Administration Manual Overview Platform: Confluence. URL: Creating a New Project 1. Assign a PID PID (Project ID) in this space starts from P1000. Note: The projects are not listed in order. It is necessary to search all PDAs from top to bottom. 2. Creating a Project Page 2.1 Locate a New Project Page Select a PDA to which the new project belongs and click it on the left panel “PDAs”, take `Sectoral` for example: Go to the bottom of the page and click the hyperlink “Sectoral – Project List” to go to the page “Sectoral - Project List”. Click “Page Operations” on the left panel to expand four options, then click “Edit”: Go to the top-right corner of the page and click the button “Edit Layout”: 2.2 Add a code block Add a code block for the project along with the assigned PID through copy-andpaste. Get the code block through two options: Option 1: Use Notepad to open the file “codeblock.txt”. Option 2: Copy the code block of one of the existing projects from the “Wiki Markup” tab ( | [ ……. {list-data} | ) to Notepad. On the first line, the fragment of codes looks as follows: | [P1000|Electronic Interchange of fisheries catch data] Change the project ID and project title. Go to menu “Edit” and click “Replace”; then replace PID, for example, P1001, with the assigned PID to the new project; click the button “Replace All”, change the project title to the new project’s name. Copy the all text and paste to the bottom of the tab “Wiki Markup” after the last listed project and before the last two lines: {table-plus} {scaffold} Finally, click the button “Save”. Input the Project name and Project Chair, and then click the button “Save” 3. Configure Project Details The configuration is the procedure to creating pages from selected templates. On the bottom of the page “Sectoral – Project List”, the new project will be listed: Note: the hyperlink of new project is in red because it needs to be configured. Click this hyperlink to go to the page “Add Page” and click the hyperlink “Select a page template” to go to “Page Template Wizard” Select the template “ProjectNew”, then click button “Next >>” On the page “Add page”, copy all codes in the tab “Wiki Markup” to Notepad; replace “#pda#” with a PDA (for example, “sectoral”), “#proj#” with a corresponding PID (for example, “p1001”), Remove #domain# Note: It is case-sensitive. Because group name doesn’t support uppercase, make sure to input group and PID with lowercase. Copy all modified codes and paste back to the tab to replace the codes from template; click the button “Save”. 4. Creating Children Pages 4.1 Scope Click the hyperlink “pxxx-Scope” (for example, p999-Scope). Click the button “Save” to create a blank page. 4.2 Contacts and Members Click the hyperlink of the project on the top to go back to the project page: 4.2.1 Creating the Page with a Template Click the hyperlink “pxxx – Contacts And Members”: Click the hyperlink “Select a page template” to open “Page Template Wizard”: Select the template “ProjectContactsAndMembers”, and then click the button “Next>>”: Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#wg#” with a PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. 4.2.2 Create a Group Key Click the hyperlink “Administration” on the top-right corner to go to the page “Administration Console”. Click the hyperlink “Manage Groups” on the left panel “Security”: Input “tbgx_pid” (for example, tbg1_p999) in the field “Name” as a new project group; click the button “Save”. 4.2.3 Configuring the Group Key Click the hyperlink “Plugins” on the left panel “Configuration” to go to the page “Manage Plugins” Click the hyperlink “Group Signup” on the plugins list Click the hyperlink “Configure plugin” Input “tbgx_pid” (for example, tbg1_p087) in the field “Add Group key”; click the button “Add”. Note: The groups are not listed in order. In order to find the new group key, use the search function of IE. Go to menu “Edit”, click “Find on this page”. Go to the group key on the list “Groups”, select the group with the same name as group key. For example, for key “tbg1_p087”, select group “tbg1_087”, click the button “Save” Click the hyperlink “Dashboard”, and then click the hyperlink of the project on the top to go back to the project page. Note: If have a look at the page “Contacts & Members”, the button “Join this Pxxx Project” will be available. 4.3 Project Information 4.3.1 ODP 1: Project Inception Click the hyperlink “Project Inception”. Click the hyperlink “Select a page template” to open “Page Template Wizard” Select the template “ODP1New”, then click button “Next >>”. Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#pda#” with PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” remove #domain# Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. In order to create the page “Project Proposal”, click the hyperlink “edit?” Click the hyperlink “Select a page template” to open “Page Template Wizard” Select the template “ProjectInception”, then click button “Next >>”. Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#wg#” with PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. 4.3.2 ODP 2: Requirements Gathering Similar to step 4.3.1: Click the hyperlink “Requirements Gathering”; Click the hyperlink “Select a page template”; Select the template “ODP2New”, and then click the button “Next >>”; Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#pda#” with PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” remove #domain# Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. In order to create the page “Requirements List”, click the hyperlink “edit?” Click the hyperlink “Select a page template” to open “Page Template Wizard” Select the template “RequirementList”, then click button “Next >>”. Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#wg#” with PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. 4.3.3 ODP 3: Draft Development Similar to step 4.3.1: Click the hyperlink “Draft Development”; Click the hyperlink “Select a page template”; Select the template “ODP3Details”, and then click the button “Next >>”; Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#wg#” with PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. 4.3.4 ODP 4: Public Review Similar to step 4.3.1: Click the hyperlink “Public Review” Click the hyperlink “Select a page template”; Select the template “ODP4Details”, and then click the button “Next >>”; Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#wg#” with PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. 4.3.5 ODP 5: Project Exit Similar to step 4.3.1: Click the hyperlink “Project Exit”; Click the hyperlink “Select a page template”; Select the template “ODP5Details”, and then click the button “Next >>”; Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#wg#” with PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. 4.3.6 ODP 6: Publication Similar to step 4.3.1: Click the hyperlink “Publication”; Click the hyperlink “Select a page template”; Select the template “ODP6Details”, and then click the button “Next >>”; Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#wg#” with PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. 4.3.7 ODP 7: Maintenance Similar to step 4.3.1: Click the hyperlink “Maintenance”; Click the hyperlink “Select a page template”; Select the template “ODP7Details”, and then click the button “Next >>”; Copy all codes on the tab “Wiki Markup” and paste them to Notepad. Replace “#wg#” with PDA, for example, “sectoral” “#proj#” with PID, for example, “p1001” Copy all modified codes, and paste them to the tab “Wiki Markup”, and then click the button “Save”. The Project Information is as follows: 4.4 Extra Budgetary Resources Click the hyperlink “Pxxx – Extra Budgetary Resources” Click the hyperlink “Select a page template” Select the template “Extra Budgetary Resources”, and click the button “Next >>” Click the button “Save” 4.5 Supporters Similar to 4.4 Click the hyperlink “Supporters”; Click the hyperlink “Select a page template”; Select the template “Supporters”, and click the button “Next >>”; Click the button “Save”. 5. Upload Project Proposal 5.1 Open the Page Project Inception Click the hyperlink of Project Number to open the page Project: Click the hyperlink “Pxxx – Project Inception” to open the page “Project Inception” and click “Edit” in Page Operations section in the left navigation menu to go to Edit Mode. 5.2 Open the Document Project Proposal Open the word document Project Proposal. The template of Project Inception is consistent to data structure of page Project Inception. 5.3 Copy and Paste In the Tab Edit Data, copy the texts from the word document and paste them to the corresponding section of the page “Project Inception”. 1. Project Purpose Copy project purpose from the word document and paste it in the field Project Purpose. 2. Project Scope Copy texts from the Word section and paste to the Field “2. Project Scope”. Please note: after pasting, the bulletin should be changed with WIKI notion “*” 3. Project Deliverables Copy texts from the Word and paste to the Field “3. Project Deliverables”. 4.Exit Criteria Copy texts from the Word section and paste to the Field “4. Exit Criteria” 5. Project Team Membership and Required Functional Expertise Copy texts from the Word and paste to the Field “5. Project Team Membership and Required Functional Expertise” 6. HoD Support Copy texts from the Word and paste to the Field “6. HoD Support” 7. Geographical Focus 8. Initial Contributions Copy texts from the Word to the Field “Initial Contributions” 9.Resource Requirements 10. Project Leadership 11. Milestones 5.4 Upload the document of Project Proposal Go back to the page “PXXX – ODP1 – Project Inception”, click the tab “Information”, and go to the section “Presentation and Upload”, click the button “Browse…” and select the document from the local file system, and then click the button “Attach” to upload the document to the Confluence.