Job Evaluation process

Job Evaluation Process
Individuals covered by the single spine have the right to apply for job
evaluation, i) if they believe their job has changed significantly and the
individual is therefore working outside of their allocated role profile or ii) they
believe they are at a level different to their allocated role profile. At all stages
of this Process, where an individual attends a meeting they have the right to
be accompanied and represented by a friend or colleague who is a DMU
employee or their trade union representative.
Any individual who, from the time of application until a decision is reached,
has a disciplinary sanction on file as a result of a misconduct or capability
issue, will not have their application considered by the job evaluation panel
until the time frame given to the disciplinary sanction has elapsed.
In i) above a date when the change occurred must be identified by the
individual and signed off by the relevant Line Manager* (see appendix ii for
guidance) when the change occurred. Should the relevant Line Manager not
agree with these identified changes they should state their reasons for
opposing the changes prior to signing.
In both i) and ii) the individual must be able to demonstrate with appropriate
evidence that duties undertaken represent a significant proportion (which
should be at least 50%) of the alternative role profile. The duties should be
undertaken with the knowledge of, and without objection from, the line
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Where disagreements occur, a meeting between the individual and relevant
Line Manager will take place. This will be facilitated by an HR Adviser.
It is important to note that there are a number of possible outcomes as a
result of job evaluation, namely:
a) A new role profile may be identified which may result in an
increase to an individual’s grade.
b) A new role profile may be identified which may result in a
down grading.
c) An alternative role profile may be identified and the
individual’s grade remains the same.
d) No change to the grade or role profile is made.
Job evaluation is potentially a two stage process.
Stage I
Where it is demonstrated that there is a significant difference in the role the
individual carries out compared to the role profile allocated then the relevant
Line Manager* (see Appendix ii for guidance) and HRA will, through an
agreed ‘matching process’ identify the most appropriate alternative role profile
to match the identified job outputs. Where a match can be determined, which
is evidenced based, and the individual agrees it is appropriate, then the
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individual will receive confirmation of their application and their new role
In all other cases1, a meeting will take place between the applicant, the Line
Manager and the HR Adviser with the aim of reaching agreement before a
decision is reached at Stage 1.
Matching process meetings can take place at any time of the year. The
individual will normally have been conducting these duties for at least 3
months before a matching process meeting can take place. Any salary
increase resulting from job evaluation is a permanent increase for as long as
the employee remains in post or until the post changes. Normally when duties
have been performed for at least 3 months they are intended to be indefinite,
but in exceptional circumstances the Line Manager and HR Adviser may
decide an alternative process for recognition is more appropriate.
Where there is a resultant change in grade, any salary increasing a grade will
move to the bottom spinal point of the grade of the new role profile, and the
salary change will be backdated to the date of the application. If the current
salary is higher than the bottom point of the new grade (for example because
of contribution points or because the salary is protected), then the salary will
move to the lowest salary point which is equal to the current salary.
Incremental increases will be in line with existing arrangements.
this is intended to apply when either:
1) the Line Mgr and HRA think the individual is already appropriately graded, OR
2) they think the grade is wrong, but cannot determine a new role profile, OR
3) they think the grade is wrong, but the applicant does not agree with the suggested
role profile
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Where the new grade is lower than the current grade, the individual will
continue at their current pay level, on a protected basis, for a period of 18
months, unless the need for protection disappears (for example, if the
individual is appointed to a new role, which can be at any grade). During this
period of pay protection for red circled staff, they will not be entitled to any
increments, but the annual pay awards will continue to apply to the protected
salary. After this 18 month period, the individual’s pay will be reduced to the
highest point below the contribution threshold on the pay range appropriate
for the post as graded following job evaluation.
The line manager will also consider, when appropriate, whether there is a
business case for:
 Expanding the applicant’s role such that the grade of the post may
 Providing training opportunities that will enhance the applicant’s
chances of moving to a post at a higher grade, should one become
available. The normal recruitment procedures will apply.
If through discussion the relevant Line Manager and the HRA agree that the
individual is matched to an inappropriate role profile but is correctly graded,
through discussion with the individual an alternative role profile will be
identified at the same grade and the individual’s salary will remain unchanged.
Incremental increases will be in line with existing arrangements.
If the individual remains dissatisfied then they will be given the opportunity to
appeal by progressing to Stage II.
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This will be the end of stage I process.
Stage II
Where agreement cannot be reached at Stage I the individual will be given
the opportunity to progress to Stage II.
Stage II will involve collection of
evidence by a role analyst using the processes outlined through HERA Role
Analysis. Once evidence has been collated and agreed by both the individual
and relevant Line Manager it will be considered by the next available JE
panel. In the event that the line manager and individual cannot agree on the
content of the written record, a meeting will be arranged between the HRA,
line manager, applicant and, if they wish, a trade union representative, in
order to reach a resolution. If no resolution is achieved, the individual has the
right to use an appropriate University procedure, for example the Grievance
A Job Evaluation panel will meet annually, normally in February or March of
each year, to consider applications for job evaluation.
The decision of the panel is final.
All salary changes will follow the same procedure as identified in Stage I
Any resultant changes to an individual’s grade will be as above.
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Once an individual has applied for Job Evaluation, another application cannot
be made for two years from the decision date, unless there have been
changes of role or new evidence since the initial application was made.
The outcomes of the JE Panel will be made available to the University Pay
Progression Panels to allow statistical information to be analysed in respect of
impact assessments. These analyses will be made available to the academic
JNC and professional services staff JCNC.
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Appendix i
Employees Exempt from the Job Evaluation Process
Any individual who, from the time of application until a decision is reached,
has a disciplinary sanction on file as a result of a misconduct or capability
issue, will not have their application considered by the panel until the time
frame given to the disciplinary sanction has elapsed.
What is a Disciplinary Sanction?
If you have a disciplinary sanction on file, it will be the result of a disciplinary
hearing. When the sanction was issued you will have been informed how long
the sanction would stay on your personal record for.
If I have a disciplinary sanction on file, will I be eligible to apply for Job
Yes, but your application will only be considered when the time frame given to
your disciplinary sanction has elapsed.
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Appendix ii
The Relevant Manager
The meaning of relevant manager in the Job Evaluation process refers to the
For Academic Staff
The relevant manager will be the Head of School / Department.
For Professional Services Staff
The relevant manager will be:
Faculties – The Faculty Manager/Technical Manager
Directorates – The Appropriate Senior Manager
(To be determined by the Dean/Director in conjunction with HR)
Please note where the individual’s immediate Line Manager is not responsible
for signing off the role changes and making a decision, the relevant manager
(see above) should ensure they have consulted with the immediate Line
Manager , so all parties are aware of the process.
The PVC/Dean or Director is required to sign the application initially, upon
receipt, to acknowledge that it has been made and to confirm that it is an
accurate record of the individual’s role. They are then required to sign again
once the stage 1 meeting has taken place to endorse the decision made at
stage 1 and approve any salary increase (for further details please refer to
‘Guidelines for PVC/Deans/Directors’). They must also sign the written
records produced at stage 2 of the process to confirm again that the duties
are an accurate record of the individual’s role.
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Appendix iii
Composition of the Job Evaluation Panels
Academic Panels
Chair – (normally the University’s External Pay and Grading Expert)
2 UCU Representatives
2 Academic Management Representatives
2 HR Representatives
1 UNISON Representative
Support Panels
Chair – (normally the University’s External Pay and Grading Expert)
2 UNISON Representatives
2 Support Management Representatives
2 HR Representatives
1 UCU Representative
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