Syllabus Unit for Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse

Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse
Behavioral Objectives
1. Apply the terms listed in the content
column nursing/client situations.
Discuss the influences on nursing
practice while fulfilling the role of
provider of care.
Content Outline
Application of terms
A. Provider of care
1. Assault & battery
2. Competency
3. Confidentiality
4. Cultural sensitivity
5. Good Samaritan law
6. Informed consent
7. Personal liability
8. Reasonable prudent nurse
B. Coordinator of care
1. Management vs leadership
2. Leadership styles
a. Autocratic
b. Democratic
c. Laissez-faire
C. Member of the profession
1. Professionalism
2. Accreditation
3. Certification
4. Credentialing
D. Patient Safety Advocate
1. National Patient Safety Goals
2. Professional Boundaries
3. Environment
4. Scope of Practice
II. Factors influencing provision of care
A. Ethical
1. Basis
a. Personal, religious and
philosophical viewpoints
b. Values, beliefs
c. Codes of Nurses
d. Client’s rights
2. Ethical theories
a. Deontological
b. Utilitarian
c. Situational
Clinical Objectives
Recognize that political,
economic and societal forces
affect the health of clients.
Use interdisciplinary resources
within the institution to address
ethical and legal concerns.
Use knowledge of societal
3) trends
to identify and communicate
client care problems.
Support the client’s right of selfdetermination and choice even
when these choices conflict with
values of the individual
Participate on organizational
committees, professional
organizations and community
groups to improve the quality of
health care.
Learning Opportunities
Zerwekh, J., & Claborn, J. (2012).
1) The Patient’s Bill of Rights
2) American Nurses Association
Code of Ethics
3) International Council of Nurses
Code of Ethics.
Role of the nurse as manager & types of
nursing care delivery systems in nursing
#M118 - Advance directives:
Guidelines for health care
M093 – Communications: Manager
Participate in activities
individually or in groups through
organizations that promote the
profession of nursing.
M094 – Communications: Peer
Recognize roles of professional
nursing organizations, regulatory
agencies and organizational
#3001 – Basic Management Skills
M106 – Patient rights: The act of caring
#3002 - Clinical Management
#2089 – Legal Aspects of Nursing
Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse
Behavioral Objectives
Content Outline
Moral/ethical principles
a. Autonomy
b. Beneficence
c. Nonmaleficence
d. Fidelity
e. Justice
f. Veracity
4. Resolving an ethical dilemma
B. Legal
1. Advance health care treatment
a. Living will
b. Durable power of attorney for
health care decisions
c. Advance directives
2. Resuscitation decisions
3. Legal aspects of nursing
a. Sources of law
b. Nursing Practice Act
c. Criminal vs. civil law
d. Standards of care
e. Negligence
f. Malpractice
4. Malpractice insurance
C. Societal factors
1. Social and cultural attitude
2. Health care funding
3. Science and technology
4. Legislation
5. Judicial decisions
6. Institute of Medicine (IOM)
D. Occupational factors
1. Status as an employee
2. Authoritarian and paternalistic
3. Staffing issues
4. Consumer involvement in health care
5. National Patient Safety Goals
6. Customer Service
Clinical Objectives
Practice within the RN role and
Scope of Practice.
Serve as a positive role model for
students, peers, and members of
the interdisciplinary health care
Learning Opportunities
#640 – Hospital-based care
management: Role of the case
#1008 - Delegating effectively and
#0098 – Nursing dilemma: Reality
#5040 - Applying critical thinking to
nursing skills; Shift assessment
#5046 – Nursing leadership and
management assigning &
delegating client care activities
#5004 – Ethical dilemmas and legal
issues in the care of the elderly
Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse
Behavioral Objectives
Discuss the influences on nursing
practice while fulfilling the role of
coordinator of care.
Content Outline
E. Competency
1. Skills, knowledge
2. Critical thinking
3. Priority setting
4. Decision making
5. Delegation
6. Client advocacy
III. Factors influencing nursing management
A. Individual
1. Motivation
2. Role transition/development
3. Competency
4. Job description
5. Management style
B. Interpersonal
1. Communication skills
2. Types of power
3. Problem solving/conflict
4. Group dynamics
5. Collaboration
6. Assertiveness skills
7. Working with diversity
8. Leadership styles
C. Practice environment
1. Continuous quality improvement
a. Professional organizations
standards of care
b. Joint Commission
c. Health care financing
administration (HCFA)
d. Diagnostic related groups (DRGs)
e. Capitation
2. Risk management
a. Incident report
b. Irregular occurrence
c. Variance reports
d. Failure to rescue
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
RULE 224 & 225:
Delegation Rules – excerpt from the
Board rules and regulations relating to
professional nurse education, license,
and practice. Located in TVCC ADN
ANA Standards of Nursing Practice
Competencies of the Associate Nurse on
Entry into Practice, National League for
Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse
Behavioral Objectives
Discuss the influences on nursing
practice while fulfilling the role of
member of the profession.
Content Outline
e. Safe Patient Handling
3. Performance evaluations
4. Philosophy/mission/vision of agency
5. Policy and procedures
a. Chain of command
b. Networking
6. Benefits
7. Staffing pattern/acuity
8. Primary care
9. Clinical pathways
10. Management of resources
a. Time
b. Cost containment
c. Materials
d. Space
e. Staff
11. Change process (change agent)
12. Technology
a. Computer
b. Durable medical equipment
13. Differentiated practice
14. Employee rights
15. Types of management
a. Chief nursing officer
b. Shared governance
D. Texas Nursing Practice Act delegation rules
E. Health care delivery systems
1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Tertiary
4. Case management
IV. Factors influencing member of the profession
A. Personal
1. Personal philosophy
2. Stress
a. Influencing factors
1) Shift work
2) Reality shock
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse
Behavioral Objectives
Content Outline
1) Prevent
2) Alleviate
3. Professional boundaries
4. Passing NCLEX-RN
B. Licensure
1. Nursing Practice Act (NPA)
a. Passed/amended by legislation
b. Creates board of nurse examiners
c. Defines professional nursing
d. Disciplinary proceedings
e. Professional nurse reporting
f. Peer review
g. Protection for refusal to engage in
certain conduct
h. Texas Peer Assistance Program for
Nurses (TPAPN)
2. Board of Nursing (BON)
a. Appointed by governor
b. Regulates nursing education
1) Sets rules and regulations for
nursing education
2) Accredits schools of nursing
c. Regulates nursing licensure
1) Sets unprofessional conduct
2) Maintains records
3) Issues licenses
4) Disciplines nurses
a) Reprimand
b) Suspension
c) Revocation
d) Probation of license
d. Regulates nursing practice
1) Sets standards of nursing
2) Sets nursing delegation rules
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse
Behavioral Objectives
Content Outline
C. Nursing research in practice
D. Employment considerations
1. Resume
2. Interviewing
3. Job descriptions
E. Professional/personal growth opportunities
1. Employment
a. Application
1) Resume preparation
2) Attire/behavior
3) Application letter
4) Interviewing process
b. Resignation
1) Appropriate notice
2) Letter of resignation
c. Job description
1) Professional/personal growth
2) Organizations
a) American Nurses
Association/Texas Nurses
Association (ANA/TNA)
b) National League of
Nursing/Texas League of
Nursing (NLN/TLN)
c) Nursing and health-related
d) Organization for
Associate Degree Nursing
3) Influence of specialty
organizations on professional
d. Continuing education
1) Requirements for licensure
2) Educational mobility
3) Career ladder
4) Staff development
5) Professional publications
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse
Behavioral Objectives
Discuss current issues affecting
personal and professional nursing
Content Outline
Required personal qualities
1) Responsibility
2) Self-esteem
3) Social ability
4) Self-management
5) Integrity/honesty
V. Current nursing issues
A. Tele-nursing
B. Multi-state licensure
C. Personal accountability profile
D. Delegated medical acts
E. Bioterrorism
F. Forensic nursing
G. Evidenced based nursing practice
H. Internet/Media
N/ADN Syllabus/Soph/Level IV Spring/RNSG 2307/RNSG 2307 Transition
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
Recognize the impact of current
issues and trends on the nursing
Revised 11/13