OERRH-Dissemination Frameworkv1.0_FINAL

OER Research Hub
Dissemination Framework
Date: 18.03.2013
OER Research Hub Project
Dissemination Framework
OER Research Hub Project ....................................................................................................... 1
Dissemination Framework ........................................................................................................ 1
1.0 Document Control ................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Version History ................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Changes Forecast ............................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Distribution ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Related Documents and Forms ....................................................................................... 3
2.0 Purpose of this document................................................................................................... 3
3.0 OER Research Hub project ................................................................................................. 3
4.0 Dissemination Framework objectives ............................................................................... 3
5.0 The OERRH Dissemination Framework ............................................................................. 4
6.0 Stakeholder Engagement Plan ........................................................................................... 7
7.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 7
8.0 References ............................................................................................................................ 7
Simone Arthur, Collaborations and Fellowships Manager
Ext: 58027
A Dissemination Framework sets out the process for deciding what, how, and when information is
communicated to stakeholders of the project.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
OER Research Hub
Dissemination Framework
Date: 18.03.2013
1.0 Document Control
Project start
OER Research Hub
Dissemination Framework
Date due:
OER Research Hub WP6
1 September 2012
24 months
1.1 Version History
Summary of changes
Initial draft
Initial draft by Simone Arthur
Second draft
v0.2 revised by Claire Walker
Final version
Approved by Patrick McAndrew
1.2 Changes Forecast
The Dissemination Framework will be revised prior to the start of each Project Stage. The
next planned update will be with Stage 4 deliverables on 30 September 2013.
1.3 Distribution
Simone Arthur
Fellowships and Collaborations Manager
Claire Walker
Project Coordinator
Leigh-Anne Perryman
Research Associate
Rob Farrow
Research Associate
Project Board
Patrick McAndrew
Principal Investigator
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
OER Research Hub
Dissemination Framework
Date: 18.03.2013
1.4 Related Documents and Forms
Description of Document
Project Proposal
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Quality Plan
Work Package Description 6
2.0 Purpose of this document
The Open Educational Resources Research Hub (OERRH) Dissemination Framework
will serve as a guiding document for the OERRH Stakeholder Engagement Plan. It also
builds on OERRH Work package 6- Dissemination and on discussions held at our OERRH
team away-days in February 2013.
This Framework will describe the process that the project will employ in deciding: how, when
and what information will be communicated to, and recovered from, the stakeholders of the
project. The framework emphasises communication as a cyclical process in which feedback
from our target audience and the environment and context in which communication takes
place will influence the process.
3.0 OER Research Hub project
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation fund the OERRH at the Open University. This
project will provide a focus for research on themes designed to give answers to the overall
question ‘what is the impact of OER on learning and teaching practices?’ Working in
partnership with 8 collaborators, spanning 4 educational sectors (Higher Education, College,
K12/High School and Informal) the OERRH will aim to provide answers and evidence to the
aforementioned question. There are 11 research hypotheses divided across these 8
collaborations. See http://oerresearchhub.org/ for more details.
Being a transcontinental research project, with our research collaborations based overseas
(the United States of America and India), the OERRH has to work particularly hard and
innovatively to engage with its research collaborations and some of its key stakeholders.
4.0 Dissemination Framework objectives
Hutchinson & Huberman (1994) define dissemination as “the transfer of knowledge within
and across settings, with the expectation that the knowledge will be ‘used’ conceptually or
The above is being promoted as the OERRH’s guiding definition of dissemination since, the
project team believe, terms such as ‘within’ and ‘across settings’ imply a circular, instead of
linear approach to dissemination and communication.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
OER Research Hub
Dissemination Framework
Date: 18.03.2013
Dissemination, in OERRH project terms, involves two methods – 1) information provision
and 2) engaged. Information provision involves the one-way flow of information on our
project via e.g.: reports; websites and publications.
The OERRH will, however, focus on an engaged approach to dissemination, allowing for
consultation, feedback and collaboration both during and after the OERRH project is
At its core, this framework supports the realisation of our OERRH project objectives:
gather evidence to show what works and when in terms of OER in diverse learning
and teaching contexts;
establish methods and instruments for broader engagement in researching the
impact of openness on learning;
provide a legacy for policy change and practice.
The following objectives for the OERRH Dissemination Framework have been
to raise our profile and increase understanding of what OERRH do; what we hope to
achieve and why our project is relevant;
to increase our level of engagement with OER community;
to continuously seek feedback on how to improve our research via e.g. Blogs;
to demonstrate the value that OERRH adds as a research/evidence base to research
collaborations and the general OER community;
to demonstrate our expertise in conducting OER research – Ethics manual;
Evaluation techniques; How to Conduct OER researcher pack;
to develop our research programme in a way that enables collaborations to enhance
their projects, and provide OER community with tools to tackle barriers to OER.
5.0 The OERRH Dissemination Framework
The OERRH Dissemination Framework draws from the models and studies conducted by
Macoubrie, J., &. Harrison, C. (2013). Their Value-Added Research Dissemination
Framework highlights core challenges of dissemination and suggests a 4-phase
dissemination plan for overcoming these obstacles.
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Figure 1: Core Dissemination Challenges – an OERRH-modified version of The Value-Added Research Dissemination Framework (Macoubrie,
J., &. Harrison, C., 2013)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
OER Research Hub
Dissemination Framework
Date: 18.03.2013
To surmount the core dissemination challenges identified in Figure 1, the Macoubrie and
Harrison model suggests a four-phase dissemination process: 1) planning; 2) translation and
packaging; 3) strategic distribution; and 4) follow-through and evaluation.
In general, the OERRH will aim to start its dissemination process at the Planning Phase.
However, as we draw on lessons and feedback from previous experiences, we may start
some aspects of the dissemination process from other phases.
1) Planning Phase
Who is our target audience and how do they engage with research?
What research information is needed by our audience?
How would we like them to use our research?
How would we design research so that findings will be used?
How do we evaluate the dissemination effort?
2) Translations and Packaging Phase
What is needed to make our research accessible?
What can be done to highlight research findings?
What formats work best for which audience?
How can findings be packaged with other research?
3) Strategic Distribution Phase
What channels and tactics will be used to reach each audience?
Frequency of distribution efforts?
Who can champion this information?
What networks are available to share OERRH research?
4) Follow-through & Evaluation Phase
How was the research distributed; what worked best?
What networks and relationships encouraged utilisation of research?
What lessons were learned to inform future dissemination efforts?
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
OER Research Hub
Dissemination Framework
Date: 18.03.2013
6.0 Stakeholder Engagement Plan
To support the suggested four phases of this Framework, an OERRH Stakeholder
Engagement Plan has also been written. In this document, we:
1. identify actual and potential OERRH stakeholders;
2. identify key messages to be conveyed, when and to whom;
3. identify mechanisms and media to be used for dissemination;
4. describe approaches to engage with stakeholders throughout the project and for
obtaining feedback during and after the project;
5. identify OERRH project outcomes and potential users of these outcomes;
6. describe strategies for supporting each identified user to become aware of the
relevant outcomes and ideas and how they might be involved in making effective use
of them;
7. identify various events, e.g. conferences at which OERRH project could be
8. identify publications which OERRH could target e.g. journals;
9. outline evaluation strategies on the impact of project outcomes with the intended user
communities during and following the development of The OERRH project.
7.0 Conclusion
The OERRH seeks to employ a non-passive approach to dissemination by applying an
informed, strategic process which considers the needs of its target audience and evaluates
the use and impact of the information being shared. This OERRH Dissemination Framework
is merely a guide for our dissemination processes and activities, which have been detailed in
our Stakeholder Engagement Plan.
8.0 References
Hutchinson J. & Huberman, M. (1994). Knowledge dissemination and use in science and
mathematics education: A literature review. Journal of Science Education and Technology
3(1), 27-47.
Macoubrie, J., & Harrison, C. (2013). The Value-Added Research Dissemination Framework.
OPRE Report # 2013-10, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation,
Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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