Expert Mode ReadMe “Designing and building aeroplanes is not just a job, it’s an extension of our passion for flight”, Prof. L. Pascale Acknowledgements Many people have contributed to this mod and the underlying work which for me started 3 years ago. I hope not to forget anyone. This work could not have been possible without Mr. Oleg Maddox, his team, 1C Company and Team Daidalos that created, produced and upgraded such a flight simulator as Il2. Its longevity is a testament to their efforts and skills. My thanks go to the HSFX development team for their support, to Monguse and G.Senn for the historical data on WWII era American planes, to the 150GCT (Pag, Veltro, Italo, Bruno) for their contribution on WWII era Italian planes, to JV44 and their squadron commander Redwulf1 for the invaluable contribution on FockeWulf190 A, D, FW200 and Ta aeroplanes, to {HVY-E}Jolly for the documentation on B-17s and to all the testers that have helped me in testing at various stages of the development. They are too many to list individually. Special thanks to JG77_Freyberg for the help in the development of the Korea era jets and to Mr. W. Berge for sharing his memories on the first generation US jets and for his help in researching the subject. Finally my most important thanks go to my wife and kids, for bearing with me staying long hours on the computer working on this mod rather than enjoying my free-time with them. Whereas the credits go to the above mentioned group of people, the demerits for any inaccuracy or error are entirely mine. I hope you enjoy. Aaken SUMMARY Foreword .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Wing and tail polar ........................................................................................................................... 4 Fuselage polar .................................................................................................................................. 5 Propeller ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Propeller slipstream.......................................................................................................................... 5 Small summary of modifications – Aircarft polars .......................................................................... 6 Complete list of modified airplanes in this version ......................................................................... 7 Reference used ................................................................................................................................. 8 BF109 - Main Geometrical Dimensions ........................................................................................ 10 BF109 - Weight .............................................................................................................................. 10 BF109 - Balancing ......................................................................................................................... 10 BF109 - Engine .............................................................................................................................. 10 BF109 - Wing lift polar .................................................................................................................. 11 BF109 - Wing drag polar ............................................................................................................... 11 BF109 - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) ............................................... 12 FW190A - Main Geometrical Dimensions .................................................................................... 13 FW190A - Weight .......................................................................................................................... 13 FW190A - Balancing ..................................................................................................................... 13 FW190A - Engine .......................................................................................................................... 13 FW190A - Wing lift polar .............................................................................................................. 13 FW190A - Wing drag polar ............................................................................................................ 15 FW190A - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) ........................................... 16 FW190D - Main Geometrical Dimensions .................................................................................... 18 FW190D - Weight .......................................................................................................................... 18 FW190D - Balancing ..................................................................................................................... 18 FW190D - Engine .......................................................................................................................... 18 FW190D - Wing lift polar .............................................................................................................. 18 FW190D - Wing drag polar ........................................................................................................... 20 FW190D - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) ........................................... 21 P-47 - Main Geometrical Dimensions ........................................................................................... 23 P-47 - Weight ................................................................................................................................. 23 P-47 - Balancing............................................................................................................................. 23 P-47 - Engine ................................................................................................................................. 23 P-47 - Wing lift polar ..................................................................................................................... 23 P-47 - Wing drag polar ................................................................................................................... 24 P-47 - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) .................................................. 25 P-51 - Main Geometrical Dimensions ........................................................................................... 26 P-51 - Weight ................................................................................................................................. 26 P-51 - Balancing............................................................................................................................. 26 P-51 - Engine ................................................................................................................................. 26 P-51 - Wing lift polar ..................................................................................................................... 27 P-51 - Wing drag polar ................................................................................................................... 27 P-51 - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) .................................................. 27 Stall characteristics......................................................................................................................... 29 Bf-109 ............................................................................................................................................ 29 F4F ................................................................................................................................................. 29 F4U................................................................................................................................................. 29 F6F ................................................................................................................................................. 29 F9F ................................................................................................................................................. 29 F84G............................................................................................................................................... 30 F-86 ................................................................................................................................................ 30 FW190 ............................................................................................................................................ 30 G-50 ............................................................................................................................................... 30 G-55 ............................................................................................................................................... 30 MC200/202/205 ............................................................................................................................. 30 MiG-15/17 ...................................................................................................................................... 31 P-38 ................................................................................................................................................ 31 P-47 ................................................................................................................................................ 31 P-51 ................................................................................................................................................ 31 P-61 ................................................................................................................................................ 31 Ta152 .............................................................................................................................................. 31 APPENDIX 1 – Weight Table EM7.0 ............................................................................................ 33 APPENDIX 2 – Engine Table EM7.0 ............................................................................................ 37 Part1 Foreword The modifications of flight and engine models presented in this work have started with an analytical evaluation of aircraft performances. In the following paragraphs a short description of the methodologies adopted in the analytical study can be found, specifically for the evaluation of aircraft polars. Wing and tail polar It is computed by adopting lift line theory (Weiselberger) using non linear section lift data (J.C. Sivells, R.H. Neely). Unless specified otherwise in historical references, thickness distribution has been considered linear between root and tip. 2D Airfoil polars are computed with panel method. Compressibility effects are taken into account. Normally, lift distribution, finite wing Cy and Cx computed are in very good agreement with computations performed with other methods like Multhopp or VLM or with DATCOM method (ref. E. Torenbeek, Synthesis of subsonic airplane design, J. Roskam, Airplane Design). This is due to the fact that large majority of studied aircraft configurations are un-swept and have relatively high aspect ratios, therefore lying in the field of applicability of the theory. On this aspect, it is worth noticing that it has been recently possible to benchmark the above mentioned theoretical approach by comparing the computational results obtained on FW190 V5g prototype wing with the calculation sheets from FlightMechanics Department of FockeWulf dating 1940-1942. The comparison showed extremely good agreement between original calculations from FlightMechanics Department of FockeWulf and present calculations, as it was expected. 0,2 cl *c/cg 0,18 cl 0,16 cl check 0,14 0,12 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 Figure 1 – Lift coefficient distribution on half wing span (Bf109G2 at SL 530km/h). Cyan line is result computed with iterative method (NACA Report 865) while yellow line is result computed with DATCOM method 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 cl cl check 0,8 clmax 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 Figure 2 – Lift coefficient distribution on half wing span (Bf109G2 at 1000m 250km/h 2g level turn). This condition illustrates the determination of stall-limited turn rate (in this case stall is incipient at 0.6 x half-wingspan). A tolerance of 0.05 g has been used to predict ultimate wing load factor for both stall-limited and power-limited turn rates. It should be mentioned that parametrized Wing lift and drag polars (except minimum drag coefficient) are directly inserted in the Il2 Fms. Fuselage polar, propeller, tail configuration are only used for numerical comparison with original performance data sheets, when available. Fuselage polar Drag computation for fuselage has been performed by using slender body formulation (ref. E. Torenbeek, Synthesis of subsonic airplane design). Lift induced drag is accounted for in the computation. Formulation for fuselage lift induced drag is given in referenced document. Propeller Propeller performance computations have been performed by means of blade element theory. In the present document, since no detailed description of propeller blades was available, the blade section has been assumed to be a flat plate. Optimal propeller (i.e. blade twist) has been computed in the condition of 100% throttle at full throttle height. Hence the propeller has been analysed for all beta angles in the range specified in EMD (propPhiMax and propPhiMin) at maximum propeller revolutions (constant rpm propeller), thus obtaining propeller efficiency curve at full power rpms. It should be noted that the assumption made on blade section leads to under-estimation of propeller efficiency (up to 5% at maximum speed) thus leading to a conservative estimation of aircraft performance. Propeller slipstream It is computed using blade element theory adopted for propeller performances estimation. It is worth mentioning that actuator disc theory produces very similar results in terms of slipstream velocity and mass flow rate. This is due to the fact that considered propellers have low loading factor. For the purpose of this study the complete fuselage, radiators (under-wing and underfuselage), inner wing section and tail assembly are considered to be completely inside the propeller slipstream. The inner wing section area enveloped by propeller slipstream has been computed considering the propeller radius/wing span ratio. This assumption leads to a slight over estimation of wing drag since propeller slipstream tube has a contraction after the propeller (about ¼ - ½ of propeller radius downstream of propeller) to its final radius. Small summary of modifications – Aircarft polars Bf109 Fw190 MC200-205 G.55 P38 P40 P47 P51 Airfoil root/tip 2R1 14,2 / 2R1 11,35 w. Handley Page l.e. Slats (opening at Cl 0,85-0,95) d2Cd/dα2 Clmax AR TR 1,44 (w. Slats open) 6,15 0,550 0,089 1,45 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,45 1,35 6 6,6 6,6 8,25 5,89 5,5 0,540 0,625 0,550 0,350 0,430 0,605 0,088 0,088 0,090 0,093 0,088 0,085 4.4E-4 (slats closed); 5.3E-4 (slats open) 4.5E-4 (high speed) and 4.9E-4 (climb) 4.3E-4 4.3E-4 4.0E-4 4.7E-4 4.5E-4 1,3 5,8 0,465 0,087 4.5E-4 23015 / 23009 23018 / 23009 (mod. l.e.) 2415/2409 23016 / 4412 2215 / 2209 Republic S3 / Republic S3 Naca lam flow R / Naca lam flow T dCl/dα dCl/dα has been evaluated according to the following formula: Clα = f Clαth /(E+Clαth/(π AR)) [rad-1] where Clαth is the 2D section lift coefficient derivative and E=1+(2 TR)/(AR (1+TR)) Drag coefficient second derivative has been evaluated according to the following formula: d2Cd/dα2 = Clα2/(π AR e) Second derivative of drag coefficient has been corrected with twist factor. Clmax has been computed by computing Cl spanwise distribution and assuming linear spanwise variation of 2D section Clmax (ref. example figure below): 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 cl cl check 0,8 clmax 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 In the following chapters each airplane type will be treated in detail. Note: the documentation is complemented by il2compare version for HSFX. For each of the following chapters references to historical data (either flight test results or airframer specification) are mentioned. Such references are graphically illustrated in the il2 compare version for HSFX. Among those planes for which a separate chapter has not been provided, the reference data is reported here after. Note on swept wing configurations: for swept wing configurations the simplified formulation for incompressible wing lift polar can be found in Roskam, Airplane Design, Part VI Chapter 8. Simple VLM has been used to compute wing lift distribution. It should be noted that Il2 (rev 4.12) models wing compressibility drag up to critical mach. Above critical mach the method implemented does not provide correct drag estimation. Also, variations of linear lift coefficient associated with compressibility crisis are not modelled, nor is modelled center of pressure movement (and the associated pitch moment variation). Complete list of modified airplanes in this version B-17D-G B-24J B-29 BF109E-F-G-K F4F-3,-4 F4U1 through D (included clipped variant) F6F-3 and -5 F9F F84G F-86A-F FW190A-F-D G-50 G-55 MC200 MC202 MC205 MiG-15 MiG-17 P-38F-G-H-J-L P47D-10 through D-27Late P51A-B-C-D P-61A (early), A and B Ta152H-C Fw200C3U4 Me323 P-80/F-80 A P-80 C Additionally other minor corrections (mainly on engines) are present for non-stock planes such as Hurricane MkI early, MkI and MkIb, referred to in the applicable Revision Record. In the present version similar corrections (mainly on engines) have been introduced to Spitfire planes, namely MkI, MkII, Mk VIII, MkIX, MkXII, Mk XIV and MkXVI equipped with Merlin 61, 63 and 66 (both 18 and 25 lb variants) and Griffon engines (II, III and 65). Such corrections are meant to reduce the gap between the predicted rate of climb performance in Il2 and the literature data on such marks. Such data (for Spitfire MkI, MkII, MkV, MkVIII and MkIX) has been included in the il2compare for reference. Reference used The following references were used for the airplanes not having a dedicated chapter in this document. For the airplanes having a dedicated chapter, the list of references is reported in the last paragraph of the related airplane’s chapter. F4F-4 Airplane Characteristics & Performance, Bureau of Aeronautics – Navy Dept F4U-1 Airplane Characteristics & Performance, Bureau of Aeronautics – Navy Dept F4U-1D Airplane Characteristics & Performance, Bureau of Aeronautics – Navy Dept F4U-4 Airplane Characteristics & Performance, Bureau of Aeronautics – Navy Dept F6F-5 Airplane Characteristics & Performance, Bureau of Aeronautics – Navy Dept F9F Standard Aircraft Characteristics F84E Standard Aircraft Characteristics F-86F Standard Aircraft Characteristics G50 AFM G55 Description Guide Macchi C200 Description Guide Macchi C202 Description Guide Macchi C205 Description Guide P38F through L: America's Hundred Thousand P61A and B: America's Hundred Thousand B-17G weight and performance charts B-24J weight and performance charts B-29 weight and performance charts Fw200C3 Kennblatt P-80A Standard Aircraft Characteristics P-80A AFM P-80B/C AFM Report A&AEE 692 on Spitfire MkI N3171 (MerlinIII, Rotol CS propeller) Report A&AEE on Spitfire MkII P7280 (Merlin XII) Report A&AEE on Spitfire MkVb W3134 (MerlinXLV) Report A&AEE on Spitfire MkVb W3228 (Merlin50M, 18lbs boost) Report A&AEE on Spitfire MkVb AB320 (MerlinXLV Tropicalized) Report A&AEE on Spitfire MkVc AA873 (MerlinXLV) Report A&AEE on Spitfire MkVc AA878 (MerlinXLV, 16lbs boost) Report V-A on SpitfireMk VIII JF275 (Merlin66, 18lbs boost) Report RAAF HQDTS on SpitfireMk VIII (Merlin66, 18lbs boost) Report A&AEE on SpitfireMk IX BF274 (Merlin61) Report A&AEE on SpitfireMk IX BS453 & 551 (Merlin66 and Merlin70) Report A&AEE on SpitfireMk IX EN524 (Merlin70) Report A&AEE on SpitfireMk IX JL165 (Merlin66, 25lbs boost) Report A&AEE on Spitfire F Mk XII DP845 (GriffonIIB) AFSD reports on Spitfire F Mk XIV (Griffon65, 18lb boost) RR test data on Spitfire F Mk XIV (Griffon65, 21lb boost) Bf109 BF109 - Main Geometrical Dimensions E 9.87 8.56 16.1 1.5 0.9 0.6 0.7 Wing span [m] Length [m] Wing surface [m] Stabilizer surface [m] Elevator surface [m] Rudder surface [m] Vertical surface [m] F-G-K 9.93 8.94 16.1 1.5 0.9 0.6 0.7 BF109 - Weight Refer to WeightTableEM7.0.xx appendix BF109 - Balancing CG approximately 27,5% of MAC BF109 - Engine A/C Name Engine Name BoostPower [PS] 1040 BaseMP [ATA] 1,3 BoostMP [ATA] 1,3 BaseRP M 2400 BoostRP M 2500 MaxOilTe mp 105 MaxWaterTemp DB601A-E1 BasePower [PS] 990 Bf109E-1 Bf109E-3 DB601A-E3 990 1070 1,3 1,3 2400 2500 105 100 Bf109E-4 DB601A 990 1070 1,3 1,3 2400 2500 105 100 Bf109E4N Bf109E-7 DB601N 1000 1100 1,3 1,3 2400 2600 105 110 DB601A 990 1070 1,3 1,3 2400 2500 105 100 Bf109E7N Bf109E7NZ Bf109F-2 DB601N 1000 1100 1,3 1,3 2400 2600 105 110 DB601A_7Z 1000 1100 1,3 1,3 2400 2600 105 100 DB601N_F2 1080 1170 1,3 1,42 2400 2600 105 110 Bf109F-4 DB601N_F4 1180 1320 1,3 1,42 2400 2600 105 115 Bf109G-1 1260 1320 1,2 1,3 2400 2600 105 115 1260 1320 1,2 1,3 2400 2600 105 115 Bf109G-4 DB605A_1.32 Ata DB605A_1.32 Ata DB605A 1320 1450 1,32 1,42 2600 2800 105 115 Bf109G-5 DB605AD_Z 1320 1450 1,32 1,42 2600 2800 105 115 Bf109G-6 DB605A 1320 1450 1,32 1,42 2600 2800 105 115 Bf109G6 AS Bf109G10 DB605ASB 1290 1450 1,32 1,42 2600 2800 105 115 DB605DB 1290 1720 1,32 1,8 2600 2800 105 115 Bf109G14 DB605AM 1290 1720 1,32 1,7 2600 2800 105 115 Bf109G14 AS Bf109K-4 DB605ASM 1290 1720 1,32 1,8 2600 2800 105 115 DB605DCM 1290 1720 1,32 1,8 2600 2800 105 115 Bf109K-4 C3 DB605DCM_ C3 1290 1760 1,32 1,98 2600 2800 105 115 Bf109G-2 100 Note: Base power corresponds to Combat setting, and Boost power corresponds to maximum emergency setting. BF109 - Wing lift polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1 (including slat opening). BF109 - Wing drag polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1 (including slat opening). Bf109 slats has been treated as follows: according to literature (R&M 2361 [sept. 1940]) slats open at Cl approximately 0,85-0,95. Second order Cd derivative for complete wing with slats deployed is computed at 5,3E-4 and 4,4E-4 with slats closed. (green curve in figure below) Since it is not possible to impose the Cd jump corresponding to slat open condition, the Cd is simulated with a second order derivative of 5,8E-4 with 0,8° offset. This approximation limits the error in Cd estimation within +5% immediately before and -5% immediately after slat opening. Error tends to 0 moving away from slat opening threshold. BF109 - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) Note: Il2Compare data plots are computed in idealized conditions with regards to trim, mixture and propeller pitch setting. Usually they are representative of well trimmed planes flown with closed radiator flaps with a tolerance of up to 10 kph. Bf109E3 – Airplane Specification and testflight at 2400rpm and 1.30 ata (different sources) Bf109F2 – Airplane Specification Bf109F4 – Airplane Specification and Datenblatt IV/56/42 – test flight Bf109G1 – E-Stelle Reichlin flight testing at 2600rpm and 1.30 ata and Airplane Specification Bf109G2 – performance charts (different sources). Bf109G6 and G6AS performance charts (different sources) Bf109G14 with AM and ASM engines performance charts (different sources) Weights and performance statistics General LuftzeugMeisters/C-E2 for early G series, late G series and K series FW190A FW190A - Main Geometrical Dimensions Wing span [m] Length [m] Wing surface [m] Stabilizer surface [m] Elevator surface [m] Rudder surface [m] Vertical surface [m] A3 10.51 8.805 18.3 1.73 1.0 0.8 0,9 A5 10.51 9 18.3 1.73 1.0 0.8 0,9 A8 10.51 9 18.3 1.73 1.0 0.8 0,9 A9 10.51 9 18.3 1.73 1.0 0.8 0,9 FW190A - Weight Refer to WeightTableEM7.0.xx appendix FW190A - Balancing CG approximately 27% of MAC in combat configuration (no ETC rack, no external fuel tank) Note: Empty plane has CG approx. 20% of MAC, fully loaded with ETC is approx. 31.5%, fully loaded with ETC and external fuel tank approx. 35%. Computed neutral point in flaps up condition is approx.34%. FW190A - Engine A/C Name Engine Name BasePower [PS] FW190A3 BMW801D-2_A3 1680 1,42 FW190A4 BMW801D-2_142 1760 FW190A5 FW190A5165 BMW801D-2_142 BMW801D2_142_C3 1760 FW190A6 BMW801D-2_142 1760 FW190A8 BMW801D-2_165 1720 1925 1,42 1,65 2700 FW190A9 BMW801TS 1970 - 1,65 - 2700 1760 BoostPower [PS] 1970 BaseMP [ATA] MaxOilT emp MaxWaterTe mp 2700 105 180 1,42 2700 105 180 1,42 2700 105 180 105 180 105 180 2700 105 180 - 105 180 1,42 BoostMP [ATA] 1,65 1,42 BaseR PM 2700 BoostR PM 2700 2700 Note: Base power corresponds to maximum emergency setting. FW190A - Wing lift polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1. Note: FW190A and FW190D share the same wings (in terms of aerodynamics). The results reported below are valid for A and D versions. The lift distribution in span wise direction computed according to the theories recalled in ReadMe Part1 have been compared to calculation sheets from Flight Mechanics Department of FockeWulf dating 1940-1942 on FW190 V5g prototype wing. FW190 V5g wing is aerodynamically identical to later A and D series production wings. In the figure below it is reported the lift coefficient distribution as computed in incidence conditions corresponding to wing lift coefficient 1.0. In the following figure this result, without normalization on the MAC (Cl*c), is compared with the calculation performed by Flight Mechanics Department of FockeWulf dating 1940-1942 on FW190 V5g prototype wing (-2° twist). The lift distribution calculation has been used to compute wing maximum lift coefficient, taking into account the thickness span wise distribution, reported in the following figure: The wing maximum lift coefficient thus computed is 1.45. FW190A - Wing drag polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1. The computed wing drag polar is compared in the following figure with the FW published data on drag in high speed cruise condition and in climb condition: FW190A - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) Note: Il2Compare data plots are computed in idealized conditions with regards to trim, mixture and propeller pitch setting. Usually they are representative of well trimmed planes flown with closed radiator flaps with a tolerance of up to 10 kph. FW190A3 performance charts FW190A5-A6 specification datasheet FW190A5 performance charts FW190A8 specification datasheet FW190A8 performance charts FW190D FW190D - Main Geometrical Dimensions D9 10.51 10.19 18.3 1.73 1.0 0.9 1.6 Wing span [m] Length [m] Wing surface [m] Stabilizer surface [m] Elevator surface [m] Rudder surface [m] Vertical surface [m] FW190D - Weight Refer to WeightTableEM7.0.xx appendix FW190D - Balancing CG approximately 27% of MAC in combat configuration (no ETC rack, no external fuel tank) Note: Empty plane has CG approx. 20% of MAC, fully loaded with ETC is approx. 31.5%, fully loaded with ETC and external fuel tank approx. 35%. Computed neutral point in flaps up condition is approx.34%. FW190D - Engine A/C Name Engine Name BasePower [PS] BoostPower [PS] BaseMP [ATA] BoostMP [ATA] BaseR PM BoostR PM MaxOilTe mp MaxWaterTem p FW190D91944 FW190D91945 Jumo213A-1 Jumo213A1_MW50 1750 1900 1,56 1,7 3250 3250 115 100 1750 2100 1,56 1,8 3250 3250 115 100 Note: Base power corresponds to Start-Notleistung setting, and Boost power corresponds to maximum emergency setting or Sonder Start-Notleistung. FW190D - Wing lift polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1. The lift distribution in span wise direction computed according to the theories recalled in ReadMe Part1 have been compared to calculation sheets from Flight Mechanics Department of FockeWulf dating 1940-1942 on FW190 V5g prototype wing. FW190 V5g wing is aerodynamically identical to later A and D series production wings. In the figure below it is reported the lift coefficient distribution as computed in incidence conditions corresponding to wing lift coefficient 1.0. In the following figure this result, without normalization on the MAC (Cl*c), is compared with the calculation performed by Flight Mechanics Department of FockeWulf dating 1940-1942 on FW190 V5g prototype wing (-2° twist). The lift distribution calculation has been used to compute wing maximum lift coefficient, taking into account the thickness span wise distribution, reported in the following figure: The wing maximum lift coefficient thus computed is 1.45. FW190D - Wing drag polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1. The computed wing drag polar is compared in the following figure with the FW published data on drag in high speed cruise condition and in climb condition: FW190D - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) Note: Il2Compare data plots are computed in idealized conditions with regards to trim, mixture and propeller pitch setting. Usually they are representative of well trimmed planes flown with closed radiator flaps with a tolerance of up to 10 kph. FW Flight Mechanics Dept. computed performance for FW190D9 at 1600PS, 1750PS, 1900PS and 2100PS engine (engine performance at sea level) Flight test results with and without ETC504, with and without engine gap sealing, with Jumo213A-1 engines, with and without MW50 system installation. P-47 P-47 - Main Geometrical Dimensions Wing span [m] Length [m] Wing surface [m] Stabilizer surface [m] Elevator surface [m] Rudder surface [m] Vertical surface [m] D 12.45 10.62 27.87 3.49 2.04 1.10 1.26 P-47 - Weight Refer to WeightTableEM7.0.xx appendix P-47 - Balancing CG approximately 27% of MAC. Corresponds to normally loaded airplane with empty auxiliary internal fuel tank. It is advisable to adopt a maximum fuel load of 75%. P-47 - Engine A/C Name Engine Name BasePowe r [PS] BoostPowe r [PS] P-47D-10 P-47D-22 P-47D-27 P-47D-27 Late BaseMP [ATA] BoostMP [ATA] R-2800DoubleWasp 2000 2310 1,70 1,75 R-2800DoubleWasp 2000 2310 1,70 1,75 R-2800-59_THRU-40 R-2800-59_THRU40_overboost 2000 2596 1,70 2000 2800 1,70 BaseRP M BoostR PM Max OilTe mp MaxWaterTe mp 2700 2700 120 210 2700 2700 120 210 2,1 2700 2700 120 210 2,34 2700 2700 120 210 Note: Base power corresponds to Combat setting and Boost power corresponds to maximum emergency setting. In the models presented in this work, the P-47D-27 Late has been modelled to reproduce the performances of P47M. P-47 - Wing lift polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1. P-47 - Wing drag polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1. P-47 - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) Note: Il2Compare data plots are computed in idealized conditions with regards to trim, mixture and propeller pitch setting. Usually they are representative of well trimmed planes flown with closed radiator flaps with a tolerance of up to 10 kph. P-47 D-5 through D-22 speed and climb performance, America’s Hundred Thousand P-47 D-23 through D-36 speed and climb performance, America’s Hundred Thousand P-47 M speed and climb performance, America’s Hundred Thousand P-47 D and M geometrical specification and weight tables, America’s Hundred Thousand P-51 P-51 - Main Geometrical Dimensions Wing span [m] Length [m] Wing surface [m] Stabilizer surface [m] Elevator surface [m] Rudder surface [m] Vertical surface [m] B-C-D 11.28 9.82 21.9 2.59 1.21 0.99 0.89 P-51 - Weight Refer to WeightTableEM7.0.xx appendix P-51 - Balancing CG approximately 27% of MAC. In the models presented in this work, the P51 CoG position has been moved forward to replicate the position of the CoG in the configuration with 25 gallons in the 85 gallons fuselage fuel tank. From literature data the CoG for P51D configuration with 25 gallons in the 85 gallons fuselage fuel tank is 28.3% MAC. The P51s with full 85 gallons fuselage fuel tanks were statically unstable and the normal operating procedures for planes in such a configuration demanded to empty the 85 gallons fuselage fuel tank before all other tanks. At anything below 35 gallons, the P51s equipped with 85 gallons fuselage fuel tank were both statically and dynamically stable [America Hundred Thousands et al.]. Since the simulator does not allow for CoG movement with regards to fuel usage, and since the unstable configuration reproduced in the original models was deemed too conservative, it has been decided to adopt a statically and dynamically stable configuration as normally happened during combat operations. It is advisable to adopt a maximum fuel load of 75%. Note: P51A are not equipped with 85 gallons fuselage fuel tank. P-51 - Engine A/C Name Engine Name V-1710-81 BasePower [PS] 1000 BoostPower [PS] 1300 BaseMP [ATA] 1,53 BoostMP [ATA] 1,6 BaseR PM 3000 BoostR PM 3000 MaxOilTe mp 113 MaxWaterTem p 135 P-51A P-51B V-1650-3 1300 1495 2 2,25 3000 3000 125 120 P-51C V-1650-3 1300 1495 2 2,25 3000 3000 125 120 P-51CM V-1650-9-25lb 1490 1950 2 2,75 3000 3000 125 120 P-51D-20 P-51D20NT V-1650-7 1490 1728 2 2,25 3000 3000 125 120 V-1650-7 1490 1728 2 2,25 3000 3000 125 120 P-51D-25 V-1650-9 1490 1950 2 2,55 3000 3000 125 120 P-51D-30 V-1650-9 1490 1950 2 2,55 3000 3000 125 120 Note: Base power corresponds to Combat setting and Boost power corresponds to maximum emergency setting. Packard Merlin engines V-1650-9 replicate engines using 130 octane fuel with maximum manifold pressure 0f 75”Hg at 3000 rpm. Packard Merlin engines V-1650-3 and -7 replicate engines using 100 octane fuel with maximum manifold pressure 0f 67”Hg at 3000 rpm. P-51 - Wing lift polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1. P-51 - Wing drag polar Computed as per procedure in reported in chapter Wing and tail polar of ReadMe Part1. P-51 - Reference cases (Il2CompareHSFX7.0.xx Expert Mode) Note: Il2Compare data plots are computed in idealized conditions with regards to trim, mixture and propeller pitch setting. Usually they are representative of well trimmed planes flown with closed radiator flaps with a tolerance of up to 10 kph. P-51 B and C (V-1650-3 engine) speed and climb performance, America’s Hundred Thousand P-51 D (V-1650-7 engine 67”Hg manifold pressure) speed and climb performance, America’s Hundred Thousand P-51B with V-1650-7 engine 75”Hg manifold pressure speed and climb performance for 130 octane fuel variants. P-51B through D geometrical specification and weight tables, America’s Hundred Thousand P-51A geometrical specification and weight tables, America’s Hundred Thousand P-51A speed and climb performance, America’s Hundred Thousand Stall characteristics In this chapter a brief summary of the qualitative stall characteristics of the modified planes is recorded. Bf-109 1g power-on stalls are gentle with little tendency to drop wing which can be corrected in early stall phase by opposite aileron. This results in the airplane to nose slightly down. High speed stalls are fairly predictable and no specific tendency to enter in a spin should be encountered, unless the stall is deliberatly kept or induced by aileron and rudder use. Spin is easily recovered by cutting down throttle and putting control column central. F4F 1g power-on stalls are gentle and anticipated by buffeting. If stall is kept, the plane can be expected to drop wing very gently. Also for F4F this can be corrected in early stall phase by opposite aileron which will result in a slight pitch down movement. High speed stalls are anticipated by buffeting and no specific tendency to enter in a spin should be encountered, unless the stall is deliberately kept. The plane can be expected to nose down on the same side of the turn in most cases for both left and right hand turns. Spin is easily recovered by cutting down throttle and putting control column central and opposite rudder. F4U 1g power-on stalls are anticipated by buffeting. If stall is kept, the plane can be expected to violently drop wing. Unlike F4Fs and F6Fs, the initial roll movement is usually fast and extremely difficult to control with ailerons. This behaviour is less pronounced in later marks. High speed stalls are anticipated by buffeting and, if protracted, tend to be fast with violent tendency to roll on opposite side. If the stall is kept a fast spin is obtained. Spin is recovered by cutting down throttle and putting control column central and opposite rudder. F6F 1g power-on stalls are gentle and very similar to those encountered in F4Fs. High speed stalls are anticipated by buffeting and no specific tendency to enter in a spin should be encountered, unless the stall is deliberately kept. The plane can be expected to nose down on the same side of the turn most of the time. Spin is easily recovered by cutting down throttle and putting control column central and opposite rudder. F9F 1g power-on stalls are anticipated by buffeting and tendency to drop wing. High speed stalls are fairly predictable, with buffeting and no specific tendency to enter in a spin should be encountered, unless the stall is deliberately kept. The plane can be expected to nose down on the same side of the turn, especially in case of high altitude turns. Recovery from a spin is usually done by applying forward pressure on the stick with engine idle and opposite rudder. F84G 1g power-on stalls are anticipated by buffeting and tendency to drop wing. High speed stalls are fairly predictable, with buffeting and no specific tendency to enter in a spin should be encountered, unless the stall is deliberately kept. The plane can be expected to nose down on the same side of the turn, especially in high altitude turns. Recovery from a spin is usually done by applying forward pressure on the stick with engine idle and opposite rudder. F-86 1g power-on stalls are anticipated by buffeting and tendency to drop wing. High speed stalls are fairly predictable, with buffeting and no specific tendency to enter in a spin should be encountered, unless the stall is deliberately kept. The plane can be expected to nose down on the same side of the turn, especially in high altitude turns. Recovery from a spin is usually done by applying forward pressure on the stick with engine idle and opposite rudder. FW190 1g power-on stalls are fairly gentle with moderate tendency to drop wing. High speed stalls are anticipated by buffeting and, if protracted, tend to be fast with violent tendency to roll on opposite side. If the stall is kept a fast spin is obtained. Spin is recovered by cutting down throttle, putting control column central and using full opposite rudder. Substantial altitude loss can be expected during spin recovery. G-50 1g power-on stalls are gentle and anticipated by buffeting. If stall is kept, the plane can be expected to gently drop wing. This can be countered, in early departure, by opposite aileron. High speed stalls are anticipated by buffeting. Release of pressure on the control column is expected to recover the early stall. If high speed stall is kept the plane can be expected to roll on the opposite wing. Plane can be expected to maintain little tendency to drop nose during spin. Spin can be recovered by cutting down throttle and applying forward pressure on control column. Once nose has dropped, opposite rudder and centralized control column ensure spin recovery. G-55 1g power-on stalls are gentle and anticipated by buffeting. If stall is kept, the plane can be expected to drop wing gently. Also in this case the early roll can be recovered with opposite rudder. High speed stalls are anticipated by buffeting. Release of pressure on the control column is expected to recover the early stall. If high speed stall is kept the plane can be expected to roll on the opposite wing. Spin can be recovered by cutting down throttle and applying forward pressure on control column as the plane does may be expected not to pitch down. Once nose has dropped, opposite rudder and centralized control column ensure spin recovery. MC200/202/205 1g power-on stalls are gentle and anticipated by buffeting. If stall is kept, the plane can be expected to drop wing gently. High speed stalls are anticipated by buffeting. Release of pressure on the control column is expected to recover the early stall. If high speed stall is kept the plane can be expected to roll on the opposite wing. Spin is recovered by cutting down throttle and putting control column central and opposite rudder. Also in this case the plane may not always tend to pitch down at the beginning of the spin. In these circumstances full forward control column is mandatory. MiG-15/17 1g power-on stalls are anticipated by buffeting and marked tendency to roll. High speed stalls are anticipated by buffeting and, if protracted, tend to be fast with violent tendency to roll on opposite side. Early recovery from an high speed stall consists in quickly releasing pressure on the control column. High speed stalls are normally followed by spin with little tendency to nose down. Recovery from a spin is usually done by applying full forward pressure on the stick with engine idle and opposite rudder. The plane can be expected to lose substantial amount of altitude during spin recovery. P-38 1g power-on stalls are gentle with little tendency to drop wing. The initial roll movement can be effectively countered by opposite aileron which will result in the plane nosing down slightly. High speed stalls are fairly predictable and no specific tendency to enter in a spin should be encountered, unless the stall is deliberately kept. The plane can be expected to nose down on the same side of the turn for both left and right hand turns. Spin is easily recovered by cutting down throttle and putting control column central. P-47 1g power-on stalls are anticipated by buffeting approximately 10 kph before stall and followed by little tendency to drop wing, easily countered by ailerons. High speed stalls are fairly predictable and anticipated by buffeting. If high speed stall is kept the plane can be expected to roll on the opposite wing. Spin is recovered by cutting down throttle and putting control column central and opposite rudder. P-51 1g power-on stalls are anticipated by buffeting. If stall is kept, the plane can be expected to drop wing suddenly and with little possibility to correct by means of ailerons or rudder. High speed stalls are anticipated by buffeting. Forward pressure on the control column is expected to recover the early stall. If high speed stall is kept the plane can be expected to quickly snap roll on the opposite wing. Spin is recovered by cutting down throttle and putting control column central and opposite rudder. P-61 1g power-on stalls are gentle with very little tendency to drop wing. High speed stalls are fairly predictable and no specific tendency to enter in a spin should be encountered, unless the stall is deliberately kept. The plane can be expected to nose down on the same side of the turn. Spin is easily recovered by cutting down throttle and putting control column central. Ta152 Stall characteristics generally similar to FW190. High altitude variants are expected to show less violent tendency to snap roll on opposite wing. APPENDIX 1 – Weight Table EM7.0 Type Bf109E1 Bf109E1B Bf109E3 Bf109E3B Bf109E4 Bf109E4B Bf109E4N Bf109E7 Bf109E7N Bf109E7NZ Bf109F2 Bf109F2B Bf109F4 Bf109F4B Bf109G1 Bf109G2 Bf109G4 Bf109G5 Bf109G6 Bf109G6AS Bf109G6ASN Bf109G6Erla Bf109G6Mid Bf109G6Late Bf109G10 Bf109G10C3 Total Parasite Weight [kg] Takeoff [kg] Fuel [kg] 105 2500 296 134,997 2500 296 102,12 2550 296 132,117 2550 296 102,12 2600 296 102,12 2620 296 102,12 2600 296 102,12 2605 296 102,12 2680 296 102,12 2680 296 64,2 2810 300 64,2 2810 300 99 2880 300 99 2880 300 99 3050 300 99 3050 300 99 3100 300 132 3190 300 132 3195 300 132 3220 300 132 3220 300 132 3195 300 132 3195 300 132 3195 300 132 3340 300 132 3340 300 Oil [kg] 50 50 50 50 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 50 35 45 45 35 35 35 45 45 Nitro [kg] Empty [kg] 0 1959 0 1929,003 0 2011,88 0 1981,883 0 2076,88 0 2096,88 0 2076,88 0 2081,88 0 2156,88 50 2106,88 0 2320,8 0 2320,8 0 2356 0 2356 50 2476 0 2526 0 2576 50 2568 0 2638 70 2583 70 2583 0 2638 0 2638 0 2638 70 2703 70 2703 Max Design Dive Speed [km/h] G-Class 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 800 800 800 800 800 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Bf109G10Erla Bf109G14 Bf109G14AS Bf109G14Early Bf109K4 Bf109K4C3 Bf109K6 Bf109K14 Fw190A2 Fw190A3 Fw190A4 Fw190A5 Fw190A5-165 Fw190A6 Fw190A7 Fw190A7Sturm Fw190A8 Fw190A9 Fw190D9 Fw190D9Late Fw190D11 Fw190D13 Fw190F8 G50 G55 G55Late G55ss0 G55ss0Late MC200 MC202 MC205 132 132 132 132 151,725 151,725 213,15 232,26 268,62 295,68 274,62 274,62 274,62 318,75 368,85 269,1 342,75 342,75 330 330 418,2 258,75 222 75 305,22 305,22 196,44 196,44 74,34 110,388 110,388 3340 3300 3275 3300 3360 3460 3625 3650 3780 3855 3955 4000 4050 4140 4200 4500 4360 4370 4270 4310 4500 4400 4410 2402 3710 3710 3710 3710 2350 2930 3268 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 490 490 490 460 410 394 394 394 197 405 405 405 405 234 325 325 45 45 50 45 45 45 50 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 25 35 35 35 35 30 30 40 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 115 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2703 2663 2633 2663 2703,275 2803,275 2901,85 2907,74 2981,38 3029,32 3150,38 3195,38 3245,38 3291,25 3301,15 3610,9 3397,25 3407,25 3340 3340 3432,8 3492,25 3654 2015 2874,78 2874,78 2983,56 2983,56 1921,66 2374,612 2702,612 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 900 900 900 900 860 750 850 850 850 850 800 900 900 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 12 14 14 MC205V P38J P38J10LO P38J15LO P38J25LO P38L P38L5LO P38LLate P47D10 P47D22 P47D27 P51A P51B P51C P51CM P51D20NA P51D20NT P51D25NA P51D30NA Ta152C-1 Ta152H-1 B-17D B-17E B-17F B-17G B-24J F9F F84G F86A F86E MiG15 251,088 349,05 316,05 316,05 316,05 349,05 316,05 349,05 232,8 232,8 232,8 174 203,7 203,7 203,7 273,54 242,52 242,52 242,52 364,35 243,6 481,605 752,235 840,99 858,45 858,45 99,2 87 78 78 62 3268 8028 8028 8028 8028 8028 8028 8028 6160 6160 6530 3920 4450 4450 4620 4620 4620 4620 4620 5320 5220 22400 23400 24400 25700 25920 8058 8320 6400 6850 5150 325 1130 1130 1130 1130 1130 1130 1130 830 830 1006 490 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 833 736 6800 6800 6800 7500 7680 2730 2810 1302 1302 1123 40 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 97 97 97 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 50 50 250 250 250 250 250 20 40 40 40 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 70 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2561,912 6403,95 6436,95 6436,95 6436,95 6403,95 6436,95 6403,95 4840,2 4840,2 5034,2 3125 3394,3 3394,3 3564,3 3494,46 3525,48 3525,48 3525,48 3857,65 3980,4 14148,4 14877,77 15789,01 16371,55 16591,55 5118,8 5293 4890 5340 3864 900 860 860 860 860 890 890 890 900 900 900 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 910 900 650 650 650 650 650 1200 1200 1470 1470 1200 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 12 12 12 MiG17 B-29 P-61A-Early P-61A P-61B FW200C3U4 Me-323 F4F-4 F4U1 F4U1A F4U1C F6F P80A P80C 62 873 211 211 211 89 167 70 105 105 105 91 87 87 5420 54000 12430 13150 13900 22540 45000 3615 5460 5460 5520 5780 5440 5850 1115 18500 1750 1750 1750 6885 2000 420 720 720 720 680 1380 1250 11 250 155 155 150 510 200 30 75 75 75 80 11 11 0 0 0 0 135 0 0 0 40 40 40 61 0 0 4142 33837 10044 10764 11384 14426 29060 3000 4430 4430 4490 4750 3850 4400 1410 650 700 700 700 500 450 850 850 850 850 850 1000 1000 12 6 10 10 10 4 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Note 1: total parasite weight corresponds to ammunition load-out weight. In the table above the standard load-out weight is shown. Note 2: in Il2 weight is computed as sum of empty weight, fuel weight, lubricant weight, nitro weight (if available), parasite weight and crew weight (90kg per crew member). Empty weight in Il2 is therefore more related to equipped weight rather than empty weight. APPENDIX 2 – Engine Table EM7.0 BasePower [PS] BoostPower [PS] BaseMP [ATA] BoostMP [ATA] BaseRPM BoostRPM MaxOilTemp *Thrust [Kg] 990 1040 1,3 1,3 2400 2500 105 990 1070 1,3 1,3 2400 2500 105 990 1070 1,3 1,3 2400 2500 105 1000 1100 1,3 1,3 2400 2600 105 990 1070 1,3 1,3 2400 2500 105 1000 1100 1,3 1,3 2400 2600 105 1000 1100 1,3 1,3 2400 2600 105 1080 1170 1,3 1,42 2400 2600 105 1180 1320 1,3 1,42 2400 2600 105 1260 1320 1,2 1,3 2400 2600 105 1260 1320 1,2 1,3 2400 2600 105 1320 1450 1,32 1,42 2600 2800 105 1320 1450 1,32 1,42 2600 2800 105 1320 1450 1,32 1,42 2600 2800 105 1290 1450 1,32 1,42 2600 2800 105 1290 1720 1,32 1,8 2600 2800 105 1290 1720 1,32 1,7 2600 2800 105 1290 1720 1,32 1,8 2600 2800 105 1290 1720 1,32 1,8 2600 2800 105 1290 1760 1,32 1,98 2600 2800 105 1680 1,42 2700 105 1760 1,42 2700 105 1760 1,42 2700 105 A/C Name Engine Name MaxWaterTemp Bf109E-1 Bf109E-3 Bf109E-4 Bf109E-4N Bf109E-7 Bf109E-7N Bf109E-7NZ Bf109F-2 Bf109F-4 Bf109G-1 Bf109G-2 Bf109G-4 Bf109G-5 Bf109G-6 Bf109G6AS Bf109G10 Bf109G14 Bf109G14AS Bf109K-4 Bf109K-4 C3 FW190A3 FW190A4 FW190A5 DB601A-E1 DB601A-E3 DB601A DB601N DB601A DB601N DB601A_7Z DB601N_F2 DB601N_F4 DB605A_1.32Ata DB605A_1.32Ata DB605A DB605AD_Z DB605A DB605ASB DB605DB DB605AM DB605ASM DB605DCM DB605DCM_C3 BMW801D-2_A3 BMW801D-2_142 BMW801D-2_142 FW190A5165 BMW801D-2_142_C3 1760 1970 1,42 1,65 2700 2700 105 180 FW190A6 FW190A8 FW190A9 BMW801D-2_142 BMW801D-2_165 BMW801TS 1760 1720 1970 1925 - 1,42 1,42 1,65 1,65 - 2700 2700 2700 2700 - 105 105 105 180 180 180 100 100 100 110 100 110 100 110 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 180 180 180 FW190D91944 Jumo213A-1 1750 1900 1,56 1,7 3250 3250 115 100 FW190D91945 Jumo213A-1_MW50 1750 2100 1,56 1,8 3250 3250 115 100 P-47D-10 P-47D-22 P-47D-27 R-2800DoubleWasp R-2800DoubleWasp R-2800-59_THRU-40 2000 2000 2000 2310 2310 2596 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,75 1,75 2,1 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 120 120 120 210 210 210 P-47D-27 Late R-2800-59_THRU40_overboost 2000 2800 1,7 2,34 2700 2700 120 210 P-51A P-51B P-51C P-51CM P-51D-20 P-51D-20NT P-51D-25 P-51D-30 G50 G55 G55Late MC200 MC202 MC205 MC205V P38J P38L P38LLate Ta152C-1 Ta152H-1 B-17D/G B-24J F9F F84G V-1710-81 V-1650-3 V-1650-3 V-1650-9-25lb V-1650-7 V-1650-7 V-1650-9 V-1650-9 RC38 Fiat_RA1050_RC58 Fiat_RA1050_RC58_late RC38 DB601A_MC DB605B_MC Fiat_RA1050_RC58_44 V-1710-89/91 V-1710-111/113 V-1710F-30/31 DB603L Jumo213E-1_MW50 R-1820-97 R-1830-35 Pratt&Whitney_J42-P-8A GeneralElectricJ35-A-29 1000 1300 1300 1490 1490 1490 1490 1490 810 1260 1260 810 1100 1260 1260 1425 1450 1450 1690 1750 1000 1100 *2830 1300 1495 1495 1950 1728 1728 1950 1950 890 1330 1450 890 1210 1330 1450 1625 1650 1650 2100 2100 1200 1200 - 1,53 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,32 1,32 1,45 1,57 1,28 1,54 - 1,6 2,25 2,25 2,75 2,25 2,25 2,55 2,55 1,18 1,3 1,42 1,18 1,3 1,3 1,42 2,05 2,05 2,05 1,78 1,9 1,55 1,64 - 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 2600 2600 2600 3250 2300 2500 - 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 2500 2600 2800 2500 2500 2600 2800 3000 3000 3000 2700 3250 2500 2700 - 113 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 128 100 100 128 105 105 100 125 125 125 135 115 120 120 125 125 135 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 250 110 110 250 100 115 110 115 115 115 115 100 235 235 800 800 *2490 F86A F86E MiG15 MiG17 B-29 P-61A-Early P-61A P-61B FW200C3U4 Me-323 F4F F4U F4U1C F6F P80A P80C J-47-GE-13 J-47-GE-27 Klimov VK-1 Klimov VK-1F R-3350-41 R-2800-10 R-2800-65W R-2800-65W BMW-323R2 GR14N48 R-1830-86 R-2800-8 R-2800-8W R-2800-10W GeneralElectricI40 GeneralElectricJ-33-A-35 *2350 *2680 *2700 *3380 2150 1900 1900 1900 950 1140 1160 1700 1700 1900 *1700 *2090 2250 2050 2190 2190 1040 1250 1200 2230 2250 2100 - 1,48 1,81 1,81 1,81 1,26 1,05 1,65 1,65 1,81 - 1,61 2 2,1 2,1 1,45 1,14 1,7 2,05 2,05 2,1 - 2400 2700 2700 2700 2250 2200 2700 2700 2700 - 2700 2700 2700 2700 2500 2200 2700 2700 2700 2700 - 125 125 125 125 105 120 120 120 105 120 120 120 120 120 125 125 800 800 800 800 260 210 210 210 180 250 232 210 210 210 800 800