File - Pearl City Community Church!

Sunday School
2014 Classes
933 Lehua Avenue
Pearl City, HI 96782
Children’s Sunday School
9:15 to 10:45AM
Classes: Kinder Garden up to High School We love Children! – sons
and daughters, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins,
neighbors, and other kind of friends. Bring them to class, a handson, interactive Sunday School program designed to grab the
attention of youngsters, and show how truly exciting the Word of
God can be! Class will meet in Gora Upstairs. Children of all ages
are welcome.
Adult Classes
Pearl City Community Church offers an array of adult classes on
Sunday, weekdays mornings, and evenings. Many classes begun in
prior terms are on-going, but do not let this deter you from joining
a class. Newcomers are welcome.
We all desire to know God’s will for our lives. We cannot come to
know the will of God until we come to know the word of God. Rick
Warren states, I urge you to get into a small group bible study, it’s
a place you can discuss and bounce ideas off each other. This will
help you grow stronger and deeper spiritually. Real spiritual
growth is never an isolated, individualistic pursuit. Maturity is
produced through relationship and community.
Hebrew 4:12
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit… and
discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Gospel of John: The Gospel according to John presents Jesus as the
eternal Word of God who became human and lived among us.
John emphasizes the gift of eternal life through Christ, a gift which
begins now and which comes to those who respond to Jesus as the
Way, the Truth and the Life. Facilitators: Leroy Ujimori and others
at Higuchi Hall.
Walking With God Series by Don Cousins and Judson Poling: We
are studying the first section of a three part curriculum titled,
"Friendship with God". This series looks at our reason for living our relationship with God - and the practical ways to make that
relationship all that it can be.
The format includes reading and responding to questions with
scripture references (booklet $7.50). In addition, follow-up
activities and readings are suggested to do on your own and as you
are led.
We will study the following twelve topics with each topic taking up
to two sessions (approximation).
 A Friend Worth Having
 How to be Sure You're a Christian
 God's Word To You
 God's Word In You
 Taking God's Word to Heart
Ground Rules for Prayer
Let's Pray
Getting Together With God
The Role of the Holy Spirit
Being Filled With the Spirit
How to be Filled With the Spirit
Grieving the Holy Spirit
Facilitators: Maile Ito and Diane Chow-Hoy at Higuchi 101. Classes
have already begun but you're welcome to join us anytime.
John’s Letters, Discovering Genuine Christianity: What is the
essence of genuine Christianity? What qualities and beliefs must
be present in a living and life-changing faith? John’s letters focus
on the three most important aspects of the Christian life. He helps
us focus our attention on what really matters---both now and for
eternity. Facilitators: Nancy Yoshimoto and Joanne Takamoto at
Higuchi 103
Gospel of Luke: The Gospel according to Luke presents Jesus as
both the promised Savior of Israel and as the Savior of all mankind.
Luke records that Jesus was called by the Spirit of the Lord to
“preach the Good News to the poor”, and this Gospel is filled with
a concern for people with all kind of need. The note of joy is also
prominent in Luke, especially in the opening chapters that
announce the coming of Jesus, and again at the conclusion, when
Jesus ascends to heaven. The story of the growth and spread of the
Christian faith after the ascension of Jesus is told by the same
writer in the book of Acts. Facilitators: Karen Ujimori, Frances
Nakamura and Lei Yap at Family Room.
Book of John: Facilitators: Walt Miyashiro, Katherine Akagi and
Jackie Arakawa at Higuchi 102.
Next Door Savior by Max Lucado: “According to the Bible He
(Jesus) was – and is – both God and fully man. In this course we
will read and discuss problems and situations of everyday people.
Through discussion and prayers we will learn how the Lord gives us
insight and understanding of His words. Facilitator: Gary Tokuda
at Higuchi 101.
Mark. “And whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For
even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and
to give his life as a ransom for many” (10:44, 45). Jesus is the
greatest--God incarnate, our Messiah--but he entered history as a
servant. This is the message of Mark. Written to encourage
Roman Christians and to prove beyond a doubt that Jesus is the
Messiah. Facilitators: Tom and Carol Toyama at PCNH 5th Floor.
Purpose Driven Life….. What on earth am I here for? Author, Rick
Warren. Quote from Max Lucado, a known author throughout the
world. “Disoriented about your direction in life? Are decisions
tough to make steps hard to take? If so, Rick Warren has written a
masterpiece of wise counsel for you. Whether you are a seeker, a
new believer, or a seasoned saint, let God use these pages to place
your feet firmly on the right path!” Facilitators: Gail Kaminaga and
Karen Ujimori at Higuchi 103.
Crucial Accountability: Tools for Resolving Violated Expectations,
Broken Commitments, and Bad Behavior (blue book) Maximum of
10 in class, must have already read chapters 1-6 of Crucial
Conversations (red book). Facilitators: Sharon Inake and Joyce
Miyaji at Higuchi 101 will start on September 21.
Minor Prophets: Our Bible study class has been studying the Old
Testament since the year 2000. We have discovered that
throughout Biblical history, God has been a powerful and forgiving
deity. Come and join us as we study the Minor Prophets, Zechariah
and Malachi. Facilitators: Mildred Lau and Elizabeth Lee at
Higuchi 103.
Sunday Message: The class uses the Sunday message and the
scriptures as the basis for their discussion. Through the OIA
(observation, interpretation and application) method, they’re
searching and digging deeper into the scripture. As gems are being
discovered through the OIA method, they’re enriching and
strengthening their spiritual life with Jesus. Facilitator: Leroy
Ujimori at Higuchi 101
Discovering the Bible: Discovering the Bible from Christian History
Institute. A simple introduction to the Bible, what it is? How we got
it? And how to use it? There are 4 parts to this program: 1. General
Overview 2. The Old Testament 3. The New Testament 4.
Preservation, Circulation and Influence. The program includes a
DVD, a booklet to follow along with video and handouts.
Facilitators: Myrna Woolery and Karen Ujimori at Higuchi 103.
7:45AM and 9:30AM Worship Services
7:45AM and 9:30AM
Pearl City Community Church
Sunday Worship Services
7:45AM and 9:30AM
Pearl City Community Church
Mission and Vision Statement with Core Values
Vision Statement:
Pearl City Community Church, the loving presence of Jesus Christ
shared with others.
Mission Statement:
Pearl City Community Church, Learning about God through His
Word, Loving through Jesus Christ, and Living by the Holy Spirit.
The foundation of our faith is the living, loving relationship first
initiated by God and our response to it.
We believe:
God calls us to love Him with all our hearts, soul and
mind.(Matthew 22:37)
Through Jesus Christ our Savior we come to love God.
(John 3:16, 17)
God commands us to love every one. (Matthew 22:39)
God commands us to live by His Word and share the Good
News. (Matthew 28:19-20)
We are to live, grow and be empowered by the Holy Spirit.
(John 14:26)
The Bible is God’s truth. (2Timothy 3:16,17; Matthew 4:4)
Through the grace of Jesus Christ we learn to forgive as we
have been forgiven. (Matthew 6:12).