Checklist to Success: Requirements of Successful DSRIP

Checklist to Success: Requirements of Successful DSRIP
Hosted by the Region 2 Chapters of HFMA
Presented by Deloitte
Join us on August 10, 2015 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
“Checklist to Success: Requirements of Successful DSRIP Implementations” Webinar
Performing Provider Systems (PPS) participating in New York’s Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment
(DSRIP) program have embarked upon a transformative journey. With the first round of funding completed, and
the first reporting period fast approaching, each PPS has many considerations to make in order to effectively
operationalize their work plan and projects.
This webinar will focus on the required steps and actions each PPS should take to effectively transition from
design to implementation of the DSRIP program and their chosen DSRIP projects. The presenters will discuss
methods to organize the PPS by work thread and timeline in order to leverage the transformational impact of the
DSRIP program. Participants in the webinar will gain a stronger sense of the level of effort and investment
needed to successfully implement the DSRIP program and their PPS specific projects.
Key subjects the webinar will cover include:
1. PPS preparedness checklist
2. Smart first DSRIP implementation steps
3. Sample DSRIP implementation framework
4. Illustrative case study
About the Speakers:
Gordon Sanit; is a Director in Deloitte’s Health Sciences and Government Practice and has client leadership responsibility
for coordinating Deloitte’s Health Services and Government Practice at several large health care providers in the Metro New
York region. He is a finance/regulatory specialist whose background includes over 32 years of directing and working on a
broad range of health care projects.
Randy Gordon, MD, MPH; is a Director at Deloitte Consulting with over 30 years of experience in health care. He currently
is co-leading Deloitte’s DSRIP efforts to assist PPSs with implementing the changes required to be successful in
transforming Medicaid patients to value based care. Prior to joining Deloitte, Dr. Gordon was the Chief Medical Officer of a
large hospital system in Virginia and prior to that served as the State Commissioner of Health for the Commonwealth of VA.
Tony Jurek; is a Director at Deloitte focusing on Health Plan and Provider clients within Deloitte’s Life Sciences and Health
Care Industry Group. Since 2011, Tony has provided expertise in information management technologies and business
analytics to address the challenges resulting from health care reform. In his current role, Tony leads the Technology Group
as part of Deloitte’s Value Based Care (VBC) Solution team.
Scott Orzell; is a Senior Manager with over 25 years of experience in health care. He is Deloitte’s co-lead for DSRIP efforts,
and has served numerous health care clients as a consultant and in executive/management roles in hospitals, a multispecialty physician group, and a physician management services organization.
For more information and to register, visit the following link:
Registration Fees are FREE to both HFMA Members and Non-Members: CPE Credits: 1.0
In order to receive CPE credit for this session you will be required to register and log on to the event
Additional Contact Information:
Diane Masi
Please note that handouts, links and dial in information for this session will be sent 24-48 hours prior to event.
NYS Education Department Sponsor License # OOO3377
HFMA Metro New York Chapter is approved as a New York State CPE Provider in the area of specialized knowledge and
applications. In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, the total credits have been
rounded down. CPE credits have been granted on a 50-minute hour.