CURRICULUM SUMMARY-Sept-Dec 2014 SUBJECT:French A Week Learning Objectives 1 Brief outline of syllabus Objectives Approaching Literary criticism 2 3 4 5 6 Revisions Group 4 Techniques of literary criticism Preparation for the unseen exam Oral commentary skills Revisions Group 1 Techniques of literary criticism Preparation for the unseen exam (Paper 1) Group2 Poetry: Senghor Objective analysis: theme, style content, language, structure and context Oral commentary skills Group2 Poetry : Senghor Paper 1 : language A1 examinations skills Commentary on an unseen passage Group 2 Poetry : Senghor Paper 1 : Language A1 examinations skills Commentary on an unseen passage YEAR GROUP: IB2 TEACHER: Fran Machadour-Tunstall Learning Outcomes and Activities Juline will understand the course requirements and will get an insight in the overview needed when studying prose, poetry or drama. Juline will go over the group 4 books studied last year and the techniques used. Juline will go over the group 1 books studied last year and the techniques used. Juline will have read Senghor in the summer and will discuss one poem. She will consider ways of writing about poetry and the tone, mood and atmosphere in the book. Juline will explore how free verse differs from other kinds of poetry. Juline will prepare for studying ‘unseen’ poetry texts. Juline will examine the form, structure, rhyme and style in Senghor’s poetry and their effects on the reader. 7 Commentary on a passage Writing in a formal manner 8 Group2 Flaubert : Madame Bovary Juline will explore the ideas and themes in Flaubert’s book. Juline will also give her impression of the main character. 9 Group 2 Flaubert: Madame Bovary Group2 Flaubert: Madame Bovary Group 2 Flaubert: Madame Bovary Group 3 Racine: Berenice Group 3 Berenice Juline will examine the way Flaubert uses language to convey certain emotions. Group 3 Berenice Group 3 Marivaux: on ne badine pas avec l’amour Group 3 Marivaux: on ne badine pas avec l’amour Juline will give an oral commentary using an extract from the play. 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 Juline will discuss the characters in the book and in particular Emma. Juline will give an oral commentary using an extract from the book. Juline will explore the ideas in the play. Juline will write a list of central themes and issues as well as the message conveyed by Racine. Juline will continue to prepare for studying drama texts and will focus on the main themes. Juline will look at the information conveyed to the audience and the techniques Racine uses to put it across.