Name: ____________________________ Section 4.2 Worksheet Free Trade and Protectionism Define the following: Tariff Quota Subsidies Voluntary export restraints Administrative obstacles Health and safety standards Environmental standards Infant industry argument Diversification in LDCs I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Protectionism of employment Source of government revenue Strategic arguments Alleviate balance of payments disequilibrium Anti-dumping argument Inefficiency of resource allocation Costs of long run reliance on protectionism Increased prices of goods to consumers Cost impact of protected imports on export competitiveness Name: ____________________________ Section 4.3 Worksheet Economic Integration Define the following: Globalisation Free trade areas (FTAs) Customs unions Common markets I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Name: ____________________________ Section 4.4 Worksheet World Trade Organization Define the following: Aims of the WTO Successes and failures viewed from different perspectives I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Name: ____________________________ Section 4.5 Worksheet Balance of Payments Define the following: Current account Balance of trade Invisible balance Capital account I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Name: ____________________________ Section 4.6 Worksheet Exchange Rate Define the following: Fixed exchange rates Floating exchange rates Managed exchange rates Depreciation and devaluation Appreciation and revaluation Common markets Trade flow; capital flows/interest rate change Inflation; speculation; use of foreign currency reserves s I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Name: ____________________________ Section 4.7 Worksheet Balance of Payments Problems Define the following: Consequences of a current account deficit or surplus Managed changes in exchange rates Reduction in aggregate demand/expenditure/reducing polices Change in supply-side policies to increase competitiveness Protectionism/expenditure-switching policies Consequences of a capital account deficit or surplus I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Name: ____________________________ Section 4.8 Worksheet Terms of Trade Define the following: I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Terms of trade Consequences of a change in the terms of trade for a country’s balance of payments and domestic economy The significance of deteriorating terms of trade for developing countries Name: ____________________________ I.B. Economics Section 5.1 Worksheet Sources of Economic Growth and/or Development Define the following: Natural factors Human factors Physical capital and technological factors Banking system Education system Health care Infrastructure Political stability Name: ____________________________ Section 5.2 Worksheet Consequences of Growth Define the following: Externalities Income distribution Sustainability I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Name: ____________________________ Section 5.3 Worksheet Barriers to Economic Development Define the following: Poverty cycle Institutional and political factors (7) International financial barriers (3) Social and cultural factors acting as barriers (4) International trade barriers (4) I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Name: ____________________________ Section 5.4 Worksheet Growth and Development Strategies Define the following: Harrod-Domar growth model Structural change/dual sector model Bilateral and multilateral aid Grant aid and soft loans Official aid Tied aid Export-led growth/outward oriented strategies Import substitution/inward-oriented strategies/protectionism FDI Sustainable development I.B. Economics Mr. Raffay Name: ____________________________ I.B. Economics Section 5.5 Worksheet Evaluation of Growth and Dev. Strat. Mr. Raffay Define the following: Aid and trade Market led and interventionist strategies IMF The World Bank Private sector banks Mon-governmental organizations (NGOs) Multinational corporations/transnational corporations (MNCs/TNCs) Commodity agreements