practice test 1 answers summer 2013

Microbiology 2210
Practice Test 1
Directions: Choose the most correct response to answer the statement.
___1. Archaea
a. belong to the kingdom Protista
b. have petidoglycan in their cell walls
c. belong to the domain Bacteria
d. are prokaryotic
___2. Identify the correct format for writing the genus and species of a given
a. bacillus Cereus
b. Escherichia Coli
c. bacillus coagulens
d. Streptococcus epidermidis
e. Micrococcus luteus
___3. The “magic bullet,” capable of killing a particular disease causing
microorganism, was first isolated when
a. Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch developed the germ theory of disease
b. Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine
c. Joseph Lister discovered disinfectants
d. Paul Ehrlich discovered salvarsan (arsenic 606)
___4. Penicillin is found naturally in
a. Streptococcus pneumoniae
b. Echerichia coli
c. Penicillium notatum
d. Staphylococcus aureus
e. Klebsiella pneumonia
___5. The domain system of classification places bacteria into the domain
a. Eukarya
b. Protista
c. Plantae
d. Prokaryotae
e. Bacteria
___6. Helminths are
a. non pathogenic bacteria
b. parasitic protozoa
c. heterotrophic molds
d. parasitic flatworms and roundworms
___7. Louis Pasteur accomplished all of the following except
a. developed the first rabies vaccine
b. developed the first disinfectant
c. discovered how fermentation works
d. developed a method to kill unwanted microorganisms in beverages
e. disproved spontaneous generation
___8. This individual was first to use a synthetic drug to kill the syphilis
a. Paul Ehrlich
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Robert Koch
d. Edward Jenner
___9. Koch's postulates are best exemplified by which statement?
a. microbes are found on dust particles
b. a specific microbe is the cause of a specific disease
c. life forms can only arise from preexisting life forms
d. a specific microbe should be classified in a specific kingdom
e. microbes can be used to clean up toxic spills
___10. The microbiologist first to use disinfectants as a way to reduce
surgical infections was
a. Robert Koch
b. S.J Singer
c. Francesco Redi
d. Joseph Lister
e. Louis Pasteur
___11. Identify the microbiologist who proved anthrax is caused by a bacterium?
a. Theodor Escherich
b. Paul Ehrlich
c. Robert Koch
d. Joseph Lister
___12. All of the following are eukaryotic cell examples except
a. protozoa
b. human skin cells
c. fungi
d. archaea
___13. Carbolic acid (phenol) was introduced as the first
a. vaccine
b. sulfa drug
c. chemotherapy drug
d. disinfectant
e. differential media
___14. Spontaneous generation is the belief that
a. germs cause infectious diseases
b. microbes are diverse and ubiquitous
c. microorganisms are microscopic
d. aseptic technique reduce microbes in medical settings
e. living things can arise from nonliving matter
___15. Protein icebergs floating in a lipid sea refers to the
a. movement of flagella
b. movement of cytoplasm within a cell
c. movement of proteins and phospholipids in a membrane
d. transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another via the sex pilus
___16. The ability to observe a specimen clearly with the microscope is called
a. resolution
b. refraction
c. magnification
d. iris diaphragm
___17. When staining endospores, the stain used is
a. crystal violet
b. malachite green
c. carbolfuschin
d. nigrosin
e. safranin
___18. When staining bacteria
a. an acidic stain is used to stain the positively charged bacteria
b. a basic stain is used to stain the positively charged bacteria
c. an acidic stain is used to stain the negatively charged bacteria
d. a basic stain is used to stain the negatively charged bacteria
___19. When using the gram staining procedure, gram negative bacteria stain
a. green
b. violet
c. red
d. yellow
___20. If media allows one type of microbe to grow and another not to grow, it is
a. selective media
b. zigoxily media
c. all purpose media
d. differential media
e. enriched media
___21. Identify the correct order in size from the largest to the smallest
a. human cell, prokaryotic cell, chicken egg cell, bacteria, eukaryotic cell
b. eukaryotic cell, virus, bacterial cell, protein
c. eukaryotic cell, bacterial cell, virus, protein
d. bacterial cell, virus, eukaryotic cell, frog egg cell
e. virus, eukaryotic cell, red blood cell, prokaryotic cell
___22. This microscope achieves the greatest resolution and highest
a. bright-field microscope
b. dark-field microscope
c. phase-contrast microscope
d. electron microscope
___23. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is “rough” due to the association of
a. ribosomes
b. cytoplasm
c. chloroplast
d. Golgi vesicles
___24. Chitin is associated with the cell wall of
a. fungi
b. plants
c. bacteria
d. archaea
___25. Cocci bacteria arranged into groups of four are
a. streptococci
b. sarcinae
c. tetrads
d. spirillum
e. diplococci
___26. This organelle has its own DNA, ribosomes, and divides by binary fission
a. mitochondrion
b. rough ER
c. Golgi structure
d. lysosome
___27. Freeze-fracture freeze-etch is a technique was used to better understand
a. nucleus
b. cell membrane
c. cell wall
d. endospore
___28. Bacteria and other microbes are destroyed when they enter the cell by this
a. mitochondrion
b. nucleus
c. ER
d. lysosome
___29. Bacteria with flagella on both ends are called
a. monotrichous
b. lophotrichous
c. amphitrichous
d. peritrichous
___30. Spirochetes have a twisting and flexing locomotion due to
a. flagella
b. cilia
c. fimbriae
d. axial filaments
___31. All of the following are correct about prokaryotic microorganisms except
a. they are usually smaller than eukaryotes
b. they lack a nucleus
c. they are less complex than eukaryote
d. they have numerous organelles
___32. Staphylococci refers to
a. cocci in pairs
b. cocci in large clusters
c. groups of endopsores
d. cocci in linear formation
e. vibros pairs
___33. A cell wall is not found in
a. protozoa
b. algae
c. fungi
d. bacteria
___34. The porin protein of the gram-negative bacteria
a. is the space between the wall membrane and the plasma membrane
b. is part of the flagella
c. makes up the structure of the flagella
d. regulates molecular traffic into and out of the wall membrane
___35. A sticky, gelatinous layer surrounding the bacterial cell wall in some
bacteria is called the
a. glycocalyx
b. endospore
c. fimbriae
d. flagellum
___36. Chromatin becomes which of the following during mitosis?
a. metachromatic granules
b. ribosomes
c. chromosomes
d. nuclear pores
___37. A type of locomotion in flagellated bacteria is called
a. bait and switch
b. rock and roll
c. bend and stretch
d. stop and go
e. run and tumble
___38. Diplococci refers to
a. cocci in pairs
b. a cuboidal packet of eight cells
c. groups of endopsores
d. rods in pairs
e. vibros in pairs
___39. Lysozyme can destroy cells walls by
a. hydrolyzing peptidoglycan in cell walls
b. inhibiting protein synthesis
c. removing flagella
d. dissolving the cell membrane
e. removing the capsule from the cell
___40. Life on Earth is thought to have originated about
a. 10 billion years ago
b. 3.8 billion years ago
c. 1.5 billion years ago
d. 1.0 billion years ago
___41. The term that refers to the presence of flagella all over the bacteria is
a. amphitrichous
b. atrichous
c. lophotrichous
d. peritrichous
___42. Which bacterial structure helps protect them from being phagocytized?
a. endospores
b. plasmids
c. ribosomes
d. capsules
___43. Peptidoglycan is found in bacterial
a. cell walls
b. cell membranes
c. capsules
d. plasmids