"Via" vocabulary definitions

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Wonder – Via Vocabulary
1. noble (pg. 83): Dignified; having or showing qualities of high moral character, as
courage, generosity, or honor.
2. vividly (pg. 86): Clearly; evoking realistic images within the mind; heard, seen, or
felt as if real.
3. splay (pg. 88): Turned outward.
4. gauge (pg. 90): To evaluate of judge.
5. prude (pg. 94): A person who is excessively proper or modest (not elaborate or
6. instinctively (pg. 95): A natural talent or ability; unlearned.
7. meticulously (pg. 97): Taking or showing extreme care about details.
8. spitefully (pg. 101): Showing an intention to harm.
9. mutation (pg. 104): A change or alteration; a change in the genes or
chromosomes of a living thing that can be inherited by its offspring (children).
10. forecast (pg. 105): Predict.
11. quips (pg. 107): A clever or witty remark or comment.
12. diverse (pg. 107): Having variety; made up of several or many kinds.
13. immerses (109): absorbs; to involve deeply.
14. bribed (112): Promise or offer to give something in exchange for a service or
15. emphatically (115): Insistently; forceful and definite in expression or action.