Instructional Tutorial Worksheet Instructions Course Writers: Please use this worksheet to request creation of an instructional tutorial. For each content slide, please indicate the following: 1) Onscreen element(s): Provide a detailed description or create a mockup of what should be shown onscreen in each slide. Please include links to any relevant example images, if applicable. Note: If the onscreen elements are text rather than graphics, the onscreen text should be an abbreviated version of the voiceover audio. 2) Voiceover Script: Provide a transcript of the voiceover audio that should accompany this slide. 3) Sequence / Synchronization Notes: Please note here the sequence for adding or removing elements on the slide. Also, indicate how the voiceover should synch to the activity onscreen. Some slides will not require synchronization – i.e., if the onscreen elements remain constant while the voiceover plays. These slides can be marked n/a in the notes section. *Note: Please copy and paste the slide blocks as needed to create additional slides. A Flash developer will use this information to create the actual tutorial, which you will have an opportunity to review. GENERAL Course Name Location of Tutorial (unit, section, page) Health 4.2.4 TITLE / START SLIDE Title of Tutorial Types of Diseases and Their Causes Imagery to use for title slide (if Keep current image of syringe. applicable) SLIDE 1 Onscreen element(s) Image to cover entire screen: 7292d922cd9b404a9b&u=kcdl alt tag—Operating room with doctors title— Operating room with doctors Title at the top of the screen: “Types of Diseases” Buttons and images to appear superimposed over image and below the title: -“Infectious” Image: 1afbc9838e11f74b5e&u=kcdl alt tag—Doctor offering a spoonful of cough syrup title— Doctor offering a spoonful of cough syrup -“Non-infectious” Image: 083ab07bf34a6d790&u=kcdl alt tag—Arm with blood pressure cuff attached title—Arm with blood pressure cuff attached Text at the bottom of the page near this button: “Can you name some examples of both infectious and non-infectious diseases? Click the button to check your answers.” Button entitled “see examples” (will take the student to screen 3) Voiceover script Male or Female adult voice: <Health_4.> “There are two main types of disease: infectious disease and non-infectious disease. Do you know the difference between the two? Click below for the answer.” <Health_4.> “Infectious diseases you catch from someone or something. They are conditions that occur when a pathogen enters the body, multiplies and damages cells.” <Health_4.> “Non-infectious diseases are those that are not contagious but cause other health problems. You get them from the environment, heredity or lifestyle choices.” Sequence / Synchronization Notes Read the following when the screen opens: “There are two main types of disease: infectious disease and non-infectious disease. Do you know the difference between the two? Click below for the answer.” When the appropriate button is pushed, read the corresponding quote: Infectious: “Infectious diseases you “catch” from someone or something. They are conditions that occur when a pathogen enters the body, multiplies and damages cells.” Non-infectious: “Non-infectious diseases are those that are not contagious but cause other health problems. You get them from the environment, heredity or lifestyle choices. SLIDE 2 Onscreen element(s) Image to cover entire screen: ffedc7e33ce64b46a&u=kcdl alt tag—Woman comforting a male hospital patient title— Woman comforting a male hospital patient Title: Examples of infectious and non-infectious diseases Bullet points under the subtitle “Infectious”: -common cold -influenza -STDs Bullet points under the subtitle “Non-infectious”: -skin cancer -food poisoning -heart disease Question at bottom of screen: “So, what do pathogens have to do with it? Click the button for the answer.” Button leading to screen 3. Voiceover script Male or Female adult voice: <Health_4.> “Some examples of infectious diseases include the common cold, influenza, also known as the flu, and STDs such as herpes and HIV.” <Health_4.> “Some examples of non-infectious diseases include skin cancer from overexposure to the sun, food poisoning and heart disease such as atherosclerosis.” Pronunciation for atherosclerosis: ath⋅er⋅o⋅scle⋅ro⋅sis Show Spelled Pronunciation [ath-uh-roh-skluh-roh-sis, ath] Sequence / Synchronization Notes Please display bulleted points in order as the voiceover reads the parts in bold: “Some examples of infectious diseases include the common cold, influenza, also known as ‘the flu’, and STDs such as herpes and HIV.” “Some examples of non-infectious diseases include skin cancer from overexposure to the sun, food poisoning and heart disease such as atherosclerosis.” After a pause, read: “So, what do pathogens have to do with it? Click the button for the answer.” SLIDE 3 Onscreen element(s) Image to cover entire screen: bd6bcf21d0f6c17fe&u=kcdl alt tag—Doctor working with Petri dishes title— Doctor working with Petri dishes Title at the top of the screen: “Pathogens” Question: Can you name the four main types of pathogens? Four buttons below the question to be clicked. When each button is clicked, reveal each answer and image: -Virus Image: Use image of virus from Disease Unit Section 1 Part B of existing course. -Bacteria Image: Use image of bacteria from Disease Unit Section 1 Part B of existing course. -Fungi Image: Use image of fungi from Disease Unit Section 1 Part B of existing course. -Protozoans Image: 0f82fa930340dcc5b&u=kcdl alt tag—Microscopic view of protozoa title—Microscopic view of protozoa Voiceover script <Health_4.> “A pathogen is an organism or agent that causes disease when it invades the body. Can you think of the main types of pathogens? Click the buttons to check your answers.” Sequence / Synchronization Notes Read the following when the screen opens: SLIDE 4 Onscreen element(s) “A pathogen is an organism or agent that causes disease when it invades the body. Can you think of the main types of pathogens? Click the buttons to check your answers.” Image to cover entire screen: 0f82fa930340dcc5b&u=kcdl alt tag—Microscopic view of protozoa title—Microscopic view of protozoa Title at the top of the screen: “Pathogen Examples” Question: What are examples of a disease caused by each type of pathogen? Four buttons below the question to be clicked. When each button is clicked, reveal each answer: -Virus: flu, HIV, common cold -Bacteria: strep throat, gonorrhea, Lyme disease -Fungi: ringworm, athlete’s foot -Protozoans: malaria, amoebic dysentery Voiceover script Male or Female adult voice: <Health_4.> “There are many different diseases caused by each pathogen. Do you know some examples of diseases caused by the four types of pathogens? Click below to check your answers.” Sequence / Synchronization Notes SLIDE 5 Onscreen element(s) Read the following when the screen opens: “There are many different diseases caused by each pathogen. Do you know some examples of diseases caused by the four types of pathogens? Click below to check your answers.” Image to cover entire screen: c17ccea27ab0f4840c&u=kcdl alt tag—Hands holding a hamburger title—Hands holding a hamburger Title at the top of the screen: “Ways Pathogens Find Us” Bullets to be revealed: -Food -Water -Air -Skin, mucous and blood -Animals -Insects Button leading to screen 5 Voiceover script <Health_4.> “People come into contact with infectious diseases in many different ways, such as person to person, object to person, and animals or insects to people. Pathogens can enter the body in food we eat, causing diseases such as botulism; in the water we drink, causing diseases such polio; in the air we breath, causing diseases such as the flu or the common cold; through the skin, mucous and blood, causing diseases such herpes and AIDS; through animals, causing diseases such as rabies; and through insects, causing diseases such as malaria. In later sections, we will explore ways to prevent both infectious and non-infectious diseases.” Sequence / Synchronization Notes Please display bulleted points in order as the voiceover reads the parts in bold: SLIDE 6 Onscreen element(s) “People come into contact with infectious diseases in many different ways, from person to person, from object to person, and from animals or insects to people. Pathogens can enter the body: in the food we eat, causing diseases such as botulism in the water we drink, causing diseases such polio in the air we breath, causing diseases such as the flu or the common cold through the skin, mucous and blood, causing diseases such herpes and AIDS through animals, causing diseases such as rabies and through insects, causing diseases such as malaria. In later sections, we will explore ways to prevent both infectious and noninfectious diseases.” Image to cover entire screen: ea71e01ba5278d5581&u=kcdl alt tag—Doctor’s mask laid out on a table title—Doctor’s mask Title: Disease Review Create interactive questions: Question: What is an infectious disease? Answer: A disease that can be “caught” from a person, animal or the environment. Question: What is a pathogen? Answer: An organism that causes disease. Question: What are some examples of non-infectious diseases? Answer: Cancer, heart disease, malnutrition, food poisoning, genetic disorders. Nice work. Now move on to the next part. Voiceover script <Health_4.> “To review Diseases, answer these questions. Click the buttons to check your answers.” Sequence / Synchronization Notes As voiceover reads, reveal the questions one at a time, top to bottom. END SLIDE The last slide of all KCDL interactive tutorials will be a “grayed out” version of the final slide of the tutorial, with a “Replay Tutorial” button.