HAZELWOOD WEST HIGH SCHOOL October, 2009 SENIOR CAT CHAT _______________________ The following opportunities have come into the West Guidance Office recently. Additional information can be obtained in the Guidance Office. Remember the importance of meeting deadlines for applications for admissions and scholarships: If your application requires information to be provided by your counselor or if a recommendation is needed, be sure to make arrangements at least one week in advance. *APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE GATES MILLENNIUM SCHOLARS FOUNDATION - Minority applicants (high school through graduate level) must have 3.3 GPA; be nominated by teacher or principal; submit essay about future goals; must be committed to performing community service; have academic promise and unmet financial need. A limited number of applications are available in the guidance office. Applications available online: www.gmsp.org. Gates Millennium Scholars Program, UNCF, 1-877-690-4677. Deadline: January 11 (all on-line applications) AXA FOUNDATION ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIP -The program offers the following awards: One scholarship recipient is selected; from each state. These students receive a one-time scholarship award of $10,000 each. $15,000 additional scholarships to 10 national recipients. The national scholarship winners will also be offered internships at AXA offices and receive a computer for college, bringing their total educational support to more than $25,000. To qualify, students should be well-rounded, committed to making a difference and have demonstrated achievement – at a job, sport or extracurricular activity. Winners – known as AXA Achievers – are people who will succeed in life because they possess an extra element of grit and determination. The application deadline for the AXA Achievement Scholarship is December 15. To learn more about AXA Achievement and to read about some of the AXA Achievers, visit www.axa-achievement.com. LEAP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - ( Lead and Enhance the Accounting Profession) allows high school seniors who are planning to pursue an accounting degree at a Missouri college the opportunity to apply for $500 scholarships. Scholarships will be awarded based on academic achievement, leadership potential, and a written viewpoint on what is most appealing to you about the CPA profession. Details, rules, and the entire application process are available on our website at www.leap-forward.com. Deadline: January 31 COCA-COLA SCHOLARS PROGRAM -The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation will designate 50 students to receive awards of $20,000, payable in equal installments over a four-year period and 200 students will receive awards of $10,000, also payable over a four-year period. The scholarship can be used for any line of study at any accredited U.S. college or university. Applicants are evaluated on the basis of leadership in: School Community Academics Civic activities, as well as personal character, and the motivation to serve and succeed. Electronic application at www.coca-colascholars.org. Deadline: October 31 *SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE “JACK BUCK SCHOLAR-LEADERSHIP AWARD” - A program which recognizes students who demonstrate: GPA 3.5 or higher. ACT composite 27 or higher. Demonstrate leadership in school and community through involvement in extra-curricular activities and community service programs. Two letters of reference. Must attend Southeast Missouri State. Recipient will receive tuition and general fees for the equivalent of up to 32 credit hours per year at Southeast Missouri State and resident hall fees in a standard, double occupancy room with a 15 meal per week board plan. See counselor for application (only one student will be selected to represent Hazelwood West). Deadline: December 15 ORATORICAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - The American Legion Department of Missouri, teaming with your local Post, will again sponsor the High School oratorical contest. The year, state finalists will receive the largest scholarship certificates ever—for $2,000, $1,800, $1,600, and $1,400 respectively—redeemable after graduation at any college. The Prepared Oration must be on some aspect of the Constitution of the United States with emphasis on the duties and obligations of a citizen to our government. Eligibility: Citizens of or lawful permanent residents of the U.S. Must be students under the age of 20 presently enrolled in high school. Please note that the State Finals are November 30, 2009. You may enter electronically at www.missourilegion.org/programs/oratorical.htm. For more information contact the Missouri American Legion Headquarters at PO Box 179, Jefferson City, MO 65102, (573) 893-2353. HORIZON SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM -1st Financial Federal Credit Union has been awarding the Horizon Scholarship since 1996. The Horizon Scholarship program is designed to encourage financial literacy and promote higher education. One (1) $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating high school senior who is a member of 1st Financial Federal Credit Union. The winning applicant will receive a check made payable to the student’s choice of higher education (college, university, technical college, etc.) in April at the 1st Financial Annual Meeting. PAGE 2 OF 7 Eligibility Requirements ● Graduating High School Senior (attendance at public school, private school or home school). ● Six (6) months continuous good standing 1st Financial Federal Credit Union membership satisfied by April 1, 2010. ● If awarded the 2010 Horizon Scholarship, proceeds must be used for 2010-2011 school year. ● Applications must be received by April 3, 2010 to be considered. 1st Financial Federal Credit Union employees, board members and relatives of employees and board members are not eligible to participate. Deadline: April 3 *THE AMERICAN LEGION ANNOUNCING 2009 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS - Basic Criteria for Scholarship Awards: The student must be a resident of Missouri. Applicants must be under the age of 21, unmarried and a descendant of a veteran with at least ninety days active service in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, who received an Honorable Discharge for such service. A photocopy of the veteran’s DD 214, discharge or separation notice must accompany the scholarship application. Any additional requirements for each scholarship listed below. Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship Fund - Two awards of $1000 each are given each year. One to a boy who has attended a full session of The American Legion Boys State of Missouri or a full session of the Department’s Cadet Patrol Academy. The second award is given to a girl who has attended a full session of The American Legion Auxiliary’s Girls State program or a full session of the Department’s Cadet Patrol Academy. M.D. “Jack” Murphy Memorial Nurses Training Fund - Currently one $750 award is given for two successive semesters, and may, by application, be extended for two additional successive semesters. This award is available to a Missouri boy or girl training to be a Registered Nurse. Joseph J. Frank Scholarship - Five awards of $500 are given annually to individuals who are descendants of a veteran. Applicant must have attended a full session of The American Legion Boys State or The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State program. Charles L. Bacon Memorial Scholarship - Two awards of $500 are given annually in memory of the first Missourian to serve as National Commander of The American Legion. Eligible are individuals who are currently members of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion, or a descendant of a member of any thereof. Erman W. Taylor Memorial Scholarship -Two $500 awards given annually to a student planning on obtaining a degree in education, in honor of this Past National Executive Committeeman from Missouri. An essay of 500 words or less is required. Deadline: April 20 SAE’S 2009 ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIPS - SAE is proud to be able to offer more than 60 corporateand university-sponsored scholarships to qualified students who are interested in the study of engineering and related sciences. Applications are accepted September 1 through December 1, and must be postmarked by December 1, 2008. Applicant must be a high school senior at the time of application. For full details, applications & FAQs, visit www.sae.org/students/engschlr.htm Deadline: December 15 PAGE 3 OF 7 JOHN F. KENNEDY PROFILE IN COURAGE ESSAY CONTEST - Write an original and creative essay of less than 1,000 words that demonstrates an understanding of political courage as described by John F. Kennedy in Profiles in Courage. Use at least five varied sources such as newspaper articles, books, and interviews. First place winner is awarded $5,000. Second-place winner receives $1,000 and up to five finalists each receive $500. All students must register online. Essays can be submitted online (preferred) or via regular mail by the postmark date of January 10, 2009. For complete guidelines, visit the Profile in Courage Award at www.jfklibrary.org Deadline: January 10 GREAT SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS STUDENTS AT MIZZOU 1. Sam Walton Scholarship in Business-This scholarship is worth $7,000 per year and can be used for a total of eight semesters. This award is geared towards high potential high school students with an ACT composite score in the 27 to 36 range. An eligible candidate should also be within the top ten percent of their high school graduation class. The completion of the FAFSA is necessary since this is a need-based scholarship. Students applying for this scholarship should have an interest in retail. While receiving this scholarship, students are required to work a part-time job (at least 10 hours each week) in the retail industry. You can find an application at http://business.missouri.edu/1656/default.aspx. Deadline: February 1 2. Trulaske Scholarship in Business -This scholarship is worth $7,000 and can be used for a total of eight semesters. This award is geared towards high school students with an ACT Composite score in the 22 to 27 range. Eligible candidate should also be outside the top ten percent of their graduation class, but in the top two-thirds. The completion of the FAFSA is necessary since this is a need-based scholarship. First preference is given to dependents of True Manufacturing employees and a second preference goes to residents outside of the St. Louis and Kansas City metropolitan areas. You can find an application at http://business.missouri.edu/1656/default.aspx. Deadline: February 1 3. Ponder Minority Scholarship -This scholarship program is designated specifically for minority students who are pursuing a Business or Accountancy degree. The initial award is $5,000 and this scholarship can be used for eight semesters. Students are selected on a basis of high school class rank, ACT/SAT score, high school GPA, financial need, ethnicity, and geographic location. You can find an application at http://business.missouri.edu/1656/default.aspx. Deadline: February 1 INFORMATION FROM HAL DEUSER’S COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP & FINANCIAL AID PRESENTATION AT COLLEGE AND CAREER NIGHT WHO FUNDS COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP & FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS? Universities, Colleges, and Trade-Technical Schools Federal and State Governments and their Agencies Corporations, Foundations, Agencies, Churches, Clubs, Employers, etc. PAGE 4 OF 7 WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP & FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS? Scholarship and Grant Programs (free money programs, no repayment, ever) Work Programs (campus work-study job, campus research job, co-op jobs, etc.) Loan Programs (usually low interest student and parent loans that are repaid after graduation) Alternative Financing Programs (Time-Pay Plans, Home Equity Loan, Non-Federal Loans) Federal and State College Saving Programs and Tax Benefits (529 Plan, Coverdell ESA, IRA, Hope and Lifetime Tax Credits, Student – Parent Loan Interest and Tuition-Fees Deduction, etc.) WHAT ARE THE AWARDING CRITERIA FOR COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP & FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS? Academic Merit Programs awarded on or in combination on: ACT – SAT Test Scores, High School: GPA, Class Rank, and AP-Honor-College Prep Courses, Financial Need, etc. Characteristic/Trait Programs awarded on or in combination on: Ethnicity, Community Service, High School Activities, Program of Study, Leadership Activities, Church Activities, Geographic Origin, Religious Affiliation, Financial Need, etc. Special Talent/Interest Programs awarded on or in combination on: Athletic Ability, Fine and Performing Arts Talent, Language Skills, Debating Skills, Academic Interest/Talent, etc. Financial Need Programs (family income/assets are not sufficient to afford a school’s costs of attendance, varies per school based on each school’s unique costs of attendance) Federal and State Tax Benefits (if qualify, depending on the specific filer’s tax code eligibility) WHAT SHOULD YOU BE DOING NOW FOR COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP & FINANCIAL AID? 1. Apply for Admission at each school of possible attendance per each school’s admission requirements/deadlines. 2. Apply for Scholarship & Financial Aid Programs at each school of possible attendance per each school’s Scholarship & Financial Aid application requirements/deadlines. Apply for each school’s Academic Merit Scholarship and Grant Programs Apply for each school’s Characteristic/Trait Scholarship and Grant Programs Apply for each school’s Special Talent/Interest Scholarship and Grant Programs Apply for each school’s Need-Based Scholarship, Grant, Work, and Loan Programs Apply for each school’s Loan and Job Programs (You can always say, “Thanks, but no thank you.”) NOTE: You are eligible for Scholarship & Financial Aid assistance at each school of possible attendance. However, unless you apply, each school will be unable to inform you of your unique Scholarship & Financial Aid eligibility at that particular school. APPLY!!!! 3. Apply for Need-Based Scholarship & Financial Aid Programs at each school of possible attendance. To apply for Need-Based Scholarship & Financial Aid programs, the student and the student’s parent(s) must file in January of the high school senior year, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA, at www.fafsa.ed.gov). NOTE: Some schools require additional Need-Based applications in addition to the FAFSA. These applications may include the College Board’s PROFILE (www.collegeboard.org) and copies of your federal tax returns. 4. Apply for private, non-school, and non-federal/state Scholarship & Financial Aid Programs. Obtain information on these possible sources from your Guidance Office, Public Library, and the Internet. PAGE 5 OF 7 SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVES Many college and school representatives are scheduled to visit Hazelwood West during future weeks. Be sure to check the bulletin board in the Guidance Office and read the bulletin each day so you will know which schools will be visiting West. You will need to obtain a pass from your guidance counselor in order to attend any session. Space is limited for all sessions, be sure to obtain your pass before the day of the scheduled visit. The following schools will be visiting Hazelwood West in the near future. MCKENDREE COLLEGE THURSDAY- OCTOBER 1, 2009 AT 8:30 AM MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY TUESDAY - OCTOBER 20, 2009 AT 11:00 AM CHAMBERLAIN COLLEGE OF NURSING FRIDAY - OCTOBER 2, 2009 AT 9:00 AM UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL MISSOURI TUESDAY - OCTOBER 20, 2009 AT 1:00 PM RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE FRIDAY - OCTOBER 2, 2009 AT 11:00 AM PATRICIA STEVENS COLLEGE WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 21, 2009 AT 9:00 AM ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE - ALL CAMPUSES TUESDAY- OCTOBER 6, 2009 AT 9:00 AM HARRIS-STOWE STATE UNIVERSITY THURSDAY - OCTOBER 22, 2009 AT 11:00 AM COLUMBIA COLLEGE - COLUMBIA, MO THURSDAY- OCTOBER 8, 2009 AT NOON WESTMINSTER COLLEGE THURSDAY - OCTOBER 22, 2009 AT 12:45 PM WILLIAM WOODS UNIVERSITY MONDAY - OCTOBER 12, 2009 AT 8:30 AM TRUMAN STATE COLLEGE FRIDAY - OCTOBER 23, 2009 AT 10:00 AM LINDENWOOD UNIVERSITY - BELLEVILLE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2009 AT 10:00 AM ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY MONDAY - OCTOBER 26, 2009 AT 12:45 PM ST. LOUIS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY MONDAY - OCTOBER 19, 2009 AT 9:00 AM UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT KANSAS CITY MONDAY - NOVEMBER 9, 2009 AT 8:00 AM WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MONDAY - NOVEMBER 16, 2009 AT 11:00 AM ACT/SAT PREP SESSIONS - See Attached #1 NATIONAL COLLEGE FAIR - See Attached #2 MILITARY RECRUITERS AT WEST If you are interested in one of the military services, it is easy to meet with one of the representatives during lunch in the West Commons according to the following schedule: PAGE 6 OF 7 ● ● ● ● ● 1st Monday of each Month: Navy 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each Month: Army 2nd Wednesday of each Month: Coast Guard 1st & 3rd Monday of each Month: Missouri National Guard 1st & 3rd Thursday of each Month: Marines 10 SCHOLARSHIP SCAM WARNING SIGNS 1. Fees: You shouldn’t have to pay to search for or apply for scholarships. Check out the many free scholarship searches online. A list of websites is available in the guidance office. 2. Credit Card or Bank Account Information Needed: You should never have to give credit card or bank information to award providers. 3. Scholarship Guarantee: No one can guarantee that you’ll win a scholarship because no one can control scholarship judges’ decisions. Also, be wary of “high success rates” – they usually do not refer to actual award winners. 4. No Work Involved: Legitimate scholarship applications require time and energy. 5. No Contact Involved: Legitimate sponsors should provide contact information upon request. If the sponsor does not supply a valid e-mail address, phone number and mailing address (not a PO box) upon request, that could be the sign of a scam. 6. Unsolicited Scholarships: If you are called to receive an award for which you never applied, be alert – it’s most likely a scam. 7. Pressure Tactics: Don’t allow yourself to be pressured into applying for a scholarship, especially if the sponsor is asking you to pay. 8. Claims of “Exclusive” Scholarships: Legitimate sponsors won’t restrict knowledge about their award to a single search service. 9. An Official-Sounding Name or Endorsement Doesn’t Automatically Mean Legitimacy: A sponsor may use words like “national,” “education” or “federal” or have an official-looking seal, but might still be a scammer. Also, the federal government and the U.S. Dept. of Education do not endorse private business. 10. Your Questions Aren’t Answered Directly: If you can’t get a straight answer from a sponsor regarding their application, what will be done with your information (e.g., if it will be sent to a third party) or other questions proceed with caution. PAGE 7 OF 7