. Inundate ? SYNONYMS ---------------------------admonish = usurp (reprove) merry = gay alienate = estrange (isolate) instigate = incite dispel = dissipate (dismiss) belief = conviction covet= crave (desire) belated = too lat e solicit = beseech (seek) brim = border subside = wane (drop) renounce= reject hover = linger (stay close) heap = to pile (collect) veer = diverge (turn) divulge = reveal adhesive = tenacious hamper = obstruct caprice = whim (impulse) to merit= to deserve stifle = suffocate (smother) inert = passive latent = potential (inactive) latitude = scope concur = acquiesce (accept) momentary = transient tranquil = serene (calm) admonish = cautious lethargy = stupor (lazy) volume = quan tity furtive= stealthy (secret) meager = scanty cargo = freight(load) baffle = frustrate efface = obliterate(wipe out) misery = distress pretentious = ostentatious(affected) discretion = prudence (regret) compunction = remorse amiable = friendly cajole = coax (wheedle ? sweet talk) incentive = provocation Embrace = hug (hold-cuddle) latent = potential Confiscate = appropriate (to take charge) emancipate = liberate lament = mourn confiscate = appropriate obstinate = stubborn acumen = exactness metamorphosis = transform scrutiny = close examination annihilate = to destroy whet = sharpen fuse = combine behest = request adage = proverb ovation = applause penitence = to repeat overt = obvious Efface = obliterate dwindle = decrease, decline, fall, fall off, drop off efface - wipe out, obliterate, eradicate, destroy . Bilk ? flood, overwhelm, swamp deceive, trick, swindle, con .Nettle ? annoy, irritate, vex .Impugn ? hold responsible, charge, censure, accuse .Tenacity ? stubbornness, resolve, firmness, persistence, insistence, determination .Sobriety ? temperance, moderation, abstemiousness, soberness .Degrade ? shame, disgrace, mortify, humiliate .Hidebound - narrow-minded, conservative, prejudiced .Waif ? stray, sole, thing .Hamper ? basket, hinder .Retrograde ? nostalgic, retrospective, traditional and conservative .Despondent ? .Debacle ? hopeless, low, dejected disaster, tragedy, catastrophe .Nebulous ? vague, hazy, unformulated, tenuous .Inconsistent ? conflicting, contradictory, unreliable incompatible, inhoherent Paradox ? inconsistency, irony, absurdity Ponderous ? heavy, tedious, cumbersome Mundane ? Icon ? ordinary, dull, monotonous, dreary image, idol, emblem, symbol Brackish ? Mollify ? salty, briny placate, pacify, calm, appease, soothe Depreciation ? reduction, decline Equanimity ? composure, poise, calmness, self- control Gist ? general idea, substance, essence Gaudy ? garish, flashy, extravagant, loud, showy, colorful Awry ? skewed, crooked, wrong Repartee ? Boisterous ? Ungainly ? banter, joking, word play energetic, animated clumsy, awkward, ungraceful, miserly, mean, inelegant, gawky Vicarious ; experienced Assuage ; gentle inept = incompetent, inexpert, clumsy infirmity - ill-health, sickness candid- open, frank dangle - hang, swing, sway .Moribund = declining, dilapidated, waning .Repudiate = reject, disclaim, renounce, deny .Translucent = transparent, semi- transparent, lucid, lucent, clear, see through Debonair ; cheerful, lively, self confident Vocabs WORD MEANING WORD MEANING Abominable Detestable Ensconce To settle comfortably Accord agreement Garrulous Talkative Exotic Strange, unusual Graven Carved Accede to agree Ferocious fear , brutal Abstain refrain, avoid Illusion false belief Brutality cruelty Imperative urgent or obligatory Obscenity obscene Drubbing beating, thrashing Ostensibly used to conceal real purpose Ideology scheme of ideas, convictions Psychopath mentally unstable Cafeteria self service restaurant Predominantly Have control over Relevant applicable essential Apportion share out Poised self assured Theocracy form of govt. by god Consternation amazement Amendment minor alteration Grimly merciless, frightening Fraternity religious brotherhood Posterity descendants, later generation Enmeshed catch in a net Affliction suffering, distress Façade outward appearance Triggered movable device Contrary opposed in nature Quibble petty objection Mollify soften , appease Estate landed property Interpret explain the meaning Curiosity desire to know Adversaries opponent , enemies , attackers Exigency urgent need, emergency Intolerance unacceptable Privation lack of comforts Assault violent attack Quibble petty objection Derogatory insulting Palpable that can’t be touch Disrupting interfere with Abeyance suspension Reiterate to do again Frugal sparing Solemnize duly perform Absolve free from blame Acrimonious temper , anger Felicitous well chosen Staggering astonishing Copious ample abundant Endorsed agree with Expatriates living abroad Defunct dead Enumerated specify, count , Aversion hatred Paucity less quantity Philanderer Male flirt Ominous threatening, unlucky Revulsion sudden violent change of feeling Generosity liberal , open handed unselfish Prerequisite required as precondition Poignant painfully sharp, heart breaking Deflationary reduction of money Stagnates to become motionless Obesity fat, overweight Abysmal Very bad, profound Purview mental vision Congregation Assembly of people Scrutinized examine, to check Incapacitate Make incapable Entrapment to catch in a trap Suppress Crush, end , quell Pared to cut down or trim Flair Natural talent, style Credence belief ,trust, faith Abstruse Difficult, complex Waivers waving Abhorrent Hateful, abominable Feasible possible Decamp Depart suddenly Hilarious extremely funny Reticent cautious, reserved Smirked silly smile Purport Profess Meticulous careful, accurate Jaunt An excursion Nocturnal Active by night Obliterate Delete, destroy Nonchalance Calm, casual Dilatory Causing delay Obfuscate Confuse, bewilder embellish Beautify, decorate debonair Self assured, pleasant Eschew Abstain from Evocative Convincing, provoking Lineage Descent, ancestry WORD MEANING WORD MEANING Sewn join, to stitch Translucent Partly transparent Diversity variety Impetus Driving energy Gracious kindly, merciful , elegant Implications hint , hidden meaning Tenor Duration Inimical Hostile, harmful Passé Outmoded Mendacious Untruthful, lying Inevitable unavoidable ,which is bound to happen Isolation alone, disconnect , cut off Rebuffed rejection , refusal Plebeian Commoner, coarse Robustly strongly, hardly , muscularly Pursuit Occupation, employment Deplores regret, lament Tactile That can be touch Sanguine Optimistic, cheerful Usurp to seize power illegally Acme highest point of perfection Fanfare short showy sounding of trumpets Sobriety Being sober Desecration Corrupt, violate Felicitate to congratulate Shimmering Glimmer, shine Gullible Easily deceived, credulous Pegged wooden metal etc. bolt or pin Astute Shrewd , clever deferential Respectful Unscathed Unharmed, Uninjured Tangible definite , concrete , corporeal Revamped Revise, renovate Protagonist Leading character Proliferate Reproduce, grow Glean to gather bit by bit Agitation confusion, trouble Indigent Poor Fanaticism activist, militant Nimble Quick, active, brisk Felicity Great happiness Bamboozle Cheat Knave Scoundrel Canard Unfounded rumour Prodigal Wasteful, extravagant Evanescent Fade from sight