乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 本文档下载自乐档网,更多免费文档请访问网址 http://www.ledlh.cn http://www.ledlh.cn/doc/info-f5c41e47336c1eb91a375db8.html 罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案 Chap004 Test Bank to accompany Rosen’s Public Finance, Seventh Edition CHAPTER 4 - Public Goods 1. Public goods are characterized by a) nonrivalness. b) excludability. c) the sum of the MRSs equaling MRT. d) all of the above. 2. Market mechanisms are unlikely to provide a) prices. b) nonrival goods efficiently. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ c) supply and demand. d) none of the above. 3. A pure private good is a) nonrival in consumption and subject to exclusion. b) rival in consumption and subject to exclusion. c) rival in consumption and not subject to exclusion. d) all of the above. 4. Commodity egalitarianism refers to commodities that a) are important for most consumers. b) are too dangerous for most consumers. c) should be made available to all consumers. d) are good ideas but never produced. e) are produced in bulk. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 5. Charging individual prices that are based on consumers’ willingness to pay is a) government price supports. b) will pricing. c) second tier pricing. d) price discrimination. 6. Equilibrium for public goods is characterized by a) MSB = MSB. b) ?MRS = MRT. c) MRS = MRS = MRS=…=MRS = MRT. d) MC = MB. e) MRS – MRT = MSB. Chapter 4 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 7. Summing demand curves horizontally sends market ______________ to individuals, while summing vertically sends market ______________ to individuals. a) price; price b) quantity; quantity c) quantity; price d) price; quantity 8. Public goods can be a) provided privately. b) provided publicly. c) subject to free rider problems. d) all of the above. 9. A ________ is a person who wants to enjoy the benefits of a public good without contributing his or her marginal benefit to the cost of financing the amount made. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ a) free rider b) politician c) price maker d) price optimizer 10. Congestible public goods a) are nonrival in consumption. b) can not be priced in the market. c) are rival in consumption. d) are never provided by the private sector. 11. A private good is a) nonrival in consumption. b) subject to free rider problems. c) subject to exclusion. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ d) not subject to exclusion. e) none of the above. 12. When those that do not contribute to the costs of a public good are denied use, this is a case of a) exclusion. b) being nonrival. c) price discrimination. d) infeasibility. e) all of the above. 13. Which of the following is a public good? a) public defense b) public television c) a library 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ d) schools e) all of the above 14. Pure private goods are supplied through a) the market. b) government taxes. c) merit pricing. d) none of the above. School vouchers are a) provided by the government. b) provided by private organizations. c) public funds to be used for private tuition. d) all of the above. 15. 1. Suppose there are two individuals with identical demand curves characterized by the 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ equation Q = (33/2) – (P/2). horizontally? What is market demand if these demand curves are added Vertically? 2. Redo problem 10 of Chapter 4 in your textbook. Assume now that the marginal cost of getting snow plowed is now $24. 3. Use the answer you found when adding market demand curves vertically in Question 1 above to find the market equilibrium quantity if the market supply is constant at 10. 4. Suppose you are given the following demand curves: Q = 32 – P and Q = 16 – (P/2). Add these two demand curves vertically and find the market demand curve. 5. Suppose there is a public good that has market supply characterized by the equation X = (P/3) – (32/3). Suppose further that market demand for this good can be 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ characterized by the equation X = 25 –P. Find the equilibrium quantity of the public good that will be supplied. 1. The free rider problem causes less than optimal production of a public good. 2. Pure private goods are nonrival in consumption. 3. Most goods that are nonexcludable are pure public goods. 4. Vertical summation of demand curves yield results equivalent to those of horizontal summation. 5. Increasing the quantity of a pure public good can be done at zero cost. 6. 7. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 8. 9. Demand curves for pure public goods satisfy the law of demand. Pure public goods involve positive externalities. Increases in spending on education will lead to an increase in student performance. Privatization means taking services that are supplied by the government and turning them over to the private sector for provision. 10. Private goods are always provided by the private sector. 1. You have read that the free rider problem affects equilibrium in a public good context. Explain how this situation can be modeled as a prisoner’s dilemma game. 2. Discuss and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of public highways versus toll 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ roads. 3. Some economists believe that public schools would improve if they were subjected to competition. Discuss the pros and cons of this idea. 乐档网-提供各行各业及小学、初中、高中、高等教育、工程科技、工程管理、 职场、商业合同等文档范文下载,所有范文免费分享,是您下载范文的首选网 站。 乐档网 http://www.ledlh.cn/