0535 LOCATION: TURKEY PAPERMILL LAND OPPOSITE PEN Y DDOL BERSHAM ROAD BERSHAM WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 21/06/2010 COMMUNITY: Esclusham LL14 4HL CASE OFFICER: SJG WARD: Esclusham DESCRIPTION: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPRISING 2 NO. 2 STOREY/PART 3 STOREY DETACHED DWELLINGS AND CONSTRUCTION OF VEHICULAR ACCESSES (RENEWAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION CODE NO. P/2008/0980 AND P/2005/1471) AGENT NAME: LOVELOCK MITCHELL & PARTNERS MR B SCHUMACHER APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR P WOOLLAM _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE The site is on the south side of the B5099 opposite Penyddol. The site is within the 30mph speed limit and adjoins a traffic-calming feature. It consists of an area of 0.18 hectare with a frontage of 36 metres to the road, set behind a footway, hedge and stone wall. The site slopes down to the south towards the Clywedog. Page No 47 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 PROPOSAL As above. The proposed dwellings will be constructed to be 2 storey facing Bersham Road, and three-storey facing south. They have 4 bedrooms, an integral double garage, rear terrace plus a home office and 2 large living rooms. Foul drainage is to be connected to the main foul sewers and roof water is to go to soakaways. Separate accesses are proposed- one each side of the traffic island, and the frontage hedge is to be retained between the two accesses. A section of stone wall is to be removed to provide for the western access. Ground floor levels for the front (north) elevation are below the road level by approx. 1.5 metres. The dwellings are set back 14 metres from the highway boundary, and plot 2 is between 2.75 metres and 4 metres from the west site boundary. The application includes detailed landscaping proposals and a design and access statement, together with cross-sections and a street scene. RELEVANT HISTORY P/2005/1471 P/2008/0980 Outline for 2 dwellings Reserved matters for above Granted 6/2/2006 Granted 3/11/2008 Page No 48 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 DEVELOPMENT PLAN The site lies within the settlement limits as defined in the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan and adjoins Bersham Conservation Area. Policies PS2 H2 EC7 and GDP1 of UDP are relevant, together with LPGN 4 and 21. CONSULTATIONS Esclusham C Council: Local Member: Highways: Public Protection: Welsh Water: Env Agency: WACS: Site Notices: Consulted 23/6/2010 Consulted 23/6/2010 Recommend conditions No comments Recommend conditions- sewers cross site No comments Consider that the site should be developed with one dwelling, rather than two. Two substantial buildings would constitute an intrusion into the character of this locality. Expired 16/7/2010 Other representations: Adjoining occupiers notified 24/6/2010. 1 letter of comment received, referring to the proximity to the traffic island and difficulties for cyclists negotiating parked cars. 13 objections received, on grounds of: a. The three storey houses will be out of keeping with the small village and the adjoining Conservation Area. b. Dwellings will cause over-dominance, loss of light and loss of privacy for the adjoining dwellings at Chapel Terrace, which drop down from the road. c. Detrimental impact on the Clywedog valley and dwellings across the valley d. Accesses will disrupt the traffic-calming measures and add to traffic in an area where children cross, and cause highway safety problems. The road is already used for parking, especially when events take place at the club and nearby pub. Visibility is limited by the traffic calming. e. Site has been subject to old mine workings and development could create safety and contamination problems f. Loss of a wildlife habitat g. All local properties are built in stone or render- not brick h. Loss of a green area between Bersham and Wrexham i. Stone wall on frontage should be retained not removed, as stated in the Bersham Conservation Area plan. Page No 49 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 j. Springs on the site would mean that soakaways would cause drainage problems for adjoining land. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/ ISSUES Principle of development: The site is within the settlement limits and benefits from a detailed permission (expiring February 2011). Design: The dwellings are very large structures, but the appearance from Bersham Road will be quite modest. The impact on the Conservation Area is also acceptable. The use of brickwork and timber is considered acceptable as the site is outside the conservation area. Separation distances have been met and the floor levels of the new dwellings will be below the floor level of the dwellings opposite. The ridge levels are comparable with the ridge heights of the front part of Chapel Terrace, but the terrace slopes down to the south and specific comments have been made concerning the impact of the large gable wall of plot 2 on these dwellings. This wall would be 20.5 metres away from 5 Chapel Terrace, and would be a maximum of 7.5 metres high. Three windows are proposed in the side elevation at ground floor level as viewed from the front, but they would appear as first floor windows towards the rear. They are to be obscure glazed. A revised treatment of the west elevation of plot 2 has been agreed, deleting a proposed patio window facing Chapel Terrace. Windows on this elevation have been kept to a minimum and will be conditions to be obscure glazing. Landscaping: The details supplied are acceptable. A tree report has been received and shows that the significant trees to the south would not be affected. Some trees along the west boundary are recommended for removal, and replacement planting is required. New hedge and tree planting is proposed around the site. Tree and hedge protection measures are required. Highway safety: The agreed layout for the site involves two accesses, one each side of the traffic island. There are concerns over the traffic island and cycle lane, and the problems created by parked cars, but the highway authority’s assessment is that the development will not make matters worse. Drainage: A condition is proposed requiring a scheme of drainage to be submitted and agreed. Conclusion: The development is considered to be acceptable and there have been no changes in policy since the previous permission was granted. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. Page No 50 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 2. Development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with the approved plans unless the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority has been obtained. 3. Prior to their use on the development samples of all external facing and roofing materials shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with such details as are approved. 4. All hard and soft landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details as set out on drawing(s) No(s) 10/AIA/WXM/49 05. The works shall be carried out within 3 months of the first use of the development with the exception of soft landscaping which shall be carried out in the first planting season (November to March) or seeding season (April to September) following the first use. Additional tree planting shall be carried out to the west and south west of plot 2 to compensate for tree removal shown on drawing 10/AIA/WXM/49 03, in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority within three months of commencement of work on site. 5. All trees, shrubs and hedge plants supplied shall comply with the requirements of the current BS 3936 Specification for Nursery Stock. All preplanting site preparation, planting and post-planting maintenance works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirement of the current BS 4428 Code of Practice for General Landscape Operations (excluding hard surfaces). All new tree planting shall be carried out in accordance with guidance contained in Section 13 of the current BS 5837 A guide for Trees in Relation to Construction - Recommendations. 6. Any trees or shrubs removed, dying, being severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased from completion of the approved landscaping scheme shall be replaced by trees or shrubs of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved landscaping scheme shall be permanently retained. 7. The erection of fencing for the protection of trees and shrubs shall be undertaken before any equipment, machinery or materials are brought onto the site for the purposes of the development, and shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site. The above mentioned fencing shall consist of a scaffold framework in accordance with Figure 2 of British Standard 5837:2005 comprising a vertical and horizontal framework, well braced to resist impacts, with vertical tubes spaced at a maximum interval of 3 metres. Onto this, 2.1 metre weldmesh panels shall be securely fixed with wire or scaffold clamps. This fencing shall be erected at the extent of each trees Root Protection Areas, as set out in British Standard 5837:2005. Nothing shall be stored or placed in any area fenced in accordance with this condition and the ground levels within those areas shall not be altered, nor shall any excavations be made without the written permission of the Local Planning Authority. 8. No development shall take place until an Arboricultural Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The statement shall include a specification for tree protection fencing and ground protection measures that complies with British Standard 5837:2005; a plan showing the location of retained trees' with their Page No 51 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 crown spreads, Root Protection Areas' and the location of protective fencing plotted. A full specification for any access, driveway, path, underground services or wall foundations within retained trees' Root Protection Areas', including any related sections, details of general arboricultural matters including proposed practices with regards to cement mixing, material storage and fires; details of the frequency of supervisory visits and procedures for notifying the finding of such visits to the Local Planning Authority and method statement for protecting retained trees during demolition works should also be included. Works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved method statement. 9. No trees either existing or planted in accordance with this or a previous permission shall be lopped, topped, felled or uprooted without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority, nor shall any trees be wilfully damaged. 10. No part of the development shall take place until a schedule of landscape maintenance for a minimum period of 5 years has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The schedule shall include details of the arrangement for its implementation. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved schedule. 11. No development shall take place until a scheme of foul drainage and surface water drainage has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be complete before the development is occupied 12. The new access to plot 1 shall have minimum visibility splays of 2.0 by 33m in a westerly direction to the centre line of the adjoining highway, and 2.0 by 56m in an easterly direction to the nearside edge of the adjoining highway, within which there shall be no obstruction to visibility above 1m in height. 13. The new access to plot 2 shall have minimum visibility splays of 2.0 by 33m in a westerly direction to the centre line of the adjoining highway, and 2.0 by 33m in an easterly direction to the nearside edge of the adjoining highway, within which there shall be no obstruction to visibility above 1m in height. 14. From a point on the centre line of the accesses 2.4 metres back from the edge of the footway, to points 3.3 metres to both sides of that point measured along the edge of the carriageway, all obstructions to visibility shall be reduced to and thereafter maintained at a height not exceeding 0.6 metre above the level of the adjacent carriageway. 15. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, no gate or other barrier shall be erected across the access within 5 metres of the boundary of the highway. 16. The access shall be hard surfaced for a distance of @@@m behind the highway boundary before the development is brought into use. 17. The vehicle parking and turning areas indicated on the approved plans shall be laid out, surfaced and drained prior to the first use of the building hereby granted and shall thereafter be retained for those purposes. 18. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, no additional windows, extensions or additions to the dwelling shall be built, erected or constructed. 19. The site shall be developed in accordance with the ground and floor levels indicated on the approved plans. No changes to floor levels or external ground levels shall be made without the prior written approval of the Local Page No 52 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Planning Authority. 20. Any windows to be formed in the west elevation of plot 2 shall only be glazed or re-glazed with obscure glass which shall thereafter be permanently retained. 21. Timber privacy screens shall be erected and thereafter retained on the sides of the rear balconies, in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to occupation of any dwelling on the site. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 3. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 4. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 5. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 6. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 7. To protect trees which are of significant amenity value to the area. 8. To protect trees which are of significant amenity value to the area. 9. To protect trees which are of significant amenity value to the area. 10. To ensure landscape features are properly considered and protected. 11. To ensure satisfactory drainage of the site and to avoid flooding. 12. In the interests of highway safety. 13. In the interests of highway safety. 14. For the safety and convenience of all pedestrians, but in particular, the elderly, the disabled and wheelchairs, pram, and pushchair users. 15. In the interests of highway safety. 16. To ensure that no deleterious material is carried onto the highway, in the interests of highway safety. 17. To provide for the parking and turning of vehicles clear of the highway and to ensure that reversing by vehicles into or from the highway is rendered unnecessary in the interest of traffic safety. 18. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 19. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 20. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. 21. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT The proposed development lies within an area which could be subject to current coal mining or hazards resulting from past coal mining. Such hazards may currently exist, be caused as a result of the proposed development, or occur at some time in the future. These hazards include: Page No 53 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 · Collapse of shallow coal mine workings. · Collapse of, or risk of entry into, mine entries (shafts and adits). · Gas emissions from coal mines including methane and carbon dioxide. · Spontaneous combustion or ignition of coal which may lead to underground heatings and production of carbon monoxide. · Transmission of gases into adjacent properties from underground sources through ground fractures. · Coal mining subsidence. · Water emissions from coal mine workings. Applicants must take account of these hazards which could affect stability, health & safety, or cause adverse environmental impacts during the carrying out their proposals and must seek specialist advice where required. Additional hazards or stability issues may arise from development on or adjacent to restored opencast sites or quarries and former colliery spoil tips. Potential hazards or impacts may not necessarily be confined to the development site, and Applicants must take advice and introduce appropriate measures to address risks both within and beyond the development site. As an example the stabilisation of shallow coal workings by grouting may affect, block or divert underground pathways for water or gas. In coal mining areas there is the potential for existing property and new development to be affected by mine gases, and this must be considered by each developer. Gas prevention measures must be adopted during construction where there is such a risk. The investigation of sites through drilling alone has the potential to displace underground gases or in certain situations may create carbon monoxide where air flush drilling is adopted. Any intrusive activities which intersect, disturb or enter any coal seams, coal mine workings or coal mine entries (shafts and adits) require the prior written permission of the Coal Authority. Such activities could include site investigation boreholes, digging of foundations, piling activities, other ground works and any subsequent treatment of coal mine workings and coal mine entries for ground stability purposes. Failure to obtain Coal Authority permission for such activities is trespass, with the potential for court action. In the interests of public safety the Coal Authority is concerned that risks specific to the nature of coal and coal mine workings are identified and mitigated. The above advice applies to the site of your proposal and the surrounding vicinity. You must obtain property specific summary information on any past, current and proposed surface and underground coal mining activity, and other ground stability information in order to make an assessment of the risks. This can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at Page No 54 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Your attention is drawn to Highway Supplementary Notes Numbered 1, 3, 4 and 5 on the enclosed "Applicants' Rights and General Information". A licence will need to be obtained (as required by section 184 of the Highways Act 1980) from the Highway Authority in order to lower the kerbline and cross the footpath at the new access position. The licence is a separate form and will need to be obtained from the Highways Department, Wrexham County Borough Council, telephone 01978 297158. A) All ancillary operations and the use of plant and machinery, which are audible at the boundary, shall be carried out only between 0730 hours to 1930 hours Monday to Friday, between 0800 hours and 1400 hours on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays and Bank Holidays. B) There shall be no fires on site; to include the prohibition of the burning of cleared vegetation. C) A dust management scheme shall be implemented on site to prevent dust nuisance arising D) Applicants should note that the Council has the option to control construction site noise by means of a Control of Pollution Act 1974, Section 60, Notice, where deemed necessary. Please note the attached comments from Welsh Water. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 55 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0542 LOCATION: 11 FAIRY ROAD WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 24/06/2010 LL13 7EL COMMUNITY: Offa DESCRIPTION: LISTED BUILDING APPLICATION FOR ALTERATIONS TO ROOF CASE OFFICER: PF WARD: Erddig APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR ANDREW JEBB AGENT NAME: MR ANDREW JEBB _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE SPECIFIC POSITION OF TURRET AND SURROU-NDING ROOF PLANE SITE PROPOSAL Listed building consent is sought to re-tile an existing roof slope and turret on the north eastern side of the building. The roof currently consists of red clay tiles. HISTORY None. Page No 56 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 DEVELOPMENT PLAN / NATIONAL POLICY The site is located within the Fairy Road Conservation Area. Planning Policy Wales Edition 3 (2010) and Welsh Office Circular 61/96 – Planning and the Historic Environment: Historic Buildings and Conservation Areas are relevant. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member: RCAHMW: Denbighshire Historical Society: Flintshire Historical Society: Wrexham Access Group: Other representations: Site Notice: Holding objection until further investigation is carried out on alternative suppliers of the hip tiles with rounded edges and whether any grant funding is available from Cadw or other sources. The Community Council consider that the existing hip tiles with their rounded edges are an important feature of the character of the building and should be retained if at all possible. Notified 25.06.2010 Consulted 25.06.2010 Consulted 25.06.2010 Consulted 25.06.2010 Consulted 25.06.2010 1 letter of representation received following notification of application stating: Reasonable proposal Conservation policy must recognise that certain materials are no longer economically available. Expired 23.07.2010 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Background: 11 Fairy Road is situated in its own grounds on an ‘island’ site ringed by Fairy Road, Sontley Road and Erddig Road, prominent within the Fairy Road Conservation Area. The existing roof covering on the building consists of plain red clay tiles. The turret consist of the same tiles, however the edges are formed by rounded specially made hip tiles. The applicant has identified that a number of tiles on the turret and the north eastern roof slope have become loosened and have fallen to the ground posing an unacceptable danger. It is accepted that the roof requires repair. Pre-application discussions have been carried out between the Council and the applicant to identify ways in which to salvage the existing tiles. However, due to the age of the tiles, the specific individual shapes and the method in which they are fixed to the building, retrieving the hipped tiles for reuse is not feasible. Removal would result in the tiles cracking due to the expansion of the iron fixing pins. Page No 57 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 In searching for replacement tiles, the applicant has found one single company prepared to manufacturer the tiles. However, certain contractual obligations are required including a minimum order of tiles, double the number required and a requirement to pay for a first batch of tiles should they not meet client specification with a requirement to also purchase a second batch. Impact of proposal: Given these difficulties, the applicant has proposed a mitred hip joint using matching tiles. An example application is shown below. Existing turret with damaged hipped tiles (left) and proposed method (right) Whilst it is accepted that this solution is not the most ideal, it allows for the safe reroofing of the building allowing for the shape to be retained. Conclusion: In accordance with Welsh Office Circular 61/96 the Council must assess the impacts of the proposed development upon the elements that make up the special interest of the building, and ultimately its reason for being listed. Whilst the hipped roof tiles to the turret and the main roof plain contribute to the special character of the building, it is not solely this element that that gives the building architectural significance. It is highly unfortunate that this important detailing cannot be replicated within reasonable financial terms. However, I see no other reasonable alternative for the owner other than to incorporate the mitred hip detail. RECOMMENDATION A That the Welsh Assembly Government be advised that Wrexham County Borough Council is disposed to grant Listed Building Consent in accordance with Article 3 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 subject to the condition specified below. Page No 58 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 CONDITION(S) 1. The works hereby granted consent shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this consent. 2. No part of the development shall be commenced until a sample of the roofing tile has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with such details as are approved. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. 2. To ensure the development is carried out in a manner that reflects the existing character and appearance of the Listed Building RECOMMENDATION B That the Chief Planning Officer be authorised to issue the appropriate certificate forthwith if WAG refers the application back to the Council for determination. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 59 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0578 LOCATION: THE LODGE PICKHILL HALL MARCHWIEL WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 08/07/2010 LL13 0UG COMMUNITY: Sesswick WARD: Marchwiel DESCRIPTION: SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION TO PROVIDE GROUND FLOOR CLOAKROOM AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING LODGE AND CONSTRUCTION OF GARDEN STORE CASE OFFICER: JS AGENT NAME: RICHARD GLOVER LTD MR RICHARD GLOVER APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR SIMON GRENNAN _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE The site comprises the Grade II listed building of The Lodge connected with Pickhill Hall. Application Site Extension and Garden Store PROPOSAL As above. Page No 60 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 RELEVANT HISTORY CB01607 CB01608 P/2008/0944 P/2009/0933 P/2009/0938 P/2010/0579 First floor extension to form 2 bedrooms. Granted 21.11.97 Listed Building Consent for first floor extension. Granted 15.12.97 Listed Building Consent for renovation of stone gate piers. Granted 25.11.08 Single storey extension to provide shower room and store and alterations to existing lodge. Withdrawn Listed Building Consent for single storey extension. Withdrawn Listed Building Consent application for same development as P/2010/0578 – see next agenda item. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Outside the settlement limits. Policies PS2, GDP1, and EC9 refer. Local Planning Guidance Note 13: Housing in the Countryside is also relevant. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Supports the application. The size of the proposed extension is reduced, and efforts have been made to satisfy previous concerns. Measures indicate that alterations carried out in 20th century will be rectified to help match the Victorian style. The results should enhance the property. Local Member: Notified 9.7.10 Site Notice: Expired 3.8.10 Other representations: 1 letter received from a neighbour, raising the following objections: The new cloakroom is four times larger than the porch it is replacing. The walled area and the garden building will seriously compromise the appearance of the Victorian lodge. The new wall will take the place of a natural fence. The new wall is very close to the public road leading to the farm and could be a hazard to traffic entering and leaving the farm. The new wall will be located almost on top of existing mains water supply to the farm. If this pipe has a leak it will be impossible to make repairs, and the construction of the wall could compromise the state of the pipe. The same letter also acknowledges some of the history of the Lodge. It was built in the 1860’s at the time that the lounge extension was built at Pickhill Hall. It is designed like a ‘Scottish’ type lodge, and a Page No 61 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 walled area was attached. There were no other buildings nearby. The courtyard or walled area contained a WC, coalhouse and storage area. During the 1970’s and 80’s the walled area was made into part of the Lodge – with exception of the small porch. The addition used the exact footings of the original walled area. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/ ISSUES Policy: There are two issues concerning this application. Firstly there is the issue concerning the listed building, and secondly, there is an issue as to how proposals impacts upon the countryside (including trees). Impact on Listed Building: In relation to policy EC9 any alterations and additions must respect the setting and character of the listed building. Alterations to the inside of the Lodge will be considered as part of the report for the listed building consent application, see next agenda item. Externally the scale of the cloakroom extension is very modest, and detailing respects the scale of the listed building and does not detract from the character of the building as its position is away from the original parts of the Lodge building. It also replaces an existing porch which has no architectural or historic interest, and this was attached to an earlier extension. The scale of the garden room is also modest, being located at the rear and well away from principle elevations of the Lodge. Its design, together with the link wall attempts to minimise any visual impacts on the listed building whilst also giving some degree of privacy for occupants of the property from the adjoining roadway which is used to access nearby farm buildings. The setting of the listed building is not affected, and since there are no other ancillary garden store buildings within the curtilage of the property, its need is justified for modern day living. There is also scope for shrub/hedge planting to be maintained or introduced near the new buildings and the garden wall, to help break up the massing of the new walls. Also some detailing of the wall can be improved, and this can be conditioned. Visual impact on countryside: In accordance with LPG Note 13, extensions to houses in the countryside must appear subsidiary, to limit impact of extra buildings, and normally should not result in more than one third in original floor area, unless the design is more in character with the existing dwelling, or essential space to meet modern standards. Based upon the size of design of the original property, the size of the new extension and new detached garden room, together with previous extensions, will exceed the third constraint by 50%. However this latest new addition is very small, only 7 square metres, and the replaces an existing porch of 3 square metres. The main increase is taken up by the new garden store, which has a floor area of 18 square metres. But even this building is not Page No 62 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 significant in terms of the listed building, and it is noted that there are no other garage or garden stores within the grounds. Therefore it would be unjustified to take a rigid view regarding the third increase in this instance, and it must be noted that further buildings over 10 cubic metres would be controlled because of the listed status of the building. Therefore in this instance the scale of the increase is acceptable, and will not compromise adopted policies. Some of the alterations included with the application will have potential to impact upon an existing mature tree, located between the Lodge and the roadway. A tree report has been submitted to consider these works, and subject to conditions, the works should not affect this important amenity feature. Neighbour Concerns: Regarding matters not already considered above, it should be noted that the granting of permission does not authorise encroachment to take place, and any disturbance to a pipe will need to be considered as part of the construction stage of the proposal. An advisory note has been included as part of the recommendation to verify this possibility. The wall is set back from the edge of the road, and shrub/hedge planting between the road and the wall will give some degree of protection from farm vehicles. However it is noted that the track is wide enough to take farm vehicles. Conclusion: The works, including the extension and detached garden room are justified from a listed building and policy aspect, and detailing included as part of the application, together with conditions, will help preserve this listed building. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. The development shall only be carried out in strict conformity with the details shown on the approved drawings and in the application documentation. 3. All development works subject of this permission shall be carried out in accordance with the details set out in submitted and approved Shields Arboricultural Implication Assessment Ref: .PHL Rev. A, dated 1 November 2009. 4. The erection of fencing protection measures for the protection of trees, hedges and shrubs as set out in the submitted and approved Shields Arboricultural Implication Assessment Ref: .PHL Rev. A, dated 1 November 2009, shall be undertaken before any demolition works and/ or equipment, machinery or materials are brought onto the site for the purposes of the development, and shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site. The fencing and ground protection measures shall be erected at the locations shown on the submitted Page No 63 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 and approved Tree Protection Fencing Plan Ref. Project 53. Nothing shall be stored or placed in any area fenced in accordance with this condition and the ground levels within those areas shall not be altered, nor shall any excavations be made without the written permission of the Local Planning Authority. 5. No part of the development hereby approved shall be commenced until full details for arboricultural supervision of tree protection measures has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Supervisory works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 6. Notwithstanding the approved plans, further details of the coping for the new brick wall shall be submitted to and approved before the wall is erected, and detail as approved shall be fully implemented as part of the development. 7. Before development commences details of a landscaping scheme for the area between the new boundary wall/garden store building and the adjacent roadway shall be submitted to and approved in writing. The scheme as approved shall be fully implemented within the first planting season following the erection of the wall and the store, and shall thereafter be retained. 8. No part of the development shall be commenced until a sample(s) of the facing brick to be used on the cloakroom extension, the garden store and brick wall and coping, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with such details as are approved. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 3. To ensure that retained trees are adequately protected during the development. 4. To ensure that retained trees are adequately protected during the development. 5. To ensure that retained trees are adequately protected during the development. 6. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 7. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 8. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT You are advised that this permission does not in itself authorise the carrying out of the development hereby permitted until the necessary Listed Building Consent has been obtained. Your concurrent application for Listed Building Consent has now been forwarded to the National Assembly for Wales. Page No 64 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 With regards to condition 6 above, it is considered that a more traditional method of coping should be considered. You are advised to investigate the possibilities that this construction work might affect an existing water supply pipe leading to nearby farm buildings, before constructing the foundations for the wall and the garden store building. This permission hereby granted does not authorise encroachment upon, interference with, any adjoining property, including underground services. Should you be required to depart from the details hereby approved, you should contact the Council's planning department to seek further advice with regard to the submission of amended plans and / or a new planning application. This permission is granted subject to the above conditions. Some conditions may require your attention prior to you carrying out any work on the proposal. These conditions are known as "conditions precedent". You should be aware that it is important that you comply with any "conditions precedent". If you do not, then any work you undertake on the development subject of this permission would not have planning permission. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 65 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0579 LOCATION: THE LODGE PICKHILL HALL MARCHWIEL WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 08/07/2010 LL13 0UG COMMUNITY: Sesswick WARD: Marchwiel DESCRIPTION: LISTED BUILDING CONSENT FOR SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION TO PROVIDE GROUND FLOOR CLOAKROOM AND ALTERATIONS TO THE EXISTING LODGE AND CONSTRUCTION OF GARDEN STORE CASE OFFICER: JS AGENT NAME: RICHARD GLOVER LTD MR RICHARD GLOVER APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR SIMON GRENNAN _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE The site comprises the Grade II listed building of The Lodge connected with Pickhill Hall. PROPOSAL As above. RELEVANT HISTORY CB 1607 CB 1608 P/2008/0944 P/2009/0933 P/2009/0938 P/2010/0579 P/2010/0578 First floor extension to form 2 bedrooms. Granted 21.11.97 Listed Building Consent for first floor extension. Granted 15.12.97 Listed Building Consent for renovation of stone gate piers. Granted 25.11.08 Single storey extension to provide shower room and store and alterations to existing lodge. Withdrawn Listed Building Consent for single storey extension. Withdrawn Listed Building Consent application for same development as P/2010/0578 – see next agenda item. Planning application for the same development – see previous report Page No 66 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Outside the settlement limits. Policies PS2, GDP1, and EC9 refer. Local Planning Guidance Note 13: Housing in the Countryside is also relevant. See previous report. Circular 61/96 is relevant. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Supports the application. The size of extensions has been reduced, and information indicates that measures will be taken to restore internal fabric and alterations carried out in 20th century, which did not match the Victorian style. The results should enhance the property. Local Member: Notified 9.7.10 RCAHMW: No observations to offer. Press Notice: Expired 6.8.10 Site Notice: Expired 3.8.10 Other representations: 1 letter received from a neighbour in respect of the concurrent application for planning permission – see previous report. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/ ISSUES Details: Although a number of internal alterations are proposed to the building, they all seek to restore original room layouts and design features within the original building, and to improve upon alterations previously undertaken when previous extensions were carried out. These are all seen as enhancement works, and all the work is intended to reflect the character and appearance of the listed building, subject to some minor control over some details. The issue of new extension (and a new building) on the Lodge has already been examined as part of the planning application, and the extension is justified to enable reasonable modern living standards for its continued occupation as a dwelling. Detailing of extension is acceptable, although a sample of the brick will need to be approved. But both the extension and the new building are located adjacent to previous extensions, and away from the principle elevations of the Lodge. The design of the new brick wall will be subject to further control though the planning permission to ensure that new coping stones are in keeping with the character of the listed building. Page No 67 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 RECOMMENDATION A That CADW on behalf of WAG be advised that Wrexham County Borough Council is disposed to grant LBC in accordance with Article 3 of The Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990, subject to the conditions specified below: CONDITION(S) 1. The works hereby granted consent shall be begun before the expiry date of five years from the date of this consent. 2. Development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with the approved plans unless the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority has first been obtained. 3. Prior to the installation of items specified below, further details or specifications shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority: (i) external sub-floor vents, (ii) fire surrounds, (iii) finished treatment of bathroom panelling. Works shall only be carried out in strict accordance with such details and specifications as approved. 4. Prior to their use on the building, a specification of the proposed mortar and internal plaster, and a mortar pointing sample, shall be submitted to and approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Work shall only be carried in strict accordance with the specification and sample as approved. 5. Prior to their use, a sample of the gravel finish to be used as part of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Work shall only be carried out in accordance with the sample as approved. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. 2. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 3. To ensure the works reflect the character and appearance of the building. 4. To ensure the works reflect the character and appearance of the building. 5. To ensure the works reflect the character and appearance of the building. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT You are advised that some items included as part of this application are also subject to separate planning permission, and you should also be aware of any constraints imposed by that separate permission before undertaking any work. Page No 68 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 RECOMMENDATION B That the Chief Planning Officer be authorised to issue appropriate certificate if CADW refers the application back to the Council for determination. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 69 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0580 LOCATION: MILLBROOK HOUSE OVERTON ROAD BANGOR ON DEE WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 08/07/2010 LL13 0BY COMMUNITY: Bangor is y Coed WARD: Bronington DESCRIPTION: TWO STOREY EXTENSION APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR JOHN AINGE CASE OFFICER: LB1 AGENT NAME: PLANNING & BUILDING SERVICES MR BARRY SMITH _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE Detached property in Bangor on Dee. PROPOSAL Two storey side extension. HISTORY P/2006/0139 – Conservatory extension to rear of property. Granted 15/03/06. Page No 70 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Lies within the settlement limit and Bangor on Dee Conservation Area (recently designated as an Article 4 Conservation Area). Policies PS2, GDP1, EC7, Guidance Notes 20, 21, 16 and 4 apply. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member: Other representations: Site Notice: Object to the application: Materials and design should be in keeping with the property and the Conservation Area. Cars often park on the road outside the property, off street parking must be provided so the flow of traffic is not affected. The three storey element is not in keeping with the property or Conservation Area. It is believed that there is a business being run from the property. Consulted 12/07/10 Four letters of objection received raising the following points: The three storey extension is out of character with the area and would be overwhelming on the plot. Occupants of the property regularly park their vehicles on the public path creating considerable risk to pedestrians and drivers. Proposed extension will loom over School House restricting light and view. The occupants of the property run their business from the garage creating parking problems and highway congestion. Proposed extension will further reduce parking places at the property. Design is not appropriate for the Conservation Area where special controls are in place. Expired 04/08/10 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS The application: The property lies on the edge of the Bangor on Dee Conservation Area which has recently been designated as an Article 4 Area. The property is a modern two storey property and the original application was for an extension that would have been three stories high. This was considered unacceptable and amended plans showing a two storey side extension have been submitted. Neighbouring properties have been reconsulted and any comments will be placed on the addendum. Page No 71 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Design and Amenity: The amended plans show a two storey side extension that has a roofline lower than that of the main house; it is also set back from the front of the property. It is therefore clearly subsidiary to the existing property and will not have an adverse impact on the property or the Conservation Area. There is to be one ground floor side facing window. This does not directly face any windows on the neighbouring property as they are not directly in line, this will minimise any potential overlooking. The extension passes the BRE 45 degree tests in relation to the neighbouring houses. The proposed extension will only be 10 metres from Old School House which is less than the required standard as contained in Guidance Note 21. There are two windows in the facing elevation which may be affected, one on the ground floor and one on the first floor. The extension passes the BRE tests in relation to the first floor window, however fails in relation to the ground floor. The ground floor window is a secondary window for the room it serves and therefore there will be no adverse impact created by the proposed extension. Parking: The amended plans show a car port at ground floor, retaining access to the garage, there will also be two off street parking places to the front of the property. This therefore meets the requirements of the Guidance Note; there are no highway restrictions to prevent parking outside the property. Other Considerations: The Enforcement Team have investigated claims of a business being run from the property. The applicants have stated that the garage is used as a home office with no employees working there, however from September a unit is to be leased on the Industrial Estate where the business will operate from. Conclusion: The amended design of the extension is considered appropriate and there will be no adverse impact on the street scene or Conservation Area. I therefore recommend that permission is granted following the expiry of the consultation period. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. No facing materials shall be used other than materials matching those used on the existing building. 3. Development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with the approved plans unless the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority has been obtained. 4. The business use presently carried out at the property shall cease prior to the commencement of development. Page No 72 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 3. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 4. To ensure there is sufficient parking provision to serve the dwelling in accordance with LPG No 16 and to prevent any overspill onto Overton Road. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT You should ensure that any difference between the plans approved under the Town and Country Planning Acts and under the Building Regulations is resolved prior to commencement of development, by formal submission of amended plans. You are advised that building work which involves work on an existing wall shared with another property, building on the boundary with a neighbouring property or excavating near a neighbouring building may require the separate consent of the neighbour under the provisions of the Party Wall Act. If you require further information or advice please contact the Building Control Section on 01978 292050. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 73 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0588 LOCATION: SUTTON GREEN COTTAGE SUTTON GREEN BOWLING BANK WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 13/07/2010 COMMUNITY: Isycoed LL13 9RP CASE OFFICER: LB1 WARD: Holt DESCRIPTION: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DERELICT SHED AND ERECTION OF NEW SINGLE STOREY ANCILLARY DWELLING AGENT NAME: JNL DESIGN MR JONATHAN EDSALL APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR T GIBSON _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE Detached property in Bowling Bank. Proposed ancillary dwelling PROPOSAL Demolition of existing derelict shed and erection of new single storey ancillary dwelling. Page No 74 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 HISTORY None relevant. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Lies outside of settlement limit, Policies GDP1, PS2, H3, H4, H5 and Guidance Note 13 apply. CONSULTATIONS Local Member: Community Council: Highways: Public Protection: Other representations: Site Notice: Consulted 14/07/10 No observations Visibility is poor; however annexes do not lead to significant increase in traffic movements. Recommend that the ancillary use is conditioned as separate dwelling would not be acceptable. No objection, conditions relating to noise during construction should be placed on permission. One letter of objection received raising the following points: The existing building is not falling down, it requires routine maintenance. The plan outlining the ownership of land is incorrect; the boundary is the continuation of the field ditch and the wall of the shed building. The plan implies that the access belongs to the property whereas the entrance is across common crown land which belongs to the village. The discharge from the septic tank is through a ditch across common land and causes problems with odours and flies. The addition of an additional property will exasperate the current situation. There is no need for additional windows facing Sutton Villa. Any building should not exceed the original floor area and is not extended so it encroaches onto neighbouring land. Any work would affect newts in the area and the colony of bats that have been residence in the building for years. The application is for new build on Green Belt land and should be refused. Expired 10/08/10 Page No 75 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS The site: Sutton Green Cottage is a two storey detached property that has a detached garage and storage building which has formerly been used as a cowshed. Building Control have advised that the building itself is not suitable for conversion. The application is therefore for the demolition of this storage building and erection of a granny annexe, which when there is no further requirement for its use will be converted back to a storage building. The footprint and size of the proposed annexe is the same as the building to be demolished with materials to match the main dwelling. Policy: The site lies outside of the settlement limit, however is not within a Green Barrier or Special Landscape Area. Annexes are generally required to be extensions to existing dwellings or the conversion of existing buildings. In this instance the application is for the erection of a new building, albeit replacing an existing one. The overall impact on the open countryside will therefore not change, there will be no additional built development and the use of the building will be such that there will be no significant increase in the volume of traffic. Any permission would be conditioned to ensure that the use is for an annexe only and would revert to storage upon discontinuance of that use. Design and Amenity: The design of the building is in keeping with the main dwelling and detached garage and is an improvement on the existing structure. The floor area provides for a one bedroomed annexe with a small kitchen and living room. It is proposed that the annexe will have two windows facing the neighbouring property Sutton Villa, these are to be for the bathroom and the bedroom. Sutton Villa lies 60 metres from the proposed annexe so there will be no overlooking created. Ecology: The building does not lend itself to bat habitat having a metal roof and a large proportion of windows and light entering the building. The Ecologist has confirmed that there is no evidence of bats in the building. Other Considerations: There will not be a significant increase in traffic as a result of this development and whilst the visibility from the access is restricted highway safety would not be compromised. The crossing of common ground to gain access to the site is a civil matter. The drainage of the site is to be using the existing septic tank. The discharge of this and whether it has sufficient capacity are not matters which fall under planning control. The matter of land ownership and boundary disputes are civil matters between neighbouring occupiers. Page No 76 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Conclusion: Whilst the erection of a new build is contrary to policy in that extensions or conversions are considered to be more appropriate, in this instance the amount of built development remains the same and the impact on the open countryside is not increased. I am satisfied that there will be no adverse impact on the locality or neighbouring properties and I therefore recommend accordingly. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. Prior to their use on the development samples of all external facing and roofing materials shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with such details as are approved. 3. This permission shall operate only to allow development to be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings and the application documentation. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, no further development shall take place within the site (other than the painting of the buildings). 4. The annexe hereby approved shall only be used as ancillary accommodation to the main dwelling and occupied by persons who are related to the occupants of Sutton Green Cottage. For the avoidance of doubt it shall not be used as a separate dwelling. 5. Construction works, ancillary works and the use of plant or machinery audible at or beyond the site boundary shall only be carried out between the hours of 07:30 and 18:00 (Monday to Friday) and 08:00 to 14:00 (Saturday) and at no time on Sundays or Bank Holidays. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 3. Due to the location in the open contryside it is considered important to ensure no additional development is carried out without the permission of the Local Planning Authority. 4. The annexe relies on the independence of the existing and proposed accommodation and joint use of garden and access and the result of any severance of this would create a substandard unit of residential accommodation. 5. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. Page No 77 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT You should ensure that any difference between the plans approved under the Town and Country Planning Acts and under the Building Regulations is resolved prior to commencement of development, by formal submission of amended plans. You are advised that building work which involves work on an existing wall shared with another property, building on the boundary with a neighbouring property or excavating near a neighbouring building may require the separate consent of the neighbour under the provisions of the Party Wall Act. If you require further information or advice please contact the Building Control Section on 01978 292050. In the event of any protected species being disturbed during the construction process work should immediately cease and CCW contacted. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 78 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0602 LOCATION: HIGHFIELD WREXHAM ROAD PENTRE BYCHAN WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 16/07/2010 LL14 1PE COMMUNITY: Esclusham WARD: Ponciau DESCRIPTION: ALTERATION AND EXTENSION TO EXISTING DWELLING TO ALLOW FOR LARGER LIVING ACCOMMODATION AND ERECTION OF DOUBLE GARAGE WITH STORE CASE OFFICER: SJG AGENT NAME: BLUE PRINT MR STUART HATHERALL APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR GEORGE JONES _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE The site is on the west side of Wrexham Road. The property is set back from the road and occupies an elevated, sloping site. The floor level is approximately 1 metre above ground level at the front. Page No 79 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 PROPOSAL As above. The application involves 2 elements: 1. Alterations and extensions: side extension with room in roof and loft conversion of existing bungalow with 4 new dormer windows, to provide 2 bedrooms on first floor and sunroom, utility (replacing 1 bedroom) and porch with raised patio on ground floor. 2. Garage: hipped roof double garage with store to the side of the dwelling and behind adjoining bungalows. Details of the levels of the garage and house have been received, showing that the garage will be at a lower level (2 metres below house floor level) to allow access from the driveway. RELEVANT HISTORY None. DEVELOPMENT PLAN The site lies outside the settlement limits. Policies PS2 and GDP1 of UDP are relevant, together with LPGN 13, 20 and 21. CONSULTATIONS Esclusham C Council: Local Member(s): Highways Site Notice: Other representations: Expressed concern about the proposed double garage at the site. Due to the sloping nature of the site it was felt that the garage would have an adverse effect on the view from the rear of the adjacent property. Accept that the revised plan addresses these concerns. Consulted 20/7/2010 Consulted 21/7/2010 Expired 13/8/2010 Adjoining occupiers notified 22/7/2010. 1 letter of no objection received. 1 letter of concern received, on grounds of: a. The property is above the bungalows to the east and would become a two storey property. The south and east facing dormer windows will overlook the bungalow and garden below and should have obscure glazing to protect privacy. b. The garage and store must not be used for commercial purposes c. Soakaways should not cause run-off to the adjoining properties. Page No 80 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/ ISSUES Design: The dwelling lies outside settlement limits, and the extension of over ½ of the original floor area exceeds the guidance for extensions in the countryside set out in LPGN 20 and 13. However, the ribbon of dwellings along the Wrexham Road is a continuous built-up frontage. Extensions have been permitted to other dwellings in this row on the basis that the character of the countryside will not be adversely affected by extensions over the strict 1/3 limit in LPGN13. The appearance of the dwelling from the road will be acceptable and in keeping with the locality. The impact on adjoining dwellings in general will be within acceptable guidelines as only 2 small rooflights are proposed in the north elevation, and dormers are confined to the other 3 elevations. The garage has now been confirmed to be set 2 metres below the house floor level. There is a specific issue with the impact on Meadowlea and Holmlea to the east. There is a 2 metre high hedge on the boundary, and these dwellings are some 3 metres below the floor level of Highfield. The new front windows and patio are set to the north side of the bungalow to the east. The separation distances between first floor windows are 25 metres, but by guidance note 21 standards, 28 metres is required due to the difference in ground levels. In view of these concerns, the use of obscure glazing is required, to reduce the overlooking impact from the first floor dormer windows. Business use: The application is submitted as a householder application, so no change of use of the land or buildings could be authorised. Drainage: Soakaway drainage would be dealt with under the Building Regulations. Conclusion: The proposal is acceptable in terms of adopted policies and guidance, subject to the use of obscure glazing for the dormer windows facing east and south. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. Development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with the approved plans unless the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority has been obtained. 3. The site shall be developed in accordance with the ground and floor levels indicated on the approved plans. No changes to floor levels or external Page No 81 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 ground levels shall be made without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. 4. The vehicle parking and turning areas indicated on the approved plans shall be laid out, surfaced and drained prior to the first use of the building hereby granted and shall thereafter be retained for those purposes. 5. The first floor dormer windows to be formed in the south and east elevations shown with a red O shall only be glazed or re-glazed with obscure glass which shall thereafter be permanently retained. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 3. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 4. To provide for the parking and turning of vehicles clear of the highway and to ensure that reversing by vehicles into or from the highway is rendered unnecessary in the interest of traffic safety. 5. To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT Your attention is drawn to Highway Supplementary Notes Numbered 1, 3, 4 and 5 on the enclosed "Applicants' Rights and General Information". The proposed development lies within an area which could be subject to current coal mining or hazards resulting from past coal mining. Such hazards may currently exist, be caused as a result of the proposed development, or occur at some time in the future. These hazards include: · Collapse of shallow coal mine workings. · Collapse of, or risk of entry into, mine entries (shafts and adits). · Gas emissions from coal mines including methane and carbon dioxide. · Spontaneous combustion or ignition of coal which may lead to underground heatings and production of carbon monoxide. · Transmission of gases into adjacent properties from underground sources through ground fractures. · Coal mining subsidence. · Water emissions from coal mine workings. Applicants must take account of these hazards which could affect stability, health & safety, or cause adverse environmental impacts during the carrying out their proposals and must seek specialist advice where required. Additional hazards or stability issues may arise from development on or adjacent to restored opencast sites or quarries and former colliery spoil tips. Page No 82 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Potential hazards or impacts may not necessarily be confined to the development site, and Applicants must take advice and introduce appropriate measures to address risks both within and beyond the development site. As an example the stabilisation of shallow coal workings by grouting may affect, block or divert underground pathways for water or gas. In coal mining areas there is the potential for existing property and new development to be affected by mine gases, and this must be considered by each developer. Gas prevention measures must be adopted during construction where there is such a risk. The investigation of sites through drilling alone has the potential to displace underground gases or in certain situations may create carbon monoxide where air flush drilling is adopted. Any intrusive activities which intersect, disturb or enter any coal seams, coal mine workings or coal mine entries (shafts and adits) require the prior written permission of the Coal Authority. Such activities could include site investigation boreholes, digging of foundations, piling activities, other ground works and any subsequent treatment of coal mine workings and coal mine entries for ground stability purposes. Failure to obtain Coal Authority permission for such activities is trespass, with the potential for court action. In the interests of public safety the Coal Authority is concerned that risks specific to the nature of coal and coal mine workings are identified and mitigated. The above advice applies to the site of your proposal and the surrounding vicinity. You must obtain property specific summary information on any past, current and proposed surface and underground coal mining activity, and other ground stability information in order to make an assessment of the risks. This can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 83 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0608 LOCATION: DATE RECEIVED: 16 CHERRY HILL DRIVE WREXHAM 16/07/2010 LL12 7TU COMMUNITY: Acton DESCRIPTION: CONSERVATORY EXTENSION (PARTLY IN RETROSPECT) CASE OFFICER: LB1 WARD: Borras Park APPLICANT(S) NAME: MRS PAINTER AGENT NAME: THE OLD WREXHAM SAWMILLS MR J SMITH _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE Semi detached property. PROPOSAL Conservatory extension to rear of property (partly in retrospect) Page No 84 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 HISTORY None relevant. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Lies within the settlement limit, Policies GDP1, PS2, Guidance Note 20 apply. CONSULTATIONS Local Member: Community Council: Other Representations: Site Notice: Consulted 20/07/10 No observations One letter received raising the following points: Concerned that the size and height of the proposed extension will dominate and impose upon the adjoining property being a minimal distance from the boundary line. The existing works have been completed by trespass upon the neighbouring property and the fence panel that was removed to gain access remains ill fitted, broken and propped into permission. If future access is required to finish the extension prior written notice should be given and any damage made good. The siting of the extension and proximity of the wall to the boundary could have a detrimental impact on the value of the adjoining property. Expired 13/08/10 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS / ISSUES Background: This application is partly in retrospect with the base and side walls of the conservatory having been completed. It requires permission due to the proximity and size of the detached garage. The application was brought in as a result of enforcement action. Design and Amenity: The design of the conservatory is acceptable for the property. It passes the BRE test in relation to the adjoining property. The wall that faces the adjoining property is a solid brick wall so there will be no overlooking created. The conservatory is sufficient distance from the adjoining property to ensure that the guttering does not intrude on the neighbouring house. The house to the rear lies 27 metres away so no overlooking will be created to this property. Other Considerations: Matters of property value, access to and damage of neighbouring properties cannot be considered under the planning process and are civil matters between the occupiers. Page No 85 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Conclusion: The conservatory does not have an adverse impact on the neighbouring properties and I therefore recommend accordingly. P/2010 /0608 RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. No facing materials shall be used other than materials matching those used on the existing building. 2. Development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with the approved plans unless the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority has been obtained. REASON(S) 1. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 2. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT You should ensure that any difference between the plans approved under the Town and Country Planning Acts and under the Building Regulations is resolved prior to commencement of development, by formal submission of amended plans. You are advised that building work which involves work on an existing wall shared with another property, building on the boundary with a neighbouring property or excavating near a neighbouring building may require the separate consent of the neighbour under the provisions of the Party Wall Act. If you require further information or advice please contact the Building Control Section on 01978 292050. The proposed development lies within an area which could be subject to current coal mining or hazards resulting from past coal mining. Such hazards may currently exist, be caused as a result of the proposed development, or occur at some time in the future. These hazards include: · Collapse of shallow coal mine workings. · Collapse of, or risk of entry into, mine entries (shafts and adits). · Gas emissions from coal mines including methane and carbon dioxide. · Spontaneous combustion or ignition of coal which may lead to underground heatings and production of carbon monoxide. · Transmission of gases into adjacent properties from underground sources through ground fractures. · Coal mining subsidence. · Water emissions from coal mine workings. Page No 86 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Applicants must take account of these hazards which could affect stability, health & safety, or cause adverse environmental impacts during the carrying out their proposals and must seek specialist advice where required. Additional hazards or stability issues may arise from development on or adjacent to restored opencast sites or quarries and former colliery spoil tips. Potential hazards or impacts may not necessarily be confined to the development site, and Applicants must take advice and introduce appropriate measures to address risks both within and beyond the development site. As an example the stabilisation of shallow coal workings by grouting may affect, block or divert underground pathways for water or gas. In coal mining areas there is the potential for existing property and new development to be affected by mine gases, and this must be considered by each developer. Gas prevention measures must be adopted during construction where there is such a risk. The investigation of sites through drilling alone has the potential to displace underground gases or in certain situations may create carbon monoxide where air flush drilling is adopted. Any intrusive activities which intersect, disturb or enter any coal seams, coal mine workings or coal mine entries (shafts and adits) require the prior written permission of the Coal Authority. Such activities could include site investigation boreholes, digging of foundations, piling activities, other ground works and any subsequent treatment of coal mine workings and coal mine entries for ground stability purposes. Failure to obtain Coal Authority permission for such activities is trespass, with the potential for court action. In the interests of public safety the Coal Authority is concerned that risks specific to the nature of coal and coal mine workings are identified and mitigated. The above advice applies to the site of your proposal and the surrounding vicinity. You must obtain property specific summary information on any past, current and proposed surface and underground coal mining activity, and other ground stability information in order to make an assessment of the risks. This can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 87 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0610 LOCATION: MEADOW LEA WREXHAM ROAD PENTRE BYCHAN WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 16/07/2010 LL14 1PE COMMUNITY: Esclusham DESCRIPTION: DORMER ALTERATIONS APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR R JONES WARD: Ponciau CASE OFFICER: PF AGENT NAME: MR R JONES _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE SITE WREXHAM ROAD PROPOSAL The proposal is to make alterations to the existing dormer on both front and rear roof elevations. The front dormer consists of substituting the hip with a plain gable with a full glazed elevation. The rear dormer alteration includes widening the existing width. Page No 88 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 HISTORY None. DEVELOPMENT PLAN The site is located outside settlement. Policies GDP1, PS2 and Local Planning Guidance Note 20 apply. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member: Other representations: Site Notice Consulted 19.07.2010 No objection. 2 neighbouring occupiers notified. 1 letter of representation received raising the following points: Meadowlea and Holmlea were built as a matching pair; Any alteration to the dormer would unbalance the appearance of the pair; The height of the new window does not enhance the appeal of the new design; Other means of internal alteration should be sought to maximise headroom; and The alteration could affect the value of the dwellings. Expired 16.08.2010 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Design and Amenity: The dwelling is semi-detached, therefore the alterations will impact upon the symmetry of the building. It is not listed or in a conservation area and is also set well back from the highway. I do not consider that the change in the appearance of the building will be so detrimental to the character of the building or the well established, mixed architectural style street scene as to justify amendments or refusal. Other issues: Any impact of proposed development on the value of property cannot be considered through the planning application process. Conclusion: I consider the alterations are of such a nature that would not justify refusal of the application on design grounds. Given the acceptable nature of the proposal I recommend accordingly. Page No 89 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. No facing materials shall be used other than materials matching those used on the existing building. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT You should ensure that any difference between the plans approved under the Town and Country Planning Acts and under the Building Regulations is resolved prior to commencement of development, by formal submission of amended plans. You are advised that building work which involves work on an existing wall shared with another property, building on the boundary with a neighbouring property or excavating near a neighbouring building may require the separate consent of the neighbour under the provisions of the Party Wall Act. If you require further information or advice please contact the Building Control Section on 01978 292050. The proposed development lies within an area which could be subject to current coal mining or hazards resulting from past coal mining. Such hazards may currently exist, be caused as a result of the proposed development, or occur at some time in the future. These hazards include: · Collapse of shallow coal mine workings. · Collapse of, or risk of entry into, mine entries (shafts and adits). · Gas emissions from coal mines including methane and carbon dioxide. · Spontaneous combustion or ignition of coal which may lead to underground heatings and production of carbon monoxide. · Transmission of gases into adjacent properties from underground sources through ground fractures. · Coal mining subsidence. · Water emissions from coal mine workings. Page No 90 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Applicants must take account of these hazards which could affect stability, health & safety, or cause adverse environmental impacts during the carrying out their proposals and must seek specialist advice where required. Additional hazards or stability issues may arise from development on or adjacent to restored opencast sites or quarries and former colliery spoil tips. Potential hazards or impacts may not necessarily be confined to the development site, and Applicants must take advice and introduce appropriate measures to address risks both within and beyond the development site. As an example the stabilisation of shallow coal workings by grouting may affect, block or divert underground pathways for water or gas. In coal mining areas there is the potential for existing property and new development to be affected by mine gases, and this must be considered by each developer. Gas prevention measures must be adopted during construction where there is such a risk. The investigation of sites through drilling alone has the potential to displace underground gases or in certain situations may create carbon monoxide where air flush drilling is adopted. Any intrusive activities which intersect, disturb or enter any coal seams, coal mine workings or coal mine entries (shafts and adits) require the prior written permission of the Coal Authority. Such activities could include site investigation boreholes, digging of foundations, piling activities, other ground works and any subsequent treatment of coal mine workings and coal mine entries for ground stability purposes. Failure to obtain Coal Authority permission for such activities is trespass, with the potential for court action. In the interests of public safety the Coal Authority is concerned that risks specific to the nature of coal and coal mine workings are identified and mitigated. The above advice applies to the site of your proposal and the surrounding vicinity. You must obtain property specific summary information on any past, current and proposed surface and underground coal mining activity, and other ground stability information in order to make an assessment of the risks. This can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 91 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0650 LOCATION: LAND TO THE REAR OF THORLIE GRANGO LANE PONCIAU WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 27/07/2010 COMMUNITY: Rhos LL14 1ER CASE OFFICER: SEH DESCRIPTION: RELAXATION OF CONDITION 14 IMPOSED UNDER PLANNING PERMISSION CODE NO. P/2009/1003 RELATING TO THE REQUIREMENT FOR PROVISION OF ON SITE PUBLIC OPEN SPACE. WARD: Ponciau AGENT NAME: JHL CONSULTANTS LTD MR J HUGHES-LLOYD APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR MJ HUGHES LLOYD _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE P/2006/0960 Permission for 4 no. dwellings not yet implemented P/2005/0188 Permission for 1 no. dwelling. P/2009/0578 Permission for 3 no. dwellings not yet implemented Proposed road improvements P/2009/1003 Permission for 1 no. dwelling. P/2002/1336 Permission for 1 no. dwelling. PROPOSAL Variation of condition no.14 of P/2009/1003 states that ‘As part of the reserved matters application, details of a scheme for on-site Public Open Space and for its future maintenance shall be submitted to and approved in Page No 92 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details as approved shall be fully implemented in accordance with a timescale to be approved as part of the scheme’. RELEVANT HISTORY P/2002/1336 P/2005/0188 P/2006/0960 P/2008/1182 P/2009/0578 P/2009/1003 P/2010/0314 Erection of dwelling with integral garage, construction of new vehicular & pedestrian access & alteration to existing vehicular & pedestrian access. Erection of dwelling with integral garage, construction of new vehicular & pedestrian access & alteration to existing vehicular & pedestrian access. Erection of 4 no. two storey detached 4 bedroom dwellings with integral garage. Construction of new access and footpath from existing road. Outline application for the erection of 1no. detached four bedroom, two storey dwelling with separate garage and construction of private drive from adoptable road. (superseded by P/2009/0578 3 no. dwellings) Outline application for the erection of 3 no. detached four bedroom, two storey dwelling with separate garage and construction of private drive from adoptable road. Outline application for the erection of 1 no. detached four bedroom, two storey dwelling with separate garage and construction of private drive from adoptable road. Outline application for the erection of 1 no. detached dwelling with separate garage and construction of private drive from adoptable road. Granted 27/01/2003 Granted 06/01/2006 Granted 06/11/2006 Granted 05/01/2009 Granted 07/09/2009 Granted 01/02/2010 Refused 18/06/2010 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Within defined settlement limit. UDP Policies PS2, PS4, GDP1, H2, and CLF5 apply. Local Planning Guidance Notes Nos. 7 ‘Landscape and Development’ and 10 ‘Public Open Space in New Housing Development’ are also relevant. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Members: Highways: Other representations: Consulted 29/07/2010 Consulted 29/07/2010 Consulted 29/07/2010 Four letters of support received on the basis that there is adequate existing open space locally. Page No 93 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 Site Notice: One objection received on the basis that the site will become overdeveloped. Expired 20/08/2010 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/ ISSUES Background: Outline planning permission was granted earlier this year for 1 dwelling (P/2009/1003) with all matters including layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access reserved for subsequent approval. This brought the total number of dwellings at the site to 10 no. as confirmed on that application form. In considering the impact of this development on both the visual amenities of the area and upon the existing local public open space facilities, condition no. 14 was attached to secure public open space within the site as a whole, details of which were required as part of the reserved matters application. It was envisaged at that time that the area of land to the right of the access road would be upgraded to provide an area of useable public open space which would be integral to the site, in the interests of both local residential and visual amenities. The importance of retaining this area was recognised by the Planning Committee in their resolution to refuse planning permission earlier this year (P/2010/0314) to build a dwelling on the land. This decision was made because the remaining land would be too small to provide landscaping of a quality which will make a positive contribution to the area as an integral part of the development and because of the lack of proximity to useable public open space. This application now seeks the removal of this condition on the basis that it is undesirable to have the public open space within the site given local opposition to the proposal. Public Open Space (POS): In my view the POS should be contained within the site as an integral part of the development, and should contribute to the character of the area. There is no evidence to demonstrate why this area of land would not be suitable, especially given that it has constraints to prevent its development for any alternative use, and no exceptional circumstances have been justified. To allow the relaxation of this condition because of the phased approach to the development may encourage developers in the future to approach residential development in the same piecemeal fashion, to the detriment of the quality of the environment. Conclusion: There is in my view no reason why this area cannot be designed to avoid any detrimental impact upon local residential amenities and this area would provide a buffer between the proposed and existing built development and help assimilate the development into the locality in the interests of the visual amenities of the development. Page No 94 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 RECOMMENDATION: That permission be REFUSED REASON(S) 1. The development does not incorporate sufficient on-site public open space, resulting in an unattractive built environment and a poor standard of amenity being afforded to future occupiers. It therefore conflicts with policies PS2, PS4, GDP1 a), b) and k), H2 and CLF5 of the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan and Local Planning Guidance Notes Nos. 7 'Landscape and Development' and 10 'Public Open Space in New Housing Development'. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 95 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0663 LOCATION: LAND OFF CEIRIOG ROAD WREXHAM DATE RECEIVED: 03/08/2010 LL13 0PQ COMMUNITY: Caia Park WARD: Cartrefle CASE OFFICER: PF DESCRIPTION: ON STREET PARKING LAY-BY APPLICANT(S) NAME: WREXHAM COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL AGENT NAME: WREXHAM COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL MISS SHARON STEVENS _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE Extent of application site PROPOSAL To create a stretch of on road parking in the form of a lay by along Ceiriog Road adjacent to a triangle of public open space. The lay by is approximately 38 metres in length. Page No 96 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 HISTORY None. DEVELOPMENT PLAN The site is within settlement limit. Policies PS2, GDP1, T8 and CLF4 apply. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member: Highways: Other representations: Site Notice Consulted 03.08.2010 Notified 03.08.2010 Require condition relating to footway width. 20 neighbouring occupiers notified. 1 letter of representation received raising the following concerns: Road should be extended from No. 11 to No. 13 Ceiriog Road so that occupiers can park in their gardens. Expired 28.08.2010 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Amenity: The scheme is located in a logical position along Ceiriog Road in order to provide parking provision for the majority of dwellings which do not benefit from off road parking. A negligible amount of the informal public open space will be lost (footpath width) in order to construct the lay by. Other matters: Whilst the Council acknowledges that off road parking spaces for each individual dwelling would be the ideal situation, the proposal seeks to alleviate obvious existing parking problems to allow safe access for refuse collections and emergency service access. The strategic management of parking and property is not an issue to consider as part of this application. Conclusion: I consider that the proposal will not have a significant impact upon the character of the area or highway safety. As such I recommend accordingly. RECOMMENDATION That Wrexham County Borough Council Resolves in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992 that planning permission be Granted subject to any conditions specified below: /2010 /0663 Page No 97 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. The proposed footway and footway link shall be a minimum width of 2 metres. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. In the interests of pedestrian safety. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 98 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 APPLICATION NO: P/2010 /0682 LOCATION: DATE RECEIVED: BURTON SCHOOL HOUSE SCHOOL 05/08/2010 ROAD BURTON WREXHAM LL12 0AW COMMUNITY: Rossett WARD: Rossett DESCRIPTION: CONSERVATORY / GARDEN ROOM EXTENSION APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR IAN GOODE CASE OFFICER: PF AGENT NAME: MR IAN GOODE _____________________________________________________________________ THE SITE PROPOSAL To erect a 6 metre by 4 metre conservatory extension to the dwelling, consisting of matching brick dwarf wall and slate roof. The glazing frame material is subject to confirmation. Page No 99 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 HISTORY Most relevant P/2009/0659 P/2009/0668 Conversion of existing triple garage to residential dwelling. Granted 09.11.2009 Extension and alterations to existing dwelling. Granted 09.11.2009 DEVELOPMENT PLAN The site is located outside settlement within a Special Landscape Area. Polices PS2, GDP1, EC5 and Local Planning Guidance Notes 13, 16 and 20 are relevant. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member: Site Notice: Consulted 06.08.2010 Requests application is reported to the Committee. Expired 01.09.2010 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Background: The application is made following a previous approval to sub divide the existing triple bay garage into a separate dwelling. That application included the erection of a small porch, utility room and a two storey rear extension. The rear extension was approved with a small projection from the rear elevation of the building. Design: The extension subject to this application is proposed to the rear corner of the building at a maximum height of 4.3 metres. The elevation facing the road consists mainly of glass and the roof and all other materials are proposed to match the existing building. Confirmation is required regarding window and door frame details. Adopted Council guidance states that where a building has been previously converted, the emphasis will be on keeping extensions to a minimum. Whilst the previous approved extensions are noted, in this instance the original building is residential in nature. I do not consider that the character of the building will be detrimentally impacted by the erection of the proposed domestic style extension, therefore having little impact upon the wider rural setting. Conclusion: I am satisfied that the proposal will not harm the character of the building or the wider rural setting and therefore I recommend accordingly. Page No 100 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. No facing materials shall be used other than materials matching those used on the existing building. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT You should ensure that any difference between the plans approved under the Town and Country Planning Acts and under the Building Regulations is resolved prior to commencement of development, by formal submission of amended plans. You are advised that building work which involves work on an existing wall shared with another property, building on the boundary with a neighbouring property or excavating near a neighbouring building may require the separate consent of the neighbour under the provisions of the Party Wall Act. If you require further information or advice please contact the Building Control Section on 01978 292050. _____________________________________________________________________ Page No 101 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 LIST OF DELEGATED DECISIONS INCLUDED IN REPORT ISY P/2008/0771 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 ISY P/2009/0648 GRANTED on 28/07/2010 WRR P/2010/0002 GRANTED on 19/08/2010 RHO P/2010/0217 WITHDRAWN on 03/08/2010 RHO P/2010/0235 WITHDRAWN on 03/08/2010 CEF P/2010/0236 GRANTED on 28/07/2010 BRO P/2010/0257 GRANTED on 28/07/2010 ISY P/2010/0263 GRANTED on 28/07/2010 BRO P/2010/0383 GRANTED on 21/07/2010 HOL P/2010/0393 WITHDRAWN on 20/07/2010 HOL P/2010/0394 WITHDRAWN on 20/07/2010 BRY P/2010/0395 GRANTED on 21/07/2010 WRR P/2010/0416 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 ABE P/2010/0417 WITHDRAWN on 03/08/2010 GWE P/2010/0443 REFUSED on 16/07/2010 MAE P/2010/0444 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 WRC P/2010/0446 REFUSED on 19/07/2010 MAR P/2010/0456 GRANTED on 20/07/2010 ABE P/2010/0457 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 LAND ADJACENT TO DEMON TWEEKS 75 ASH ROAD SOUTH WREXHAM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE WREXHAM LL12 9UG PARK COTTAGE BOWLING BANK WREXHAM LL13 9RR 19 GROSVENOR ROAD WREXHAM LL11 1DE LAND OFF HALL STREET RHOSLLANERCHRUGOG WREXHAM LL14 1AS GITTINS YARD GUTTER HILL JOHNSTOWN WREXHAM LL14 1NG SPECULATIVE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE ACCOMMODATION. DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING AND OUTBUILDINGS AND ERECTION OF NEW FOUR BEDROOMED DWELLING WITH DETACHED GARAGE SITING OF PORTAKABIN AT REAR OF EXISTING OFFICE PREMISES TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL OFFICE ACCOMMODATION OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND AT BRO GWILYM CEFN MAWR WREXHAM LL14 3NU OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND AT COLLIERY ROAD TANYFRON WREXHAM LL11 5SZ OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND TO THE REAR OF ELM COTTAGE BOWLING BANK ISYCOED WREXHAM LL13 9RY GATEWEN HALL GATEWEN ROAD WREXHAM LL11 6YZ ERECTION OF NEW STABLE BLOCK AND OPEN MENAGE COMPRISING FOUR STABLES, TACK AND HAY STORE AND HORSE HANDLING YARD CERTIFICATE OF LAWFUL USE FOR SITING OF METAL STORAGE UNIT. GREDINGTON ARMS CROSS STREET HOLT WREXHAM LL13 9JD DEMOLITION OF REAR EXTENSION GREDINGTON ARMS CROSS STREET HOLT WREXHAM LL13 9JD ERECTION OF 3 DWELLINGS AND CHANGE OF USE OF FORMER PUBLIC HOUSE TO ANTIQUE STORE WITH LIVING ACCOMMODATION ABOVE ERECTION OF TIMBER FIELD SHELTER (IN RETROSPECT), ADDITIONAL TIMBER FIELD SHELTER AND NEW HAY BARN ADAPTATION OF EXISTING EXTERNAL RAMP LAND NORTH OF WAEN FARM GLASCOED ROAD BWLCHGWYN WREXHAM LL11 5YG GLYNDWR UNIVERSITY PLAS COCH CAMPUS MOLD ROAD WREXHAM LL11 2AW HTC MANAGEMENT SERVICES LTD REDWITHER ROAD WREXHAM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE WREXHAM LL13 9RD LAND ADJACENT TO SUNNY BANK CEFN Y BEDD WREXHAM LL12 9YN CREATION OF NEW ACCESS, STAFF CAR PARK, DISABLED ACCESS, DISABLED TOILET, NEW OFFICE ENTRANCE AND DIVERSION OF EXISTING STREAM OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ASSOCIATED WORKS. WYEN WENN FARM HANMER WHITCHURCH SHROPSHIRE SY13 3DL LAND ADJACENT TO 81 BENJAMIN ROAD WREXHAM LL13 8EG ERECTION OF STRAW STORAGE SHED 4 SCHOOL COTTAGES WREXHAM ROAD MARCHWIEL WREXHAM LL13 0PN UNIT 74 CLYWEDOG ROAD SOUTH WREXHAM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE WREXHAM LL13 9XS DEMOLITION OF EXISTING GARAGE AND ERECTION OF NEW GARAGE ERECTION OF 2 ONE BEDROOMED APARTMENTS EXTENSION TO EXISTING INDUSTRIAL UNIT Page No 102 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 WOR P/2010/0463 GRANTED on 20/07/2010 LLA P/2010/0467 GRANTED on 24/08/2010 ROSEDALE TALLARN GREEN MALPAS SY14 7LL REAR CONSERVATORY EXTENSION LLAY HALL FARM LLAY ROAD LLAY WREXHAM LL12 0TH LLA P/2010/0468 GRANTED on 21/07/2010 MAE P/2010/0469 GRANTED on 20/07/2010 LLAY HALL FARM LLAY ROAD LLAY WREXHAM LL12 0TH ISY P/2010/0473 WITHDRAWN on 27/07/2010 BARN COTTAGE BOWLING BANK WREXHAM LL13 9RR HOL P/2010/0477 GRANTED on 27/07/2010 ISY P/2010/0484 GRANTED on 28/07/2010 WRO P/2010/0485 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 WRA P/2010/0486 GRANTED on 20/07/2010 HOL P/2010/0489 GRANTED on 19/07/2010 RUA P/2010/0491 GRANTED on 20/07/2010 HOL P/2010/0492 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 YEW TREE HOUSE HUGMORE LANE LLANYPWLL WREXHAM LL13 9YE UNIT 7 OAK ROAD WREXHAM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE WREXHAM LL13 9RG 20 WINDSOR DRIVE WREXHAM LL11 2BD LISTED BUILDING CONSENT FOR CONVERSION OF AGRICULTURAL BUILDING TO 9 DWELLINGS (AMENDMENT TO PREVIOUS APPLICATION P/2007/0940) CONVERSION OF AGRICULTURAL BUILDING TO 9 DWELLINGS (AMENDMENT TO PREVIOUS APPLICATION P/2007/0939) SUBMISSION OF RESERVED MATTERS PURSUANT TO OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION CODE NO P/2008/0458 (ACCESS, APPEARANCE, LAYOUT AND SCALE) FOR THE ERECTION OF ONE DWELLING AND GARAGE ERECTION OF DWELLING AND ATTACHED GARAGE (REVISED SCHEME DESIGN TO THAT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AND COMMENCED UNDER CODE NOS. ISY 16489 AND ISY 17939) ERECTION OF WOODEN FENCING (1.9M HIGH) WRO P/2010/0494 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 BRN P/2010/0495 GRANTED on 21/07/2010 ROS P/2010/0496 GRANTED on 21/07/2010 HOL P/2010/0497 GRANTED on 21/07/2010 RHO P/2010/0500 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 WRA P/2010/0502 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 WRC P/2010/0503 GRANTED on 06/08/2010 LAND ADJACENT TO OAKWOOD HOUSE CADNEY LANE BETTISFIELD WHITCHURCH SY13 2LP CHANGE OF USE TO PLANT HIRE AND GROUNDWORK BUSINESS EXTENSION TO PROVIDE KITCHEN AND FAMILY AREA 19 CHELSTON AVENUE WREXHAM LL13 9TQ ALTERATIONS AND EXTENSIONS POPLAR FARM COMMONWOOD HOLT WREXHAM LL13 9TA FARM BUILDING FOR LIVESTOCK 3 EAST AVENUE RUABON WREXHAM LL14 6BG SINGLE STOREY BEDROOM / SHOWER ROOM EXTENSION TO REAR 6 SMITHFIELD DRIVE HOLT WREXHAM LL13 9AQ LONGFIELDS 11 SONTLEY ROAD WREXHAM LL13 7EN ALTERATIONS AND EXTENSIONS INCORPORATING NEW PORCH, LARGER KITCHEN, UTILITY ROOM AND WC WITH BEDROOM AND ENSUITE OVER CONSTRUCTION OF REPLACEMENT DISABLED ACCESS RAMP TO BOTH FRONT AND REAR OAKS FARM ELLESMERE ROAD BRONINGTON WREXHAM SY13 3EU SINGLE STOREY BEDROOMS AND BATHROOM EXTENSION HAYTOR 4 PARK LANE COURT ROSSETT WREXHAM LL12 0BQ INSTALLATION OF EMERGENCY ESCAPE WINDOW IN GARAGE BLOCK 8 REDWOOD CLOSE HOLT WREXHAM LL13 9XJ REPLACEMENT GLAZING UNITS TO FRONT ELEVATION AND 1 LANDING WINDOW 3 HALL STREET RHOSLLANERCHRUGOG WREXHAM LL14 2LD 18 FFORDD MADOC BORRAS PARK WREXHAM LL12 7PS ERECTION OF CONCRETE SHED/OUTBUILDING (IN RETROSPECT) CAPRICORN ANIMAL RESCUE 53 CHESTER STREET WREXHAM LL13 8BA PARKING AND OPERATION OF 1 NO. PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLE (RENEWAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION CODE NO. P/2008/1298) REFURBISHMENT OF EXISTING RETAIL UNIT TO INCLUDE: ROOF REPLACEMENT, EXTENSION, REPLACEMENT OF SHOPFRONT AND INTERNAL REFURBISHMENT. Page No 103 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 RUA P/2010/0508 GRANTED on 02/08/2010 ABE P/2010/0509 REFUSED on 21/07/2010 ROS P/2010/0510 WITHDRAWN on 11/08/2010 WYNNSTAY HALL ESTATE RUABON WREXHAM LL14 6LA CONSTRUCTION OF STABLE BUILDING 2 BRIDGE WAY EAST PENTRE MAELOR WREXHAM LL13 9RB INCORPORATION OF LAND INTO RESIDENTIAL CURTILAGE (IN RETROSPECT) BROAD OAK FARM LLYNDIR LANE ROSSETT WREXHAM LL12 0AU RHO P/2010/0512 GRANTED on 14/07/2010 MAE P/2010/0515 GRANTED on 21/07/2010 7 MAES GLAN RHOSLLANERCHRUGOG WREXHAM WREXHAM LL14 2DT CHURCH PLACE OVERTON ROAD PENLEY WREXHAM LL13 0LU BRY P/2010/0516 GRANTED on 03/08/2010 FORMER BRYMBO STEELWORKS BRYMBO WREXHAM LL11 5BT WRC P/2010/0517 GRANTED on 14/07/2010 WRA P/2010/0520 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 LLA P/2010/0524 GRANTED on 14/07/2010 MAR P/2010/0526 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 BRO P/2010/0527 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 HOL P/2010/0528 WITHDRAWN on 16/08/2010 WRO P/2010/0529 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 ESC P/2010/0530 GRANTED on 21/07/2010 ABE P/2010/0531 GRANTED on 11/08/2010 GLY P/2010/0532 GRANTED on 16/08/2010 WRC P/2010/0534 GRANTED on 21/07/2010 RHO P/2010/0538 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 RHO P/2010/0539 GRANTED on 12/08/2010 UNIT C1C EAGLES MEADOW WREXHAM LL13 8DG CHANGE OF USE AND PART RE-DEVELOPMENT TO A LIVE/WORK DEVELOPMENT COMPRISING 21 NO. DWELLINGS, OFFICES TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED ACCESS AND LANDSCAPING. PARKING OF 1 NO. PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLE ON A PERMANENT BASIS (PREVIOUSLY GRANTED UNDER CODE NO. P/2009/0239) ALTERATIONS AND EXTENSIONS TO EXISTING COTTAGE AND ASSOCIATED EXTERNAL WORKS AND SITING OF TEMPORARY STATIC CARAVAN (IN RETROSPECT) SUBMISSION OF RESERVED MATTERS PURSUANT TO OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION CODE NO. P/2009/0125 (ACCESS) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SPINE ROAD. NEW SHOP FASCIA SIGN LGC P/2010/0541 GRANTED on 02/08/2010 57 JEFFREYS ROAD WREXHAM LL12 7PD TWO STOREY EXTENSION TO REAR OF PROPERTY LLAY HALL FARM LLAY ROAD LLAY WREXHAM LL12 0TH ERECTION OF AGRICULTURAL BUILDING TO STORE HAY AND MACHINERY MARCHWIEL CP SCHOOL THE RIDGEWAY MARCHWIEL WREXHAM LL13 0SB THE BUNGALOW OFF QUARRY ROAD BRYNTEG WREXHAM LL11 6AF WREXHAM GOLF CLUB HOLT ROAD WREXHAM LL13 9SB COVERED OUTDOOR TEACHING AREA UNIT H YALE BUSINESS VILLAGE ELLICE WAY WREXHAM LL13 7YL ALTERATIONS AND EXTENSIONS EXTENSION TO EXISTING PRACTISE AREA AND ERECTION OF COVERED DRIVING BAYS AND GOLF ACADEMY FOR MEMBERS AND VISITORS TWO-STOREY OFFICE BUILDING WESTLEIGH ESLESS LANE RHOSTYLLEN WREXHAM LL14 4DG SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION PLOT 2A COED ABEN ROAD WREXHAM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE WREXHAM LL13 9UH LAND ADJACENT TO THE STAR INN NEW ROAD GLYN CEIRIOG LLANGOLLEN LL20 7AB LAND ADJACENT TO 130 GWENFRO WREXHAM LL13 8TR ERECTION OF INDUSTRIAL UNIT DELVERN 13 TAN Y CLAWDD JOHNSTOWN WREXHAM LL14 2ST SINGLE STOREY SHOWER ROOM EXTENSION TO REAR OF PROPERTY D AND J THOMAS ABATTOIR BEECH AVENUE RHOSLLANERCHRUGOG WREXHAM LL14 1AA MAES Y COED TYN Y CESTYLL ROAD GLYN CEIRIOG WREXHAM LL20 7NL EXTENSION TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL CHILLER STORAGE AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS ERECTION OF FIELD SHELTER CONSTRUCTION OF OFF-STREET CAR PARK EXTERNAL BALCONY EXTENSION Page No 104 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 ESC P/2010/0545 GRANTED on 11/08/2010 LLA P/2010/0546 GRANTED on 11/08/2010 WRA P/2010/0549 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 ESC P/2010/0550 GRANTED on 23/08/2010 ISY P/2010/0553 GRANTED on 18/08/2010 LLA P/2010/0555 GRANTED on 11/08/2010 GWE P/2010/0556 GRANTED on 03/08/2010 12 PINEWOOD CLOSE RHOSTYLLEN WREXHAM LL14 4DF CONSTRUCTION OF LEAN-TO CONSERVATORY 3 TENTH AVENUE LLAY WREXHAM LL12 0LL SINGLE-STOREY EXTENSION TO FORM NEW KITCHEN / DINING ROOM AND CONSERVATORY CLIFTONS OF WREXHAM 124 RHOSNESNI LANE WREXHAM LL12 7NE BRYN RHEDYN ISA TALWRN ROAD LEGACY WREXHAM LL14 4ER NEW ROOF COVERING AND RED FACING BRICK IN LIEU OF RENDER SILVERBURN LODGE HOLT ROAD BOWLING BANK WREXHAM LL13 9RL SCHAPPE BUILDING RACKERY LANE LLAY WREXHAM LL12 0PB ERECTION OF TWO DOG KENNELS AND PLAY SHED (IN RETROSPECT) LAND ADJACENT TO LIVERY STABLES MOSS ROAD GWERSYLLT WREXHAM LL11 4SH WRA P/2010/0557 GRANTED on 02/08/2010 LLR P/2010/0558 GRANTED on 02/08/2010 54 ELM GROVE WREXHAM LL12 7NR ERECTION OF TWO STORAGE CONTAINERS, WOODEN GARDEN SHED AND EX EXHIBITION TRAILER FOR THE PURPOSES OF STORAGE OF STOCK FEED AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (IN RETROSPECT) ERECTION OF SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION HAN P/2010/0559 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 ABE P/2010/0560 GRANTED on 11/08/2010 SES P/2010/0563 WITHDRAWN on 05/08/2010 LLA P/2010/0566 GRANTED on 23/08/2010 GWE P/2010/0567 REFUSED on 03/08/2010 BAN P/2010/0569 GRANTED on 03/08/2010 RUA P/2010/0570 GRANTED on 03/08/2010 6 STRIGA BANK HANMER WREXHAM SY13 3BJ WRR P/2010/0571 GRANTED on 02/08/2010 BRN P/2010/0572 GRANTED on 29/07/2010 RUA P/2010/0576 GRANTED on 18/08/2010 WRR P/2010/0585 WITHDRAWN on 23/08/2010 DW SPORTS AND FITNESS PLAS COCH RETAIL PARK PLAS COCH ROAD WREXHAM LL11 2BA THE HULLY HULLY LANE TY BROUGHTON WHITCHURCH SY13 3BG OAK LODGE PENYLAN RUABON WREXHAM LL14 6HW BLAENAU DWR BLAENAU ROAD FRONCYSYLLTE WREXHAM LL20 7RY ERECTION OF CONSERVATORY EXTENSION PITCHED ROOF TO OFFICE BLOCK SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION TO EXISTING DWELLING TO PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN, CONVERSION OF DOMESTIC OUTBUILDING TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL LIVING SPACE SINGLE STOREY SIDE EXTENSION IPSEN BIOPHARM LTD ASH ROAD NORTH WREXHAM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE WREXHAM LL13 9JT LAND SOUTH OF PICKHILL LANE CROSS LANES WREXHAM LL13 0UE NEW SPRINKLER WATER STORAGE INSTALLATION PUSSYWILLOW GRESFORD ROAD SINGRET LLAY WREXHAM LL12 0NS SINGLE STOREY SIDE EXTENSION AND FRONT BALCONY SUMMERHILL MOTORS OFF TOP ROAD SUMMERHILL WREXHAM LL11 4TE 7 SANDOWN CLOSE BANGOR ON DEE WREXHAM LL13 0JF CHANGE OF USE FROM VALETING BUILDING TO VEHICLE REPAIR / SERVICING BUILDING (IN RETROSPECT) SINGLE STOREY GABLE STUDY EXTENSION AND GABLE CONSERVATORY EXTENSION PARK EYTON LODGE OVERTON ROAD RUABON WREXHAM LL14 6HN VARIATION OF CONDITION NO. 2 OF PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER P/2007/0210 FOR ERECTION OF DETACHED DOUBLE GARAGE AND WORKSHOP TO ALLOW USE AS LIVING ACCOMMODATION. ERECTION OF 2 NO. INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FASCIA SIGNS 19 HIGH STREET WREXHAM LL13 8HP OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TWO DWELLINGS ERECTION OF HAY AND STRAW STORAGE BARN SUN ROOM EXTENSION CONVERSION OF UNUSED UPPER FLOORS INTO 5 APARTMENTS Page No 105 REPORT OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER – 6 September 2010 GWE P/2010/0591 GRANTED on 18/08/2010 MARAY LITTLE MOUNTAIN ROAD SUMMERHILL WREXHAM LL11 4SH CHI P/2010/0596 GRANTED on 10/08/2010 WRA P/2010/0609 GRANTED on 18/08/2010 GRE P/2010/0611 WITHDRAWN on 16/08/2010 BRY P/2010/0613 GRANTED on 26/08/2010 MIN P/2010/0652 WITHDRAWN on 26/08/2010 HALTON FARM HALTON CHIRK WREXHAM LL14 5BG SINGLE-STOREY EXTENSION WITH PITCHED ROOF TO REAR OF DWELLING AND ERECTION OF CONSERVATORY TO GABLE ELEVATION (IN PART RETROSPECT) CONSTRUCTION OF SILAGE CLAMP 30 BORRAS PARK ROAD WREXHAM LL12 7TH CHANGE OF USE FROM OFF-LICENCE TO CAFE / RESTAURANT (A3 USE) 19 HAWTHORN ROAD MARFORD WREXHAM LL12 8XJ SINGLE STOREY SIDE EXTENSION AND REROOFING OF EXISTING GARAGE 4 EDWARDS AVENUE BRYMBO WREXHAM LL11 5AT ERECTION OF BEDROOM OVER EXISTING LOUNGE AGRICULTURAL LAND WERN HALL ESTATE WERN ROAD MINERA WREXHAM LL11 3DU SITING OF UNDERGROUND GAS STORAGE TANK (IN RETROSPECT)