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DB2® HADR Installation Guide
This guide covers the preparation and installation of IBM DB2® on Redhat Linux systems in the
SoftLayer cloud environment.
System Requirements.
Step 1: Prepare Installation - Primary and Standby Servers.
Step 2: Install DB2 binaries and build instance - Primary and Standby Servers.
Step 3: Create Database - Primary Server.
Step 4: Build Standby Database.
Step 5: Configure HADR – Primary Server.
Step 6: Configure and Start HADR Standby Server.
Step 7: Start HADR Primary.
Step 8: Prepare Nodes – TSA.
Step 9: Install TSA - Standby Server.
Step 10: Install TSA - Primary Server.
System Requirements
Operating System: Redhat Enterprise Server 6.?
Database Software: IBM DB2® Version 9.7, 10.1, 10.5
Step 1: Prepare Installation
Step 1.1: Create the base file systems and instance owner – Both Primary and Standy Server.
As the root user execute the following commands assuming the Instance Name/Owner = db2inst1.
#set umask
umask 022
#add the DB2 instance owner and fenced user groups
groupadd -g 601 db2inst1
groupadd -g 602 db2fenc1
#add the DB2 instance owner
useradd -d /db2/db2inst1 -g 601 -u 601 db2inst1
#add home directories
mkdir -p /db2/db2inst1/home
#create the DB2 fenced user
useradd -d /db2/db2inst1/home/db2fenc1 -g 602 -u 602 db2fenc1
#create DB2 directories
mkdir -p /db2/db2inst1/data_01
mkdir -p /db2/db2inst1/log_01
mkdir -p /db2/db2inst1/dump_01/archive_01
mkdir -p /db2/db2inst1/install
chmod -R 755 /db2
chown -R db2inst1:db2inst1 /db2
mkdir /db2/db2inst1/ibm
chown root:root /db2/db2inst1/ibm
mkdir -p /db2/db2inst1/ibm/ibmdb2/v10.5
Step 1.2: Install required packages.
Execute the following commands as the root user:
yum install ksh
yum install libstdc++
yum install compat-libstdc++-33
yum install pam.i686
yum install libstdc++.i686
Step 2: Install DB2 binaries and build instance - Primary and Standby Servers
Step 2.1: Copy and expand the install package.
As the instance owner
cp /tmp/install_db2.tar /db2/db2inst1/install/
cd /db2/db2inst1/install/
tar -xvf install_db2.tar
Step 2.2: Edit the config file.
As the instance owner
vi create.cfg
#Replace the variables with the current install parameters:
Step 2.3: Execute the install script.
As the root user
set umask 022
Step 3: Create and Configure Database – Primary Server.
As the instance owner on the primary instance.
ON /db2/db2inst1/data_01/db2v10
USING ('/db2/db2inst1/data_01/db2v10/SYSCAT')
USING ('/db2/db2inst1/data_01/db2v10/USERSPACE1')
USING ('/db2/db2inst1/temp_01/db2v10/TEMPSPACE1')
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using CUR_COMMIT ON
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using SELF_TUNING_MEM ON
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using DATABASE_MEMORY COMPUTED
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using LOCKLIST AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using MAXLOCKS AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using PCKCACHESZ AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using SHEAPTHRES_SHR AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using SORTHEAP AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using NUM_IOCLEANERS AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using NUM_IOSERVERS AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using DFT_PREFETCH_SZ AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using NUM_IOSERVERS AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using MAXAPPLS AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using APPLHEAPSZ AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using APPL_MEMORY AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using DBHEAP AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using NUM_IOSERVERS AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using DFT_DEGREE 1
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using DB2LOCK_TO_RB STATEMENT
Additional Settings:
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using LOGPRIMARY 20
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using LOGFILSIZ 102400
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using LOGSECOND 190
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using LOGRETAIN RECOVERY
db2 update db cfg for db2v10 using LOGARCHMETH1 DISK:/db2/db2inst1/dump_01/archive_01
#Backup the database
mkdir /db2/db2inst1/dump_01/db2v10
db2 backup database dbv10 to /db2/db2inst1/dump/db2v10
Step 4: Build Standby Database.
Copy the database backup to the standby node.
#restore the database on the standy node
restore database db from /db2/db2inst1/dump_01/db2v10
Step 5: Configure HADR – Primary Server
As root on the Primary Server
#Add new port in /etc/services for HADR
cat /etc/services
DB2_db2inst1 50000/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_1 50001/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_2 50002/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_3 50003/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_4 50004/tcp
#Add port 50005
DB2_db2inst1 50000/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_1 50001/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_2 50002/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_3 50003/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_4 50004/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_5 50005/tcp
As the instance owner
Set DB2 HADR Parameters:
db2 get db cfg for db2v10 | grep HADR
HADR database role
HADR local host name
HADR local service name
HADR remote host name
HADR remote service name
HADR instance name of remote server (HADR_REMOTE_INST) =
HADR timeout value
HADR target list
HADR log write synchronization mode (HADR_SYNCMODE) = NEARSYNC
HADR spool log data limit (4KB)
HADR log replay delay (seconds) (HADR_REPLAY_DELAY) = 0
HADR peer window duration (seconds) (HADR_PEER_WINDOW) = 0
#Execute the update commands:
db2 update db cfg using HADR_LOCAL_HOST server1.something.something
db2 update db cfg using HADR_LOCAL_SVC DB2_db2inst1_5
db2 update db cfg using HADR_REMOTE_HOST server2.something.something
db2 update db cfg using HADR_REMOTE_SVC DB@_db2inst1_5
db2 update db cfg using HADR_REMOTE_INST db2inst1
db2 update db cfg using HADR_PEER_WINDOW 120
Step 6: Configure and Start HADR Standby Server.
As root on the Primary Server
#Add new port in /etc/services for HADR
cat /etc/services
DB2_db2inst1 50000/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_1 50001/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_2 50002/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_3 50003/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_4 50004/tcp
#Add port 50005
DB2_db2inst1 50000/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_1 50001/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_2 50002/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_3 50003/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_4 50004/tcp
DB2_db2inst1_5 50005/tcp
As the instance owner
Set DB2 HADR Parameters:
db2 get db cfg for db2v10 | grep HADR
HADR database role
HADR local host name
HADR local service name
HADR remote host name
HADR remote service name
HADR instance name of remote server (HADR_REMOTE_INST) =
HADR timeout value
HADR target list
HADR log write synchronization mode (HADR_SYNCMODE) = NEARSYNC
HADR spool log data limit (4KB)
HADR log replay delay (seconds) (HADR_REPLAY_DELAY) = 0
HADR peer window duration (seconds) (HADR_PEER_WINDOW) = 0
#Execute the update commands:
db2 update db cfg using HADR_LOCAL_HOST server2.something.something
db2 update db cfg using HADR_LOCAL_SVC DB2_db2inst1_5
db2 update db cfg using HADR_REMOTE_HOST server1.something.something
db2 update db cfg using HADR_REMOTE_SVC DB2_db2inst1_5
db2 update db cfg using HADR_REMOTE_INST db2inst1
db2 update db cfg using HADR_PEER_WINDOW 120
db2 update db cfg using LOGINDEXBUILD ON
Index re-creation time and redo index build (INDEXREC) = SYSTEM (RESTART)
Log pages during index build
Step 7: Start HADR Primary
As the instance owner on the Standby Server:
Start HADR – Note HADR is always started on the Standby Instances
db2 start hadr on db db2v10 as standby
As the instance owner on the Primary Server:
db2 start hadr on db db2v10 as primary
Step 8: Prepare Nodes – TSA
As ROOT on both servers:
Execute the preprpnode command followed by both hostnames. It does not matter which box you
issue it first or in what order the hostnames are specified.
preprpnode server1.something.something server1.something.something
Also make sure the following ports are open
udp 12347 12348 657
tcp 657
Step 9: Install TSA - Standby Server.
-bash8-4.1$ db2haicu
Welcome to the DB2 High Availability Instance Configuration Utility (db2haicu).
You can find detailed diagnostic information in the DB2 server diagnostic log file called db2diag.log.
Also, you can use the utility called db2pd to query the status of the cluster domains you create.
For more information about configuring your clustered environment using db2haicu, see the topic
called 'DB2 High Availability Instance Configuration Utility (db2haicu)' in the DB2 Information Center.
db2haicu determined the current DB2 database manager instance is 'db2inst1'. The cluster
configuration that follows will apply to this instance.
db2haicu is collecting information on your current setup. This step may take some time as db2haicu
will need to activate all databases for the instance to discover all paths ...
When you use db2haicu to configure your clustered environment, you create cluster domains. For
more information, see the topic 'Creating a cluster domain with db2haicu' in the DB2 Information
Center. db2haicu is searching the current machine for an existing active cluster domain ...
db2haicu did not find a cluster domain on this machine. db2haicu will now query the system for
information about cluster nodes to create a new cluster domain ...
db2haicu did not find a cluster domain on this machine. To continue configuring your clustered
environment for high availability, you must create a cluster domain; otherwise, db2haicu will exit.
Create a domain and continue? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Select the default of “Yes”
Create a unique name for the new domain:
#Enter the a name for the hadr domain
Reponse: db2v10d
Nodes must now be added to the new domain.
How many cluster nodes will the domain 'db2v10d' contain?
#Enter the number of nodes
Reponse: 2
Enter the host name of a machine to add to the domain:
Reponse: server1.something.something
Enter the host name of a machine to add to the domain:
Reponse: server2.something.something
db2haicu can now create a new domain containing the 2 machines that you specified. If you choose
not to create a domain now, db2haicu will exit.
Create the domain now? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 1
Creating domain 'db2v10d' in the cluster ...
Creating domain 'db2v10d' in the cluster was successful.
You can now configure a quorum device for the domain. For more information, see the topic "Quorum
devices" in the DB2 Information Center. If you do not configure a quorum device for the domain, then a
human operator will have to manually intervene if subsets of machines in the cluster lose connectivity.
Configure a quorum device for the domain called 'db2v10d'? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 1
The following is a list of supported quorum device types:
1. Network Quorum
Enter the number corresponding to the quorum device type to be used: [1]
Reponse: 1
Specify the network address of the quorum device:
Configuring quorum device for domain 'db2v10d' ...
Configuring quorum device for domain 'db2v10d' was successful.
The cluster manager found the following total number of network interface cards on the machines in
the cluster domain: '4'. You can add a network to your cluster domain using the db2haicu utility.
Create networks for these network interface cards? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 1
Enter the name of the network for the network interface card: 'eth0' on cluster node:
1. Create a new public network for this network interface card.
2. Create a new private network for this network interface card.
Enter selection:
Reponse: 1
Are you sure you want to add the network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node
'server1.something.something' to the network 'db2_public_network_0'? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 1
Adding network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node 'server1.something.something' to the network
'db2_public_network_0' ...
Adding network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node 'server1.something.something' to the network
'db2_public_network_0' was successful.
Enter the name of the network for the network interface card: 'eth0' on cluster node:
1. db2_public_network_0
2. Create a new public network for this network interface card.
3. Create a new private network for this network interface card.
Enter selection:
Reponse: 1
Are you sure you want to add the network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node
'server2.something.something' to the network 'db2_public_network_0'? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 1
Adding network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node 'server2.something.something' to the network
'db2_public_network_0' ...
Adding network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node 'server2.something.something' to the network
'db2_public_network_0' was successful.
Enter the name of the network for the network interface card: 'eth0' on cluster node:
1. db2_public_network_0
2. Create a new public network for this network interface card.
3. Create a new private network for this network interface card.
Enter selection:
Reponse: 3
Are you sure you want to add the network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node
'server1.something.something' to the network 'db2_private_network_0'? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 1
Adding network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node 'server1.something.something' to the network
'db2_private_network_0' ...
Adding network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node 'server1.something.something' to the network
'db2_private_network_0' was successful.
Enter the name of the network for the network interface card: 'eth0' on cluster node:
1. db2_private_network_0
2. db2_public_network_0
3. Create a new public network for this network interface card.
4. Create a new private network for this network interface card.
Enter selection:
Reponse: 1
Are you sure you want to add the network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node
'server2.something.something' to the network 'db2_private_network_0'? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 1
Adding network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node 'server2.something.something' to the network
'db2_private_network_0' ...
Adding network interface card 'eth0' on cluster node 'server2.something.something' to the network
'db2_private_network_0' was successful.
Retrieving high availability configuration parameter for instance 'db2inst1' ...
The cluster manager name configuration parameter (high availability configuration parameter) is not
set. For more information, see the topic "cluster_mgr - Cluster manager name configuration
parameter" in the DB2 Information Center. Do you want to set the high availability configuration
The following are valid settings for the high availability configuration parameter:
Enter a value for the high availability configuration parameter: [1]
Reponse: 1
Setting a high availability configuration parameter for instance 'db2inst1' to 'TSA'.
Adding DB2 database partition '0' to the cluster ...
Adding DB2 database partition '0' to the cluster was successful.
Do you want to validate and automate HADR failover for the HADR database 'DB2V10'? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 1
Adding HADR database 'DB2V10' to the domain ...
HADR database 'DB2V10' has been determined to be valid for high availability. However, the
database cannot be added to the cluster from this node because db2haicu detected this node is the
standby for HADR database 'DB2V10'. Run db2haicu on the primary for HADR database 'DB2V10' to
configure the database for automated failover.
\All cluster configurations have been completed successfully. db2haicu exiting ...
Step 10: Install TSA - Primary Server.
As the root user on the primary server
-bash-4.1$ db2haicu
Welcome to the DB2 High Availability Instance Configuration Utility (db2haicu).
You can find detailed diagnostic information in the DB2 server diagnostic log file called db2diag.log.
Also, you can use the utility called db2pd to query the status of the cluster domains you create.
For more information about configuring your clustered environment using db2haicu, see the topic
called 'DB2 High Availability Instance Configuration Utility (db2haicu)' in the DB2 Information Center.
db2haicu determined the current DB2 database manager instance is 'db2inst1'. The cluster
configuration that follows will apply to this instance.
db2haicu is collecting information on your current setup. This step may take some time as db2haicu
will need to activate all databases for the instance to discover all paths ...
When you use db2haicu to configure your clustered environment, you create cluster domains. For
more information, see the topic 'Creating a cluster domain with db2haicu' in the DB2 Information
Center. db2haicu is searching the current machine for an existing active cluster domain ...
db2haicu found a cluster domain called 'db2v10d' on this machine. The cluster configuration that
follows will apply to this domain.
Retrieving high availability configuration parameter for instance 'db2inst1' ...
The cluster manager name configuration parameter (high availability configuration parameter) is not
set. For more information, see the topic "cluster_mgr - Cluster manager name configuration
parameter" in the DB2 Information Center. Do you want to set the high availability configuration
The following are valid settings for the high availability configuration parameter:
Enter a value for the high availability configuration parameter: [1]
Reponse: 1
Setting a high availability configuration parameter for instance 'db2inst1' to 'TSA'.
Adding DB2 database partition '0' to the cluster ...
Adding DB2 database partition '0' to the cluster was successful.
Do you want to validate and automate HADR failover for the HADR database 'DB2V10'? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 1
Adding HADR database 'DB2V10' to the domain ...
Adding HADR database 'DB2V10' to the domain was successful.
Do you want to configure a virtual IP address for the HADR database 'DB2V10'? [1]
1. Yes
2. No
Reponse: 2
All cluster configurations have been completed successfully. db2haicu exiting ...