Palm Springs Unified School District Grade 3 English Language Arts Course Guide Traditional and Modified Calendars 2013 - 2014 Grade 3 English Language Arts Table of Contents Preface - Important Note to Teachers…………………………………………………....….3 Using the Released Test Questions........................................................................................4 Purpose and Use of Pacing Guide……………………………………………….……….....5 National Educational Technology Standards Grades Pre-K - 12...........................................6 California Standards Test (CST) Blueprint……………………………………….…..…….8 California Content Standards at a Glance………………………………………….............13 California Content Standards Unpacked………………………………………….….…....15 Instructional Segments……………………………………………………….……....…….24 Benchmark Exam #1 at a Glance……………………….…….…….……………….…..…31 Vocabulary by Instructional Segments……………...................……………………......…32 Pacing Guide………………………………………………………………………....…….33 Please direct any questions or comments to: Kim Monnie K-12 ELA Specialist (760) 567-7740 OR Sandi Enochs Coordinator of Assessment and Data Analysis (760) 416-6066 2 IMPORTANT! THIS PACING GUIDE IS INTENDED TO BE FLEXIBLE!!!! Although a Pacing Guide has been created with a suggested order for teaching the textbook lessons, site grade level teams may change the order of the lessons being taught WITHIN an Instructional Segment. The only requirement is that all lessons within each Instructional Segment be completed (and standards mastered) prior to that Instructional Segment’s Closing Date. The Instructional Segment’s Closing Date is the absolute last date by which the Segment’s Assessment must be administered and results entered into OARS. These are OARS deadline dates, not just dates by which the exams must be administered to your students. Feel free to administer the Assessment any time prior to this date. Throughout this document, the standards that have been designated Key Standards by Palm Springs Unified School District are highlighted in bold print and with an asterisk (*) following the standard number. These represent the high impact standards as measured by the California Standards Test (CST). This Course Guide highlights the Key Standards, unpacks the standards, and can be very helpful to teachers in making instructional decisions about focus areas. All teachers need to keep track of whatever is and is not working, for consideration during the next revision of this Course Guide. This is critical, if we are to make useful changes in the future. Please note: Benchmark Exam #2 has been replaced with a CST Mirror Test. During the time between the administration of the CST Mirror Test and the administration of the actual CST teachers will continue to teach new content while providing interventions as indicated by the results of the CST Mirror Test. This Course Guide is NOT suggesting that all content be taught prior to the CST Mirror Test administration date. A Scope and Sequence of the National Educational Technology Standards, Grades Pre-K - 12, has been included in all Course Guides. It clearly identifies the Technology Standards that should be integrated into all subject areas at the appropriate grade levels. The Textbook column of the Pacing Guide refers to our adopted textbook, California Treasures, by MacMillan/McGraw-Hill. A column, entitled RTQ’s (Released Test Questions), has been added to the California Standards Test Blueprint. It references the specific Released Test Question(s) that align to each assessed standard. If you need a copy of the English Language Arts STAR Released Test Questions, you may download them from the CDE website: Please see the following page for some suggestions of how to use the RTQ’s. 3 Using the Released Test Questions throughout the School Year It is highly recommended that you use the Released Test Questions as a wrap-up of instruction on a particular standard. Close the lesson with “Now let’s see how the state might test this concept (or standard)”. After the students have answered the question(s) and selected their responses, thoroughly review the question and answer choices with them. Discover how many (and which) students answered the question(s) correctly. Then have a frank and open discussion about the distracters and why each student chose a particular distracter Did they totally not understand the concept (standard)? Did they not know a particular vocabulary word (academic or content-specific)? Did they miss a step in the process of solving the problem? Did they not finish solving the problem, because one of the distracters was the answer they received when they were only part-way through solving the problem? Did they arrive at a perfectly good answer, but it was not the answer to the problem? Try and discover all errors and misconceptions now, so that they can be corrected immediately and not continue throughout the school year. Please keep in mind that most standards encompass several (if not many) concepts, as evidenced by the Unpacked Standards in your Course Guide. These Released Test Questions may only assess some of these concepts. That does not mean that these are the only aspects of the standard that will be tested on the CST. These are the questions that CDE chose to release at this point in time. This is not necessarily an indication of which concepts to stress or an indication of which part of the standard will be tested. You may need to generate or find additional questions to assess the other portions of the standard. These questions (and the students’ responses to the questions) should be a focus of your PLC collaborative discussions. They will generate a wealth of information to be shared by the team. Here are some facts quoted from Robert Marzano’s book Classroom Assessment and Grading that Work (pp.5 – 6): When students receive feedback on a classroom assessment that simply tells them whether their answers are correct or incorrect, learning is negatively influenced. When students are provided with the correct answer, learning is influenced in a positive direction. This practice is associated with a gain of 8.5 percentile points in student achievement. Providing students with explanations as to why their responses are correct or incorrect is associated with a gain of 20 percentile points in student achievement. Asking students to continue responding to an assessment until they correctly answer the items is associated with a gain of 20 percentile points. Displaying assessment results graphically can go a long way to helping students take control of their own learning. However, this practice can also help teachers more accurately judge students’ levels of understanding and skill. It is associated with a gain of 26 percentile points in student achievement. Teachers within a school or a district should have rigorous and uniform ways of interpreting the results of classroom assessments. If the interpretation of assessment results is done by a set of rules, student achievement is enhanced by 32 percentile points. 4 Purpose and Use of this Pacing Guide 1. Emphasis for 2013-2014: a. More emphasis is being placed on the Key Standards. b. There are three common Instructional Segment Closing Dates. c. Instructional Segment Assessment data will provide teachers with information to improve and drive instruction through team and department collaboration. d. Instructional Segment Assessment data may be used to provide information to assist with grading, but should not be the only data used in determining grades. 2. Course Guide Format: a. A scope and sequence of the National Educational Technology Standards has been included to assist with the integration of the appropriate technology standards into 3rd grade English Language Arts lessons. b. The actual CST Blueprint from the California Department of Education has been reproduced for this document. It lists all the third grade English Language Arts standards and the number of items per standard that are on the CST. It also identifies with an asterisk the Key Standards (high impact standards). We have added a column entitled RTQ’s. This column lists the CST Released Test Questions that correspond to each standard. c. Immediately following this official document is an “At a Glance” version of the standards, which provides a two-page abbreviated summary of the standards. d. The next section, CA Content Standards Unpacked, restates the standards, followed by a listing of the individual skills and/or objectives encompassed by each standard. This may be utilized as a checklist, to check off all components of each standard as they are mastered. Teachers may even reproduce this section as a checklist for students to keep in their notebook to keep track of their individual progress. e. The Pacing Guide is separated into three Instructional Segments. An overview of the three Instructional Segments is placed at the beginning of the next section. Each Instructional Segment summary includes the Main Topics and Standards that must be taught prior to the end of that Instructional Segment, with a space to record the sitespecific Essential Standards. f. This is followed by a Benchmark Exam #1 at a Glance page. This chart lists the CA content standards tested on the first Instructional Segment Assessment, along with the number of questions per standard on this assessment. g. The CA content standards (with correlated textbook sections) to be mastered before the end of each Instructional Segment are clearly shown on the Pacing Guide. This pacing guide focuses on the textbook lessons needed to teach the California content standards for third grade English Language Arts. 5 National Educational Technology Standards Grades Pre-K - 12 Scope and Sequence (H = Help / I = Introduce / D = Develop / IU = Independent Use) Integration and Projects PK K 1 2 3 4 5 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers or student H partners Use technology resources for problem solving, communication, & illustration of thoughts, ideas H & stories Work responsibly, independently & as part of a group in developing projects Use teacher-created rubric for assessment of project Use technology for individual & collaborative writing, communication & publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside & outside the classroom. Determine when technology is useful & select the appropriate tools & technology resources to address a variety of tasks & problems Use information literacy skills to research & evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness & bias of information sources concerning real-world problems Save, find & retrieve work in different formats via email, network & online sources for project work Develop & use student-created rubrics for assessment Take on specific role & manage different group activities & rotation strategies as part of a project Develop essential & subsidiary questions as part of projects Properly cite all information sources Design, develop, publish & present real-world products using technology resources that demonstrate & communicate curriculum concepts to audiences inside & outside the classroom Select appropriate technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving & decision-making in content learning as part of project-based learning Compile projects in electronic portfolio 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU IU IU H I D D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU IU H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU IU H I D D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU H H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU IU H H H I D D D D IU H H H I D D D D IU H H H I D D D D 6 National Educational Technology Standards Grades Pre-K - 12 Scope and Sequence ( H = Help / I = Introduce / D = Develop / IU = Independent Use) Social & Ethical Use Understand and follow rules & procedures for technology use Work cooperatively & collaboratively with others when using technology in the classroom Demonstrate positive social & ethical behaviors when using technology Practice responsible use of technology systems & software Discuss responsible use of technology & information & describe consequences of inappropriate use Demonstrate knowledge of current changes in information technologies & the effect those changes have on the workplace & society Exhibit legal & ethical behaviors when using information & technology & discuss consequences of misuse Understand & follow proper use of copyrighted material & use netiquette when using email Cite resources properly Identify capabilities & limitations of emerging technology resources & assess the potential of these systems & services to address personal, lifelong learning, & workplace needs Access & use primary & secondary sources of information for an activity Demonstrate & advocate for legal & ethical behaviors among peers, family & community regarding the use of technology & information PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU IU IU IU H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU IU IU IU H H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU IU IU H H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU IU IU IU H H H H I D D D IU IU IU IU H H H H I D D D IU IU IU H H H H I D D D IU IU IU H H H H I D D D IU IU H H H I D D D IU IU H H H I D D D IU 7 CALIFORNIA STANDARDS TESTS GRADE 3 ENGLISH-LANGUAGE ARTS (Blueprints adopted by the State Board of Education 10/02) CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS: READING 1.0 WORD ANALYSIS, FLUENCY, AND SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Students understand the basic features of reading. They select letter patterns and know how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics, syllabication, and word parts. They apply this knowledge to achieve fluent oral and silent reading. 1.1 Decoding and Word Recognition: know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words 1.2 Decoding and Word Recognition: decode regular multisyllabic words 1.3 Decoding and Word Recognition: read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression 1.4 Vocabulary and Concept Development: use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words 1.5 Vocabulary and Concept Development: demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things) 1.6 Vocabulary and Concept Development: use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words 1.7 Vocabulary and Concept Development: use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words 1.8 Vocabulary and Concept Development: use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words 2.0 READING COMPREHENSION: Students read and understand grade-level-appropriate material. They draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed (e.g., generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, comparing information from several sources). The selections in Recommended Readings in Literature, Kindergarten Through Grade Eight illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by students. In addition to their regular school reading, by grade four, students read one-half million words annually, including a good representation of grade-level-appropriate narrative and expository text (e.g., classic and contemporary literature, magazines, newspapers, online information). In grade three, students make substantial progress toward this goal. # of Items RTQ’s 20 31% 31, 42, 56, 59 22, 32, 55, 57 2 2 NA* 4 16, 37, 43, 44, 47, 54 2 48, 50, 62 4 1, 10, 15, 39, 52, 53, 58 2 34, 36, 60 4 17, 23, 49, 51, 61 15 23% NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 8 © California Department of Education CALIFORNIA STANDARDS TESTS GRADE 3 ENGLISH-LANGUAGE ARTS (Blueprints adopted by the State Board of Education 10/02) CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS: READING 2.1 Structural Features of Informational Materials: use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text 2.2 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text 2.3 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text 2.4 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information 2.5 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text 2.6 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions 2.7 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game) 3.0 LITERARY RESPONSE AND ANALYSIS: Students read and respond to a wide variety of significant works of children’s literature. They distinguish between the structural features of text and the literary terms or elements (i.e., theme, plot, setting, characters). The selections in Recommended Readings in Literature, Kindergarten Through Grade Eight illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by students. 3.1 Structural Features of Literature: distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction) 3.2 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world 3.3 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them 3.4 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and nonfiction text 3.5 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection # of Items RTQ’s 2 29, 30, 45, 46 2 6, 19, 27 2 26, 33, 40 2 8, 20, 25 2 3 12, 13, 38 2 7, 9, 28 8 12% 1 5 2 2, 3, 18, 35 2 11, 41 1 4, 14, 21 1 NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 9 © California Department of Education CALIFORNIA STANDARDS TESTS GRADE 3 ENGLISH-LANGUAGE ARTS (Blueprints adopted by the State Board of Education 10/02) CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS: READING 3.6 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: identify the speaker or narrator in a selection CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS: WRITING 1.0 WRITTEN AND ORAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS: Students write and speak with a command of standard English conventions appropriate to this grade level. 1.1 Sentence Structure: understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking 1.2 Grammar: identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking 1.3 Grammar: identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking 1.4 Grammar: identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences 1.5 Punctuation: punctuate dates, city and state, and titles of books correctly 1.6 Punctuation: use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series 1.7 Capitalization: capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events correctly 1.8 Spelling: spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns (e.g., qu, consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word from y to ies when forming the plural), and common homophones (e.g., hairhare) 1.9 Spelling: arrange words in alphabetical order 1.0 WRITING STRATEGIES: Students write clear and coherent sentences and paragraphs that develop a central idea. Their writing shows they consider the audience and purpose. Students progress through the stages of the writing process (e.g., pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing successive versions). 1.1 Organization and Focus: create a single paragraph that 1) develops a topic sentence 2) includes simple supporting facts and details 1.2 Penmanship: write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence # of Items RTQ’s 1 34 # of Items RTQ’s 13 20% 1 68, 89 1 63, 77, 91 1 72 2 78, 82, 87 2 69, 70, 95 1 90, 94 2 71, 75, 86, 96 2 66, 83, 93 1 79, 88 9 14% 1 2 67, 76 NA* NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 10 © California Department of Education CALIFORNIA STANDARDS TESTS GRADE 3 ENGLISH-LANGUAGE ARTS (Blueprints adopted by the State Board of Education 10/02) CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS: WRITING 1.3 Research & Technology: understand the structure and organization of various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia) 1.4 Evaluation and Revision: revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric TOTALS # of Items RTQ’s 3 65, 74, 80, 85, 92 3 64, 73, 81, 84 65 100% Although the Writing Applications and Listening & Speaking strands are not included in the CST Blueprint, they are included in the English Language Frameworks for California Public School. Therefore, the standards in these strands are included in this Course Guide. 2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) Students write compositions that describe and explain familiar objects, events, and experiences. Student writing demonstrates a command of standard American English and the drafting, research, and organizational strategies outlined in Writing Standard 1.0. Using the writing strategies of grade three outlined in Writing Standard 1.0, students: 2.1 Write narratives: a. Provide a context within which an action takes place. b. Include well-chosen details to develop the plot. c. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable. 2.2 Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. 2.3 Write personal and formal letters, thank-you notes, and invitations: a. Show awareness of the knowledge and interests of the audience and establish a purpose and context. b. Include the date, proper salutation, body, closing, and signature. NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 11 © California Department of Education Listening and Speaking 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies Students listen critically and respond appropriately to oral communication. They speak in a manner that guides the listener to understand important ideas by using proper phrasing, pitch, and modulation. Comprehension 1.1 Retell, paraphrase, and explain what has been said by a speaker. 1.2 Connect and relate prior experiences, insights, and ideas to those of a speaker. 1.3 Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. 1.4 Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication 1.5 Organize ideas chronologically or around major points of information. 1.6 Provide a beginning, a middle, and an end, including concrete details that develop a central idea. 1.7 Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and establish the tone. 1.8 Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., objects, pictures, charts). 1.9 Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Analysis and Evaluation of Oral and Media Communications 1.10 Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast and print media. 1.11 Distinguish between the speaker's opinions and verifiable facts. 2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) Students deliver brief recitations and oral presentations about familiar experiences or interests that are organized around a coherent thesis statement. Student speaking demonstrates a command of standard American English and the organizational and delivery strategies outlined in Listening and Speaking Standard 1.0. Using the speaking strategies of grade three outlined in Listening and Speaking Standard 1.0, students: 2.1 Make brief narrative presentations: a. Provide a context for an incident that is the subject of the presentation. b. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable. c. Include well-chosen details to develop character, setting, and plot. 2.2 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. 2.3 Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. 12 # CST Items STD Grade 3 ELA Content Standards at a Glance READING 20 (31%) 2 2 NA 4 2 4 2 4 15 (23%) 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 8 (12%) 1 2 2 1 1 1 R1.0 R1.1 R1.2 R1.3 R1.4* R1.5 R1.6* R1.7 R1.8* Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Complex word families when reading Decode regular multisyllabic words Read aloud fluently and accurately Antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs Levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words Context to find the meaning of unknown words Use a dictionary Prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of words R2.0 R2.1* R2.2 R2.3 R2.4* R2.5* R2.6* R2.7 Reading Comprehension Titles, table of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, indexes Connect prior knowledge with literal information Identify answers in the text Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text Extract appropriate and significant information from the text Follow simple multiple-step written instructions R3.0 R3.1 R3.2* R3.3* R3.4 R3.5 R3.6 Literary Response and Analysis Distinguish common forms of literature Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, fables Determine what characters are like Determine the underlying theme or author’s message Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection WRITING 13 (20%) WOC 1.0 WOC 1.1 1 WOC 1.2 1 WOC 1.3 1 WOC 1.4* 2 WOC 1.5* 2 WOC 1.6 1 WOC 1.7* 2 WOC 1.8* 2 WOC 1.9 1 Written and Oral Language Conventions Complete sentences in writing and speaking Subjects, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, compound words and articles Past, present and future verb tenses Subjects and verbs in speaking and writing simple sentences Punctuation of dates, city and state, and titles of books Commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series Capitalization of geographical names, holidays, historical periods, special events Spell one-syllable words and common homophones Arrange words in alphabetical order * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 13 # CST STD Items 9 (14%) WS1.0 WS1.1* 1 1) 2 2) NA WS1.2 3 WS1.3* 3 WS1.4* WA2.0 WA2.1* a. b. c. WA2.2* WA2.3* a. b. Grade 3 ELA Content Standards at a Glance (Con’t) Writing Strategies Create a single paragraph that develops a topic sentence includes simple supporting facts and details Write legibly in cursive or joined italic Structure and organization of various reference materials Revise drafts Writing Applications (Genres and their Characteristics) Write narratives: Provide context for an action. Include well-chosen details. Provide insight for an incident. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details. Write personal and formal letters: Show awareness of audience; establish a purpose and context. Include the date, proper salutation, body, closing, and signature. Listening and Speaking LS1.0 LS1.1* LS1.2 LS1.3 LS1.4 LS1.5* LS1.6 LS1.7 LS1.8 LS1.9 LS1.10 LS1.11* Listening and speaking strategies. Retell, paraphrase, and explain what has been said. Connect and relate prior experiences, insights, and ideas to those of a speaker. Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. Identify the musical elements of literary language. Organize ideas chronologically or around major points of information. Provide a beginning, a middle, and an end; include concrete details. Use clear and specific vocabulary. Clarify and enhance oral presentations. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace. Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast and print media. Distinguish between the speaker's opinions and verifiable facts. LS2.0 LS2.1 a. b. c. LS2.2 LS2.3* Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) Make brief narrative presentations: Provide context for an incident. Provide insight for a memorable incident. Include well-chosen details. Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays. Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details. * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 14 # CST Items STD Grade 3 ELA Content Standards Unpacked READING 22 (31%) R1.0 2 R1.1 2 R1.2 NA R1.3 4 R1.4* 2 R1.5 4 R1.6* 2 R1.7 4 R1.8* Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. Know complex word families when reading. Use complex word families when reading to decode unfamiliar words. Decode regular multisyllabic words Decode regular multisyllabic words Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression Read aloud narrative text fluently and accurately. Read aloud narrative text with appropriate pacing. Read aloud narrative text with appropriate intonation. Read aloud narrative text with appropriate expression. Read aloud expository text fluently and accurately. Read aloud expository text with appropriate pacing. Read aloud expository text with appropriate intonation. Read aloud expository text with appropriate expression. Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Use knowledge of antonyms to determine the meanings of words. Use knowledge of synonyms to determine the meanings of words. Use knowledge of homophones to determine the meanings of words. Use knowledge of homographs to determine the meanings of words. Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things). Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words. Explain the importance of the relations among grade-appropriate words. Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. Use sentence context to find the meaning of unknown words. Use word context to find the meaning of unknown words. Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. Use a dictionary to learn the meaning of unknown words. Use a dictionary to learn other features of unknown words. Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. Use knowledge of prefixes to determine the meaning of words. Use knowledge of suffixes to determine the meaning of words. * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 15 STD Grade 3 ELA Content Standards Unpacked (Con’t) (23%) R2.0 Reading Comprehension 2 R2.1* 2 R2.2 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* 3 R2.6* 2 R2.7 8 (12%) R3.0 Literary Response and Analysis 1 R3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Distinguish common forms of literature. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry). Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., drama). Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., fiction). Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., non-fiction). # CST Items 15 Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Use titles to locate information in text. Use tables of contents to locate information in text. Use chapter headings to locate information in text. Use glossaries to locate information in text. Use indices to locate information in text. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in the text. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information inferred from the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. Recall major points in the text. Make predictions about forthcoming information. Modify predictions about forthcoming information. Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Extract appropriate information from the text, including problems and solutions. Extract significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game). Follow simple multiple-step written instructions. * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 16 # CST Items STD 2 R3.2* 2 R.3.3* 1 R3.4 1 R3.5 1 R3.6 Grade 3 ELA Content Standards Unpacked (Con’t) Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales from around the world. Comprehend basic plots of classic myths from around the world. Comprehend basic plots of classic folktales from around the world. Comprehend basic plots of classic legends from around the world. Comprehend basic plots of fables from around the world. Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Determine what characters are like by what they say. Determine what characters are like by what they do. Determine what characters are like by how the author portrays them. Determine what characters are like by how the illustrator portrays them. Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. Determine the underlying theme in fictional text. Determine the underlying theme in non-fiction text. Determine the author’s message in fictional text. Determine the author’s message in non-fiction text. Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection Recognize the similarities of sounds in words (e.g., alliteration) in a selection Recognize the similarities of sounds in words (e.g., onomatopoeia) in a selection Recognize the similarities of rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration) in a selection Recognize the similarities of rhythmical patterns (e.g., onomatopoeia) in a selection Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. Identify the speaker in a selection. Identify the narrator in a selection. WRITING 13 (20%) 1 WOC1.0 WOC1.1 Written and Oral English Language Conventions Understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking. Understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative sentences in writing. Understand and be able to use complete and correct interrogative sentences in writing. Understand and be able to use complete and correct imperative sentences in writing. Understand and be able to use complete and correct exclamatory sentences in writing. Understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative sentences in speaking. Understand and be able to use complete and correct interrogative sentences in speaking. Understand and be able to use complete and correct imperative sentences in speaking. Understand and be able to use complete and correct exclamatory sentences in speaking. * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 17 # CST Items STD 1 WOC1.2 1 WOC1.3 2 WOC1.4* 2 WOC1.5* 1 WOC1.6 2 WOC1.7* Grade 3 ELA Content Standards Unpacked (Con’t) Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement. Identify and use pronouns in writing. Identify and use adjectives in writing. Identify and use compound words in writing. Identify and use articles in writing. Identify and use pronouns in speaking. Identify and use adjectives in speaking. Identify and use compound words in speaking. Identify and use articles in speaking. Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking. Identify and use past verb tenses properly in writing. Identify and use present verb tenses properly in writing. Identify and use future verb tenses properly in writing. Identify and use past verb tenses properly in speaking. Identify and use present verb tenses properly in speaking. Identify and use future verb tenses properly in speaking. Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences. Identify subjects and verbs correctly in speaking simple sentences. Use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking simple sentences. Identify subjects and verbs correctly in writing simple sentences. Use subjects and verbs correctly in writing simple sentences. Punctuate dates, city and state, and titles of books correctly. Punctuate dates correctly. Punctuate city and state correctly. Punctuate titles of books correctly. Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series. Use commas in dates. Use commas in locations. Use commas in addresses. Use commas for items in a series. Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events correctly. Capitalize geographical names correctly. Capitalize holidays correctly. Capitalize historical periods correctly. Capitalize special events correctly. * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 18 # CST Items 2 1 9 (14%) 1 2 NA 3 3 STD Grade 3 ELA Content Standards Unpacked (Con’t) Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, WOC1.8* orthographic patterns (e.g., qu, consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word from y to ies when forming the plural), and common homophones (e.g., hair-hare). Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have contractions. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have compounds. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have orthographic patterns. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have common homophones. WOC1.9 Arrange words in alphabetical order. Arrange words in alphabetical order. WS1.0 Writing Strategies WS1.1* Create a single paragraph that: 1) develops a topic sentence. Create a single paragraph that develops a topic sentence. 2) includes simple supporting facts and details. Create a single paragraph that includes simple supporting facts. Create a single paragraph that includes simple supporting details. Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing WS1.2 between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Write legibly in cursive. Write legibly in joined italic. Write legibly allowing margins. Write legibly allowing correct spacing between letters in a word. Write legibly allowing correct spacing between words in a sentence. Understand the structure and organization of various reference materials (e.g., WS1.3* dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia). Understand the structure of various reference materials. Understand the organization of various reference materials. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an WS1.4* established rubric. Revise drafts to improve the coherence of ideas by using an established rubric. Revise drafts to improve the logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WA2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and their Characteristics) WA2.1* Write narratives: a. Provide a context within which an action takes place. Write narratives that provide a context within which an action takes place. b. Include well-chosen details to develop the plot. Write narratives that include well-chosen details to develop the plot. c. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable. Write narratives that provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable. * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 19 # CST Items STD Grade 3 ELA Content Standards Unpacked (Con’t) Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present unified impressions of people. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present unified impressions of places. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present unified impressions of things. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present unified impressions of experiences. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to support unified impressions of people. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to support unified impressions of places. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to support unified impressions of things. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to support unified impressions of experiences. WA2.3* Write personal and formal letters, thank-you notes, and invitations: Show awareness of the knowledge and interests of the audience and establish a a. purpose and context. Write personal letters that show awareness of the knowledge and interests of the audience. Write formal letters that show awareness of the knowledge and interests of the audience. Write thank-you notes that show awareness of the knowledge and interests of the audience. Write invitations that show awareness of the knowledge and interests of the audience. Write personal letters that establish a purpose and context. Write formal letters that establish a purpose and context. Write thank-you notes that establish a purpose and context. Write invitations that establish a purpose and context. b. Include the date, proper salutation, body, closing, and signature. Include the date. Include the proper salutation. Include the body. Include the closing. Include the signature. WA2.2* LISTENING AND SPEAKING LS1.0 LS1.1* Listening and speaking strategies. Retell, paraphrase, and explain what has been said by a speaker. Retell what has been said by a speaker. Paraphrase what has been said by a speaker. Explain what has been said by a speaker. * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 20 # CST Items STD LS1.2 LS1.3 LS1.4 LS1.5* LS1.6 LS1.7 LS1.8 Grade 3 ELA Content Standards Unpacked (Con’t) Connect and relate prior experiences, insights, and ideas to those of a speaker. Connect prior experiences to those of a speaker. Connect insights to those of a speaker. Connect ideas to those of a speaker. Relate prior experiences to those of a speaker. Relate insights to those of a speaker. Relate ideas to those of a speaker. Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). Identify the musical elements of literary language. Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes). Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., repeated sounds). Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., instances of onomatopoeia). Organize ideas chronologically or around major points of information. Organize ideas chronologically. Organize ideas around major points of information. Provide a beginning, a middle, and an end, including concrete details that develop a central idea. Provide a beginning. Provide a middle. Provide an end. Include concrete details that develop a central idea. Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and establish the tone. Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas. Use clear and specific vocabulary to establish the tone. Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., objects, pictures, charts). Clarify oral presentations through the use of appropriate props. Clarify oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., objects). Clarify oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., pictures). Clarify oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., charts). Enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props. Enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., objects). Enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., pictures). Enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., charts). * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 21 # CST Items STD Grade 3 ELA Content Standards Unpacked (Con’t) Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Read prose aloud with fluency. Read prose aloud with rhythm. Read prose aloud with pace. Read prose aloud using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Read poetry aloud with fluency. Read poetry aloud with rhythm. Read poetry aloud with pace. Read poetry aloud using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. LS1.10 Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast and print media. Compare ideas expressed in broadcast media. Compare ideas expressed in print media. Compare points of view expressed in broadcast media. Compare points of view expressed in print media. LS1.11* Distinguish between the speaker's opinions and verifiable facts. Distinguish between the speaker's opinions and verifiable facts. LS1.9 LS2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) LS2.1 Make brief narrative presentations: a. Provide a context for an incident that is the subject of the presentation. Make brief narrative presentations that provide a context for an incident that is the subject of the presentation. b. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable. Make brief narrative presentations that provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable. c. Include well-chosen details to develop character, setting, and plot. Make brief narrative presentations that include well-chosen details to develop character. Make brief narrative presentations that include well-chosen details to develop setting. Make brief narrative presentations that include well-chosen details to develop plot. Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays LS2.2 with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Plan dramatic interpretations of experiences. Plan dramatic interpretations of stories. Plan dramatic interpretations of poems. Plan dramatic interpretations of plays. Present dramatic interpretations of experiences with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Present dramatic interpretations of stories with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Present dramatic interpretations of poems with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Present dramatic interpretations of plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 22 # CST Items STD LS2.3* Grade 3 ELA Content Standards Unpacked (Con’t) Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people. Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of places. Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of things. Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of experiences. * PSUSD Key Standard NA = Not assessable in multiple-choice format 23 Instructional Segment 1 – Grade 3 English Language Arts Start Smart, Units 1 & 2 Benchmark Exam #1 Closing Dates Traditional: November 22, 2013 Modified: November 1, 2013 Main Topics Themes: Let’s Learn, Neighborhoods and Communities Comprehension: Character, Setting, Plot; Cause and Effect; Main Idea and Details; Compare and Contrast; Make and Confirm Predictions; Sequence; Draw Conclusions; Author’s Purpose; Theme Phonics: Short Vowels; Final e; Long a, o, e; Silent Letters; 3-Letter Blends; Digraphs; Contractions Vocabulary Strategies: Word Parts: Prefixes, Suffixes, Compound Words; Word Families; Thesaurus/Synonyms; Dictionary: Multiple-Meaning Words; Context Clues: Antonyms, Examples, Paragraph Clues Text Features/Literary Elements/Study Skills: Bar Graphs; Personification; Italics, Pronunciations, Bold or Colored Type; Guide Words, Headings, Captions; Calendar; Personification; Assonance; Rhyme Scheme; Repetition; Refrain; Features in a Textbook Grammar: Statements and Questions; Commands and Exclamations; Subjects; Predicates; Compound Sentences; Nouns Writing: Topic Development: Moment; Personal Narrative; Description; Topic Development: Object, Setting; Expository Standards Reading R1.1 R1.2 R1.3 R1.4* R1.5 R1.6* R1.7 R1.8* R2.1* R2.2 R2.3 R2.4* R2.5* R2.6* R3.1 R3.2* Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. Decode regular multisyllabic words. Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things). Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. 24 R.3.3* Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. R3.4 Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. R3.5 Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection. R3.6 Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. Written and Oral English Language Conventions WOC1.1 Understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking. WOC1.2 Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. WOC1.4* Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences. WOC1.5* Punctuate dates, city and state, and titles of books correctly. WOC1.7* Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events correctly. WOC1.8* Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns (e.g., qu, consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word from y to ies when forming the plural), and common homophones (e.g., hair-hare). WOC1.9 Arrange words in alphabetical order. Writing WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. WS1.3* Understand the structure and organization of various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia). WS1.4* Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WA2.1* Write narratives that include well-chosen details to develop the plot. WA2.2* Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Listening and Speaking LS1.3 LS1.4 Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). LS1.9* Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. LS2.2 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Essential Standards 25 Instructional Segment 2 – Grade 3 English Language Arts Units 3, 4 & 5 CST Mirror Test Closing Dates Traditional: March 7, 2014 Modified: February 28, 2014 Please Note: It is not imperative that Unit 5 be completed before the administration of the CST Mirror Test. However, Unit 5 MUST be completed before the administration of the actual CST. Main Topics Themes: Express Yourself, Our Teams, Those Amazing Animals Comprehension: Author’s Purpose; Character, Setting, Plot; Problem/Solution; Sequence; Make Inferences; Draw Conclusions; Theme; Main Idea; Description; Cause and Effect; Make Judgments; Compare and Contrast Phonics: r-Controlled Vowels: er, ir, ur, ar, or; Prefixes: re-, un-, pre-, mis-; Diphthongs /oi/, /ou/, /ow/; Variant Vowels /u/, /ü/, /au/, /aw/, /alt/, /alk/, /all/, /ough/; Plurals; Homophones; Soft c and g; Compound Words; Inflectional Endings y to i; Closed Syllables; Open Syllables Vocabulary Strategies: Context Clues: Word and Sentence Clues; Dictionary: Homographs, Homophones, Multiple-Meaning Words; Thesaurus: Related Words; Word Parts: Suffixes and Prefixes; Context Clues: Synonyms; Dictionary: Unfamiliar Words Text Features/Literary Elements/Study Skills: Onomatopoeia, Rhythm; Time Line; Interviews; Directions; Rules; Poetry: Haiku, Consonance, Metaphor; Think and Search; Free Verse Poems: Speaker, Alliteration; Narrative Poem: Imagery; Rhythmic Patterns; Imagery; Directions; Personification; Moral; Foreshadowing Grammar: Action Verbs; Past-, Present- and Future-Tense Verbs; Sentence Combining with Verbs; Verbs Be, Do, Have; Linking Verbs; Contractions with Not; Main and Helping Verbs; Irregular Verbs; Pronouns; Subject and Object Pronouns; Pronoun-Verb Agreement; Possessive Pronouns Writing: Sentence Mechanics: Capitalization and Punctuation; Letter: Informational; Sensory Details; Dialogue; Fictional Narrative: Short Story; Formatting Dialogue; Personal Narrative Standards Reading R1.1 R1.2 R1.3 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. Decode regular multisyllabic words. Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. R1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things). R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 26 R2.1* Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. R2.2 Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. R2.3 Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. R2.5* Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. R2.6* Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. R2.7 Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game). R3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. R.3.3* Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. R3.4 Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. R3.5 Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection. R3.6 Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. Written and Oral English Language Conventions WOC1.1 Understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking. WOC1.2 Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. WOC1.3 Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking. WOC1.4* Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences. WOC1.5* Punctuate dates, city and state, and titles of books correctly. WOC1.6 Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series. WOC1.7* Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, special events correctly. WOC1.8* Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns (e.g., qu, consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word from y to ies when forming the plural), and common homophones (e.g., hair-hare). WOC1.9 Arrange words in alphabetical order. Writing WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. WS1.2 Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. WS1.3* Understand the structure and organization of various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia). WS1.4* Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WA2.1* Write narratives that include well-chosen details to develop the plot. 27 WA2.2* Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. WA2.3* Write personal and formal letters, thank-you notes, and invitations. Listening and Speaking LS1.1* Retell, paraphrase, and explain what has been said by a speaker. LS1.3 Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. LS1.4 Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). LS1.9* Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. LS1.10 Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast and print media. LS1.11* Distinguish between the speaker's opinions and verifiable facts. LS2.1 Make brief narrative presentations. LS2.2 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. LS2.3* Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Essential Standards 28 Instructional Segment 3 – Grade 3 English Language Arts Unit 6 Site-Based End of Year Assessments Closing Dates Traditional: June 13, 2014 Modified: June 26, 2014 Main Topics Themes: Storytellers Comprehension: Make Inferences; Summarize; Compare and Contrast; Character, Setting, Plot Phonics: Prefixes; Consonant + al, el, le; Syllables; Vowel Team Syllables, r-Controlled Vowel Syllables; Suffixes Vocabulary Strategies: Context Clues: Synonyms, Antonyms; Word Parts: Prefixes and Suffixes; Dictionary: Idioms, Unfamiliar Words Text Features/Literary Elements/Study Skills: Charts, Diagrams; Think and Search; Sensory Language Grammar: Adjectives; Articles; Adverbs; Combining Sentences with Adjectives and Adverbs Writing: Character Development: Believable, Change and Growth; Letter: Persuasive Standards Reading R1.2 R1.3 Decode regular multisyllabic words. Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. R1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things). R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. R2.2 Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. R2.3 Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. R2.5* Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. R2.6* Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. R2.7 Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game). R3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. R.3.3* Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. R3.4 Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. R3.6 Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. 29 Written and Oral English Language Conventions WOC1.1 Understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking. WOC1.2 Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. WOC1.6 Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series. WOC1.7* Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events correctly. WOC1.8* Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns (e.g., qu, consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word from y to ies when forming the plural), and common homophones (e.g., hair-hare). WOC1.9 Arrange words in alphabetical order. Writing WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. WS1.2 Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. WS1.3* Understand the structure and organization of various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia). WS1.4* Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WA2.1* Write narratives that provide a context within which an action takes place and that include well-chosen details to develop the plot. WA2.2* Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. WA2.3* Write personal and formal letters, thank-you notes, and invitations. Listening and Speaking LS1.4 Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). LS1.9* Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. LS2.2 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. LS2.3* Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Essential Standards 30 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS BENCHMARK EXAM #1 AT A GLANCE Benchmark Exam #1 Closing Dates: Traditional: November 22, 2013 Modified: November 1, 2013 # Items STD STANDARD – short description Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and 3 R1.4* homographs to determine the meanings of words. Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of 3 R1.6* unknown words. Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) 3 R1.8* and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, 2 R2.1* and indexes to locate information in text. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior 2 R2.2 knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Recall major points in the text and make and modify 2 R2.4* predictions about forthcoming information. Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in 2 R2.5* expository text. Extract appropriate and significant information from the 3 R2.6* text, including problems and solutions. Determine what characters are like by what they say or do 2 R3.3* and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking 2 WOC1.4* and writing simple sentences. 2 WOC1.5* Punctuate dates, city and state, and titles of books correctly. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns (e.g., qu, 2 WOC1.8* consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word from y to ies when forming the plural), and common homophones (e.g., hair-hare). 2 R1.1 Concepts Word families Compound words Synonyms, antonyms Antonyms, examples, paragraph clues un-, non-, -er, -est Headings, parts/features of a book Make inferences, draw conclusions, analyze Summarize, Predictions Main idea and details Summarize Characters Subjects, single/plural and possessive nouns Titles of books Blends, contractions 2 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Topic Development: Moment, Showing, strong verbs 2 WS1.4* Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Revise drafts 31 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS VOCABULARY Instructional Segment 1 Instructional Segment 2 Instructional Segment 2 Unit 1 Unit 3 Unit 5 Week 1 – chuckled, nervous, Week 1 – talented, single, nonsense, fumbled, trudged proper, excitement, acceptance, useful Week 2 – auditions, Week 2 – crackle, starry, adventure, exploring, announced, soared, noticed sparkling, fantastic, success Week 3 – donate, unaware, Week 3 – estimate, focus, members, contribute record Week 1 – fierce, echoes, shuffles, huddle, junior, down Week 2 – architects, structures, contain, retreats, shallow, shelter Week 3 – crucial, adjust, survive, source, unpredictable Week 4 – passion, bothering, Week 4 – instance, illustrate, Week 4 – conversation, admire, concentrate, ached, style, textures, sketches, interrupted, boasting, splendid suggestions scrambled, seized, rebuild Week 5 – separate, Week 5 – annual, potential, Week 5 – sight, odor, determination, storage, exact, expensive, politely, venom, female, related, ruined, luckiest wrapping, innocent identical Instructional Segment 3 Unit 2 Unit 4 Unit 6 Week 1 – sidewalks, traders, grumbled, blossomed, wailed, lonesome Week 2 – disappear, protect, harming, supply, capture, enclosure Week 3 – culture, communities, immigrants, established, traditional Week 4 – tour, volunteers, thrilled, slogan, deserve Week 1 – beamed, argued, possessions, fabric, purchased, quarreling Week 2 – brilliance, affection, pleaded, exhausted, guarantee, preparation Week 3 – utilize, awareness, pollution, emphasize Week 1 – guests, banquet, agreeable, curiosity, gaze, untrusting Week 2 – decorated, symbol, darkened, gnaws, securing, weakest Week 3 – insightful, technique, majority, investigate, cunning Week 4 – magnificent, masterpiece, ingredient, recipes, tasty, tradition Week 5 – depart, suitable, increase, observed, advised, discouraged Week 4 – anxious, cross, managed, alarmed, pretend, unfortunately Week 5 – appliances, owners, Week 5 – decisions, construction, equipment, communicate, essential, leaky, project responsible, research, specialist 32 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 INSTRUCTIONAL SEGMENT 1 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 VOCABULARY LIST 1 UNIT 1 – LET’S LEARN Week 1 – Teachers 2 R1.1 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. NA R1.3 4 R1.6* Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 4 R1.8* 2 R2.1* 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 1 R3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Short Vowel Words Review Words, Related Words Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Read Multisyllabic Words Repeated Reading: Phrasing Context Clues Review Word Parts/ Word Parts/ Words, Prefixes un-, Prefixes Related nonWords Model Fluency Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Poem Repeated Reading: Phrasing Repeated Reading: Phrasing Fluency Practice Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Nonfiction, Bar Graph Answering Questions Return to Preview Predictions, and Predict Purposes Realistic Fiction 33 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items 2 2 1 2 STD STANDARD Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Determine what characters are like by what they R.3.3* say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Understand and be able to use complete and correct WOC1.1 declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns and common homophones. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 SelfSelected Reading R3.2* 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. 3 WS1.4* LS1.9* Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Day 5 Character, Character, Setting, Setting, Plot Plot Statements Statements Mechanics and and and Usage Questions Questions Spelling Pretest Word Sorts Word Meanings Statements Statements and and Questions Questions Proofread Spelling Posttest Reading/ Topic Topic Topic Development: Development: Development: Writing Conferences Moment Moment Moment Connection Revisions Model Fluency 34 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 1 - Week 2 – The Power of Books 2 R1.1 2 R1.2 NA R1.3 4 R1.4* 2 R2.2 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* 2 R.3.3* 1 R3.5 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. Word Families Final e Review Words, Related Words Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Decode regular multisyllabic words. Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. Final e Repeated Repeated Repeated Model Fluency Reading: Reading: Reading: Fluency Practice Intonation Intonation Intonation Review Review Assess Review Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, Words, Words, Words, Words, homophones, and homographs to determine the Word Related Connect to Morphology meanings of words. Families Words Writing Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior Make Make Answering knowledge with literal information found in, and Inferences/ Inferences/ Questions inferred from, the text. Analyze Analyze Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in Cause and the text. Effect Return to Preview Recall major points in the text and make and Predictions, and Predict modify predictions about forthcoming information. Purposes Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, Realistic Poem drama, fiction, non-fiction). Fiction SelfComprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, PersonifiSelected folktales, legends, and fables from around the cation Reading world. Character, Determine what characters are like by what they Setting, say or do and by how the author or illustrator Plot portrays them. Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in Alliteration a selection 35 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items 1 2 3 3 STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Understand and be able to use complete and correct Commands Commands Mechanics Commands Commands and and and and WOC1.1 declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory and Usage Exclamations Exclamations Exclamations Exclamations sentences in writing and speaking. Pretest: Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Word Word Spelling WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Words with Proofread Sorts Meanings Posttest Final e and common homophones. Reading/ Topic Focus on a Focus on a Development: Writing Conferences WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Moment Moment Moment Connection Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical Revisions WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WA2.1* LS1.4 LS1.9* LS2.2 Write narratives that include well-chosen details to develop the plot. Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Topic Focus on a Development: Moment Moment Focus on a Moment Words that Rhyme Model Fluency Intonation 36 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 1 - Week 3 – Building Schools 2 R1.1 2 R1.2 NA R1.3 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. Decode regular multisyllabic words. Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 2 R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 4 2 2 1 2 2 Long a Model Fluency Long a Repeated Reading: Pacing Review Words, Related Words Repeated Reading: Pacing Thesaurus/ Thesaurus/ Synonyms Synonyms Review Words, Related Words Thesaurus/ Synonyms Review Words, Related Words Recall major points in the text and make and Summarize Summarize modify predictions about forthcoming information. Main Idea Main Idea Distinguish between main idea and supporting R2.5* and Details and Details details in expository text. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, R3.1 Folktale Nonfiction drama, fiction, non-fiction). Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, R3.2* folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Mechanics Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in WOC1.4* Subjects Subjects and Usage speaking and writing simple sentences. Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Repeated Reading: Pacing Fluency Practice Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Using a Dictionary Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Summarize R2.4* Main Idea and Details SelfSelected Reading Subjects Subjects 37 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Pretest: Words with Long a Word Sorts Word Meanings Proofread Spelling Posttest STD 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns 1 and common homophones. WOC1.9 Arrange words in alphabetical order. 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. 3 WS1.4* Draft Publish, Conference Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WA2.1* Write narratives. LS1.9* Prewrite Alphabetize Revise, Revise, Use Rubrics Proofread Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Prewrite Draft Revise, Use Rubrics Model Fluency 38 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 1 - Week 4 – Learning to Read 2 R1.1 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. NA R1.3 2 R1.7 4 R1.8* 2 R2.1* 2 R2.2 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* Decode Words with Long o Review Words, Related Words Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Decode Words with Long o Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and Repeated Repeated Repeated Model Fluency accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and Reading: Reading: Reading: Fluency Practice expression. Expression Expression Expression Review Dictionary/ Review Assess Words, Review Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other MultipleWords, Words, MultipleWords, features of unknown words. Meaning Related Connect to Meaning Morphology Words Words Writing Words Review Assess Review Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, Words, Words, Words, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to Related Connect to Morphology determine the meaning of words. Words Writing Headings, PronunciaUse titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, tions, Italics, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Boldface Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior Generate knowledge with literal information found in, and Questions inferred from, the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in Set Purpose Character the text. Return to Preview and Recall major points in the text and make and Predictions, Predict modify predictions about forthcoming information. Purposes 39 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 2 R2.5* 3 R2.6* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* 2 R.3.3* 1 R3.5 1 WOC1.2 2 WOC1.4* 2 WOC1.8* 3 WS1.4* STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Problem and Extract appropriate and significant information Solution from the text, including problems and solutions. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, Nonfiction Fantasy drama, fiction, non-fiction). Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Determine what characters are like by what they Plot and say or do and by how the author or illustrator Character portrays them. Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and Onomatorhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in poeia a selection Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound Predicates Predicates words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in Predicates Predicates speaking and writing simple sentences. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Spelling Words with contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Pretest Long o and common homophones. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Topic Topic Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Main Idea and Details SelfSelected Reading Character Development Mechanics and Usage Predicates Predicates Mechanics and Usage Predicates Predicates Word Meanings Proofread Spelling Posttest Conference/ Revision Topic Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details Development: Development: Development: Reading/ Conference/ Writing WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of Object, Object, Object, Revision Connection people, places, things, or experiences. Setting Setting Setting Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, Model and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal LS1.9* Fluency patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. 40 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 1 - Week 5 – Those Special Books 2 R1.1 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. NA 4 R1.4* 4 R1.6* 4 R1.8* 2 R2.1* 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* 1 R3.1 Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. Decode Words with Long i Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Read Multisyllabic Words Repeated Repeated Repeated Model Reading: Reading: Reading: Fluency Attention to Attention to Attention to Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Fluency Practice Antonyms Words in Context Review Word Parts/ Words, Suffixes Inflectional -er, -est Endings Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. Review Words, Related Words Review Words, Related Words Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Encyclopedia Article Answering Questions Make and Make and Confirm Confirm Predictions Predictions Main Idea and Details Poem Realistic Fiction 41 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items 2 1 1 2 3 3 STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 SelfComprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, Selected folktales, legends, and fables from around the Reading world. Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and R3.5 rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in Poem Alliteration a selection Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and Compound Compound Mechanics Compound Compound WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound Sentences Sentences and Usage Sentences Sentences words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Spelling Word Spelling WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Word Sorts Proofread Pretest Meanings Posttest and common homophones. Describing WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Setting Conference/ Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* Revision progression of ideas by using an established rubric. R3.2* Topic Topic Topic Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details Development: Development: Development: Reading/ Conference/ Writing WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of Object, Object, Object, Revision Connection people, places, things, or experiences. Setting Setting Setting Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., LS1.4 Poem rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, Model and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal LS1.9* Fluency patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. 42 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 UNIT 2 – NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMNITIES Week 1 – Birth of a Town 2 R1.1 2 R1.2 NA R1.3 4 R1.6* Decode Words with Long e Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. Decode regular multisyllabic words Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. 2 R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.1* 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 3 R2.6* Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Model Fluency Decode Words with Long e Repeated Reading: Phrasing Context Clues Review Words, Related Words Repeated Reading: Phrasing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Repeated Reading: Phrasing Fluency Practice Figurative Assess Word Parts: Word Parts: Review Language: Words, Compound Compound Words, Idioms in Connect to Words Words Morphology Dialogue Writing Review Assess Word Parts: Review Words, Words, Compound Words, Related Connect to Words Morphology Words Writing Headings Answering Questions Return to Make and Preview and Predictions, Confirm Predict Purposes Predictions Summarize Summarize 43 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* 2 R.3.3* 1 R3.6 2 WOC1.7* 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events correctly. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, and common homophones. 3 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. WS1.4* LS1.3 Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. LS1.9* Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Nonfiction Article SelfSelected Reading Character Narrator’s Point of View Common Common Common Common Mechanics and Proper and Proper and Proper and Proper and Usage Nouns Nouns Nouns Nouns Pretest: Word Spelling Words with Word Sorts Proofread Meanings Posttest Long e Reading/ Conference/ Showing Showing Showing Writing Revision Connection Conference/ Revision Showing Showing Focus on a Moment Model Fluency 44 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 2 - Week 2 – Local Business 2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. Read Multisyllabic Words Repeated Reading: Pacing Dictionary: MultipleMeaning Words Dictionary: Dictionary: MultipleMultipleMeaning Meaning Words Words Dictionary: MultipleMeaning Words R1.2 NA R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 2 R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.2 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* 1 R3.1 Model Fluency Repeated Repeated Fluency Reading: Reading: Practice Pacing Pacing Review Assess Review Words, Words, Words, Related Connect to Morphology Words Writing Review Assess Review Words, Words, Words, Related Connect to Morphology Words Writing Review Assess Review Words, Words, Words, Related Connect to Morphology Words Writing Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior Draw Draw knowledge with literal information found in, and Conclusions Conclusions inferred from, the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in Answering the text. Questions Return to Preview and Recall major points in the text and make and Predictions, Predict modify predictions about forthcoming information. Purposes Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Nonfiction Nonfiction Article Poetry: Free Verse and Rhyme 45 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD 2 R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. 1 1 2 2 3 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 SelfSelected Reading Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and PersonifiR3.5 rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in cation and a selection. Assonance Understand and be able to use complete and correct Punctuate WOC1.1 declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory Sentences sentences in writing and speaking. Review Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in Singular and Singular and Singular and Singular and WOC1.4* speaking and writing simple sentences. Plural Plural Nouns Plural Nouns Plural Nouns Plural Nouns Nouns Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Spelling Word Spelling WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Word Sorts Proofread Pretest Meanings Posttest and common homophones. Reading/ Conference/ Showing Showing Showing Writing WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Revision Connection Conference/ Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* Revision progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Focus on a LS1.3 Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. Moment Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., Critical LS1.4 Assonance rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). Thinking Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, Model and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal LS1.9* Fluency patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. 46 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 2 - Week 3 – California Communities 2 3-Letter Blends R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Context Clues: Antonyms Context Clues: Antonyms R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. Context Clues: Antonyms Context Clues: Antonyms R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. Context Clues: Antonyms 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. Context Clues: Antonyms 2 R2.1* 2 R2.2 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* NA 4 4 2 Model Fluency Repeated Repeated Repeated Reading: Reading: Reading: Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation and Phrasing and Phrasing and Phrasing Review Words, Related Words Review Words, Related Words Review Words, Related Words Review Words, Related Words Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Draw Conclusions Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes Fluency Practice Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Parts of a Book Answer Questions 47 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 2 R2.5* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* 2 WOC1.4* 2 1 3 STANDARD Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Main Idea Main Idea and Details and Details Poetry Main Idea and Details Nonfiction SelfSelected Reading Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns and common homophones. Day 5 Irregular Plural Nouns Spelling Pretest Word Sorts Proofread Spelling Posttest Alphabeti zing WOC1.9 Arrange words in alphabetical order. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details Prewrite WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, Model and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal LS1.9* Fluency patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Plan and present dramatic interpretations of PronunciaLS2.2 experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, tion and pitch, tempo, and tone. Phrasing Word Meanings Publish, Conference WS1.4* Draft Revise, Use Rubrics Revise, Proofread Publish, Conference 48 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 2 - Week 4 – Working Together 2 R1.2 Read Multi- Decode syllabic Words with Words Digraphs Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and Repeated Model accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and Reading: Fluency expression. Pacing Decode regular multisyllabic words. NA R1.3 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 2 R1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things). 4 R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. 2 R2.3 Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 2 R2.5* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Repeated Repeated Fluency Reading: Reading: Practice Pacing Pacing Review Assess Context Review Words, Words, Clues: Words, Related Connect to Examples Morphology Words Writing Review Assess Context Review Words, Words, Clues: Words, Related Connect to Examples Morphology Words Writing Review Assess Context Context Review Words, Words, Clues: Clues: Words, Related Connect to Examples Examples Morphology Words Writing Answering Questions Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes Main Idea and Details Folk Song Nonfiction SelfSelected Reading 49 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in Author’s Author’s fictional and non-fiction text. Purpose Purpose Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and R3.5 rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection. Possessive Possessive Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in WOC1.4* Nouns Nouns speaking and writing simple sentences. Pretest: Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Words with Word Sorts Digraphs and common homophones. Strong Strong WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Verbs Verbs Understand the structure and organization of WS1.3* various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia). Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 R3.4 LS1.3 LS1.10 Rhyme Scheme and Repetition Mechanics Possessive Possessive and Usage Nouns Nouns Word Meanings Spelling Posttest Strong Verbs Thesaurus Conference, Revision Focus on a Moment Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast and print media. Proofread Evaluate Media 50 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 2 - Week 5 – Building Homes 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. NA R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.1* Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 1 R3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). 2 R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. 2 R.3.3* 1 R3.4 1 R3.5 Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection. Read Multisyllabic Words Repeated Repeated Fluency Reading: Reading: Practice Phrasing Phrasing Context Review Assess Review Clues/ Words, Words, Words, Paragraph Related Connect to Morphology Clues Words Writing Assess Review Words, Suffixes Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Features in a Textbook Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes Narrative Fiction Nonfiction Model Fluency Repeated Reading: Phrasing Context Clues/ Paragraph Clues Context Clues/ Paragraph Clues SelfSelected Reading Character Theme Theme Onomatopoeia 51 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 1 R3.6 STANDARD Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. 1 Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. 2 WOC1.5* 2 3 3 Day 1 Punctuate dates, city and state, and titles of books correctly. Sentence Combining with Nouns Sentence Combining with Nouns Day 2 Day 3 Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. LS2.2 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Day 5 Narrator’s Point of View Sentence Sentence Sentence Mechanics Combining Combining Combining and Usage with Nouns with Nouns with Nouns Sentence Sentence Sentence Book Combining Combining Combining Titles with Nouns with Nouns with Nouns Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Pretest: Word Sorts; Word WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Contractions Contractions Meanings and common homophones. Strong WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Paragraphs Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details Strong Strong Strong WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of Verbs Verbs Verbs people, places, things, or experiences. LS1.3 Day 4 Proofread Spelling Posttest Conference, Revision Reading/ Conference, Writing Revision Connection Focus on a Moment Phrasing BENCHMARK EXAM #1 CLOSING DATES Traditional: November 22, 2013 Modified: November 1, 2013 VOCABULARY LIST 1 BENCHMARK EXAM #1 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERVENTIONS 52 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 INSTRUCTIONAL SEGMENT 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 VOCABULARY LIST 2 It is not imperative that Unit 5 be completed before the administration of the CST Mirror Test. However, Unit 5 MUST be completed before the administration of the actual CST. Unit 3 – EXPRESS YOURSELF Week 1 – Being a Writer 2 R1.2 NA R1.3 4 R1.4* 4 R1.6* 4 R1.8* 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* r-Controlled Vowels Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and Repeated Repeated Repeated Model Fluency accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and Reading: Reading: Reading: Fluency Practice expression. Phrasing Phrasing Phrasing HomoUse knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, Synonyms phones and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Review Assess Context Context Review Use sentence and word context to find the meaning Words, Words, Clues: Clues: Words, Related Connect to of unknown words. Word Clues Word Clues Morphology Writing Words Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, Suffixes mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in Answering the text. Questions Preview and Predictions, Recall major points in the text and make and Predict Purposes modify predictions about forthcoming information. Distinguish between main idea and supporting Summarize Summarize details in expository text. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, AutobiograPoetry drama, fiction, non-fiction). phy SelfComprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, Selected folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Reading Decode regular multisyllabic words. 53 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 1 R3.4 1 R3.5 1 R3.6 1 2 1 STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection. Author’s Purpose Author’s Purpose Theme Day 5 Onomatopoeia and Rhyme Narrator’s Point of View Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. Understand and be able to use complete and correct WOC1.1 declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking. Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in WOC1.4* speaking and writing simple sentences. Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for WOC1.6 items in a series. Day 4 Sentence Mechanics Strong Sentences Strong Sentences Action Verbs Action Verbs Action Verbs Commas in Dates,Places Action Verbs Action Verbs Reading/ Conference, Writing Revision Connection 2 Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical WOC1.7* periods, and special events correctly. Capitalization Capitalization Capitalization Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation 2 Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns and common homophones. Pretest: rWord Controlled Word Sorts Meanings Vowels Proofread 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Capitalization Capitalization Capitalization Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Reading/ Writing Connection 3 WS1.4* Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. LS1.1* Retell, paraphrase, and explain what has been said by a speaker. LS1.4 Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). LS2.2 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Spelling Posttest Conference, Revision Personal Response Paragraphs Rhyme Phrasing Diction, Pitch, Tempo, Tone 54 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 3 - Week 2 – Writing Letters 2 R1.1 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. NA R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. R1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things). R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.1* 2 R2.2 2 4 Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Model Fluency Context Clues: Sentence Clues r-Controlled Vowels ar, or r-Controlled Vowels ar, or Repeated Repeated Repeated Reading: Reading: Reading: Fluency Expression, Expression, Expression, Practice Intonation Intonation Intonation Context Review Assess Review Clues: Words, Words, Words, Sentence Related Connect to Morphology Clues Words Writing Context Review Assess Review Clues: Words, Words, Words, Sentence Related Connect to Morphology Clues Words Writing Context Review Assess Review Clues: Words, Words, Words, Sentence Related Connect to Morphology Clues Words Writing Context Review Assess Clues: Words, Words, Suffixes Sentence Related Connect to Clues Words Writing Text Features Make Inferences 55 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 2 R2.3 Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Listen for a Purpose 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 2 R2.5* 1 R3.1 Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Day 2 Day 3 R3.2* 2 R.3.3* 1 WOC1.1 1 WOC1.2 1 WOC1.3 2 WOC1.4* 2 WOC1.5* Punctuate dates, city and state, and titles of books correctly. 1 WOC1.6 Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series. Day 5 Answering Questions Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes Main Idea and Details Nonfiction Article Realistic Fiction Nonfiction SelfSelected Reading Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. 2 Day 4 Determine what characters are like by what they Character, Character, say or do and by how the author or illustrator Setting, Plot Setting, Plot portrays them. Understand and be able to use complete and correct Presentdeclarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory Tense Verbs sentences in writing and speaking. Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses PresentPresentproperly in writing and speaking. Tense Verbs Tense Verbs PresentPresentIdentify and use subjects and verbs correctly in Tense Verbs Tense Verbs speaking and writing simple sentences. Author’s Purpose Mechanics PresentPresentand Usage Tense Verbs Tense Verbs Mechanics PresentPresentand Usage Tense Verbs Tense Verbs Mechanics PresentPresentand Usage Tense Verbs Tense Verbs Reading/ Conference, Capitalization Capitalization Capitalization Writing Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Revision Connection Reading/ Conference, Capitalization Capitalization Capitalization Writing Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Revision Connection 56 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 2 WOC1.7* 2 Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns and common homophones. 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. 3 WS1.4* LS1.9* LS2.2 STANDARD Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events correctly. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Capitalization Capitalization Capitalization Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Spelling Pretest Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, Model and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal Fluency patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Plan and present dramatic interpretations of Expression, experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, Intonation pitch, tempo, and tone. Word Sorts Word Meanings Day 4 Day 5 Reading/ Conference, Writing Revision Connection Proofread Spelling Posttest Reading/ Conference, Writing Revision Connection Conference, Revision 57 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Repeated Reading: Repeated Reading: Day 5 Unit 3 - Week 3 – Let’s Communicate 2 NA R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 2 R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 3 R2.6* 1 R3.1 Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). 2 R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. 2 R.3.3* Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Read Multisyllabic Words Model Fluency Repeated Reading: Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Phrasing Dictionary: Homographs Dictionary: Dictionary: Homographs Homographs Prefixes Dictionary: Homographs Preview and Predict Problem/ Solution Fluency Practice Phrasing Phrasing Review Assess Review Words, Words, Words, Related Connect to Morphology Words Writing Review Assess Review Words, Words, Words, Related Connect to Morphology Words Writing Review Assess Review Words, Words, Words, Related Connect to Morphology Words Writing Return to Predictions, Purposes Problem/ Solution Nonfiction SelfSelected Reading Author’s Purpose 58 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 1 WOC1.3 2 WOC1.4* 1 WOC1.6 2 WOC1.8* 1 WOC1.9 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. STANDARD Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking. Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences. Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns and common homophones. Arrange words in alphabetical order. Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing NA WS1.2 margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Understand the structure and organization of 3 WS1.3* various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia). Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical 3 WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Write personal and formal letters, thank-you notes, WA2.3* and invitations. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal LS1.9* patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Past-Tense Past-Tense Past-Tense Past-Tense Past-Tense Verbs Verbs Verbs Verbs Verbs Past-Tense Past-Tense Past-Tense Past-Tense Past-Tense Verbs Verbs Verbs Verbs Verbs Commas in a Series Pretest: Word Spelling Words with Word Sorts Proofread Meanings Posttest Prefixes Alphabetize Proofread, Publish, Prewrite Draft Revise Use Rubrics Conference Publish Using the Library Prewrite Draft Revise Publish, Conference Proofread, Publish, Use Rubrics Conference Model Fluency 59 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Repeated Reading: Phrasing and Pacing Fluency Practice Unit 3 - Week 4 – Being an Artist 2 R1.1 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. 2 R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.1* Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. NA 2 R2.2 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. Diphthong /oi/ Multisyllabic Words Model Fluency Context Clues/ Sentence Clues Context Clues/ Sentence Clues Repeated Repeated Reading: Reading: Phrasing Phrasing and Pacing and Pacing Context Review Clues/ Words, Sentence Related Clues Words Context Review Clues/ Words, Sentence Related Clues Words Context Review Clues/ Words, Sentence Related Clues Words Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Nonfiction Article: Interview Draw Conclusions Answering Questions Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes 60 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 2 R2.5* Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. 3 R2.6* Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. 1 R3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. 2 1 1 2 2 3 STANDARD Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses WOC1.3 properly in writing and speaking. Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in WOC1.4* speaking and writing simple sentences. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Analyze Text; Sequence Main Idea and Details Analyze Text; Sequence Narrative Nonfiction Problem/ Solution Poem Write narratives that include well-chosen details to develop the plot. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal LS1.9* patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. WA2.1* Day 5 Nonfiction SelfSelected Reading FutureFutureMechanics FutureFutureTense Verbs Tense Verbs and Usage Tense Verbs Tense Verbs FutureFutureTense Verbs Tense Verbs FutureFutureTense Verbs Tense Verbs Pretest: Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Words with WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Word Sorts Diphthong and common homophones. /oi/ WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Day 4 Mechanics FutureFutureand Usage Tense Verbs Tense Verbs Mechanics FutureFutureand Usage Tense Verbs Tense Verbs Word Meanings Proofread Reading/ Writing Connection Sensory Details Sensory Details Sensory Details Sensory Details Sensory Details Sensory Details Sensory Details Sensory Details Sensory Details Spelling Posttest Conference, Revision Model Fluency 61 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 3 - Week 5 – My Art 2 R1.1 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. NA R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* 2 R1.5 2 R1.7 2 R2.2 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* 3 R2.6* Variant Vowels /ü/ and /u/ Multisyllabic Words Repeated Repeated Repeated Model Reading: Reading: Reading: Fluency Fluency Intonation, Intonation, Intonation, Practice Expression Expression Expression Review Assess Review Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, Words, Words, Dictionary: Dictionary: Words, homophones, and homographs to determine the Homophones Homophones Related Connect to Morphology meanings of words. Words Writing Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among Review Assess Review grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of Words, Words, Dictionary: Words, Homophones Related these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living Connect to Morphology things). Words Writing Review Assess Review Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other Words, Words, Dictionary: Dictionary: Words, Homophones Homophones Related features of unknown words. Connect to Morphology Words Writing Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior Make Make knowledge with literal information found in, and Inferences Inferences inferred from, the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in Sequence the text. Return to Preview and Recall major points in the text and make and Predictions, Predict modify predictions about forthcoming information. Purposes Problem/ Extract appropriate and significant information Solution from the text, including problems and solutions. 62 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 2 R2.7 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* 2 1 STANDARD Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game). Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Day 3 Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series. WOC1.6 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, and common homophones. WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Day 4 Day 5 Directions Poem Realistic Fiction Nonfiction SelfSelected Reading Character R.3.3* Illustrations Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence Combining Combining Combining Combining Combining Sentences with Verbs with Verbs with Verbs with Verbs Commas Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence in Dates, Combining Combining Combining Combining Locations, with Verbs with Verbs with Verbs with Verbs Series Pretest: Words with Word Spelling Variant Word Sorts Proofread Meanings Posttest Vowels /ü/ and /u/ Reading/ Sensory Sensory Sensory Conference, Writing Details Details Details Revision Connection Sensory Sensory Sensory Conference, Details Details Details Revision Write narratives that include well-chosen details to develop the plot. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details Sensory WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of Details people, places, things, or experiences. Plan and present dramatic interpretations of Expression, LS2.2 experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, Intonation pitch, tempo, and tone. WA2.1* Day 2 Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. 1 3 Day 1 Sensory Details Sensory Details 63 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Repeated Reading: Phrasing Review Words, Related Words Review Words, Related Words Repeated Reading: Phrasing Fluency Practice Unit 4 – OUR TEAMS Week 1 – Working As One 2 R1.1 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.2 Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior Draw Draw knowledge with literal information found in, and Conclusions Conclusions inferred from, the text. 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 2 R2.5* Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. 2 R2.7 Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game). 1 R3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). NA 2 Diphthong ou, ow Multisyllabic Words Repeated Reading: Phrasing Dictionary: Dictionary: MultipleMultipleMeaning Meaning Words Words Dictionary: MultipleSuffixes Meaning Words Model Fluency Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes Main Idea and Details Nonfiction Article: Rules Nonfiction 64 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 2 R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Myth Fable 2 R.3.3* 1 R3.4 1 R3.6 Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. 1 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, and common homophones. Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing NA WS1.2 margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical 3 WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WA2.1* Write narratives. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Day 4 Day 5 SelfSelected Reading Character, Setting, Plot Dialogue Theme Identify Speaker/ Narrator Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses WOC1.3 properly in writing and speaking. LS1.9* Day 3 SubjectVerb Agreement Verbs Be, Do, Have Verbs Be, Do, Have Pretest: Word Diphthong Word Sorts Meanings ou, ow Proofread Spelling Posttest Verbs Be, Do, Have Verbs Be, Do, Have Handwriting Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue Improve Writing Reading/ Conference, Writing Revision Connection Model Fluency 65 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 4 - Week 2 – Unique Talents 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. Plural Words NA R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. Model Fluency R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 4 Prefixes 4 R1.8* 2 R2.2 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 2 R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, Folk Tale folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. 2 R.3.3* 1 R3.4 1 R3.5 Fluency Practice Assess Thesaurus: Thesaurus: Review Words, Related Related Homographs Words, Connect to Words Words Morphology Writing Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection. Repeated Repeated Repeated Reading: Reading: Reading: Expression Expression Expression Prefixes Draw Conclusions Draw Conclusions Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes Folk Tale SelfSelected Reading Folk Tale Theme and Character Theme Theme Consonance and Metaphor 66 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STANDARD STD Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses 1 WOC1.3 properly in writing and speaking. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns and common homophones. Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing NA WS1.2 margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical 3 WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. 1 WA2.1* Write narratives. LS1.4 LS1.11* LS2.1 Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). Distinguish between the speaker's opinions and verifiable facts. Make brief narrative presentations. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Linking Verbs Linking Verbs Mechanics and Usage Linking Verbs Linking Verbs Linking Verbs Linking Verbs Mechanics and Usage Linking Verbs Linking Verbs Pretest: Plurals Word Sorts Word Meanings Proofread Spelling Posttest Handwriting Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue Improve Writing Reading/ Conference, Writing Revision Connection Sensory Words Personal Response Paragraphs Make Presentations 67 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Repeated Reading: Pronunciation and Phrasing Fluency Practice Unit 4 - Week 3 – Community Teamwork 2 R1.1 2 R1.2 NA R1.3 4 R1.4* 2 R1.5 4 R1.8* 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* Variant Vowels a, Know and use complex word families when reading au, aw, alt, (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. alk, all, ough Variant Read Vowels a, Decode regular multisyllabic words. Multisylla- au, aw, alt, bic Words alk, all, ough Repeated Repeated Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and Reading: Reading: Model accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and Pronuncia- PronunciaFluency expression. tion and tion and Phrasing Phrasing Review Word Parts: Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, Words, Suffixes homophones, and homographs to determine the Related -ful, -ly meanings of words. Words Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among Review Word Parts: grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of Words, Suffixes Related these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living -ful, -ly Words things). Review Word Parts: Word Parts: Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, Words, Suffixes Suffixes mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to Related -ful, -ly -ful, -ly determine the meaning of words. Words Return to Preview and Recall major points in the text and make and Predictions, Predict modify predictions about forthcoming information. Purposes Distinguish between main idea and supporting Summarize Summarize details in expository text. Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Summarize 68 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD 3 R2.6* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. 1 R3.4 Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. 2 WOC1.8* 1 WOC1.9 NA WS1.2 3 WS1.3* WA2.1* LS1.4 LS1.9* STANDARD Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Day 1 Day 2 Problem/ Solution Problem/ Solution Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Problem/ Solution Nonfiction SelfSelected Reading Theme Theme Pretest: Variant Vowels a, Spelling Word Sorts; Proofread; Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, au, aw, alt, Mechanics Posttest; Contractions Contractions contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns alk, all, and Usage Contractions with Not with Not; and common homophones. ough; with Not Contractions with Not Arrange words in alphabetical order. Alphabetize Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word Publish and words in a sentence. Computer Understand the structure and organization of Search various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, Engines thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia). Revise, Use Revise, Publish, Prewrite Draft Write narratives. Rubrics Proofread Conference Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., Listening for rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). a Purpose Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, Model and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal Fluency patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. 69 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Repeated Reading: Intonation Repeated Reading: Intonation Fluency Practice Unit 4 - Week 4 – Family Teams 2 R1.2 NA R1.3 4 R1.4* 2 R1.5 4 R1.8* 2 R2.2 2 R2.4* 3 R2.6* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* Decode regular multisyllabic words. Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things). Multisyllabic Words Model Fluency Repeated Reading: Intonation Homophones Word Parts: Prefixes re-, un-, mis-, preWord Parts: Word Parts: Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, Prefixes Prefixes mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to re-, un-, re-, un-, determine the meaning of words. mis-, pre- mis-, preAsk questions and support answers by connecting prior Make Make knowledge with literal information found in, and Inferences Inferences inferred from, the text. and Analyze and Analyze Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Review Words, Related Words Review Words, Related Words Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes Problem/ Problem/ Solution Solution Poem Humor SelfSelected Reading 70 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD 2 Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in R3.4 fictional and non-fiction text. Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and R3.5 rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection R3.6 Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in WOC1.4* speaking and writing simple sentences. 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns 2 1 1 1 R.3.3* Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, and common homophones. 3 NA 3 Day 1 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Day 2 Day 3 Character Author and Me Alliteration Main and Helping Verbs Main and Helping Verbs Mechanics and Usage Spelling Pretest Word Sorts Word Meanings Formatting Formatting Formatting Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. LS1.4 LS1.10 Day 5 Theme WS1.2 LS1.1* Day 4 Retell, paraphrase, and explain what has been said by a speaker. Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., Listening for rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). a Purpose Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast and print media. Speaker Main and Helping Verbs Proofread Main and Helping Verbs Spelling Posttest Reading/ Writing Connection Publish Conference/ Revision Personal Response Letters Evaluate Media 71 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 4 - Week 5 – Teams at Work 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. NA R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 2 R1.5 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* 3 R2.6* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things). Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Read Multisyllabic Words Repeated Repeated Repeated Reading: Reading: Reading: Model Fluency Pronuncia- Pronuncia- PronunciaFluency Practice tion, tion, tion, Phrasing Phrasing Phrasing Review Assess Thesaurus: Thesaurus: Review Words, Words, Related Related Words, Related Connect to Words Words Morphology Words Writing Review Assess Thesaurus: Review Words, Words, Related Words, Related Connect to Words Morphology Words Writing Answering Questions Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes Main Idea and Details Problem/ Solution Expository Narrative Biography Nonfiction Poem Myth 72 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items 1 1 2 3 NA 3 STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection. Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and Irregular Irregular Mechanics WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound Verbs Verbs and Usage words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Pretest: Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Word WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Words with Word Sorts Meanings Soft c and g and common homophones. R3.5 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Formatting Formatting Formatting Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue Day 4 Imagery Irregular Verbs Irregular Verbs Proofread Spelling Posttest Reading/ Writing Connection Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WS1.2 LS1.3 LS1.4 LS1.9* Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration. Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Day 5 Publish Conference/ Revision Focus Question Share Personal Response Paragraphs Imagery Model Fluency 73 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 It is not imperative that Unit 5 be completed before the administration of the CST Mirror Test. However, Unit 5 MUST be completed before the administration of the actual CST. Unit 5 – THOSE AMAZING ANIMALS Week 1 – Antarctic Life 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. NA 4 2 1 1 1 Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, R3.1 drama, fiction, non-fiction). Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and R3.5 rhythmical patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection. Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. R2.5* Read Compound MultisyllaWords bic Words Repeated Model Reading: Fluency Pacing Dictionary: Dictionary: Homographs Homographs Repeated Reading: Pacing Review Words, Related Words Repeated Reading: Pacing Fluency Practice Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Suffixes Return to Preview and Predictions; Predict Sequence Main Ideas Main Ideas and Details and Details Nonfiction Nonfiction Article Rhythmic Patterns and Imagery Pronouns Pronouns Plural Nouns Pronouns Pronouns 74 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD 2 Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical WOC1.7* periods, and special events correctly. 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, and common homophones. 3 NA 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Proofread Spelling Posttest Capitalize I and Proper Nouns Spelling Pretest Word Sorts Word Meanings Sequence in Sequence in Sequence in Reading/ Conference/ Writing a Moment a Moment a Moment Connection Revision Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WS1.2 Write narratives that provide a context within WA2.1* which an action takes place. LS1.9* Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Publish Conference/ Revision Reading/ Sequence in Sequence in Sequence in Conference/ Writing a Moment a Moment a Moment Connection Revision Model Fluency 75 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 5 - Week 2 – Animal Homes 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 4 R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. NA 4 R1.8* 2 R2.2 Read Multisyllabic Words Repeated Repeated Repeated Model Reading: Reading: Reading: Partner Fluency Pacing and Pacing and Pacing and Reading Phrasing Phrasing Phrasing Review Assess Review Context Context Words, Words, Words, Clues: Clues: Related Connect to Homophones Homophones Morphology Words Writing Review Assess Review Context Context Words, Words, Clues: Clues: Words, Related Connect to Homophones Homophones Morphology Words Writing Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 2 R2.5* Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. 2 R2.7 Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game). Inflectional Endings Make Inferences Return to Preview and Predictions; Predict Sequence Description Nonfiction Article: Directions 76 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items 1 STD R3.1 STANDARD Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). 1 Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. 1 WOC1.3 2 WOC1.4* 2 3 Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking. Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns and common homophones. WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing NA WS1.2 margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical 3 WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal LS1.9* patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Distinguish between the speaker's opinions and LS1.11* verifiable facts. Day 1 Day 2 Informational Nonfiction Article Subject and Subject and Object Object Pronouns Pronouns Inflectional Endings y to i Day 3 Object Pronouns Day 4 Day 5 Subject and Subject and Object Object Pronouns Pronouns Pronoun Usage Spelling Pretest Word Sorts Identifying Strong First Different Sentences Kinds of Leads Word Meanings Proofread Writing Leads Reading/ Writing Connection Spelling Posttest Publish Conference/ Revision Model Fluency Facts and Opinions 77 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Repeated Reading: Phrasing Repeated Reading: Phrasing Fluency Practice Unit 5 - Week 3 – Animals on the Move 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 Closed Syllables; Multisyllabic Words Model Fluency Repeated Reading: Phrasing; Closed Syllables R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Context Clues: Synonyms Context Clues: Synonyms 4 R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. Context Clues: Synonyms Context Clues: Synonyms 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.1* 2 R2.3 NA Context Clues: Synonyms Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 1 R3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Review Words, Related Words Review Words, Related Words Review Words, Related Words Description Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Skim and Scan Author and Me Return to Preview and Predictions; Predict Sequence Rhyming Poem Nonfiction 78 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STANDARD STD 1 Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. 1 WOC1.3 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns 1 and common homophones. WOC1.9 Arrange words in alphabetical order. 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, NA 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 PronounPronounPronounPronounMechanics Verb Verb Verb Verb and Usage Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement PronounPronounPronounPronounVerb Verb Verb Verb Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement Spelling Pretest Prewrite Word Sorts Draft Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WS1.2 Word Meanings Proofread Spelling Posttest Alphabetize Revise, Use Revise, Rubrics Proofread Publish Publish, Conference Writing to a Personal Prompt Narrative Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., Rhyming rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). Words Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, Model and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal Fluency patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. WA2.1* Write narratives. LS1.4 LS1.9* LS2.1 Make brief narrative presentations. Narrative Presentations 79 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 5 - Week 4 – Animal Talents 2 Multisyllabic Words R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. NA R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.2 Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. 2 R2.3 Monitor Monitor Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in Comprehen- Comprehenthe text. sion sion 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* 2 R.3.3* Repeated Repeated Repeated Reading: Reading: Reading: Fluency Pacing and Pacing and Pacing and Practice Phrasing Phrasing Phrasing Connect to Words; Related Words Decode Assess Review Word Parts: Words with Words, Prefixes Words, Prefixes Inflectional Connect to Morphology Endings Writing Model Fluency Make Judgments Return to Preview and Predictions; Predict Sequence Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, Nonfiction drama, fiction, non-fiction). Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Preview and Determine what characters are like by what they Predict; say or do and by how the author or illustrator Character portrays them. Fable Personification and Moral 80 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. 1 R3.6 Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and Possessive 1 WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound Pronouns words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Pretest: Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Words with 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Inflectional and common homophones. Endings Distinguishing 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Moments Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing NA WS1.2 margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical 3 WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. DistinguiWrite narratives that include well-chosen details to shing WA2.1* develop the plot. Moments 1 Day 2 R3.4 Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. LS1.9* Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. LS2.3* Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Day 3 Day 4 Theme Moral Day 5 Narrator Possessive Pronouns Mechanics Possessive Possessive and Usage Pronouns Pronouns Word Sorts Word Meanings Distinguishing Moments Distingui- Reading/ shing Writing Moments Connection Proofread Spelling Posttest Publish Conference, Revision Distinguishing Moments Distingui- Reading/ shing Writing Moments Connection Write Personal Response Paragraphs Model Fluency Share Personal Response Paragraphs 81 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 5 - Week 5 – Survival and Adaptation 2 R1.1 Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words. 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. NA R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 4 R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. 2 R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. 2 R2.1* 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* Connect to Words Read Multisyllabic Words Repeated Repeated Fluency Reading: Reading: Practice Intonation Intonation Connect to Words; Related Words Context Clues Review Assess Dictionary: Dictionary: Review Words, Words, Unfamiliar Unfamiliar Words, Related Connect to Words Words Morphology Words Writing Model Fluency Repeated Reading: Intonation Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, Headings glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Preview and Recall major points in the text and make and Predict modify predictions about forthcoming information. Distinguish between main idea and supporting Summarize Summarize details in expository text. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, Narrative drama, fiction, non-fiction). Nonfiction Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Author and Me Return to Predictions Description Myth 82 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 PronounPronounVerb Verb Contractions Contractions Pretest: Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Words with Word Sorts 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Open and common homophones. Syllables Distingui- Distinguishing shing 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Moments Moments Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing NA WS1.2 margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical 3 WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. 1 Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. WA2.3* LS1.9* LS2.2 Day 3 Mechanics and Usage Word Meanings Day 5 PronounPronounVerb Verb Contractions Contractions Proofread Spelling Posttest Distingui- Reading/ shing Writing Moments Connection Publish Conference, Revision Letters, Thank-You Notes, Invitations Write personal and formal letters, thank-you notes, and invitations. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Day 4 Model Fluency Dramatic Interpretations CST MIRROR TEST CLOSING DATES Traditional: March 7, 2014 Modified: February 28, 2014 CST MIRROR TEST DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERVENTIONS CST ADMINISTRATION 83 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 INSTRUCTIONAL SEGMENT 3 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 VOCABULARY LIST 3 Unit 6 – STORYTELLERS Week 1 – Folk Tales 2 NA 4 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 4 R1.8* 2 R2.2 2 R2.3 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* Read Multisyllabic Words Model Fluency Repeated Reading: Phrasing Context Clues: Synonyms Review Words: Synonyms Decode Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, Words with mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to Prefixes determine the meaning of words. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior Make Make knowledge with literal information found in, and Inferences Inferences inferred from, the text. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Preview and Recall major points in the text and make and Predict modify predictions about forthcoming information. Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, Realistic drama, fiction, non-fiction). Fiction Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, Folk Tale folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Repeated Repeated Fluency Reading: Reading: Practice Phrasing Phrasing Review Assess Review Words, Words, Words, Related Connect to Morphology Words Writing Answering Questions Return to Predictions Main Idea and Details 84 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items 1 1 2 2 3 NA 3 STD STANDARD Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical WOC1.7* periods, and special events correctly. Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns and common homophones. Day 1 R3.4 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal LS1.9* patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Theme Adjectives Adjectives Mechanics Adjectives Adjectives and Articles and Articles and Usage and Articles and Articles Adjectives Adjectives Mechanics Adjectives Adjectives and Articles and Articles and Usage and Articles and Articles Pretest: Word Spelling Words with Word Sorts Proofread Meanings Posttest Prefixes Character Character Character Reading/ Development: Development: Development: Writing Believable Believable Believable Connection WS1.2 Publish Conference/ Revision Model Fluency 85 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 6 - Week 2 – Plays 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words. R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. 4 R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. 4 R1.6* Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. NA 4 R1.8* 2 R2.2 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* 3 R2.6* 1 R3.1 1 R3.4 Read Multisyllabic Words Repeated Repeated Repeated Model Reading: Reading: Reading: Fluency Fluency Expression, Expression, Expression, Practice Intonation Intonation Intonation Review Assess Context Context Review Words, Words, Clues: Clues: Words, Related Connect to Antonyms Antonyms Morphology Words Writing Review Assess Context Context Review Words, Words, Clues: Clues: Words, Related Connect to Antonyms Antonyms Morphology Words Writing Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, Suffixes mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Preview and Recall major points in the text and make and Predict modify predictions about forthcoming information. Distinguish between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Problem/ Extract appropriate and significant information Solution from the text, including problems and solutions. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, Nonfiction Play drama, fiction, non-fiction). Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fictional and non-fiction text. Make Draw Inferences Conclusions Return to Predictions Main Idea and Details Personal Response 86 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STANDARD STD 1 Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and WOC1.2 identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. 2 Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns and common homophones. 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Adjectives Adjectives Adjectives Adjectives Mechanics that that that that and Usage Compare Compare Compare Compare Pretest: Consonant Word Spelling Word Sorts Proofread + el, le Meanings Posttest Syllables Strong Paragraphs Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing NA WS1.2 margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical 3 WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. WA2.1* Write narratives. LS1.9* Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Day 5 Publish Conference/ Revision Character Character Character Reading/ Development: Development: Development: Writing Believable Believable Believable Connection Model Fluency 87 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 6 - Week 3 – Trickster Tales 2 R1.2 NA R1.3 4 R1.8* 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* 1 WOC1.2 2 WOC1.8* 1 WOC1.9 3 WS1.1* Decode regular multisyllabic words. Read Multisyllabic Words Repeated Repeated Repeated Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and Reading: Reading: Reading: Model Fluency accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and Pronuncia- Pronuncia- PronunciaFluency Practice expression. tion and tion and tion and Phrasing Phrasing Phrasing Review Assess Review Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, Prefixes and Words, Words, Words, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to Suffixes Related Connect to Morphology determine the meaning of words. Words Writing Preview and Return to Recall major points in the text and make and Predict Predictions modify predictions about forthcoming information. Summarize Distinguish between main idea and supporting Main Ideas details in expository text. Writing Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, Prompt and drama, fiction, non-fiction). Mode Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, Folk Tale folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and Adverbs identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound and words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking. Adjectives Pretest: Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Words with Word Spelling Word Sorts Proofread contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Vowel Team Meanings Posttest and common homophones. Syllables Arrange words in alphabetical order. Alphabetize Revise, Use Revise, Prewrite Draft Create a single paragraph. Rubrics Proofread 88 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items NA 3 STD STANDARD Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Write personal and formal letters, thank-you notes, WA2.3* and invitations. Plan and present dramatic interpretations of LS2.2 experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 WS1.2 Day 5 Publish Publish Conference Persuasive Letter Pronunciation and Phrasing 89 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 6 - Week 4 – Our Stories 2 R1.2 NA R1.3 2 R1.7 2 R2.2 2 R2.4* 2 R2.5* 3 R2.6* 2 R2.7 1 R3.1 2 R3.2* 2 R.3.3* Decode Read Words with Decode regular multisyllabic words Multisyllar-Controlled bic Words Vowels Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and Repeated Repeated Repeated Model Fluency accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and Reading: Reading: Reading: Fluency Practice expression. Phrasing Phrasing Phrasing Review Assess Review Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other Dictionary: Dictionary: Words, Words, Words, features of unknown words. Idioms Idioms Related Connect to Morphology Words Writing Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior Make Make knowledge with literal information found in, and Inferences Inferences inferred from, the text. and Analyze and Analyze Make Return to Preview and Recall major points in the text and make and Inferences Predictions, Predict modify predictions about forthcoming information. and Analyze Purposes Main Idea Distinguish between main idea and supporting and Details details in expository text. Problem/ Extract appropriate and significant information Solution from the text, including problems and solutions. Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., Follow how to assemble a product or play a board game). Instructions Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, Folk Tale Fantasy drama, fiction, non-fiction). Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, Nonfiction folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Determine what characters are like by what they Character say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. 90 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Pretest: Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Words with 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns r-Controlled and common homophones. Vowels Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing NA WS1.2 margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical 3 WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Character Development: WA2.1* Write narratives. Change and Growth Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., LS1.4 rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia). Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, Model and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal LS1.9* Fluency patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Word Sorts Word Meanings Proofread Spelling Posttest Publish Conference Revision Character Character DevelopDevelopReading/ ment: ment: Writing Change and Change and Connection Growth Growth Personal Response Onomatopoeia 91 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Repeated Reading: Phrasing, Intonation Connect to Words; Related Words Repeated Reading: Phrasing, Intonation Fluency Practice Unit 6 - Week 5 – Tales of Long Ago 2 NA 4 2 R1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words R1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. R1.4* Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. R1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living things). R1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words. 4 R1.8* Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words. 2 R2.4* Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information. 3 R2.6* 1 R3.1 2 Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction). Read Multisyllabic Words Model Fluency Repeated Reading: Phrasing, Intonation Connect to Words; Morphology Dictionary: Dictionary: Unfamiliar Unfamiliar Words Words Suffixes Review Words, Related Words Assess Review Words, Words, Connect to Morphology Writing Prefixes Return to Preview and Predictions, Predict Purposes Problem/ Solution Fiction 92 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items 2 STD STANDARD Day 1 R3.2* Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. Analyze Story Structure Day 2 Fairy Tale; Analyze Story Structure Character, Setting, Plot Determine what characters are like by what they say Character, Setting, or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays Plot them. Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in 1 R3.4 fictional and non-fiction text. 1 R3.6 Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. Narrator Understand and be able to use complete and correct Sentence Sentence 1 WOC1.1 declarative, interrogative, imperative, and Combining Combining exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking. Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for 1 WOC1.6 items in a series. Pretest: Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, Words with Word Sorts 2 WOC1.8* contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns Suffixes and common homophones. Strong 3 WS1.1* Create a single paragraph. Paragraphs Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing NA WS1.2 margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence. Understand the structure and organization of 3 WS1.3* various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia). Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical 3 WS1.4* progression of ideas by using an established rubric. Character Character DevelopDevelopWrite descriptions that use concrete sensory details ment: ment: WA2.2* to present and support unified impressions of Change and Change and people, places, things, or experiences. Growth Growth 2 R.3.3* Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Fairy Tale; Sensory Language Theme Mechanics Sentence Sentence and Usage Combining Combining Comma Usage Word Meanings Proofread Spelling Posttest Publish Atlas/ Encyclopedia Conference Revision Character DevelopReading/ ment: Writing Change and Connection Growth 93 GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS PACING GUIDE 2013 - 2014 # CST Items STD STANDARD Day 1 LS1.9* Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read. Model Fluency LS2.3* Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Share Personal Response Paragraphs SITE-BASED END OF YEAR ASSESSMENT CLOSING DATES Traditional: June 13, 2014 Modified: June 26, 2014 END OF YEAR ASSESSMENT DATA ANALYSIS 94