Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Review - CGW-Life-Science

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Review
Directions: Use vocabulary words from the Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes
units to fill in the crossword puzzle below. All vocabulary words are likely to
be on the exam tomorrow.
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Vocabulary Word Clues
3. crack in the Earth along which movement occurs
5. point of origin for an earthquake
6. seismic waves that move rock up and down
8. instrument that detects earthquakes
10. plate boundary that slides back and forth
11. seismic waves that move in two directions
16. natural vibrations in the ground caused by movement along faults
21. partially melted “sphere” of the mantle
22. name of the Supercontinent
1. type of stress that pushes material together
2. this “sphere” is the crust and solid part of mantle
4. type of stress that pulls materials apart
7. change in shape of a material due to stress
8. the San Andreas is this type of fault
9. plate boundary that pushes together
11. type of stress that twists a material
12. seismic wavse that squeezes and pulls rock
13. number of types of faults there are
14. idea that continents are slowly moving
15. plate boundary that pulls apart
17. man who came up with continental drift
18. shape of these is evidence for continental drift
19. point on Earth's surface directly above the focus
20. the study of earthquakes
Exam Essay Questions
Directions: Choose two of the following questions and write one or more
paragraphs to answer them. Provide evidence to support your answers.
1. Explain why earthquakes and volcanoes are usually located along tectonic
2. Compare and contrast the three types of tectonic boundaries.
3. What is continental drift, and what evidence is there that supports this idea?
4. Explain how the formation of the Himalaya and Andes mountain ranges deal with
plate tectonics.