2014-2015 SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION The following scholarship descriptions are based on ones offered in the past and the month they were due. This does not guarantee that they will be offered again this current school year, nor does it guarantee the correct deadline date. Check with the organization or the Guidance Office before filling out applications for further information. Pick up the Bulletin in the Guidance office every Monday for an updated, more current and encompassing listing of scholarship offers received! *Open to other ages noted in GRE *Local (more chance for someone at our school to win) scholarships noted in Red Last updated: 1-30-2015 The best source of scholarship money is from the school you plan to attend following graduation. It is important to communicate with the financial aid office after you apply to a particular school. This listing includes a few college or institutional scholarships, but you will need to check the college’s catalogue, web site, or financial aid office for further scholarship information. An excellent resource for financial aid facts and information go to the Missouri Department of Higher Education @ ( www.dhe.mo.gov) To obtain Federal and some State Aid for college tuition, you will need to fill out the FAFSA form by the college you are attending’s deadline. You will need your recently submitted tax forms in order to fill this out. You are encouraged to go on the Internet (www.fafsa.ed.gov) to apply for a pin and get that done as soon as your taxes are completed, or as soon after Jan 1st as you can to ensure possible funds. Missouri Cattleman’s Association, Missouri Cattleman’s Foundation and the Missouri Beef Industry Council sponsors the following: *MCF Scholarship – must be recommended by a member of the MCA, must submit 3 letters of recommendation, GPA of 2.5 or better, demonstrate leadership potential through extra-curricular activities and work experiences, and must also demonstrate financial need. Deadline – September V.F.W LADIES AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIPS: *Voice of Democracy Contest- Grades 9-12. Short speech contest over a specific patriotic theme. Scholarships are awarded at the local, district, state and national levels. The top prize is $25,000. This scholarship is open to all United States students. See Guidance for application. Application due in Guidance Office – October *Young Volunteer of the Year-Ages 12-15. $5,000 savings bond and a trip to the national convention is awarded to a student who has provided outstanding volunteer service to his or her community. Entry form and letters of recommendation needed. See Guidance Office for forms. Application due in Guidance Office – January 1 *Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest- Grades 9-12. Students complete an entry form and submit a patriotic work of art (as described on the entry form) for a chance to win 1 of 3 national scholarships given at the national convention. See Guidance Office for forms. Application due in Guidance Office – March *Veterans Tribute Scholarship- Ages 15-18. This is a general scholarship program available to the children and grandchildren of all living US military veterans, as well as those currently serving. Three winners are awarded in a national competition of qualifying points. Points are awarded for GPA and participation in other LA VFW Scholarships. See Guidance Office for forms. Postmark Deadline – December Prudential Spirit of Community Awards is a unique scholarship program that provides an ideal opportunity for students who have distinguished themselves through volunteerism. If you have taken a part in a community service activity over the past year, stop by the Guidance Office and pick up an application. Deadline – October The Hagan Scholarship Foundation: To high achieving students in rural communities needing financial assistance in order to attend college. Visit www.hsfmo.org to apply -Deadline-- Mid-November Society of Automotive Engineers – must be a senior intending to earn a degree in engineering or a related science (descriptions of related science is on the application form), meet minimum requirements with regard to GPA and obtain an ACT score as outlined in the application. See Guidance Office for application. Deadline – December Missouri School Boards Association John T. Belcher Memorial Scholarship – Applicants will be judged on academics and activities. Financial need is not considered. Deadline – December See Guidance Office for application. The Toyota Community Scholars Program – will award 100 renewable scholarships nationwide to seniors: must have a GPA of 3.0 or better, be actively involved in a service organization or project that has a positive impact on the school or community, and plan to pursue an undergraduate degree at a four-year college or university. See Guidance Office for application. Deadline – December Burger King Scholars Program – Applicants must work on average of 15 hours per week for 40 weeks per year, have at least a 2.5 GPA, and demonstrate community service and/or co-curricular activities. Financial need is considered. Good for college or technical school. Application can be found at www.bksholars.scholarshipamerica.org. Deadline – December The AXA Foundation provides several scholarships. Must be well rounded, determined to succeed, and have demonstrated achievement at a job, sport, or extracurricular activity. Applications are available online at www.axa-achievement.com. Deadline - December 2 The Elks National Foundation – awards scholarships to a total of 500 seniors nationwide. Judging is based on leadership and financial need. See Guidance Office for application. Deadline – December GE Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program: Awards around 20,000 students with leadership, drive, integrity and citizenship. Visit www.reaganfoundation.org/scholarhips Deadline: Beginning January The Chapel of Four Chaplains sponsors three scholarships: See Guidance Office for applications. Deadline – January *Annual Project Lifesaver – each school should choose an advisor to head up the project, students teams will consist of a student leader and 5 students. Each team submits their project proposals to the faculty advisor. The advisor chooses which team will execute the project and submit. Teams need to identify a problem in the community or in the U.S., and then conduct a project to ameliorate the problem. *National Art Contest – seniors only, only two-dimensional flat medium may be employed and must be original, artwork must reflect the theme “Making the World a Better Place Through Service and Sacrifice.” *Annual Essay Contest – topic is “How can we build bridges of understanding through commitment and service to humanity?” 450 words or less. Wal – Mart Community Service Scholarship Program – Applicant must be planning to enter a 2 or 4 year college, must have at least of 2.5 GPA, and have taken the ACT. Application is available at www.scholarshipadministration.net and more information can be found at www.walmartfoundation.org Deadline - January The Missouri Society of Professional Engineers will be awarding one scholarship this year in the amount of $1,500. If you are planning on becoming a professional engineer you may apply at www.mspe.org then click on “Educational Foundation” and “To Provide Scholarships” or see the Guidance Office for an application. Deadline – January LEAP Accounting Scholarship – Applicant must be planning to major in accounting and attend college in Missouri. An essay is required. Financial need is not considered. Deadline – January See Guidance Office for application. E.S.A. Foundation Scholarships-If you meet one of the following requirements, you are eligible to compete for several scholarships in Missouri: 3.0 GPA, top 25% of class, 22 ACT, and meet a specific scholarship designated criteria. Amounts of the scholarships range from $500 - $1,500. Applications are judged on character, leadership, service, financial need, and scholastic ability. See Guidance for list of scholarships available. There is a $5.00 processing fee. Visit www.epsilonsigmaalpha.org Deadline – February 3 *Buick Achievers Scholarships—interested in the automotive industry (engineering, technology, design or business ends?) This scholarship is for you! Visit www.buickachievers.com Deadline February University of Missouri – Columbia: *Mizzou Credit Union – Seniors, whose parents are members, may apply for the MCU Scholarship. Applicants will be judged on financial need, scholastic achievement, and extra-curricular activities. Applications are available at www.mizzou.com. Deadline - February *MU Alumni Association Scholarship – Applicants must attend MU and have a 26 or higher composite ACT score OR rank in the top 20% of their graduating class. Need not be related to MU Alumni. Applications are available at www.mizzou.com. Deadline - February *Sam M. Walton Business Scholarship – Applicants must be majoring in finance, international business, management or marketing at MU College of Business, and Public Administration. Academic achievement and financial need are considered. Application due in Guidance Office – March *Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. Scholarship – Conditions of the scholarship are evidence of leadership, unmarried, never been convicted of a felony or of a drug or alcohol related offense. Applicants may not be members of varsity football, basketball or baseball team at MU. Must also be interested in business or accounting. Application due in Guidance Office – March *Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship-- National, need-based (AGI $60,000) and academic $2,500 scholarship for anyone with 3.0GPA, leadership and community Service. See Guidance for Application Deadline Postmark March *Free Master’s Degree and a Paycheck – At MU, you can get a bachelor’s degree in education in four years and when you are finished, apply for their 5th year Master’s program and become a Teaching Fellow. You will be given a teaching job by MU and they will pay the educational fees for your Master’s degree, give you a stipend, and provide you with a mentor for your first year of teaching. Find out more at www.coe.missouri.edu. Deadline – April *Farmhouse Fraternity for any entering male. Deadline – March *Alpha Gamma Sigma for any entering male. Deadline – June Missouri Journalism & Poster Contest- This contest is open to all students’ grades 7 – 12 from the Governors Council on Disability. See Guidance for information. Deadline – February James and Nellie Westlake Scholarship Program – Applicants must have a 2.25 GPA or better to apply. Financial need is a consideration. This is for a student who plans to attend a 4-year college or university. Application due in Guidance Office - February See Guidance Office for application. 4 Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education Scholarships: See Guidance Office for the following scholarship applications. *Missouri Teacher Education Scholarship – Applicants must rank in the top 15 % of class or top 15 % on ACT. Community activities, employment experience, leadership abilities, interpersonal skills, and desire to enter the educational field are considered. Financial need is not considered. Deadline - February *Missouri Minority Teaching Scholarship – Applicants must be African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American or Native American and must rank in the top 25% of class and score in the top 75% on the ACT. Deadline - February *Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship – For students who show outstanding achievement and promise. Awards up to $1,500 to scholars their first 4 years of study. Must score in the top 10% on the ACT and rank in the top 10% of their class. Deadline – April *Missouri Higher Education Academic Scholarship “BRIGHT FLIGHT” – In 1986, the Missouri General Assembly created the Higher Education Academic Scholarship Program. It is the first major state-level merit based financial aid program for Missouri residents. The Coordinating Board for Higher Education administers the program for eligible students. The program provides maximum scholarship awards in the amount of $2,000 (renewable) to encourage top ranking high school graduates to remain in the state and attend a Missouri postsecondary institution. To be eligible, the student must meet the following requirements: (1) be a MO resident, (2) be attending full-time at a participating MO postsecondary institution, (3) have a composite score on the ACT or the SAT top 3% of all MO students. DESE notified automatically through ACT and award winner is notified by mail. No application needed. The National FFA Scholarships – There is a book in the Guidance Office, that you will need to look through, that has numerous scholarships to choose from. Deadline – February Commitment to Agriculture Scholarships – Monsanto will award farm youths pursuing an education and career in agriculture over $1 million in scholarships. Applications are available at www.monsanto.com and Deadline – February The National Commission for Cooperative Education sponsors a Merit Scholarship Program. Must plan to continue education at a Co-op college or university. (none of these are in-state) See Guidance Office for information. Deadline – February Dr. Darrell “Jack” Holley/MUSIC Scholarship: – This is not a music scholarship. The MUSIC stands for Missouri United School Insurance Council. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. Criteria: academic standing, ACT score, letter of recommendation, career plans, and short essay on why you deserve this scholarship. Deadline – Mid-February Educational Communications Scholarship Foundations are available in the Guidance Office. Students should have a 28 or higher ACT and a high class rank. There is a $4.00 processing fee. Deadline - February 5 US Bank’s Internet Scholarships:- See scholarship Website Section Deadline February The “Careers in Agriculture” Scholarship Program – applications are available online at www.agriliance.com or www.mbrservice.com or see the Guidance Office for an application. Deadline – March National Association of Ag Educators Scholarships - if going into an Agriculture field, 50-$1,000 scholarships will be awarded. Deadline Mid March National Defense Transportation Association Scholarship – priority will be given to students who plan to major in business, transportation logistics, or physical distribution. Deadline - March See Guidance Office for application. William H. Simon Scholarship: For Catholic students with proof of financial need, submitting SAR report from FAFSA. $1,000/semester. See Guidance Office for Application. Due March. Moberly Area Community College--Students who are interested in attending MACC may apply for several different scholarships. Applications are available in the Guidance office. Qualifications differ for each scholarship. Deadline – USUALLY IN MARCH—check with MACC. Project 21 2014 Scholarship Contest: MO Gaming Commission gives two, $1,500 and four $1,000 prizes for your essay, video or poster that addresses the issue of underage gambling. Contact MO Gaming Commission if needing further information. Agrilegacy Tomorrow Scholarship - supporting a student going into an Ag-related Field. 2.5 or higher GPA. See guidance for application - Deadline FCS Financial Scholarship – For MO high school students whose parents or grandparents are FCS customers. Apply online @ www.myfcsfinancial.com Deadline Mid-April NATIONAL WILD TURKEY FEDERATION SCHOLARSHIP NE MISSOURI CHAPTER—awards $1,000 annually to one student who is a member and has an active hunting license. Deadline? ETTA MAE ANDERSON SCHOLARSHIP: Applicants must be from Ralls County and show some financial need. Criteria also include good moral character and strong academic record. Preference will be shown to students who plan to major in education. See Guidance Office for application. Application due in Guidance Office – February 12 6 KENNETH GREGG AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship is given to a Ralls County Student who is entering the field of agriculture. Amount not specified. See Guidance for application. Application due in Guidance Office – February 12 THE FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. SCHOLARSHIPS: (Marion County & Ralls, Monroe): The Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Marion County annually awards scholarships in the amount of $500 to students graduating from Lewis County C1, Palmyra High School, or Monroe City R-1 High School. The scholarship selection is based on academic standing and involvement in extra-curricular activities. Several short essays are required in the application. They are selected by a committee at Farmers Mutual Insurance Company. This scholarship is open to students from Marion or Ralls Counties only. Students in Monroe County may apply for the State Level Scholarship. See Guidance Office for applications. Deadline – February 17 NEILS SCHOLARSHIP (NE INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES –in memory of Cindy Hays): NEILS will provide a $500.00 scholarship in memory of Cindy Hays. This scholarship is for a student with a disability or is going into the social services or medical fields. Application available in the Guidance Office. Deadline – Feb 26 OLD THRESHERS: Family members of NEMO Old Threshers who have been active members for two years may apply. Giving two, $250 scholarships to one male and one female. Criteria include: financial need, academics, interested in history of Ag, and character. Deadline – Feb 27 M.F.A. FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP: The Missouri Farmer’s Association has made available a $2,000 scholarship to be used at the college or university of the winner’s choice and toward any course of study desired. Selection of the winner is based on participation in extra-curricular activities, scholastic progress, citizenship, financial need, and educational plans. New applications must be obtained from the counselor each year. The winner of the scholarship is selected by a committee appointed by the local M.F.A. agency, and presented at the annual awards assembly. See Monroe Webpage to fill out and print app. Application due in Guidance Office – March 3 7 SHELTER INSURANCE SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarships are awarded in accredited high schools where a local Shelter Insurance Agent participates in the Shelter Insurance Foundation Scholarship Program. This is a one-time scholarship in the amount of $1,500. Selection of the winner is based on scholastic achievement, participation and leadership in school and community activities, citizenship, moral character, and educational goals. This scholarship recipient is selected by a committee appointed by the local Shelter Insurance agent. Applications can be filled out and printed from Monroe Webpage. Application due in Guidance Office – March 3 MASONIC SCHOLARSHIP OF MO: Offering 3 scholarships: Samuel Smith, Masonic Merit, Lutes Bachmann Anyone may apply, however preference given to those students interested in becoming nurses or school teachers. Must have 3.0 GPA, ACT score, extra-curricular involvement, and financial need. Application can be obtained in the HS Guidance office. Application due to Guidance office March 11. HANNIBAL AREA CHAPTER AARP #4610 The AARP Scholarship of Excellence was established in 1991 to encourage students to strive for excellence while in high school and to further their education after completing high school. Conditions of the Scholarship The one-year scholarship will be in the amount of $500.00. $250.00 will be paid to the college the first semester the student is enrolled. The final $250.00 will be paid the second semester. The recipient will be selected by a committee established by the Hannibal Area Chapter of AARP #4610. The recipient must be enrolled as a full time student in a fully accredited college or a vocational (trade) school. Payment will be made to the institution the recipient is attending upon receipt of notification of enrollment and attendance, and a current address for the institution. The scholarship may be used to obtain an education at a college, university, vocational, or a trade school. Qualifications of applicant The student must be of the highest moral character & graduating senior The applicant must have an academic record equivalent to a “C” or above. The applicant must show a need for financial assistance. See High school Guidance Office for application. Application due in Guidance Office March 19 8 *GEORGE AND HAZEL BARBER SCHOLARSHIP: General Information The George and Hazel Barber Scholarship has been established to: Honor the memory of George and Hazel Barber Recognize, support, and provide encouragement for capable students residing in Marion and Monroe Counties in Missouri, and Pike County in Illinois, to enroll in college. Provide financial assistance from the George and Hazel Barber Scholarship fund. Dollar amount not specified. Conditions of the scholarship The scholarship shall consist of equally distributed annual awards made to graduating high school seniors residing in Marion County, MO and Pike County, IL. The scholarship award must be used in the academic year immediately following the students graduation from high school. Payment of the scholarship award will be made directly to the student after verification of enrollment, confirmed by the college, to the chairman of the scholarship committee. The first place scholarship award shall be renewable for the sophomore, junior and senior years if the initial recipient maintains a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better on a 4-point scale and continues to be recognized as a citizen of the college or university community. The annual scholarship award will be made in two equal payments. Qualifications of applicant Must be a graduating high school senior at the time of the initial application. Must be a resident of Marion County, MO or Pike County, IL, at the time of the initial application. Must have good moral character. Must have an academic record sufficient to indicate probable success in a college program. Must show a reasonable need for financial aid to complete a college program. Formal application must include: A completed George and Hazel Barber Scholarship Application form, signed by the applicant and parent or guardian, and notarized. High School transcript which includes the seventh semester grades and the applicant’s class rank. A family financial statement. Personal evaluation of applicant by an appropriate school official. Applications are available on the Monroe City High School Webpage. Application due in Guidance Office – March 19 9 *AGRICULTURE FUTURE OF AMERICA: One student from Monroe City High School will be selected to receive this scholarship, worth up to $1600.00 per semester. The AFA scholarship is designed for students pursuing a four-year degree in agriculture. The student may pursue a four-year degree through a community college where an associate degree will transfer into a four-year program. A major in agriculture includes many degree programs. For example, a conservation officer, landscape architect, and large animal veterinarian all qualify as nontraditional Ag careers. Please see guidance for the brochure and application. Winners are expected to attend the leadership seminar in the fall. The winner will be presented the award at the annual FFA Banquet. Application due online– March 20 BILL MADDEN MEMORIAL BOOSTER CLUB SCHOLARSHIP: General Information The Bill Madden Memorial Scholarship has been established to: Recognize and support athletes who participated and contributed to the Monroe City High School athletic program Provide financial assistance to students who show a reasonable need Presentation of the award will be at the annual awards assembly Conditions of the Scholarship Must be accepted by an accredited college, junior college, or technical school Two scholarships in the amount of $300 each will be awarded to one boy and one girl. The recipients will be selected by a panel consisting of Booster Club representatives, the high school principal, and counselor. Applicants may be interviewed by the panel if need be. The applicants must fill out an application which can be obtained from the school web page. Qualifications for Applicants Must be member of the senior class with a 2.5 cumulative GPA during high school Must have lettered at least one year in one of the sports offered in the high school athletic program Must have a good moral character, and show financial need Application due in Guidance Office – March 26 WHITETAILS UNLIMITED SCHOLARSHIP: A one-time $500 scholarship will be awarded to two graduating seniors of MCHS planning on furthering their education in any two or four year accredited college or university, tech school or trade program. Preference will be given to students who enjoy hunting and/or are planning on majoring in Natural Resources, Animal Science, Ag, or other Conservation-related subject areas. Award presented at School Awards Assembly. Application due in Guidance Office – March 26th 10 MELVIN KADEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: Melvin Kaden was a 1969 graduate of Monroe City R-1. During high school, he was a member of the National Honor Society, FFA and basketball team. He worked most of his life as a farmer, and pursued his love of sports by joining recreational teams, volunteering as a youth coach and serving as a Missouri State certified fast pitch softball umpire. His children, Aaron and Sara, also graduates of Monroe City R-1, have established this scholarship in his honor to recognize a student athlete who excels both on and off the field. About the scholarship One, one-time $500 scholarship awarded each year to a graduating senior of Monroe City R-1 who displays character, academic aptitude and athletic achievement. Recipient is selected by Monroe City High School Awards Committee. Check will be written directly to recipient; recipient must submit proof of enrollment prior to receiving award check. Scholarship Requirements Graduating senior with plans to attend a post-secondary school, including junior college, trade school, or 4-year institution Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and/or minimum 21 ACT score Member of at least one varsity sport Member of several other extracurricular activities, either through school or a church/community group Excellent school attendance record, with no criminal record of law violations Letter of character reference from a non-relative Application on MCHS Webpage. Application due in Guidance Office -April 1 CHAPTER H PEO SCHOLARSHIP: General Information This scholarship is in the amount of a one-time gift of $250-$300. It is given to offer financial assistance to young women in the Monroe City area in order to further their education. The application can be found on the school web site and includes a 250 word essay on future goals. Members of the local PEO select the recipients. Conditions of the scholarship One-time award of $250-$300 Application must be completed timely and given to the HS counselor Attendance to the June PEO meeting for presentation Qualifications of applicant Must be a graduating senior at MCHS Must be a young lady Must have a “B” average Must have good moral character Completion of application Publication of scholarship at school Deadline for school submittal of applicant April 2 Notification by mail to recipient and school May 10 Presentation @ June PEO meeting Application due in Guidance Office – April 2 11 *NEMO SPECIAL ED SCHOLARSHIP: The Northeast MO SPED COOP is offering 2-$500 scholarships for individuals wanting to pursue careers as an Occupation therapy Assistant and and/or a Physical Therapy Assistant. Due April??…Haven’t received any word if this one is available this year. FARMERS ELEVATOR SCHOLARSHIP: To be eligible for this scholarship the student must have been enrolled in the agriculture program and the FFA for at least 3 of their 4 years of high school. This scholarship is for $1,000 to be paid in 2 installments of $500 each. Upon receipt of the student’s class listing and a tuition bill for each of the first two terms at the school, the Farmers Elevator will pay the $500 each time with a check made directly to the college, university, or votech center. It is the responsibility of the recipient to bring the appropriate information to the Farmers Elevator so that each check will be issued during the appropriate payment schedule ahead of the term. The selection committee will consist of the high school principal, 2 agriculture teachers, the high school counselor, and the manager of the Farmers Elevator and Exchange Company. The presentation of this scholarship will be made at the annual awards assembly and the annual FFA banquet by either the manager of the coop, director of the coop, or an agriculture teacher. The recipient can be attending a 2 or 4-year college or vocational program and the core studies must be specifically in the agriculture field (ex. ag production, agri-business, agronomy, vet med, or a field very closely tied to agriculture). Applications are available on the Monroe City High School Webpage. Due in Guidance office – April 2 THE AMERICAN LEGION SCHOLARSHIPS: (chosen by The American Legion Dept. of Missouri) New applications must be obtained from the guidance counselor each year. *HS Oratorical Constitutional Speech Contest –November Others due April 3: *Erman W. Taylor Memorial Scholarship – Applicants must be a descendent of a veteran having served 90 days on active duty and having an honorable discharge. Requires a 500-word essay. *Charles L. Bacon Memorial Scholarship – Applicants must be a family member of a person in the American Legion. Financial need is considered. *Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship – In the amount of $900 is awarded to two Missouri students who have attended Boys or Girls State and be a dependent of a veteran of the Armed Forces. *M.D. Murphy Memorial Nurses Scholarship – In the amount of $600 renewable for one year, is awarded to one Missouri student training to become a registered nurse. Applicants must be majoring in nursing, be in the top 40% of the class, and be a dependent of a veteran of the Armed Forces. 12 *Joseph J. Frank Scholarship – Five awards are given annually to students who are currently members of or a descendant of a member of the American Legion and have attended Boys or Girls State. *Shane Dean Voyles Memorial Scholarship – One award annually. Each school in Missouri may nominate one student to be considered, based on athletic, scholastic and leadership abilities. Should also be deeply involved in community and school activities. All Applications due in Guidance Office – April 3 MARION COUNTY FARM BUREAU: Is offering two, $250 scholarships to anyone involved in agriculture/agribusiness, active in FFA or 4-H, and going to continue posteducation. See Guidance Office for further information on essay requirements. All applications due in Guidance Office - April 3rd LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP: The Monroe City Lion’s Club has established a scholarship fund for the graduates of the Monroe City School district in order to assist young students to develop their talents. The scholarship will be in the amount of $1,000 to be used at any college or university the student chooses. Five hundred dollars will be given the first semester and five hundred dollars will be given the second semester consecutively. The scholarship is awarded based on character and personality, class standing (top 1/3) and ACT score (at or above the national average). The recipient of this scholarship is selected by a committee appointed by the local Lions Club. See Monroe City High School Webpage for application. Application due in Guidance Office – April 9 COMMUNITY TEACHERS ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP: The Monroe City R-1 Community Teachers Association annually awards a scholarship to a student who is entering the field of education. The recipient is selected by the high school Awards Committee. This scholarship may be awarded to one or two students. The number and amount of the scholarship is determined by funds available each year, and is presented at the annual awards assembly. Applications are available on the Monroe City High School Webpage. Application due in Guidance Office – April 9 WALTER “HARKEY” AND LORETTA QUINN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: The seven sons of Harkey and Loretta are giving this scholarship in memory of their parents. Harkey was a farmer, a true steward of the land, when health problems made it impossible to farm; he became the Monroe County Collector, and remained in that position for many years. Loretta loved music, passing this love to her children and grandchildren. She played the organ every Sunday for many years at St. Stephen’s Catholic Church in Indian Creek, MO. 13 General Information The Harkey and Loretta Quinn Memorial Scholarship has been established to recognize and support students who participate in FFA and/or music. To provide financial assistance to students who have set high standards for themselves and show a reasonable need. Conditions of the scholarship Must be accepted by an accredited college, junior college, or technical school The scholarship will be given as either 2, $500 or 1, $1,000 scholarship, depending on the number and qualifications of applicants. The recipients will be selected by the high school Awards Committee, with input from the vo-ag teacher and music teacher. Applicants will fill out an application that can be obtained from the high school webpage. Qualifications of applicant Must be member of the senior class with a 2.5 GPA during high school Must have participated in either FFA and/or music at least 2 year. Must have a good moral character with a high emphasis on family values Must show a reasonable need for financial aid to help further his/her education. Application due in Guidance Office – April 10 WHISTON FAMILY PRIZE-MARY MARGUERITE QUINN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: Mary Quinn was a 1995 graduate of Monroe City High School who was scheduled to graduate from Truman State University in May of 1999 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She died tragically in an auto accident in winter weather on December 30. 1998. When Mary was a student at Monroe City High School she participated in many activities. She lettered in volleyball, softball, basketball, and track, and won AllConference and All-State recognition. Mary was a member of FFA, FHA, Science Club, Spanish Club, and MS Club. During her summers she worked at the Landing and Indian Creek Marina. In after school hours, Mary was a Just Say No youth leader, a CCE youth leader at her church, and a member of 4-H. Mary was an integral part of her school, her church, and her community. All of these things were important to her, but most important was her family of eleven, and her extended family in Swinkey. The Quinn and Whiston families and friends have contributed funds to establish a scholarship in Mary’s memory. Priority may be given to students planning a career in a medical field, but others should apply as well. Conditions of the scholarship The scholarship will be in the amount of $500 It will be awarded annually to a graduating senior from MCHS. The scholarship must be used in the academic year immediately following graduation from high school, or be forfeited to the alternate selected. The scholarship check will be made directly to the students. Application can be obtained on the MCHS Webpage. Application due in Guidance Office – April 10 14 FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA: If active in MCHS FTA organization, see Mrs. Skaggs for more information. Applications due in Guidance Office – April 15th COLONEL RAYMOND LEWIS SCHOLARSHIP: General Information Honor the memory of Colonel Raymond Lewis Recognize, support, encouragement, and financial assistance for capable students residing in the Monroe City R-1 School district to enroll in college Selection made by the high school Awards Committee and presented at the annual awards assembly Conditions of the scholarship The scholarship shall consist of a $500 cash payment presented at the annual awards assembly. The recipient must be a senior boy. The scholarship award must be used in the academic year immediately following the recipient’s graduation from high school. Verification of acceptance into a college program must be confirmed before the payment is made. Qualifications of applicant Must be a graduating senior boy Must be of good moral character Must have an academic record sufficient to indicate probable success in a college program Actively involved in the school and community Completion of application Application forms will be available from the high school counselor or on the high school web page The completed application form shall be turned into the high school counselor by the date designated by him/her. Application due in Guidance Office – April 15 VFW 4240 SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP: The VFW Post 4240 has made available a one-time scholarship award to a member of this year’s graduating class. The scholarship is based on courtesy, citizenship, financial need, and patriotism. The winner of the VFW Post 4240 scholarship is selected by a committee appointed by the VFW Post. The amount of the award varies each year, depending on funds made available to the Post. 2009 Awards are for $250 @ See MCHS webpage for application. Application due in Guidance Office – April 16 15 MONZELL O. SHARP MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: General Information The Monzell O. Sharp scholarship fund has made available 2 awards of $500 each to two members of this year’s graduating class. The scholarship is based on financial need and good moral character. The winner of the scholarship will be selected by the scholarship committee. The amount of the award may vary each year, depending on funds. Conditions of the scholarship Must be a member of the senior class with a minimum, 2.5 cumulative GPA during high school. Must enroll in an accredited college, junior college, or technical school. Must show a reasonable need for financial aid to help further his/her education. Must have a good moral character. Completion of application Application forms will be available on the high school web page. The completed application form shall be turned into the high school counselor. Applications due in the Guidance Office – April 16 STUDENT COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP: The Monroe City Student Council annually sponsors a scholarship to a member of the graduating class. The recipients are selected based on academic performance and involvement in high school activities. The number and amount of the scholarship is determined by the assets of the Student Council during the current year. The winners are chosen by the high school Awards Committee. Applications are available on the Monroe City High School Webpage. Application due in Guidance Office – April 17 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE SCHOLARSHIP: Any student seeking a post-high school education who has participated in a blood drive as donor or volunteer in HS may apply after a brief essay application. See Guidance Office for application. Application due in the Guidance Office – April 17 JACK SMITH FAMILY DRAMA AWARD: A scholarship has been established by the Jack Smith Family to recognize one boy and one girl from each graduating class who have excelled in the field of drama. The amount of the scholarship may vary each year, depending on interest earned on the funds donated. Applicants for this scholarship must have participated in at least one drama performance. Recipient is chosen by the high school Awards Committee, with input from the high school Drama Department faculty. Applications are available on the Monroe City High School Webpage. Application due in the Guidance Office – April 23 16 IMAGINE AMERICA SCHOLARSHIPS: Recognizing the growing number of students attending career colleges, the Imagine America Foundation created its Imagine America Scholarship Program in 1998. Each year, every high school in the United States and Puerto Rico may select up to three graduating seniors to receive a $1,000 Imagine America scholarship. Student Qualifications: Likelihood of successful completion of postsecondary education High school grade point average of 2.5 or greater Financial need Demonstrated voluntary community service during senior year Application Process: Applying for an Imagine America scholarship is easy and only takes a few moments of your time. The first, and most important, step is to decide which school you wish to attend and the program you plan to study. After that, the rest is simple! All applications must be completed online via the Imagine America web site. www.imagine-america.org Applications must be submitted online in April BIG SUN SCHOLARSHIP – Currently involved in some sport Visit http://www.bigsunathletics.com - Deadline June ABBOTT AND FENNER SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM—business consultants who give $1,000 for an essay on the topic listed on the website. Visit www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm Deadline June OTHER SCHOLARSHIP LINKS/WEB SITES Click on the websites below for more information! **Monroe City High School Guidance does not recommend paying for college scholarship searches** *Scholarships.com – take advantage of a wealth of information on financial aid and conduct a free scholarship search. *Christian connector – Online Scholarship Resource Program (free) www.christianconnector.com *Coca-Cola Scholarship – online at (Must demonstrate leadership, commitment to community and academic achievement.) Deadline – October *National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts – offers multiple scholarships for dance, film, jazz, music, photography, theatre, visual arts, voice and writing. Apply online at www.NFAA.Artsawards.org Deadline: October *CollegeSTEPS Program Scholarship Sweepstakes will hold drawing throughout the year. Sign up at www.wellsfargo.com/collegesteps or pick up an application in the Guidance office. *Free Scholarship search at www.fastweb.com *U.S. Department of Education for Students at www.studentaid.ed.gov *FAFSA on the Web at www.fafsa.ed.gov *U.S. Department of Education PIN at www.pin.ed.gov 17 *Financial Aid information at www.finaid.org *www.usbank.com/studentbanking Deadline – February *www.anycollege.net SUMMER PROGRAMS & OTHER OPPORTUNITIES *Lead America’s Congressional Student Leadership Program is looking for motivated students (grades 9 – 12) with demonstrated scholastic excellence evidenced by a “B” or above average and a record of leadership or service activity. If you are interested stop by for more information. *University of Missouri – Rolla offers “Missouri Academy for Youth Advancement”. *University of Missouri-Columbia sponsors the Mizzou Engineering Summer Camp that is offered to sophomores and juniors. Required fee, two sessions to choose from in July. See Guidance Office for a brochure or get information from the web site: www.MizzouEngineering@missouri.edu. *University of Missouri-Columbia libraries offers an essay contest 9-12 grade to encourage kids to read. Scholarship money is awarded. If interested, you must be nominated by your school, so see Guidance if you are interested. *Missouri Department of Conservation Program has been scheduled in June. Students will learn the basics of natural resource conservation. Must have completed junior year and taken the ACT, demonstrate an interest in conservation in a required essay. Students selected and who successfully participate in the one-week educational experience will earn one hour of college credit for use at the University of Missouri – Columbia or transferable to other colleges. Deadline – April No Cost to student. *The United States Military Academy will host Annual Summer Leaders Seminar in June. Juniors who are in the top fifth of their class, pursuing a college prep curriculum, strong PSAT scores, and demonstrate leadership potential by election/selection to office and honors earned in extracurricular and organized athletic activities are urged to apply. Online app is available at http://forms.admissions.usma.edu/AL Deadline to apply – April *United States Naval Academy – 3 sessions to choose from. Juniors may apply. Students will experience all aspects of the Naval Academy including the academic program, physical training, and midshipman life. Apply at www.usna.edu/Admissions *Missouri Boys/Girls State: a week-long summer leadership program established by the Missouri American Legion to give young Missourians a better understanding of our state government. Participants must be between their junior and senior years to be eligible. Those who have participated have come away with a sense of pride in our form of government and in themselves. Participants are selected by the high school faculty. If interested in this program, please see the Guidance Office for more information. 18 *HOBY Hugh O’Brian Leadership Seminar: This 3 or 4 day seminar provides an opportunity for high school sophomores to recognize potential talents and apply them in becoming effective, ethical leaders of the future. The school is allowed to nominate 1 student per year to attend. If interested, please see the Guidance Office for more information. *MO Fine Arts Academy –month of June, for juniors who are exceptional in a fine art. Portfolios, tapes are made, must be nominated by your school. See Guidance if interested in this highly competitive event. Visit mfaa.missouristate.edu for more information. *Northwest Missouri State Universities- MO Academy of Science, Math, and Computers. This is a 2-year residential program for students academically talented in the above areas. Program replaces their junior and senior years of high school. Go to college those years instead. See Guidance Office for information. Deadline – March *Carnegie Mellon offers the following programs in the summer: Programs run June – August. See Guidance Office or more information Summer Academy for Mathematics & Science Advanced Placement/Early Action Pre-College Fine Arts National High School Game Academy *Missouri State University Pre-College Summer Academy is for those who have completed their junior year. You must also have at least a 3.0 GPA and have taken an ACT or PLAN test. If accepted into the program all academic fees will be paid. *Washington University in St. Louis Arts & Sciences – Four sessions to choose from. Tuition rates will be available online by February. Special rates for high school students and seniors (60 and over). www.ucollege.wustl.edu. *Washington University in St. Louis Summer Scholars Program. Earn full college credit, learn firsthand about college, and enjoy city and campus cultural and social opportunities. Fees are listed on the web site. www.wustl.edu/hssp *Highway Patrol Saturday Academy—if jr/sr interested in a patrol career, see Guidance for this great learning opportunity. Usually held in March Deadline Mid Feb *MO Leadership Academy in Lee’s Summit in June for exceptional sophomore nominees from your school. See Guidance if you excel in classes and are proven leader in and out of school for more information or online @www.moleadership.com *Missouri Cadet Patrol Academy—sponsored by the American Legion Dept. Interested in a career in law enforcement? Age 16-18. This would be a summer program for you! See Guidance for more information 19 *Joyce Ivy Foundation Summer Program Scholarship—if you are a sophomore/junior girl in the top 10% of your class, looking for a summer full of leadership program traveling to ivy League Schools, visit www.joyceivyfoudation.org Scholarship potential if selected. Deadline: Mid-February 20