Writing 39C Research Skills Orientation Evaluation Sample Date:________________________Time________________________________ Location:_________________________________________________________ The librarian who taught my session was: ___Tom Babayan ___John Novak ___Kay Collins ___Cathy Palmer ___Harold Gee ___Lisa Payne ___Judy Hammett ___John Sisson ___Pauline Manaka ___Allison Tran ___Steve MacLeod ___Christina Woo Please rate the following: 1. Session Content Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree No opinion Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree No opinion The Library Research Skills session was useful. I learned new skills. 2. Instructors The librarian presented information in a way that I could understand. The librarians encouraged and responded to questions 3. Read each statement and indicate the best resource to use by placing a check in the appropriate column. ANTPAC ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA SOCIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS UCELINKS ASK A LIBRARIAN A. I can use this resource to find out if the UCI Libraries own the book Reckoning with Homelessness. B. I can use this online resource to locate scholarly journal articles on the topic of urban poverty. (over) Cathy Palmer UC Irvine Libraries Dept. of Education and Outreach LOEX 2007 ANTPAC ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA SOCIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS UCELINKS ASK A LIBRARIAN C. This is a good resource to use when I am beginning my research because it gives me background and factual information about my topic. D. I can get help with my topic by using this resource. E. I can use this online resource to see if there is an electronic copy of an article available. Please rate the session using your own words: 4. What parts of the presentation helped you the most? 5. What helped you the least? 6. What would improve this session? 7. I still need to learn more about: 8. Any other comments? (over) Cathy Palmer UC Irvine Libraries Dept. of Education and Outreach LOEX 2007