2014 Town New Appraisal Booklet Cover Letter

Vermont statutes require towns to appraise all taxable property in the town at fair market value (FMV) to assure that each
property owner pays his or her fair share of town and school expenses. As a result of a recessionary period after the last, 2008
reappraisal and the extended period between the last two reappraisals (1989 to 2008), the town of South Hero elected do a
reappraisal effective this year in an effort to retain a solid connection between assessed values and sales prices in town.
In studying the real estate market in South Hero and the surrounding area we have found the long-term changes in value have
placed the properties at a level slightly below where they were in 2008. Recent sales of both cottages and year-around
properties indicate a slight decline in value from the most recent, very robust real estate market period ending in 2007. We also
observed the typical real estate marketing time has increased substantially in order to sell all but the most aggressively priced
or most affordable properties in town.
South Hero just completed a reappraisal, conducted by the Vermont Appraisal Company, of all real property effective April 1,
2014. To retain fairness and equity in the values, we made an effort to visit each property in order to accurately describe
changes to the land and improvements as they existed as of April 1st of this year. The 2013 Grand List values were a result of
that 2008 reappraisal base and any new construction in the last 6 years was calculated from that base.
This booklet is a listing of all 2014 taxable properties in the town of South Hero in four parts: the 2013 Grand List value (Prior
Total), the 2014 Grand List value, (2014 Total), 2014 Homestead and 2014 Housesite values. Any property with greater than
two (2) acres will have a”2014 Total” value larger than the housesite value. In addition, the “Housesite” values by definition in
Act 60/68 are based upon the declarations filed with the Vermont, income tax forms. The booklet has been set up by owner of
record as of April 1, 2014, to assist you in comparing property values. The name listed in this notice only includes the first
owner of the real estate, even if there are two or more owners, due to space limitations, Please look at the address label for the
correct owner.
Judging the fairness of your new value: As a taxpayer, you should be concerned with the fairness of your new value. The
Vermont Appraisal Company and the South Hero Listers have sought to make this reappraisal fair, reasonable and equitable. If
there are errors, we want to correct them. Please look at your new value and judge it on its own merits by asking two
questions: (1) is the new value a fair and reasonable value at today’s market value level? (2) does the new value compare to
the new value of other, similar properties? If the answer to either of the above questions is “no” then you should consider
appealing your value. This grievance procedure applies to your housesite and homestead values, as well at the new total value
of your property.
Title 32, Vermont Statutes Annotated, Section 4111(G) reads as follows: “A person who feels aggrieved by the action of the
Listers and desires to be heard by them shall , on or before the day of the grievance meeting, file with then his objection in
writing and may appear at such grievance meeting in person or by his agents or attorneys. Upon the hearing of such grievance
the parties thereto may submit such documentary or sworn evidence as shall be pertinent thereto.”
Grievance hearings will be held by appointment at the South Hero Town Office Building beginning on Monday July 29, 2014
until LL Grievances have been heard.
calling the South Hero Town Offices at (802) 372-5552 on or before 4:00 pm on Friday, August 1, 2014. If it is inconvenient
for you to attend in person you may file your grievance by letter. All grievances must be received at the Town Offices in
writing by the Listers no later than 4:00 pm EST on August 1, 2014 in order to be considered. For more information contact
the Town Offices. Please feel free to stop by and pick up a copy of your property assessment information during information
discussions during normal business hours the week of July 21st. The Listers and appraiser on this project thank you for your
Bernita Tourville
Norene Swanson
Cecile Gove
South Hero Listers
July 18, 2014
Ted Nelson, Jr
Vermont Appraisal Company
South Hero, Vermont
Official Notice to Property Owners
Effective April 1, 2014
Board of Listers
South Hero, Vermont
PO Box 175
South Hero, VT 05486
ALL GRIEVANCES MUST BE IN WRITING. This form is provided for your convenience. Return
the completed form or a similar document of your choice to: Board of Listers, Town of South Hero, PO
Box 175, South Hero, VT 05486, no later than July 31, 2014. If you are filing a grievance, please also
call Sharon Roy, Town Clerk, (802) 372-5552, no later than July 31, 2014 for an appointment time at the
grievance hearing. The Town Clerk’s office hours are: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:30 am to
4:30 pm and Thursday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. The grievance hearings will be held at the South Hero Town
Office building on July 29, 30 & 31, 2014 by appointment. The Listers and Appraisal Company
appraisers will meet with the public during normal Town business hours during the week of July 21st on
an informal basis. Formal grievances may also be filed in writing only provided they are received in
person no later than the close of business (5:00 pm) on Thursday June 31, 2014.
Town of South Hero, Vermont
Grievance Appeal to the Board of Listers
Date: __________________ Telephone Number(s): __________________________________________
Property Owner (s): ____________________________________________________________________
Business Name (If Different): ____________________________________________________________
Type/Use of the Property: _______________________________________________________________
Property Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Owner’s Reason for Grievance: __________________________________________________________
Signature of Owner(s)
Note: If you are representing the owner of record as of April 1, 2014, then you must include a letter
signed and notarized by the owner indicating you have their consent to put forward this grievance.