590ACL Advanced Business Information Services - Web

590ACL Advanced Business Information Services
Instructor: Yoo-Seong Song
101 Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-8091
Course Description:
The role of business researchers has changed dramatically recently, and business
researchers must be capable of not only identifying and locating relevant pieces of
information but also synthesizing and communicating their research in various forms of
deliverables to clients. Students will learn the basics and practices of competitive
intelligence and knowledge management, as these are the fields where business
researchers can translate their knowledge in information resources into solutions for
complex business needs. Students will also learn and practice how to manage, design,
and present research deliverables for widely diverse clients’ needs. Furthermore, this
course will discuss the importance and best practices of marketing research services to
internal clients in an organization.
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to help students to:
At the end of the course, students should:
a) be able to apply basic principles of business analysis to creating research deliverables
b) be able to design and develop research products and services based on clients’ structured
and unstructured research requests
c) have clear understanding of competitive intelligence and knowledge management
practices at different types of organizations
d) understand opportunities and limitations of competitive intelligences and knowledge
management for business researchers
e) be able to translate complex business research needs into clear knowledge solutions
be able to design optimal business research process for an organization
g) understand issues in marketing business research services within an organization
Final presentation: 30%
Discussions: 30%
Project 1: 20%
Project 2: 20%
There is no required textbook assigned for this course. Assigned readings will be
announced prior to class time. In addition to assigned readings, you are strongly
encouraged to follow business news daily, using your favorite news sources.
Projects 1&2 will be designed in collaboration with current practitioners, and
they may involve actual company names. The projects will be announced two
weeks prior to the deadlines.
Your response to a discussion question must be posted prior to the class time.
3-4 groups will be arranged by the instructor for the final group project.
Course Calendar:
Please check the course page frequently to see any changes made.
January 21
Course overview: goals, formats, resources, assignments, and project
Discussion: Changing roles of business information specialists
January 28
Business information resources at the Business & Economics Library
Skills required for business information services
Competitive intelligence (I): Background
o Overview: Development and current trends
o Types of CI for a variety of settings
Discussion: Changing Role of Business Information Professionals
Feb 4
Competitive intelligence (II): Introduction to CI analysis and practices
o Business analysis: fundamental concepts and tools
o Environmental scanning: internal and external information assets
o Infrastructures: technology, culture, and work process
o User assessment
Feb 11
Competitive intelligence (III): Sources of intelligence
o Sources for CI
 Primary & Secondary
 Internal & external sources for CI
 Industry analysts
o Using financial filings for CI
Feb 18
Competitive intelligence (IV): Sources of intelligence
o Sources for CI (Cont’d)
o Deliverables: identification, creation, and presentation
Feb 25
CI deliverable: identification, creation, and presentation
Managing relationship with vendors and analysts
Evolving information products
March 5 (LEEP)
March 11
Competitive intelligence (V): Real-World Examples and Future
o Guest speaker
o Future of CI
o Implications for librarians/information specialists
Due: Project 1
March 18
Review of Project 1
Knowledge management (I): Foundation
o Definitions
o History and development
March 25 (Spring Break)
April 1
Knowledge management (II): Applications
o Enabling technologies
o Selecting a KM tool/practice for your organization
 Manufacturing
 Service
 Academic
 Non profit
Developing policies for KM
April 8
Review of Project 2
Working with complex business problems: from problems to solutions
Designing a business research process for your organization
Discussion: Opportunities & Challenges for KM Practices
April 15
Re-conceptualizing business information services
o Marketing management
o Running an information services business
o Implications for an academic business library
Due: Project 2
April 22
Guest speaker: Managing client expectations for consulting practices
Discussion: New skills for business information specialists
April 29
Course review and project assignment
Group sessions
May 6
Online presentations