Name _____________________________ WHAT SHOULD I STUDY FOR THE TEST? NOTES: HISTOLOGY OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE AND ANATOMY OF BONE 1. Define tissue and organ. 2. Know the four tissue types and their basic functions 3. Be able to list the examples of connective tissue and the functions of each 4. Be able to list and describe the common characteristics of connective tissue 5. Know the characteristics, locations, and functions of the three types of cartilage 6. Be able to identify the following connective tissue slides: a. compact bone b. spongy bone c. hyaline cartilage d. dense regular connective tissue e. dense irregular connective tissue f. areolar g. adipose h. blood 7. Where would you find the various tissues listed in #6 above? 8. What is the function of each of the tissues listed in #6 above? 9. Be able to list the functions of the skeletal system 10. Be able to describe the difference between the Axial and Appendicular Systems of the skeleton 11. Be able to discuss how bones are categorized. Define long, short, flat, sesamoid, sutural, and irregular bones. Know which bones are in each category? 12. Know the parts of a long bone. Know the location and function of each of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Epiphysis (Epiphyses) Articular cartilage Epiphyseal plate Epiphyseal line Spongy bone Red (hematopoietic) marrow Trabeculae Diaphysis i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. Compact bone Medullary marrow cavity Yellow marrow Periosteum Sharpey’s fibers Endosteum Osteoblasts Osteoclasts 13. Be able to define hematopoiesis and know where it takes place. 14. Know the location and function of the parts of the microscopic view of compact bone: a. b. c. d. Haversian system/Osteon Haversian canal Volkmann’s canals Lamallae 15. Define osteogenesis, bone deposition, and bone resorption 16. Know when bone is formed and when it is destroyed 17. Know the role of calcitonin vs. parathyroid hormone 18. Discuss the affect of stress on bone vs. affect of lack of use 19. What are the three parts of Wolff’s Law? e. f. g. h. Lacunae Osteocyte Canaliculi Matrix (calcium phosphates) 20. Be able to discuss the following bone disorders: Osteomalacia, Ricketts, and Osteoporosis 21. Know each of the bone fractures 22. Be able to list the 4 major phases of bone repair 23. What role does vascularity play in the amount of healing time needed? STUDY GUIDE: HISTOLOGY & THE SKELETAL SYSTEM – AN OVERVIEW 1. Review the questions 2. Study guide follows the notes outline LAB: HISTOLOGY – CONNECTIVE TISSUE 1. Be able to identify each of the slides of connective tissues 2. Be able to list the basic function and location of each tissue LAB: EXAMINING AND CLASSIFYING BONE 1. Describe why bones are classified as long, short, flat, or irregular 2. Be able to classify various bones as long, short, flat, or irregular LAB: EXAMINING A LONG BONE 1. Use this lab to help understand the notes on gross structure of a bone 2. Be able to identify and define the components listed in the notes and on the lab LAB: EXAMINING THE MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF COMPACT BONE 1. Use this lab to help understand the notes on microscopic structure of compact bone 2. Be able to identify and define the components listed in the notes and on the lab LAB: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BONE 1. Discuss what happened to bone the was baked and/or treated with vinegar 2. Be able to describe Rickets and Osteomalacia