CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Version 04-28-2011 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Women of Reproductive Age 001 QUESTIONNAIRE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER |____|____|____|____| START TIME: ________ 002 STATE |____|____| (provide locally appropriate categories) 003 SITE |____|____| (provide locally appropriate categories) 004 TYPE OF SITE _____________________ Result codes: 1-Home; 2-Shelter; 3-FEMA Trailer; 4- Store; 5-Other ______________ 005 TYPE OF DISASTER ___________________ Result codes: 1-Earthquake; 2-Fire; 3-Flood; 4-Hurricane; 5-Tornado, 6-Other ______________ 006 DATE OF DISASTER: ___ ___/ ___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___ Day Month Year 007 INTERVIEWER: Initials [____|____|____] 008 DATE OF INTERVIEW: ___ ___/ ___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___ Day Month Year 009 CHECKED BY SUPERVISOR: Initials [____|____|____] 1 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Version 04-28-2011 SECTION 1: Background Characteristics INTERVIEWER READS: I would like to begin by asking you some general questions about your background and your current living arrangements. Please remember that your responses are kept confidential and will have no bearing on any aide, services, or assistance that you may be receiving from the government or other organizations. Q101 What is your age? Age in years [__|__] [BRFFS – 12.1; HS Criteria] Q102 Are you Hispanic or Latina? Q103 [BRFFS – 12.2] Which one of the following would you say is your race? READ ALL – choose only one response [BRFFS 12.3; HS Criteria] Q104 What is the highest grade or year of school you completed? READ ONLY IF NECESSARY [BRFSS 12.8; HS Criteria] Q105 Which of the following describes your current marital status? READ ALL – choose only one response [BRFSS 12.6; HS Criteria] Q106 How damaged was your home by the disaster? READ ALL – choose only one response Q107 Q108 Since the disaster, how many times have you moved? (move = move your day to day belongings to a new place) [HS Criteria] Where are you living now? Please provide county and state. Don’t know 88 No Response 99 Yes 1 No 2 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 White 1 Black or African American 2 Asian 3 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 4 American Indian or Alaska Native 5 Other (specify) ______________ 6 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 Never attended school or only kindergarten 1 Grades 1 through 8 (Elementary) 2 Grades 9 through 11 (Some high school) 3 Grade 12 or GED (High school graduate) 4 College 1 to 3 years (Some college or technical school) 5 College 4 years or more (College graduate) 6 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 Married 1 Divorced 2 Widowed 3 Separated 4 Never Married 5 OR A member of an unmarried couple 6 Don’t know No Response My home was not damaged Minor (Living areas of dwelling still livable) Major (Living areas of dwelling are not livable) Destroyed Don’t know No Response 8 9 1 2 3 4 8 9 Number of moves [__|__] Don’t know 88 No Response 99 County__________________ State [__|__] Don’t know 88 No Response 99 2 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Q109 What best describes your current residence? House, condo, or apartment 01 Staying with friends or family 02 FEMA trailer 03 Mobile home 04 Automobile or RV 05 Shelter 06 Hotel 07 Homeless 08 Other (specify) ____________ 09 Don’t know 88 No Response 99 Babies (<1 year) [__|__] Children and teenagers (1-17 years) [__|__] Adults (18 - 64 years) [__|__] Older Adults (≥65 years) [__|__] READ ONLY IF NECESSARY Q110 Counting you, how many people live in your current residence? [PRAMS adapted – P12] Q111 Q112 Q113 Just before the disaster, what was your monthly household income before taxes? Include your income, your husband’s or partner’s income, and any other income you may have received. (All information will be kept private and will not affect any services you are now getting.) [PRAMS adapted - 54] What is your current monthly household income before taxes? Include your income, your husband’s or partner’s income, and any other income you may have received (All information will be kept private and will not affect any services you are now getting.) [PRAMS adapted - 54] What type of health insurance did you have just before the disaster? CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED [PRAMS adapted – 2] Q114 What type of health insurance do you have now? CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED [PRAMS adapted - 2] Version 04-28-2011 1=MENTIONED Total number of people [__|__] Don’t know 88 No Response 99 Less than $800 1 $800 to $1199 2 $1200 to $1599 3 $1600 to $1999 4 $2000 to $2999 5 $3000 to $3999 6 $4000 or more 7 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 Less than $800 1 $800 to $1199 2 $1200 to $1599 3 $1600 to $1999 4 $2000 to $2999 5 $3000 to $3999 6 $4000 or more 7 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 2=NOT MENTIONED No health insurance 1 2 Medicaid (or state program name) 1 2 Health insurance or HMO (you or partner’s work or military) 1 2 Other (specify)____________________________ 1 2 Don’t know 1 2 No Response 1 2 1=MENTIONED 2=NOT MENTIONED No health insurance 1 2 Medicaid (or state program name) 1 2 Health insurance or HMO (you or partner’s work or military) 1 2 Other (specify)____________________________ 1 2 Don’t know 1 2 No Response 1 2 3 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Version 04-28-2011 SECTION 2: Pregnant Women Q201 To your knowledge, are you currently pregnant? Yes No Don’t know No Response [BRFSS – 12.20] 1 2 8 9 Q301 Q301 Q301 INTERVIEWER READS: Now I am going to ask you a few questions about your pregnancy. Q202 How far along are you in your pregnancy? Months [__|__] and Weeks [__|__] Enter months and weeks OR weeks OR Weeks [__|__] [RHA toolkit adapted – 204] Don’t know 88 No Response 99 Q203 How many weeks or months pregnant were you when you had your first visit for prenatal care? Do not count a visit that was only for a pregnancy test or only for WIC. Months [__|__] and Weeks [__|__] OR Weeks [__|__] Q205 I have not seen anyone for prenatal care 00 Don’t know 88 No Response 99 Enter months and weeks OR weeks [PRAMS – 16; HS Criteria] Q204 Are you currently seeing someone for prenatal care? Yes No Don’t know No Response [RHA toolkit adapted – 205] Q205 Have any of these things kept you from getting prenatal care at all or as early as you wanted? For each item, answer true if it is a reason that you haven’t gotten prenatal care when you wanted during your current pregnancy or false if it is not a reason or does not apply to you. CIRCLE TRUE OR FALSE FOR ALL [PRAMS adapted – 18] Q206 Has prenatal care been more difficult for you to get because of the disaster? 1=TRUE 1 2 8 9 2=FALSE Couldn’t get an appointment when you wanted one 1 2 Not enough money or insurance to pay for visits 1 2 No transportation to get to the clinic or doctor’s office 1 2 Had too many other things going on 1 2 Couldn’t take time off from work or school 1 2 Didn’t have your Medicaid (or state Medicaid name) card 1 2 No one to take care of children or other family members 1 2 Didn’t want prenatal care 1 2 Didn’t know where to go to receive care 1 2 The wait time in the office was too long 1 2 Other (specify) ___________________ 1 2 Don’t know 1 2 No Response 1 2 Yes 1 If yes, why_______________________________________ No 2 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 4 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Q207 Do you have any of the following health problems that require ongoing care which started before or during this pregnancy? READ ALL – circle all that apply [PRAMS adapted – 23 & 24] 1=YES Version 04-28-2011 2=NO Q502 Q502 Q502 Q502 Q502 High blood sugar (diabetes or gestational diabetes) 1 2 Vaginal bleeding 1 2 Asthma 1 2 Kidney or bladder (urinary tract) infection 1 2 Severe nausea, vomiting or dehydration 1 2 High blood pressure, hypertension (including pregnancyinduced hypertension) preeclampsia or toxemia 1 2 Heart problems 1 2 Other (specify) ___________________ 1 2 Don’t know 1 2 No Response 1 2 Q502 Q502 Q502 Q502 Q502 5 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Version 04-28-2011 SECTION 3: Post Partum Women & Their Infants Q301 Q302 Have you given birth to a baby who is currently six months old or younger? Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Were you pregnant when the disaster occurred? Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Q401 Q401 Q401 INTERVIEWER READS: Now I will ask you questions about this baby and about care for you following the birth of this baby. Q303 How much did the baby weigh at birth? Pounds [__|__] [HS Criteria] Q304 Ounces [__|__] Don’t know 88 No Response 99 Yes 1 No 2 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 Was the baby born more than 3 weeks before his or her due date? [PRAMS adapted – 10; HS Criteria] Q305 Q306 Since your baby was born, have you had a postpartum checkup for yourself? (A postpartum checkup is the regular checkup a woman has after she gives birth.) [PRAMS – L8] Did any of these things keep you from getting a postpartum checkup? For each item, answer true if it was a reason that you didn’t get a postpartum checkup after your most recent delivery or false if it was not a reason or did not apply to you. CIRCLE TRUE OR FALSE FOR ALL [New question – responses adapted from PRAMS 18] Q307 Was getting a postpartum checkup more difficult for you because of the disaster? Yes No Don’t know No Response 1=TRUE 1 2 8 9 2=FALSE Didn’t know a postpartum checkup was recommended 1 2 Couldn’t get an appointment when you wanted one 1 2 Not enough money or insurance to pay for visit 1 2 No transportation to get to the clinic or doctor’s office 1 2 Couldn’t take time off from work or school 1 2 Didn’t have your Medicaid (or state Medicaid name) card 1 2 No one to take care of children or other family members 1 2 Had too many other things going on 1 2 Didn’t know where to go to receive care 1 2 The wait time in the office was too long 1 2 Other (specify) ___________________ 1 2 Don’t know 1 2 No Response 1 2 Yes 1 If yes, why________________________________ No 2 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 6 Q307 Q308 Q308 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Q308 Has your baby had a checkup with a doctor since he or she was born? Q309 Did any of these things keep your baby from having a checkup with a doctor when you wanted one? For each item, answer true if it was a reason that kept your baby from having a well-baby checkup when you wanted one or false if it was not a reason or did not apply to you. CIRCLE TRUE OR FALSE FOR ALL [PRAMS adapted – X2] Q310 Was it more difficult for you to get a checkup with a doctor for your baby because of the disaster? Version 04-28-2011 Yes No Don’t know No Response 1=TRUE 1 2 8 9 2=FALSE Not enough money or insurance to pay for it No transportation to the clinic or doctor’s office No one to take care of children or other family members Couldn’t get an appointment Baby was too sick to go for routine care The wait time in the office was too long Didn’t know where to go to receive care Had too many things other things going on Other (specify) ___________________ Don’t know No Response 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Yes 1 If yes, why ______________________________________ No 2 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 Q311 Are you currently breastfeeding or feeding pumped milk to your baby? Yes No Don’t know No Response [PRAMS – 46] Q312 Did you have difficulty getting formula for your baby because of the disaster? I did not need formula (exclusively breastfed) No, I did not have difficulty getting formula Yes, I had difficulty getting formula Don’t know No Response READ ALL – choose only one response Q313 Did you have difficulty getting clean water to mix formula or clean bottles for feeding because of the disaster? READ ALL - choose all that apply 1=YES 1 2 8 9 1 2 3 8 9 2=NO I did not use formula or bottles No, I did not have difficulty Yes, I needed water for formula Yes, I needed water to clean bottles Don’t know No Response 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Version 04-28-2011 SECTION 4: Family Planning INTERVIEWER READS: Now I am going to ask you questions about preventing pregnancy. We understand that these questions are personal and want to assure you again that your answers will be kept confidential. Q401 Have you had your tubes tied or has your husband or partner had a vasectomy? Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Q402 Just before the disaster, were you or your husband or partner using any birth control method to keep from getting pregnant? Some things people do to keep from getting pregnant include not having sex at certain times [rhythm] or withdrawal, and using birth control methods such as the pill, condoms, vaginal ring, or IUD. Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Q403 At any point in time since the disaster, has it been more difficult to get your birth control method? Q501 Q404 Q404 Q404 Yes 1 If yes, why______________________________ No 2 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 Q404 1 2 3 8 9 Q406 I am not having sex 1 2 I want to get pregnant 1 2 I am pregnant now 1 2 I don’t want to use birth control 1 2 My husband or partner doesn’t want to use anything 1 2 I don’t think I can get pregnant (sterile) 1 2 I can’t pay for birth control 1 2 Other (specify)____________________ 1 2 Don’t know 1 2 No Response 1 2 Q501 Q501 Q501 Q501 Are you or your husband or partner doing anything now to keep from getting pregnant? Yes No No, I do not have a husband or partner Don’t know No Response [PRAMS - 51] Q405 What are your reasons or your husband’s or partner’s reasons for not doing anything now to keep from getting pregnant now? CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED [PRAMS – 52] 1=MENTIONED Q501 Q501 Q501 2=NOT MENTIONED Q501 Q501 Q501 Q501 Q501 Q501 8 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Q406 What kind of birth control method are you or your husband or partner using now to keep from getting pregnant? CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED [PRAMS – E1] Q407 Where did you last obtain your birth control method? [RHA Toolkit adapted – 313] CHOOSE THE PRIMARY LOCATION 1=MENTIONED Version 04-28-2011 2=NOT MENTIONED Pill Condoms Injection once every 3 months (Depo-Provera®) Contraceptive implant (Implanon®) Contraceptive patch (OrthoEvra®) Diaphragm, cervical cap, or sponge Vaginal ring (NuvaRing® or others) IUD (including Mirena®) Rhythm method or natural family planning Withdrawal (pulling out) Not having sex (abstinence) Emergency contraception (“morning after” pill) Other (specify)__________________ Don’t know No Response 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Private doctor’s office HMO facility Community health clinic Public health clinic Family planning/Planned Parenthood Hospital or urgent care center Pharmacy/store Other(specify)__________________ Don’t know No Response 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Q501 Q501 Q501 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 88 99 9 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Version 04-28-2011 SECTION 5: Family Stressors, Risk Behaviors, and Needs INTERVIEWER READS: Disasters can be very stressful for women and their families. These next questions are about things that may have happened to you or your family. We understand that these questions are personal and that some may be difficult for you to answer. Please remember that your answers will be kept confidential and that we can stop and take a break at any time. Q501 Do you have any of the following health problems that require ongoing care? READ ALL – circle all that apply [PRAMS adapted – 23 & 24] Q502 1=YES 2=NO High blood sugar (diabetes) Asthma Kidney or bladder (urinary tract) infection High blood pressure, hypertension Heart problems Other (specify) ___________________ Don’t know No Response Did you experience any of the following because of the disaster? (READ ALL) A) You felt like your life was in danger when the disaster struck B) You had an illness or an injury C) A member of your household had an illness or an injury D) You walked through floodwater or debris E) You were without electricity for one week or longer F) Someone close to you died in the disaster G) You saw someone die in the disaster H) You were living in temporary housing or in conditions that you were not accustomed to before I) You lost personal belongings J) You were separated from loved ones who you feel close to K) You had difficulty getting services or aid from the government and/or insurance L) Your husband or partner lost his/her job M) You lost your job even though you wanted to go on working N) You argued with your husband or partner more than usual O) You had a lot of bills you couldn’t pay P) You were in a physical fight Q) Your husband or partner or you went to jail R) Someone very close to you had a problem with drinking or drugs YES NO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 DK/ NR A) 1……..…2………..…9 B) C) 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 D) E) 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 F) G) H) 1……..…2…….....…9 1……..…2…….....…9 1……..…2…….....…9 I) J) 1……..…2…….....…9 1……..…2…….....…9 K) 1……..…2…........…9 L) M) 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 N) 1……..…2………..…9 O) P) Q) R) 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2…….....…9 1……..…2…….....…9 [A-K exposures adapted from Norris, Xiong, Katrina Focus Groups; L-R stressors PRAMS adapted] 10 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Q503 Just before the disaster, how many people in your household (excluding yourself) did you have to provide care for on a regular basis? [GA Survey – adapted CG1) Q504 Since the disaster, how many people in your household (excluding yourself) do you have to provide care for on a regular basis? [GA Survey – adapted CG1) Q505 Just before the disaster, did you or your family ever eat less than you felt you should because there was not enough money to buy food? Version 04-28-2011 Total number of people [__|__] Don’t know 88 No Response 99 Total number of people [__|__] Don’t know 88 No Response 99 Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Don’t know No Response 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Don’t know No Response 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 [PRAMS adapted – P14] Q506 Since the disaster, have you or your family eaten less than you felt you should because there was not enough money to buy food? [PRAMS adapted – P14] Q507 On the scale of 1 to 5 (1=never and 5=always), how often did you feel unsafe in the place where you lived just before the disaster? READ ALL – circle only one response [PRAMS adapted – P15; HS Criteria] Q508 On the scale of 1 to 5 (1=never and 5=always), how often have you felt unsafe in the place where you live since the disaster? READ ALL – circle only one response [PRAMS adapted – P15; HS Criteria] Q509 Since the disaster, have you used any form of tobacco? (Tobacco includes snuff, chewing tobacco, cigars, pipe, or cigarettes). [PRAMS adapted – 27; HS Criteria] 11 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Q510 Since the disaster, how many alcoholic drinks have you had in an average week? (One alcoholic drink is a 12 oz beer, a 5 oz glass of wine, or a drink with 1 shot of liquor). [PRAMS adapted – 32a; HS Criteria] Q511 Q512 Have you had sex with more than one person since the disaster? Version 04-28-2011 14 drinks or more a week 7 to 13 drinks a week 4 to 6 drinks a week 1 to 3 drinks a week Less than 1 drink a week I have not had an alcoholic drink since then Don’t know No Response 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Yes No No, I am not sexually active Don’t know No Response 1 2 3 8 9 Q514 Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Q514 Q514 Q514 I have more than one partner My husband/partner has more than 1 partner I don’t know my partner’s sexual history I am having unprotected sex Many family members/friends have HIV or a STI I use intravenous drugs Other ________________ Don’t know No Response 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Do you think you are at risk of getting HIV or any sexually transmitted infection? (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, genital warts, HPV) Q513 Why do you think that you are at risk of getting HIV or a sexually transmitted infection? Q514 Do you feel you currently need any of the following services? (READ ALL) YES NO DK/ NR A) Housing B) Food stamps, WIC vouchers, or money to buy food C) School or vocational training D) Transportation E) Dental services F) Medical services G) Help to quit smoking H) Help with alcohol or drug problem I) Help to reduce violence in your home J) Counseling information for family and/or personal problems K) Other (specify)________________ A) B) 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J) 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 1……..…2………..…9 K) 1………..2….….......9 ASK ONLY IF PREGNANT/POSTPARTUM L) Help with or information about breastfeeding L) 1……..…2………..…9 [PRAMS adapted – V11] 12 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Q515 In a future disaster, what would be your main method of getting health information in a large-scale disaster or emergency? CHOOSE ONLY ONE RESPONSE [Communication survey] Version 04-28-2011 Television Newspaper Radio Magazines Internet Billboards or outdoor posters Health Department Health care provider Family or friend Church or faith-based organizations Community organizations Other (specify) __________ Don’t know No Response 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 88 99 13 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Version 04-28-2011 SECTION 6: Violence INTERVIEWER READS: Now I would like to ask you some questions about physical violence and unwanted sexual experiences. These are sensitive topics. Some people may feel uncomfortable with these questions. Please remember that we will continue to make sure that your answers are absolutely confidential. We also want you to know that we can refer you to someone who can help, if you wish. Q601 Since the disaster, has your husband or partner pushed, hit, slapped, kicked, choked or physically hurt you in any other way? Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 [RHA toolkit adapted = 823] Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Since the disaster did anyone, including your husband or partner, force you to take part in touching or any sexual activity when you did not want to? Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Do you believe that these incidents of violence affected your physical or emotional health? Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 Did you see a doctor, counselor, or any other medical care provider for treatment of these problems? Yes No Don’t know No Response 1 2 8 9 [PRAMS=34] Q602 Q603 Since the disaster has anyone else beaten you or mistreated you physically? INSTRUCTION TO INTERVIEWER If any violence is reported since the disaster, continue to Q604 If no violence is reported since the disaster, go to END Q604 Q605 END END END [RHA toolkit adapted – 811] 14 CDC REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Version 04-28-2011 SECTION 7: Survey Reliability INTERVIEWER READS: Lastly, I will ask you 4 questions again that I asked you earlier in the questionnaire. We do this to test the quality of the questions that we have chosen for the questionnaire. Please remember that your responses will have no bearing on any aide, services, or assistance that you may be receiving from the government or other organizations. Thank you for helping us with this test of our questions. Q701 What best describes your current residence? READ ONLY IF NECESSARY Q702 Q703 Q704 [Same as Q109] Just before the disaster, what was your monthly household income before taxes? Include your income, your husband’s or partner’s income, and any other income you may have received. (All information will be kept private and will not affect any services you are now getting.) [Same as Q111] To your knowledge, are you currently pregnant? [Same as Q201] Since the disaster, how many people in your household (excluding yourself) do you have to provide care for on a regular basis? [Same as Q504] House, condo, or apartment 01 Staying with friends or family 02 FEMA trailer 03 Mobile home 04 Automobile or RV 05 Shelter 06 Hotel 07 Homeless 08 Other (specify) ____________ 09 Don’t know 88 No Response 99 Less than $800 1 $800 to $1199 2 $1200 to $1599 3 $1600 to $1999 4 $2000 to $2999 5 $3000 to $3999 6 $4000 or more 7 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 Yes 1 No 2 Don’t know 8 No Response 9 Total number of people [__|__] Don’t know 88 No Response 99 END TIME: ___________ That is the end of our questionnaire. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions. We appreciate your help. 15