Student Name:_______________________ Expected Year of Graduation____________ Dept. Advisor: ______________________ Transfer from:______________________ OPTION 1: APPAREL DESIGN 2013-2014 SUGGESTED ENROLLMENT SEQUENCE – USE WITH CURRICULUM SHEET FALL 1 ‘13 SPRING 1 FSAD 1170 Fashion Graphics (3)__________________ FSAD 1250 Art, Design, & Visual Thinking (3)_________ FSAD 1450 Intro to Fashion Design (3)______________ Psych 1101 or HD 1150 or HD 1170 (3) ________ Freshman Writing Seminar* (3)____________________ PE (1)_______________________________________ ‘14 FSAD 1140 Intro to Computer-Aided Design (3)_______ FSAD 2640 Fashion Draping (3)___________________ Nat Sci. (3-4)__________________________________ Freshman Writing Seminar* (3)____________________ PE (1)_______________________________________ Econ 1110 (3) _______________________________ 16 credits 16-17 credits *Freshman Writing Seminars MUST be taken in 1st year. SUMMER 1 FALL 2 ‘14 SPRING 2 ‘15 FSAD 1350 Fibers, Fabrics & Finishes (3)____________ FSAD 1360 Fibers and Yarn Analysis Lab (1)_________ FSAD 2650 Patternmaking for Fashion Design (3)______ FSAD 2310 Fashion Product Management (3)______________ Elective (3)____________________________________ 12-13 credits SUMMER 2 FSAD 2370 Structural Fabric Design (3)_____________ FSAD 2660 Apparel Design: Prod. Dev. (3)___________ FSAD 3250 Color & Surface Design of Textiles (3) _____ FSAD 3460 Intro to the Collections Project (3)_________ ECON 1120 (3)________________________________ FALL 3 SPRING 3◊ ‘15 FSAD 3770 Collections for Fashion Industries[2] (3)___ Statistics (3-4)_________________________________ Natural Science (3-4)____________________________ FSAD 6000 level course here or in later semester; see below for options _____________________ (3) OR Elective__________________ 15 -17 credits 15 credits ‘16 Study Abroad (15)______________________________ (May take Art History abroad) Or Urban Semester (15)____________________________ If not abroad – (3) FSAD 6000 level course here or in later semester; (see below for options) and/OR Electives__________________________ Humanities (3) (Art History)_______________________ See note below chart regarding Study Abroad. 15 credits SUMMER 3 FALL 4 ‘16 SPRING 4 ‘17 FSAD 4770 Collections for the Fashion Industries[3] ____ FSAD 6000 level course (3 cr) here or in later semester; see below for options ________________________ and/OR Electives [see Section III] (6) __________________ Ethics/Sustainability (3-4) [see list I.F.2.] _______ 12-13 credits FSAD 3690 Style, Fashion & the Apparel Industry (2)___ FSAD 4700 Fashion Promotion and Presentation (3)___ FSAD 4650 New Technologies for Fashion Design(3)___ FSAD 6000 level course if not previously taken; see below for options(3)______________________________ and/OR Electives [see Section III] ______________________ Anthro, Soc, Dev Soc (3)_________________________ * Section IIII. FSAD Recommended Electives FSAD 3320 Product Quality Assessment FSAD 4440 Global Fashion Management DEA 1110 Making Difference: By Design ◊Note: Option 1 students are strongly advised to do their Study Abroad or other off-campus studies during the spring semester of their junior year, or during the summer months. Due to the sequential nature of the required FSAD courses, taking a fall semester away from campus may extend your stay at Cornell an additional semester or year. 14 credits Rev. March 29, 2013 DO NOT DISCARD – THIS WILL BE YOUR WORKSHEET FOR ALL FOUR YEARS GRADUATE LEVEL COURSES Fall 2015 – 6700 – V. Lewis Spring 2016 TBA Fall 2016 – 6900 – Park Spring 2017- 6500 – T. Lewis Spring 2017 – 6640 – Ashdown