Purpose of Technical Definitions All useful writing is clear writing

• Purpose of Technical Definitions
All useful writing is clear writing
Definitions answer the question, what exactly are we talking about?
Definitions have legal implications
Definitions have ethical implications
Definitions have societal implications
• Levels of Detail in a Definition
How much detail to provide depends on what your audience already knows and needs to learn
Parenthetical Definition
o Clarify the meaning of a work by offering a synonym or clarifying phrase
Sentence Definition
o The name of the item to be defined
o The class to which the item belongs
o The features that differentiate the item from all others in the class
Expanded Definition
o For complex or abstract words, sometimes an entire paragraph is necessary. There are
several methods for expanding a definition.
 Expansion Methods
 Etymology (word origin)
 History
 Negation (what the word does not mean)
 Operating principle (how it works)
 Analysis of parts
 Visuals
 Comparison and contrast
 Required materials or conditions
 Examples
• Placement of Definitions
Poorly placed definitions interrupt the information flow. Each time an audience encounters an
unfamiliar term or concept, it should be defined in the same area on the page or screen
o More than three or four definitions on one page or screen will be disruptive. Create a
glossary page.
• Guidelines for Defining Clearly and Precisely
Decide on the level of detail
Classify the item precisely
Differentiate the item accurately
Avoid circular definitions
Expand your definition selectively
Use visuals to clarify your meaning
Know "how much is enough"
Consider the legal implications of your definition
Consider the ethical implications of your definition
Place your definition in an appropriate location
Cite your sources as needed