DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE – 18 NOVEMBER 2009 APPLICATION NO DC/08/1330/FUL 10 LOCATION Asda Stores Limited Belvedere Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0PX EXPIRY DATE 14 January 2009 APPLICATION TYPE Full Application APPLICANT Asda Stores Ltd PARISH Lowestoft PROPOSAL Construction of a petrol filling station in conjunction with existing foodstore DO NOT SCALE Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located within the store car park, adjacent to its southern boundary and alongside part of the Horn Hill frontage. The car park access road forms the northern boundary of the site. The site is within a predominantly commercial area of car sales, petrol station and office use. Directly opposite the site, on the south side of Horn Hill, is a terrace of residential properties. PROPOSAL This application seeks consent for a petrol filling station comprising a four island forecourt providing 8 dual sided dispensers with fuel delivery on both sides. The fully automated operation of the fuel pumps means that there is no requirement for a sales kiosk/shop. The forecourt canopy 30 measures 12.7m x 12.2m x 5.1m high. Illumination is provided by downlighters and there would be no illumination of the canopy fascia. A control unit would be located adjacent to the forecourt. Access is proposed off the carpark main entrance which will require some minor modification. A 1.5m high fence would be erected between the site and Horn Hill and additional landscaping is proposed. CONSULTATIONS/COMMENTS Neighbour consultation/representations Two responses have been received. One response states that the proposal is not needed in this location, is contrary to the planning designation for the site, does not comply with the aspirations set out in the Action Area Plan and the development will have a detrimental impact on the highway network and safety, contrary to Policy S1. The other response objects to the proposal on the grounds that further traffic will exacerbate existing congestion problems and the risk of fuel being released into Lake Lothing in the event of a flood. Consultees Suffolk County - Highways Department No objection Environment Agency - Drainage No objection Urban Regeneration Company / 1st East No objection. This element is unlikely to generate a significant number of additional vehicle trips and is likely, in the main to be used by vehicles already visiting the store or already within the highway network. WDC - PM Regeneration No objection Natural England No objection Essex And Suffolk Water PLC No objection although we advise the applicant/agent that we do have mains within the boundary of the site. SITE NOTICES The following site notices have been displayed: WDC General Site Notice Reason for site notice: Public Interest, Date posted Expiry date RELATED APPLICATIONS Reference No Proposal Decision DC/08/1315/F UL Provision of a mezzanine floor to allow internal reorganisation of store Pending - see report on this agenda Date PLANNING POLICY CS01 – Spatial Strategy CS02 – High Quality and Sustainable Design 31 CS05 Lake Lothing and Outer Harbour Area Action Plan LP1 Physical limits (Waveney Interim Local Plan, May 2004) Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk (2006) PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS The main issues to consider in the determination of this application are the siting and appearance of the proposal and loss of car parking. The proposed petrol station will be located close to the Horn Hill frontage and therefore would be visually prominent within the local environment. However the Asda store is located within a mainly commercial area, including an existing petrol station on the opposite side of Horn Hill, and as such it is not considered that a new petrol station here would be inappropriate or detrimental to the visual qualities of the locality and it is acknowledged that the omission of a shop/sales kiosk lessens the visual impact. Whilst there is an existing petrol station nearby any concerns about commercial competition are not material planning considerations by which this application can be determined. The applicant has explained that the proposal will primarily serve existing customers to the store and it is agreed that this is likely to be the case. The proposed petrol station is directly opposite residential properties across a busy road. With a separation distance of approximately 30m and on the opposite side of a busy road, and with the intervening landscaping and proposed 1.5m high fence, it is not considered that the proposal will have a detrimental impact on residential amenity. The proposal will result in the loss of approximately 50 car parking spaces. However the site is located within the least used part of the car park and furthest from the store. The Suffolk Advisory Parking Standards stipulate 1 space per 14 sqm of gross floor area which equates to 585 car parking spaces for the store. Currently there are 673 car parking spaces at the store. Therefore it is not considered that the proposal will result in an under provision of spaces or on the operation of the car park generally. The site is located within the Area Action Plan area for Lake Lothing which envisages employment led regeneration within an attractive environment. The proposed petrol station is contained within an existing retail outlet site and does not involve any land beyond its existing boundaries. It is therefore considered that the proposal will not prejudice the wider aims of the AAP. CONCLUSION It is common for large supermarkets to provide petrol stations for the benefit of existing customers and it is considered that the proposal will not detract from the character and appearance of the surrounding area. RECOMMENDATION Approve subject to conditions requiring full details of landscaping and the 1.5m high fence. BACKGROUND PAPERS CONTACT Case File DC/08/1330/FUL held in Planning Office, Mariners Street, Lowestoft Phil Perkin, Principal Planning Officer, 01502 523073 32