Minutes - City of Woodland Hills

City of Woodland Hills
City Council Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2011
Mayor Lauritzen welcomed everyone and called to order the City Council meeting at 6:00 pm. Notice of
time, place and agenda were posted at the City Information Bulletin Board located at 200 South
Woodland Hills Drive and the Woodland Hills City Center. Members of the local press were notified.
Those present for the meeting were Mayor Lauritzen; Council Members Adams, Carter, Fisher and Pray;
Director of Finance, Chris Helvey and Recorder, Jody Stones. Councilmember Johnson participated via
Skype. Councilmember Adams led the pledge and Councilmember Pray offered the invocation.
No public comment was heard.
Minutes of September 28, 2011 and October 12, 2011 City Council Meetings were approved by general
Canvass of 2011 Woodland Hills City Municipal Election
City Recorder, Jody Stones informed the Council that due to the Council race being so close a recount of
the election was done on Thursday, November 10. All candidates were invited to attend or appoint a
representative to attend in their place. The final vote was Dorel Kynaston with 192 votes, Ray Walker
with 180 votes, Bob Fisher with 171 votes and Hilarie Orman with 159 votes. The Recorder allowed the
Council to review the tally sheets, register books and statement of disposition of the ballots.
The motion was made by Councilmember Pray to approve the documents and certify the canvass.
Councilmember Carter seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Woodland Hills Water Capital Facilities Plan
Mayor Lauirtzen introduced Brian Gabler from LEI.
Mr. Gabler referenced the Water Capital Facilities Plan that was distributed to Council earlier. He
started by reviewing with the Council page 2 and 3 entitled Executive Summary. The Executive
Summary was divided into three main sections, water storage, source and distribution. He reported that
the existing water system has a total of five water tanks that provide water storage to an Upper and
approved 01-24-12
Lower Service Area. He noted that the Maple Canyon tank is a shared tank with Salem. The total
storage capacity of the lower tanks is almost 400,000 gallons and 840,000 gallons in the upper tanks
which is adequate for the foreseeable future even if every approved lot were too built on. For the
purpose of the study, it has been assumed that the Booster tank is connected and would be fully
operational. He asked Council to keep in mind that for the Booster tank to function properly a few
improvements would need to be completed. Another part of the study looked at the growth which has
occurred over the last 10 years as well as the 2010 Census report as well as the current number of
homes connected to the system and it averaged out to a 3% growth rate in looking forward. Based on
that rate the City should have more than enough source and storage for at least the next six years.
Mr. Gabler commented that in regards to water sources the City has the main Maple Canyon Well with
660 gallons per minute flow rate. If the two lower wells were brought into service, it would be possible
to provide a flow rate of 885 gallons per minute to the overall system. Based on the numbers the City
has enough source for the approved lots. The two lower wells would be good enough for a back up and
it makes sense to Mr. Gabler to keep them on line. They will need to be tested on a regular basis. A
bigger source will need to be looked at.
The majority of the existing water distribution system in the City consist s of six inch pipes within the
older areas of Woodland Hills and eight inch pipes in the newer areas. A ten inch line runs from the
Broad Hollow Tank to the west and serves as trunk line for future development. The system meets or
exceeds Utah State requirements for distribution and the needs for fire flow.
Mr. Gabler remarked that there are potential upgrades and replacements that could be looked at but
the cost for the upgrades and replacements could not roll-over into an Impact fee. The study states that
it may be beneficial to install a 10” line through the Mecham and Hanks properties to 11200 South.
Water line connections from the proposed ten inch line east through the Hanks’ property to the existing
system should also be looked at.
Councilmember Fisher commented that part of it needs to be that the City has a master plan on how to
do it so as to help the developer and for the City to know what is needed. He feels that the key issue is
there needs to be an East West connection. He would like some forward thinking included in the report.
Mr. Gabler referred Councilmember Fisher to page 14 of the Study where the exhibit shows were a
potential water connection might be developed.
Mr. Gabler addressed if there was a need for a larger well to be built. The lower wells currently serve as
a backup. Obviously as new development comes in there may be a need for a larger well but in the
Capital Facilities and Impact Fee Study the City wants to be careful of committing themselves to
improving something or spending money on things a future developer should provide.
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Councilmember Fisher felt the City did not want to make any commitments at this point. He was of the
opinion that the under the understanding the State makes some recommendations and one is that the
City have a redundant backup.
Mr. Gabler was not aware of a State requirement which requires the City have a redundant back up
while it is a good practice it is not required and the City does have redundant sources not full capacity
but redundant. In his opinion before spending the money on a back up to pull out of Salem rather spend
the money on an actual well and use the two smaller wells as a backup.
Councilmember Fisher would like more definition. He would like to know how much it would cost to get
some redundant supply.
Mayor Lauritzen mentioned the fact that Mr. Mecham was looking at drilling a well that would be feed
by gravity force. He inquired about how it would work if the developer needed to build a well to fulfill a
certain capacity but the City requests that the well be larger. He asked if it was correct to assume that
the City would cover the cost for the additional capacity.
Mr. Gabler indicated that the Mayor was correct but if the developer comes in before the City has the
funding for the upsize the City would need to pay the developer back through impact fees.
Councilmember Fisher asked about the idea of partnering with Elk Ridge.
Mr. Gabler voiced that for the scope of the Capital Facilities Plan the Study just is identifying the need
and the details are separate.
Councilmember Fisher expressed that when the City replaces a road the water line should be replaced at
the same time. If the City has an opportunity to replace a significant amount of a water line than the
line should be replaced with a eight inch line
Mr. Gabler tried to address Councilmember Fishers questions that were submitted in an e-mail.
Mayor Lauritzen wanted to make sure that if a developer where to come to the City and want to
develop the City could tell them that they would need to provide their own source.
Mr. Gabler will add another few spreadsheets that spell out the need for another well if a developer
wanted to come in and develop.
Councilmember Fisher felt the two lower wells are a key ingredient and the City needs to decide
whether or not they will improve or abandon them.
Mayor Lauritzen clarified that by improve it means replacing parts.
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Councilmember Fisher would like an opinion of how good the lower wells are.
Mayor Laurtizen remarked that the wells are being used to meet a technical requirement and do not
have to be practically functioning.
Councilmember Fisher felt that the wells will never be used fulltime.
Mr. Gabler addressed high system pressure.
Councilmember Fisher would like to know the risks associated with the high system pressure.
Mayor Lauritzen wondered if there was a device that the City could put in the system that could manage
the pressure.
Mr. Gabler the City could install something that manages the pressure and if goes off the valve closes.
Mayor Lauritzen asked about the cost. He felt it was not a new problem and wanted to know if there
was a practical solution.
Mr. Gabler expressed that items like this fall outside of the Water Capital Facilities Plan. The other thing
is if the City starts adding more PRV’s than you potential reduce your fire flow.
Councilmember Fisher remarked that at one time LEI said the City needed loops for fire flow and now
they are saying the City does not need the loops.
Mr. Gabler explained that the one main loop did get done but he was willing to go back and look at the
previous study.
Councilmember Fisher wanted to know how the City would go about getting a knowledgeable person to
tell the City what the state of the lower wells was.
Councilmember Carter was curious about the work plan and felt it was more of an analysis. A plan has a
schedule and cost estimates. He expressed that he was not in favor of spending money on impact fee
analysis because the City may only be collecting impact fees at a rate of two homes per year. He
wondered if it was worthwhile to spend money on projections that may not come to pass. He would
like a plan that looks twenty years in the future to have some sense of data points that the City could
Councilmember Fisher said the way he interpreted the report it says all is well and the City does not
need to anything and this is unsettling to him. He seems some high risks in the system and feels the City
needs to make some major improvements to what the City has and the City needs a multiple year plan
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independent of what would be collected by impact fees. He asked if the City needs a second plan
independent of the Capital facilities Plan.
Mr. Gabler responded that the City would need a separate plan but the City currently meets the
standards. As per the Impact Fee Study, Mr. Gabler would recommend sitting down with the Financial
Director and see what the City commitments are. He anticipates coming back to the Council at the next
City Council Meeting which will be on December 14th.
Review of Salt Storage Matrix
Councilmember Fisher distributed to the Council and interim report detailing what has been looked at in
regards to building a salt storage building. He said that he, Ray Walker and Stan Houghton look at
different sites that may feasible for a salt storage building. He reviewed with the council the following
objectives of why a salt storage building should be built: to correct the salt damage to current property
owner below where the salt is currently being stored, eliminate damage to the environment, build a
structure consistent that it does not distract from appearance of the City and to be cost effective. He
reported that the City currently uses about 400 tons of salt per year and if the salt were to be covered
the estimate to lower usage would result in about $2,600 per year savings. He stated that there are a
number of variables one variable is how big of a building should be built. He went on to discuss possible
solutions and eight possible sites that could be considered. Each site had advantages and disadvantages
and it was determined that only two sites were viable options. The sites that are viable are adding on to
the current City Building and a location on Willow Reed Road next to an existing retention basin.
However, Willow Reed Road is probably the least optimal location for distribution of salt.
Mayor Lauritzen remarked that he did feel there was money in the budget for the project.
Councilmember Fisher felt he could come to council at the next meeting with updated costs.
Councilmember Carter and Pray felt something needs to be done.
Mayor Lauritzen would prefer to have the building less enclosed and with fewer electrical components.
Councilmember Fisher would like the building to have lighting and to be enclosed. He feels that the
estimates to build the storage building next to the City Center are conservative.
The Council would like to take a vote on the matter at their next City Council Meeting on December 14th.
Councilmember Pray mentioned that as she has talked to citizens and explained the circumstances most
citizens feel that something needs to be done.
approved 01-24-12
Public Works Update
Ron Herring updated Council on what he has done in the department. He reported that the Emergency
Exits going down Loafer Canyon has been closed off. They ran wire rope through the posts at the
bottom of the Canyon and at the top near Eaglenest boulders were placed to keep cars and four
wheelers from driving through. He mentioned that all the steel chains on the emergency exits have
been taken out and replaced with plastic. He also indicated that the curb on Loafer Drive will be poured
on November 16th. Mr. Herring addressed the infractions in the sanitary survey that was taken earlier in
the year and assured the council that all the infractions had been taken care of. He mentioned that
several fire hydrants that had been leaking were fixed and few fire hydrants had been raised. Many of
the items that needed to be taken care of in the City Center have also been fixed. Street signs that were
damaged have been replaced. He stated that the roads look good and blue reflectors are placed in the
center of the road to mark for fire hydrants. He informed the Council that the guard rail at Willow Reed
Road is scheduled to be fixed.
Councilmember Fisher asked if the small water tank is out of service.
Mayor Lauritzen said he spoke with Jack Marshall and he said it was full.
Mr. Herring mentioned that he and Mr. Marshall went down to the wells and in his opinion well #1 is
worth keeping but not well #2.
Mayor Lauritzen mentioned that Mr. Herring has a detailed spreadsheet that illustrates what needs to
be done and the costs associated with each item.
Councilmember Fisher would like the stripping on Woodland Hills Drive added to the list.
Council discussed the stripping of Woodland Hills Drive and whether or not it is necessary.
Mr. Herring would like to reduce the speed limit in the City to 30mph.
Deputy Butters felt that when the new speed trailer is set up in the City a traffic study could be
completed and the council could make a more informed decision concerning changing the speed limit.
Councilmember Carter asked about the rock wall outside of the City Center. He heard that the rock wall
was comprised of the wrong rock and installed incorrectly and would like someone to look at it.
Councilmember Fisher would like the projects related to the building placed on a spread sheet so that it
can be looked at when council works on the budget for next year.
Walking Path on Woodland Hills Drive
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Discussion on the walking path was tabled.
Open Flames Ordinance
Discussion on the walking path was tabled.
Administrative Court
Councilmember Pray said she is working on obtaining the information from the City of Elk Ridge.
Resolution 2011-15 Approving August Check Disbursements
Director of Finance Chris Helvey indicated that the duplicate check numbers associated with the August
check disbursements had been taken care off. He explained that the computer assigns the check
numbers and two checks had been voided.
Councilmember Fisher made the motion to approve Resolution 2011-15. Councilmember Carter
seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Review of September Financials
Councilmember Carter wanted to know about the reimbursement for furniture. It was explained that
the furniture was for the Mayor office.
Chris Helvey mentioned that the Recorder’s office is scheduled to be done early next year.
Councilmember Carter inquired about the Tri-City BBQ and lunch reimbursements.
Mr. Helvey replied that the Fire Department had a summer BBQ with the Salem and Spanish Fork Fire
Councilmember Fisher expressed that there seems to be a fair amount of money spent on entertaining
and would like it tracked a bit better.
Mayor Lauritzen stated his understanding was that different departments have discretionary spending
and a lunch or BBQ fall within that.
Councilmember Carter and Fisher were not in agreement with Mayor Lauritzen.
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Mayor Lauritzen would like the council to have discretionary budgets so to give the council the ability to
talk to the City Engineer or Attorney.
Councilmember Fisher felt there are two areas: discretionary budgets and entertainment. He was
hopeful that a purchasing budget would take care of it. He questioned whether the BBQ was good use of
the tax payer’s money.
Council discussed the BBQ and entertainment expenses and agreed to have a line item budget entitled
discretionary entertainment budget. They also discussed the City Purchasing Policy and discussed
looking into other cities policies.
Councilmember Fisher would like Mr. Helvey to handle discretionary entertainment in the budget via a
line item.
Resolution 2011-16 Approving September Check Disbursements
Councilmember Fisher made the motion to approve Resolution 2011-16. Councilmember Pray
seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Carter would like to know what is happening with the Thousand Oaks bond.
Councilmember Fisher said originally Plat D of Thousand Oaks was bonded originally for One Million and
he presumes that someone is still holding onto the balance which is One Hundred thousand.
Council continued to discuss the bond associated with Plat D of Thousand Oaks.
Mayor Laurtizen agreed to talk with Mr. Mecham about the property bond.
Councilmember Fisher would like the Impact Fees documented before the turn of the year.
Mayor Lauritzen reported that over the last few weeks he has had a series of meetings with Tooele over
the fire sirens but to install the sirens is expensive and the on-going maintenance is also expensive.
Councilmember Fisher would like the hearing between the Fire Department and Marci Adams to go in
front of an unbiased arbitrator.
Mayor Lauritzen expressed he has several concerns about the ability of the entire Council to remain
impartial. He mentioned that the employee handbook does not necessarily apply to volunteers. The
Council can choose too and the Council seems to be in general agreement that there should be a
hearing process for volunteers as well.
Councilmember Fisher felt Ray Brown has experience and is in favor of using him.
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Mayor Lauritzen asked Councilmember Fisher to talk with Marci Adams to see if she would be in favor of
using an impartial individual.
Councilmember Fisher asked about the recent rumor of members in the Fire Department recently
Mayor Lauritzen answered, “Yes and no. The Fire Department feels that if the Council is going to
question everything and that if the Council does not trust them, then some members of the Fire
Department felt that maybe they should not continue to volunteer. There were a handful that felt they
could best make their point by resigning. There were a few incidents that happened and the Fire
Department got together and felt there may be other ways to get their voices heard.”
Councilmember Pray said there was an incident that happened where the City’s First Responders and
Fire Department did not get paged too.
Mayor Lauritzen explained that the reason was that the department had called in a change to the
stacking order at the dispatch center.
Councilmember Fisher hoped that his comments concerning the SOP’s were not the reason.
Mayor Lauritzen felt it was not the comments but rather the process. The Fire Department felt
Councilmember Fisher should talk with them and not ask someone from outside of the Department
regarding the Departments SOP’s.
Councilmember Fisher would like a succession policy.
Councilmember Pray made the motion to adjourn at 9:15pm. Councilmember Fisher seconded the
motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Jody Stones, City Recorder
approved 01-24-12