WINDSOR PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF December 5, 2013 The meeting of the Windsor Public Library Board was called to order by the Chair at 4:05 p.m. on November 7, 2013 in the Board Room, Central Library. Present: Peter Frise, Chair Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac Howard Pawley Dan Lee Margaret Payne CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 4:05 p.m. REGRETS None DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None AGENDA 2013/59 Chris Woodrow asked if Harry Turnbull could be moved to the top of the agenda with his IT Report. MOTION by Dan Lee, SECONDED by Margaret Payne to approve the agenda as amended. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS Windsor Public Library Information Technology: Harry Turnbull Harry reported to the Board that the transition of Library IT to City IT has gone smoothly. Library IT issues are being handled primarily by the same IT staff but that staff is being augmented by City IT staff. The instability issues the library was experiencing because of unavailable technology support are being supported now by City IT. The email migration has finished and moving forward, plans have been made to integrate fully to City technologies. Chris and the Board thanked Harry and his staff for their support and guidance throughout this process. PRESENTATIONS/DELEGATIONS TO THE BOARD Nancy Peel, Windsor Public Library Collections Nancy Peel, Manager Public Service, gave a verbal report to the Board about the purchase of Windsor Public Library collections. Collections have to remain current and meaningful. Windsor Public Library Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2013 Librarians use journals, reviews, vendor lists and their experience and expertise to keep collections at WPL fresh and exciting. With library driven parameters, WPL also uses ARP (automatic release plans) to order bulk dvds and bestsellers. By using an ARP system, customers are getting current, hot material in a timely fashion. Librarians also evaluate customer suggestions to purchase material for the collections. Maximum use is made possible by the holds system in place and floating collections. ILL or interlibrary loan is a way of using other library systems to get materials for our customers without purchasing the item. WPL is a member of SOLS which gives customers access to electronic databases at no cost. SOMP is a multilingual floating collection that customers have access to and is well used within this diverse city of ours. The Board thanked Nancy for her informative report. COMMUNICATIONS Letter of Thanks Customer sent a letter of thanks to librarian Mae Whaley for her service in providing excellent public service. MINUTES 2013/60 MOTION by H. Pawley, SECONDED by D. Lee to approve the minutes of November 7, 2013. CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING Fees and Fines Update Chris Woodrow reported that fines were reintroduced on November 15. Staff was well prepared with few issues and concerns being brought forward. Budget Update Both Operating and Capital Budgets were presented at Council and passed. The library’s capital budget will see $7 million in additions and renovations. Administration is looking forward to meetings being set up in the near future to go forward with the Master Facilities Plan. The Board thanked Chris and his staff for all their work on budgets. The Board also thanked Councilour Gignac for championing the library in budget deliberations. Received for Information. CEO REPORT Chris Woodrow highlighted several areas of his CEO report. The Self Publishing Lab has seen a steady increase in demand over the past six months. The lab is looking forward to a new partnership with St. Clair College in the new year. Programming has always played an important part of library services. The CEO has charged two senior staff members to reinvigorate the programming services. Monthly programming updates will come to the Board. WPL has added a new Law database for customer use. The CEO reported that this past month saw BookFest Windsor announce the establishment of the Jean Foster Award. Rod Lavery has been contacted 2 Windsor Public Library Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2013 to speak to the Board regarding fund raising. He is available by conference call on January 28 prior to the Board meeting. 2013/61 CARRIED. MOTION by J. Gignac, SECONDED by D. Lee to accept the CEO’s report. QUESTIONS TO CEO/CHAIR The Board asked the CEO to check Mr. Lavery’s availability for an in person meeting possibly in February. Chris will cancel the conference call January 28 and report back to the Board of another date and time. Chris will also invite the Foundation to that meeting. NEW BUSINESS Circulation Statistics Received for Information NEXT MEETING Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. IN CAMERA ADJOURNMENT 2013/62 MOTION by H. Pawley to adjourn the meeting at 4:40 p.m. CARRIED Approved: Chair Secretary-Treasurer 3