ECE4112 Internetwork Security Lab XX: E-Mail and Spam Reduction Group Number: _________ Member Names: ___________________ Date Assigned: Date Due: Last Edited: December 06, 2006 Authored By: John Cacavias _______________________ David Jacobson Please read the entire lab and any extra materials carefully before starting. Be sure to start early enough so that you will have time to complete the lab. Answer ALL questions in the Answer Sheet and be sure you turn in ALL materials listed in the Turn-in Checklist on or before the Date Due. Goal: The goal of this lab is to introduce you to installing and configuring an E-mail server as well as numerous SPAM reduction techniques and strategies. Summary: You will install and configure an E-mail server with webmail and configure a mail client to receive messages. You will then install both client and server side Spam software and analyze its effects. Equipment: Red hat WS 4.0 host machine and a Windows XP Virtual Machine Background: E-mail has helped to revolutionize the speed of communication between individuals and businesses. Unfortunately, ad ridden e-mail that is unsolicited soon began to fill people’s inboxes to the point of exhaustion. Before you can understand the principles behind how to identify and catch spam, you need to understand how it is generated and distributed. First, it is important to understand that most spammers are fraud and con artists. They often use fake names, phone numbers, and addresses when registering with ISP’s in order to conceal their identity and move quickly once the ISP finds out that they are sending spam. Once a spammer is found by an ISP, they quickly move to another or create a new account with more false information. With that being said, most spammers also go to great lengths to falsify information in their emails. This is done easily enough, since the common mail transfer protocol SMTP has no authentication or security measures built in by default. However, some ISP’s prevent this by using SMTP-AUTH security. Another issue plaguing SPAM is ease with which spammers can falsify the from field, essentially making spam emails look like they are coming from whomever the spammer likes. Rest assured, if you receive an email from Michael Jackson and he is trying to sell you hair growth products, it probably isn’t real. This is simply a tactic to get you to open up the spam e-mail. 1 Another problem spammers face is that the IP address of the last mail server. This is easily circumvented by spammers however, by using proxy servers or an open relay. Basically, spammers bounce their spam around several times before sending it to your inbox, so you don’t have any idea where it really came from. Not only does this cause problems with tracking the spam, but it also congest network traffic when so many e-mails are being sent at once. Lastly, a discussion of spam would not be complete without discussing phishing. Phishing emails are spam e-mails sent to attempt to gain vital user data by linking the user from the email to a fraudulent internet site. These sites then collect user data usually by mimicking a common internet login site such as a bank or eBay. The hackers then take usernames and passwords and exploit them to their liking. Now that you know enough about spam and how it works, you can effectively go about attempting to reduce the amount that comes into your inbox. But before we get started here are a few statistics: Five countries host 99.68% of servers from which all spam is sent [1] China is first and foremost, with 73.58% of all Spam originating from China [2] In June of 2006, the number of spam e-mails sent per day had reached 55 billion [1] 80-85% of e-mail that reached users’ inboxes is spam [1] Now, let’s see if we can’t figure out a way to stop this from junking up our inboxes! Prelab Questions: QP.1. What is the protocol most commonly used to send e-mail? QP.2. Why is this protocol beneficial to spammers? How can these problems be curtailed? QP.3. How do spammers circumvent the IP address of their mail server being appended to their spam e-mails? Lab Scenario: For this lab you will set up a mail server and webmail client on your Red Hat 4.0 host machine and then configure the Outlook Express e-mail client on your Windows XP virtual machine to receive messages from the mail server you set up. You will 2 then configure SpamAssassin, a server side spam program to attempt to identify spam. Lastly, you will configure a client side spam protection software into Outlook Express to attempt to further prevent spam. Section 1 – Mail Server Installation First we will need to set up a mail server for this lab. The mail server should be able to support POP3, IMAP, webmail and be able to implement server side email filtering. Axigen is a linux based mail server utility that employs a collection of modules that support the expected mail services, including POP3 and IMAP4 with support for SSL/TLS secure connections. Axigen also includes a list server module, supporting automated list servers. Its message-filtering module promises a great deal of power and flexibility for managing spam, viruses and other content-based disturbances. Axigen can be found here: Step 1 – Install Axigen Connect to Network Attached Storage, and copy the file LabXX/axigen.i386.rpm.tar.gz to your RedHat WS 4.0 machine. Open a terminal and type: mount /mnt/nas4112 cp /mnt/nas4112/LabXX/axigen.i386.rpm.tar.gz /root cd /root gunzip axigen.i386.rpm.tar.gz tar –xf axigen.i386.rpm.tar rpm –i axigen.i386.rpm cd axigen-2.0.0 Step 2 – Axigen Setup The next step is to set up the mail server to be used. We will want to turn on smtp, pop3, imap and webmail. We will also set admin passwords and setup up web administration to further configure the server. In a terminal type: /opt/axigen/bin/axigen-cfg-wizard Once the configuration wizard opens you will be asked for an administrator password. For ease of remembering use password for the password and confirm the password by typing it again. To navigate the setup use the tab button and enter key. 3 The next window will ask you which interface to use for webadmin interface and which port number. Select 57.35.6.x:9000 then Next Figure 1.1 – WebAdmin Interface Select Select 57.35.6.x:25 for smtp Make sure pop, imap and webmail Select 57.35.6.x:110 for pop3 Select 57.35.6.x:143 for imap Select 57.35.6.x:80 for webmail For Relay leave all checked For Sendmail wrapper select yes 4 Figure 1.2 – Sendmail Wrapper Configuration Congratulations you have finished the initial configuration of Axigen. To start Axigen up type: /etc/init.d/axigen start Please be sure to confirm that all firewalls are off during this lab as they interfere with computer to virtual machine communication. Each time you restart your computer type: /etc/init.d/iptables stop Next we will configure the usernames and passwords for the email accounts that we are going to setup. Open a browser and go to http://57.35.6.x:9000 to open the webadmin interface. Type admin for username and password for password at the signin page Go to accounts link on left side of page. It will look something like Figure 1.3. 5 Figure 1.3 – WebAdmin Accounts Page Click view next to local domain to view and add accounts. Figure 1.4 – List of Accounts Fill in blanks Account name, Password, and Confirm Password with your desired username and password. 6 Click add new account button when finished. The next page will look life figure 1.5. Leave setting set as so and click update. Figure 1.5 – WebAdmin Account Add Page Click confirm to save changes Repeat above steps for two more account and be sure to note account names and passwords in the boxes below. Account Name Account Password 1 2 3 Step 3 - Testing Open another browser or tab and go to http://57.35.6.x Login as the first account that you created and send an email to: account2name@localdomain 7 Open vmware and start one of your Windows XP virtual machines so that we can check to see if communication is working over the desired interface. Type: vmware & Once in windows open a browser and go to http://57.35.6.x Log in as the second account that you created and check your inbox to see that you have received the email that you sent yourself. Take a screenshot of this email being viewed. Screenshot #1: screenshot of received email Section 2 – Windows E-mail Client Many people today check their e-mail not with webmail but with a computer side client that will automatically check their e-mail for them and also has the ability to set filters and to further organize their emails to their specifications. It also allows for the storage of e-mail off server so as not to take up space on the server. Some of these programs for Windows include Outlook, Outlook Express, and Mozilla Thunderbird. We will be working with Outlook Express since it comes with the Windows Installation. Open windows XP virtual machine in vmware Go to Start -> Run Type msimn Click OK Outlook express will open Type in a display name and click next Type in an account name and click next Type in account1name@localdomain as email address and click next Select a pop account and click next Type in 57.35.6.x for both incoming mail and outgoing mail and click next until end of setup To confirm setup click Tools -> Accounts Find your account name, highlight it and click properties. The General tab should look something like Figure 2.1 and the Servers tab should look something like Figure 2.2 8 Figure 2.1 – Outlook Express Account General Tab Figure 2.2 – Outlook Express Account Server Tab Go back to your Red Hat Linux WS 4.0 machine and open browser to 57.35.6.x Login as account 2 Send email to account1name@localdomain 9 Click Send/Receive in Microsoft Outlook Express Verify receipt of email from account 2 Screenshot #2: screenshot of received email Q2.1 Why would it be desirable for users to utilize a client based e-mail program as opposed to a webmail interface? Q2.2 What are the advantages of a webmail interface over a client based e-mail program? Section 3 – Server-side Spam Detection One method of detecting spam is with server-side spam filters. These filters are usually very complex and are now advertised more and more as a perk by ISPs. These filters usually include a word list that they search for in emails in order to filter emails. We are going to be using is Spamassassin. Spamassassin is uses a Bayesian filter to compute whether a message is spam. Spamassassin can be found here: A Bayesian filter follows a specific formula to determine the probability of a message being spam. The formula is the probability of finding those certain words in spam email, times the probability that any email is spam, divided by the probability of finding those words in any email. Step 1 – Install SpamAssassin Connect to Network Attached Storage, and copy the file LabXX/Mail-SpamAssassin3.1.7.tar.gz to your RedHat WS 4.0 machine. Type: mount /mnt/nas4112 cp /mnt/nas4112/LabXX/Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.7.tar.gz /root cd /root gunzip Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.7.tar.gz tar –xf Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.7.tar cd Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.7 Step 2 – Test SpamAssassin 10 To test if installation works type: spamassassin –t < sample-nonspam.txt > nonspam.out Open nonspam.out to view output from SpamAssassin Printout #1: nonspam.out Type: spamassassin –t < sample-spam.txt > spam.out Open spam.out to view output from SpamAssassin Printout #2: spam.out Compare the subject line of spam.out to sample-spam.txt Step 3 – Configure Axigen With SpamAssassin Open a browser and go to http://57.35.6.x:9000 Type in admin as login and password as password Click filters tab on servers Click AV/AS tab Click Add new filter For name type in Spam Assassin For address type in inet:// For protocolFile type in /var/opt/axigen/filters/spamassassin.afsl Leave idleTimeout at 60 seconds For actionOnMatch select pass Leave maxConnections Click Update Click Commit Click Commands Click Save Config Click Server Click Filters Click Active Filters Click Add new filter 11 Fill in priority as 10 Select filterType Socket Select Spam Assassin from filterName list Leave applyOnRelay set to no Click update Click commit Click Commands Click Save Config Step 4 – Test SpamAssassin Email Configuration Go back to Terminal Type /etc/init.d/spamassassin start This command must be repeated each time the computer is reset in order for emails to be sent from now on. Send an email from user1 to user2name@localdomain with the contents: The following string commonly referred to as GTUBE or Generic Test for Unsolicited Bulk E-mail will be picked up by SpamAssassin and automatically be marked as spam. It should be placed within the body of the e-mail. XJS*C4JDBQADN1.NSBN3*2IDNEN*GTUBE-STANDARD-ANTI-UBE-TESTEMAIL*C.34X Check your email and see if your received it and if it is marked as [SPAM] in the subject line. Step 5 – Advanced SpamAssassin Configuration Next we will cover editing the file to set more rules for spamassassin. We will cover whitelisting which is allowing users to pass through without any further spam checking because they are on a list of trusted email addresses. We will also cover blacklisting which is putting certain mail addresses on a list that are not allowed to be received or more likely to be set as spam no matter what. We will also cover changing the message that you receive from spamassassin on receipt of a spam message. First we will change the output of an email that is considered to be spam with another title from [SPAM] subject to ***SPAM*** subject. To do this please read the appendix on spamassassin commands. Open the file /etc/mail/spamassassin/ in a text editor to edit rules 12 Once this is completed please take a screenshot of an email received that has been marked as ***SPAM***. Screenshot #3: test mail marked as spam Next we will cover whitelisting on the server side. The format for this is whitelist_from email email. Also whitelist_from *.domain to include all emails from this domain. Blacklisting is done similarly. The format is blacklist_from email email or blacklist_from *.domain. Blacklist one of the emails and see how it works by sending a regular non-spam email from that account. Reset your /etc/mail/spamassassin/ file back to how it was before adding blacklisting. Q3.1 Why would a network administrator want to install a server side spam filter such as SpamAssassin? Q3.2 What are some of the potential problems associated with installing a server side spam filter? Q3.3 What is whitelisting? What is blacklisting? Q3.4 What are some of the advantages of using whitelisting and blacklisting? Q3.5 Write the commands you placed in your file to correctly whitelist and blacklist specific domains or email addresses. Section 4 – Manual filters in Outlook Express In this section we will cover setting up manual filters and blacklisting in outlook express. This enables moving possible spam to folders or deleting possible spam and messages from people without the benefit of having a server-side filter. Step 1 – Moving Emails Marked As Spam Go to Tools -> Message Rules -> Mail… Click New… In the first box check “Where the Subject line contains specific words” In the second box check “Move it to the specified folder” In the third box click the link for “contains specific words” Type in the word ***SPAM*** and click Add 13 Click OK In the third box click the link for “specified” Click New Folder Type Spam and click OK Select the new Spam folder and click OK Click OK To test: Login to another account and send your outlook account a spam email. See if it filters the message marked spam into the new folder. Step 2 – Making Word Filters This is very similar to the previous step and involves making a word list for messages that are moved to the spam folder. Make a list of words and put into a list for Outlook Express. Test to make sure it works. Step 3 – Blacklisting Go to Tools -> Message Rules -> Blocked Senders List… Click Add… Type the address you want to block – lets try your 3rd email address Select Mail Messages Click OK Click OK To test: Send your outlook express account a message from your 3rd email address. See that the email has been blocked. Undo your blocked email after you have tested. Q4.1 Why is it that a user would want to set up a filter in their mail client? Q4.2 Give one example of a filter rule in outlook express and describe what it does. Section 5 – Client-Side Spam Filter 14 Sometimes a client-side spam filter is a good addition to your spam filtering that is more specific to your account and the spam messages that you receive compared to the broad filter that the server uses that might not pick up on the other spam. eTrust can be found here: Step 1 – Installing eTrust Go to the NAS file server and download the LabXX\as4_en.exe file. Double-click the file Install the program Restart the computer if required Open Outlook Express eTrust enables you to do whitelisting, blacklisting and setup filters for what types of emails are spam and what type are not spam. eTrust has put a toolbar in Outlook Express. The toolbar has an approve and a block button. These buttons correlate to whitelisting and blacklisting. If an email is blocked it will be moved to the eTrust Anti-Spam folder. If an email is approved this address will be approved no matter what whether it is spam or not. Try to block an email address and try to approve an email address and see how it works. Other options that you can do are set up a folder that has a lot of spam emails and a folder that has good emails. To do this: Click on the drop down next to eTrust Anti-Spam button in the toolbar Click options In the new window click the Spam Score tab 15 Figure 5.1 – Training eTrust Click Good Folders Select a folder with only good emails in it Click Spam Folders Select a folder with only spam messages in it Click Train This will train eTrust to detect spam eTrust also uses a Bayesian Filter so be sure to train eTrust as often as possible. Try it out. Q5.1. How does training effect your spam filter? Q5.2. Why would one want to set up a client side spam program in addition to the server side program? Q5.3. Is it ok to delete spam above a certain spam score? Why or Why Not? 16 Appendix A: SpamAssassin Rules Configuration DESCRIPTION SpamAssassin is configured using traditional UNIX-style configuration files, loaded from the /usr/share/spamassassin and /etc/mail/spamassassin directories. The # character starts a comment, which continues until end of line. NOTE: if the # character is to be used as part of a rule or configuration option, it must be escaped with a backslash. i.e.: \# Whitespace in the files is not significant, but please note that starting a line with whitespace is deprecated, as we reserve its use for multi-line rule definitions, at some point in the future. Currently, each rule or configuration setting must fit on one-line; multi-line settings are not supported yet. File and directory paths can use ~ to refer to the user's home directory, but no other shellstyle path extensions such as globing or ~user/ are supported. Where appropriate below, default values are listed in parentheses. USER PREFERENCES The following options can be used in both site-wide ( and user-specific (user_prefs) configuration files to customize how SpamAssassin handles incoming email messages. SCORING OPTIONS required_score n.nn (default: 5) Set the score required before a mail is considered spam. n.nn can be an integer or a real number. 5.0 is the default setting, and is quite aggressive; it would be suitable for a single-user setup, but if you're an ISP installing SpamAssassin, you should probably set the default to be more conservative, like 8.0 or 10.0. It is not recommended to automatically delete or discard messages marked as spam, as your users will complain, but if you choose to do so, only delete messages with an exceptionally high score such as 15.0 or higher. This option was previously known as required_hits and that name is still accepted, but is deprecated. score SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME n.nn [ n.nn n.nn n.nn ] 17 Assign scores (the number of points for a hit) to a given test. Scores can be positive or negative real numbers or integers. SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME is the symbolic name used by SpamAssassin for that test; for example, 'FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS'. If only one valid score is listed, then that score is always used for a test. If four valid scores are listed, then the score that is used depends on how SpamAssassin is being used. The first score is used when both Bayes and network tests are disabled (score set 0). The second score is used when Bayes is disabled, but network tests are enabled (score set 1). The third score is used when Bayes is enabled and network tests are disabled (score set 2). The fourth score is used when Bayes is enabled and network tests are enabled (score set 3). Setting a rule's score to 0 will disable that rule from running. If any of the score values are surrounded by parenthesis '()', then all of the scores in the line are considered to be relative to the already set score. ie: '(3)' means increase the score for this rule by 3 points in all score sets. '(3) (0) (3) (0)' means increase the score for this rule by 3 in score sets 0 and 2 only. If no score is given for a test by the end of the configuration, a default score is assigned: a score of 1.0 is used for all tests, except those who names begin with 'T_' (this is used to indicate a rule in testing) which receive 0.01. Note that test names which begin with '__' are indirect rules used to compose metamatch rules and can also act as prerequisites to other rules. They are not scored or listed in the 'tests hit' reports, but assigning a score of 0 to an indirect rule will disable it from running. WHITELIST AND BLACKLIST OPTIONS whitelist_from Used to specify addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as spam. If you want to whitelist your own domain, be aware that spammers will often impersonate the domain of the recipient. The recommended solution is to instead use whitelist_from_rcvd as explained below. Whitelist and blacklist addresses are now file-glob-style patterns, so, *, or * will all work. Specifically, * and ? are allowed, but all other metacharacters are not. Regular expressions are not used for security reasons. Multiple addresses per line, separated by spaces, is OK. Multiple whitelist_from lines is also OK. 18 The headers checked for whitelist addresses are as follows: if Resent-From is set, use that; otherwise check all addresses taken from the following set of headers: Envelope-Sender Resent-Sender X-Envelope-From From In addition, the ``envelope sender'' data, taken from the SMTP envelope data where this is available, is looked up. e.g. whitelist_from whitelist_from * unwhitelist_from Used to override a default whitelist_from entry, so for example a distribution whitelist_from can be overridden in a file, or an individual user can override a whitelist_from entry in their own user_prefs file. The specified email address has to match exactly the address previously used in a whitelist_from line. e.g. unwhitelist_from unwhitelist_from * whitelist_from_rcvd Use this to supplement the whitelist_from addresses with a check against the Received headers. The first parameter is the address to whitelist, and the second is a string to match the relay's rDNS. This string is matched against the reverse DNS lookup used during the handover from the internet to your internal network's mail exchangers. It can either be the full hostname, or the domain component of that hostname. In other words, if the host that connected to your MX had an IP address that mapped to '', you should specify or just here. Note that this requires that internal_networks be correct. For simple cases, it will be, but for a complex network, or running with DNS checks off or with -L, you may get better results by setting that parameter. e.g. whitelist_from_rcvd whitelist_from_rcvd * def_whitelist_from_rcvd 19 Same as whitelist_from_rcvd, but used for the default whitelist entries in the SpamAssassin distribution. The whitelist score is lower, because these are often targets for spammer spoofing. whitelist_allows_relays Specify addresses which are in whitelist_from_rcvd that sometimes send through a mail relay other than the listed ones. By default mail with a From address that is in whitelist_from_rcvd that does not match the relay will trigger a forgery rule. Including the address in whitelist_allows_relay prevents that. Whitelist and blacklist addresses are now file-glob-style patterns, so, *, or * will all work. Specifically, * and ? are allowed, but all other metacharacters are not. Regular expressions are not used for security reasons. Multiple addresses per line, separated by spaces, is OK. Multiple whitelist_allows_relays lines is also OK. The specified email address does not have to match exactly the address previously used in a whitelist_from_rcvd line as it is compared to the address in the header. e.g. whitelist_allows_relays whitelist_allows_relays * unwhitelist_from_rcvd Used to override a default whitelist_from_rcvd entry, so for example a distribution whitelist_from_rcvd can be overridden in a file, or an individual user can override a whitelist_from_rcvd entry in their own user_prefs file. The specified email address has to match exactly the address previously used in a whitelist_from_rcvd line. e.g. unwhitelist_from_rcvd unwhitelist_from_rcvd * blacklist_from Used to specify addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as nonspam, but which the user doesn't want. Same format as whitelist_from. unblacklist_from Used to override a default blacklist_from entry, so for example a distribution blacklist_from can be overridden in a file, or an individual user can override a blacklist_from entry in their own user_prefs file. The specified email address has to match exactly the address previously used in a blacklist_from line. 20 e.g. unblacklist_from unblacklist_from * whitelist_to If the given address appears as a recipient in the message headers (Resent-To, To, Cc, obvious envelope recipient, etc.) the mail will be whitelisted. Useful if you're deploying SpamAssassin system-wide, and don't want some users to have their mail filtered. Same format as whitelist_from. There are three levels of To-whitelisting, whitelist_to, more_spam_to and all_spam_to. Users in the first level may still get some spammish mails blocked, but users in all_spam_to should never get mail blocked. The headers checked for whitelist addresses are as follows: if Resent-To or ResentCc are set, use those; otherwise check all addresses taken from the following set of headers: To Cc Apparently-To Delivered-To Envelope-Recipients Apparently-Resent-To X-Envelope-To Envelope-To X-Delivered-To X-Original-To X-Rcpt-To X-Real-To more_spam_to See above. all_spam_to See above. blacklist_to If the given address appears as a recipient in the message headers (Resent-To, To, Cc, obvious envelope recipient, etc.) the mail will be blacklisted. Same format as blacklist_from. BASIC MESSAGE TAGGING OPTIONS rewrite_header { subject | from | to } STRING By default, suspected spam messages will not have the Subject, From or To lines tagged to indicate spam. By setting this option, the header will be tagged with STRING to indicate that a message is spam. For the From or To headers, this will take the form of an RFC 2822 comment following the address in parantheses. For the Subject header, this will be prepended to the original subject. Note that you should only use 21 the _REQD_ and _SCORE_ tags when rewriting the Subject header if report_safe is 0. Otherwise, you may not be able to remove the SpamAssassin markup via the normal methods. More information about tags is explained below in the TEMPLATE TAGS section. Parentheses are not permitted in STRING if rewriting the From or To headers. (They will be converted to square brackets.) If rewrite_header subject is used, but the message being rewritten does not already contain a Subject header, one will be created. A null value for STRING will remove any existing rewrite for the specified header. add_header { spam | ham | all } header_name string Customized headers can be added to the specified type of messages (spam, ham, or ``all'' to add to either). All headers begin with X-Spam- (so a header_name Foo will generate a header called X-Spam-Foo). header_name is restricted to the character set [A-Za-z0-9_-]. string can contain tags as explained below in the TEMPLATE TAGS section. You can also use \n and \t in the header to add newlines and tabulators as desired. A backslash has to be written as \\, any other escaped chars will be silently removed. All headers will be folded if fold_headers is set to 1. Note: Manually adding newlines via \n disables any further automatic wrapping (ie: long header lines are possible). The lines will still be properly folded (marked as continuing) though. You can customize existing headers with add_header (only the specified subset of messages will be changed). See also clear_headers for removing headers. Here are some examples (these are the defaults, note that Checker-Version can not be changed or removed): add_header spam Flag _YESNOCAPS_ add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE_ required=_REQD_ tests=_TESTS_ autolearn=_AUTOLEARN_ version=_VERSION_ add_header all Level _STARS(*)_ add_header all Checker-Version SpamAssassin _VERSION_ (_SUBVERSION_) on _HOSTNAME_ remove_header { spam | ham | all } header_name Headers can be removed from the specified type of messages (spam, ham, or ``all'' to remove from either). All headers begin with X-Spam- (so header_name will be appended to X-Spam-). 22 See also clear_headers for removing all the headers at once. Note that X-Spam-Checker-Version is not removable because the version information is needed by mail administrators and developers to debug problems. Without at least one header, it might not even be possible to determine that SpamAssassin is running. clear_headers Clear the list of headers to be added to messages. You may use this before any add_header options to prevent the default headers from being added to the message. Note that X-Spam-Checker-Version is not removable because the version information is needed by mail administrators and developers to debug problems. Without at least one header, it might not even be possible to determine that SpamAssassin is running. report_safe ( 0 | 1 | 2 ) (default: 1) if this option is set to 1, if an incoming message is tagged as spam, instead of modifying the original message, SpamAssassin will create a new report message and attach the original message as a message/rfc822 MIME part (ensuring the original message is completely preserved, not easily opened, and easier to recover). If this option is set to 2, then original messages will be attached with a content type of text/plain instead of message/rfc822. This setting may be required for safety reasons on certain broken mail clients that automatically load attachments without any action by the user. This setting may also make it somewhat more difficult to extract or view the original message. If this option is set to 0, incoming spam is only modified by adding some X-Spamheaders and no changes will be made to the body. In addition, a header named XSpam-Report will be added to spam. You can use the remove_header option to remove that header after setting report_safe to 0. See report_safe_copy_headers if you want to copy headers from the original mail into tagged messages. LANGUAGE OPTIONS ok_locales xx [ yy zz ... ] (default: all) This option is used to specify which locales are considered OK for incoming mail. Mail using the character sets that are allowed by this option will not be marked as possibly being spam in a foreign language. 23 If you receive lots of spam in foreign languages, and never get any non-spam in these languages, this may help. Note that all ISO-8859-* character sets, and Windows code page character sets, are always permitted by default. Set this to all to allow all character sets. This is the default. The rules CHARSET_FARAWAY, CHARSET_FARAWAY_BODY, and CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADERS are triggered based on how this is set. Examples: ok_locales all ok_locales en ok_locales en ja zh (allow all locales) (only allow English) (allow English, Japanese, and Chinese) Note: if there are multiple ok_locales lines, only the last one is used. Select the locales to allow from the list below: en - Western character sets in general ja - Japanese character sets ko - Korean character sets ru - Cyrillic character sets th - Thai character sets zh - Chinese (both simplified and traditional) character sets NETWORK TEST OPTIONS trusted_networks[/mask] ... (default: none) What networks or hosts are 'trusted' in your setup. Trusted in this case means that relay hosts on these networks are considered to not be potentially operated by spammers, open relays, or open proxies. A trusted host could conceivably relay spam, but will not originate it, and will not forge header data. DNS blacklist checks will never query for hosts on these networks. MXes for your domain(s) and internal relays should also be specified using the internal_networks setting. When there are 'trusted' hosts that are not MXes or internal relays for your domain(s) they should only be specified in trusted_networks. If a /mask is specified, it's considered a CIDR-style 'netmask', specified in bits. If it is not specified, but less than 4 octets are specified with a trailing dot, that's considered a mask to allow all addresses in the remaining octets. If a mask is not specified, and there is not trailing dot, then just the single IP address specified is used, as if the mask was /32. 24 If a network or host address is prefaced by a ! the network or host will be excluded (or included) in a first listed match fashion. Examples: trusted_networks 192.168/16 127/8 and 127.*.*.* trusted_networks trusted_networks 127. # all in 192.168.*.* # just that host # all in 127.*.*.* Inclusion/Exclusion examples: # include all of 10.0.1/24 except for trusted_networks ! 10.0.1/24 # include all of 10.0.1/24, the ! has no effect trusted_networks 10.0.1/24 ! # include all RFC1918 address space except subnet 172.16.3/24 but # including host within the excluded 172.16.3/24 trusted_networks !172.16.3/24 172.16/12 10/8 192.168/16 This operates additively, so a trusted_networks line after another one will result in all those networks becoming trusted. To clear out the existing entries, use clear_trusted_networks. If trusted_networks is not set and internal_networks is, the value of internal_networks will be used for this parameter. If you're running with DNS checks enabled, SpamAssassin includes code to infer your trusted networks on the fly, so this may not be necessary. (Thanks to Scott Banister and Andrew Flury for the inspiration for this algorithm.) This inference works as follows: if the 'from' IP address is on the same /16 network as the top Received line's 'by' host, it's trusted if the address of the 'from' host is in a private network range, then it's trusted if any addresses of the 'by' host is in a private network range, then it's trusted clear_trusted_networks 25 Empty the list of trusted networks. internal_networks[/mask] ... (default: none) What networks or hosts are 'internal' in your setup. Internal means that relay hosts on these networks are considered to be MXes for your domain(s), or internal relays. This uses the same format as trusted_networks, above. This value is used when checking 'dial-up' or dynamic IP address blocklists, in order to detect direct-to-MX spamming. Trusted relays that accept mail directly from dialup connections should not be listed in internal_networks. List them only in trusted_networks. If trusted_networks is set and internal_networks is not, the value of trusted_networks will be used for this parameter. If neither trusted_networks or internal_networks is set, no addresses will be considered local; in other words, any relays past the machine where SpamAssassin is running will be considered external. clear_internal_networks Empty the list of internal networks. always_trust_envelope_sender ( 0 | 1 ) (default: 0) Trust the envelope sender even if the message has been passed through one or more trusted relays. skip_rbl_checks ( 0 | 1 ) (default: 0) By default, SpamAssassin will run RBL checks. If your ISP already does this for you, set this to 1. rbl_timeout n (default: 15) All DNS queries are made at the beginning of a check and we try to read the results at the end. This value specifies the maximum period of time to wait for an DNS query. If most of the DNS queries have succeeded for a particular message, then SpamAssassin will not wait for the full period to avoid wasting time on unresponsive server(s). For the default 15 second timeout, here is a chart of queries remaining versus the effective timeout in seconds: queries left 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 15 14 14 13 11 10 8 5 3 0% timeout 15 0 In addition, whenever the effective timeout is lowered due to additional query results returning, the remaining queries are always given at least one more second before timing out, but the wait time will never exceed rbl_timeout. For example, if 20 queries are made at the beginning of a message check and 16 queries have returned (leaving 20%), the remaining 4 queries must finish within 5 seconds of the beginning of the check or they will be timed out. 26 dns_available { yes | test[: name1 name2...] | no } (default: test) By default, SpamAssassin will query some default hosts on the internet to attempt to check if DNS is working or not. The problem is that it can introduce some delay if your network connection is down, and in some cases it can wrongly guess that DNS is unavailable because the test connections failed. SpamAssassin includes a default set of 13 servers, among which 3 are picked randomly. You can however specify your own list by specifying dns_available test: domain1.tld domain2.tld domain3.tld Please note, the DNS test queries for NS records. SpamAssassin's network rules are run in parallel. This can cause overhead in terms of the number of file descriptors required; it is recommended that the minimum limit on file descriptors be raised to at least 256 for safety. LEARNING OPTIONS use_bayes ( 0 | 1 ) (default: 1) Whether to use the naive-Bayesian-style classifier built into SpamAssassin. This is a master on/off switch for all Bayes-related operations. use_bayes_rules ( 0 | 1 ) (default: 1) Whether to use rules using the naive-Bayesian-style classifier built into SpamAssassin. This allows you to disable the rules while leaving auto and manual learning enabled. bayes_auto_learn ( 0 | 1 ) (default: 1) Whether SpamAssassin should automatically feed high-scoring mails (or low-scoring mails, for non-spam) into its learning systems. The only learning system supported currently is a naive-Bayesian-style classifier. See the documentation for the Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold plugin module for details on how Bayes auto-learning is implemented by default. bayes_ignore_header header_name If you receive mail filtered by upstream mail systems, like a spam-filtering ISP or mailing list, and that service adds new headers (as most of them do), these headers may provide inappropriate cues to the Bayesian classifier, allowing it to take a ``short cut''. To avoid this, list the headers using this setting. Example: bayes_ignore_header X-Upstream-Spamfilter bayes_ignore_header X-Upstream-SomethingElse bayes_ignore_from Bayesian classification and autolearning will not be performed on mail from the listed addresses. Program sa-learn will also ignore the listed addresses if it is invoked 27 using the --use-ignores option. One or more addresses can be listed, see whitelist_from. Spam messages from certain senders may contain many words that frequently occur in ham. For example, one might read messages from a preferred bookstore but also get unwanted spam messages from other bookstores. If the unwanted messages are learned as spam then any messages discussing books, including the preferred bookstore and antiquarian messages would be in danger of being marked as spam. The addresses of the annoying bookstores would be listed. (Assuming they were halfway legitimate and didn't send you mail through myriad affiliates.) Those who have pieces of spam in legitimate messages or otherwise receive ham messages containing potentially spammy words might fear that some spam messages might be in danger of being marked as ham. The addresses of the spam mailing lists, correspondents, etc. would be listed. bayes_ignore_to Bayesian classification and autolearning will not be performed on mail to the listed addresses. See bayes_ignore_from for details. bayes_min_ham_num (Default: 200) bayes_min_spam_num (Default: 200) To be accurate, the Bayes system does not activate until a certain number of ham (non-spam) and spam have been learned. The default is 200 of each ham and spam, but you can tune these up or down with these two settings. bayes_learn_during_report (Default: 1) The Bayes system will, by default, learn any reported messages (spamassassin -r) as spam. If you do not want this to happen, set this option to 0. bayes_sql_override_username Used by BayesStore::SQL storage implementation. If this options is set the BayesStore::SQL module will override the set username with the value given. This could be useful for implementing global or group bayes databases. bayes_use_hapaxes (default: 1) Should the Bayesian classifier use hapaxes (words/tokens that occur only once) when classifying? This produces significantly better hit-rates, but increases database size by about a factor of 8 to 10. bayes_journal_max_size (default: 102400) SpamAssassin will opportunistically sync the journal and the database. It will do so once a day, but will sync more often if the journal file size goes above this setting, in bytes. If set to 0, opportunistic syncing will not occur. bayes_expiry_max_db_size (default: 150000) What should be the maximum size of the Bayes tokens database? When expiry occurs, the Bayes system will keep either 75% of the maximum value, or 100,000 28 tokens, whichever has a larger value. 150,000 tokens is roughly equivalent to a 8Mb database file. bayes_auto_expire (default: 1) If enabled, the Bayes system will try to automatically expire old tokens from the database. Auto-expiry occurs when the number of tokens in the database surpasses the bayes_expiry_max_db_size value. bayes_learn_to_journal (default: 0) If this option is set, whenever SpamAssassin does Bayes learning, it will put the information into the journal instead of directly into the database. This lowers contention for locking the database to execute an update, but will also cause more access to the journal and cause a delay before the updates are actually committed to the Bayes database. MISCELLANEOUS OPTIONS lock_method type Select the file-locking method used to protect database files on-disk. By default, SpamAssassin uses an NFS-safe locking method on UNIX; however, if you are sure that the database files you'll be using for Bayes and AWL storage will never be accessed over NFS, a non-NFS-safe locking system can be selected. This will be quite a bit faster, but may risk file corruption if the files are ever accessed by multiple clients at once, and one or more of them is accessing them through an NFS filesystem. Note that different platforms require different locking systems. The supported locking systems for type are as follows: nfssafe - an NFS-safe locking system flock - simple UNIX flock() locking win32 - Win32 locking using sysopen (..., O_CREAT|O_EXCL). nfssafe and flock are only available on UNIX, and win32 is only available on Windows. By default, SpamAssassin will choose either nfssafe or win32 depending on the platform in use. fold_headers ( 0 | 1 ) (default: 1) By default, headers added by SpamAssassin will be whitespace folded. In other words, they will be broken up into multiple lines instead of one very long one and each other line will have a tabulator prepended to mark it as a continuation of the preceding one. The automatic wrapping can be disabled here. Note that this can generate very long lines. 29 report_safe_copy_headers header_name ... If using report_safe, a few of the headers from the original message are copied into the wrapper header (From, To, Cc, Subject, Date, etc.) If you want to have other headers copied as well, you can add them using this option. You can specify multiple headers on the same line, separated by spaces, or you can just use multiple lines. envelope_sender_header Name-Of-Header SpamAssassin will attempt to discover the address used in the 'MAIL FROM:' phase of the SMTP transaction that delivered this message, if this data has been made available by the SMTP server. This is used in the EnvelopeFrom pseudo-header, and for various rules such as SPF checking. By default, various MTAs will use different headers, such as the following: X-Envelope-From Envelope-Sender X-Sender Return-Path SpamAssassin will attempt to use these, if some heuristics (such as the header placement in the message, or the absence of fetchmail signatures) appear to indicate that they are safe to use. However, it may choose the wrong headers in some mailserver configurations. (More discussion of this can be found in bug 2142 in the SpamAssassin BugZilla.) To avoid this heuristic failure, the envelope_sender_header setting may be helpful. Name the header that your MTA adds to messages containing the address used at the MAIL FROM step of the SMTP transaction. If the header in question contains < or > characters at the start and end of the email address in the right-hand side, as in the SMTP transaction, these will be stripped. If the header is not found in a message, or if it's value does not contain an @ sign, SpamAssassin will fall back to its default heuristics. (Note for MTA developers: we would prefer if the use of a single header be avoided in future, since that precludes 'downstream' spam scanning. details a better proposal using the Received headers.) example: envelope_sender_header X-SA-Exim-Mail-From describe SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME description ... Used to describe a test. This text is shown to users in the detailed report. 30 Note that test names which begin with '__' are reserved for meta-match sub-rules, and are not scored or listed in the 'tests hit' reports. Also note that by convention, rule descriptions should be limited in length to no more than 50 characters. report_charset CHARSET (default: unset) Set the MIME Content-Type charset used for the text/plain report which is attached to spam mail messages. report ...some text for a report... Set the report template which is attached to spam mail messages. See the configuration file in /usr/share/spamassassin for an example. If you change this, try to keep it under 78 columns. Each report line appends to the existing template, so use clear_report_template to restart. Tags can be included as explained above. clear_report_template Clear the report template. report_contact ...text of contact address... Set what _CONTACTADDRESS_ is replaced with in the above report text. By default, this is 'the administrator of that system', since the hostname of the system the scanner is running on is also included. report_hostname ...hostname to use... Set what _HOSTNAME_ is replaced with in the above report text. By default, this is determined dynamically as whatever the host running SpamAssassin calls itself. unsafe_report ...some text for a report... Set the report template which is attached to spam mail messages which contain a nontext/plain part. See the configuration file in /usr/share/spamassassin for an example. Each unsafe-report line appends to the existing template, so use clear_unsafe_report_template to restart. Tags can be used in this template (see above for details). clear_unsafe_report_template Clear the unsafe_report template. RULE DEFINITIONS AND PRIVILEGED SETTINGS These settings differ from the ones above, in that they are considered 'privileged'. Only users running spamassassin from their procmailrc's or forward files, or sysadmins editing a file in 31 /etc/mail/spamassassin, can use them. spamd users cannot use them in their user_prefs files, for security and efficiency reasons, unless allow_user_rules is enabled (and then, they may only add rules from below). allow_user_rules ( 0 | 1 ) (default: 0) This setting allows users to create rules (and only rules) in their user_prefs files for use with spamd. It defaults to off, because this could be a severe security hole. It may be possible for users to gain root level access if spamd is run as root. It is NOT a good idea, unless you have some other way of ensuring that users' tests are safe. Don't use this unless you are certain you know what you are doing. Furthermore, this option causes spamassassin to recompile all the tests each time it processes a message for a user with a rule in his/her user_prefs file, which could have a significant effect on server load. It is not recommended. Note that it is not currently possible to use allow_user_rules to modify an existing system rule from a user_prefs file with spamd. redirector_pattern /pattern/modifiers A regex pattern that matches both the redirector site portion, and the target site portion of a URI. Note: The target URI portion must be surrounded in parentheses and no other part of the pattern may create a backreference. Example: redirector_pattern /^https?:\/\/(?:opt\.)?chkpt\.zdnet\.com\/chkpt\/\w+\/(.*)$/i header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME header op /pattern/modifiers [if-unset: STRING] Define a test. SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME is a symbolic test name, such as 'FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS'. header is the name of a mail header, such as 'Subject', 'To', etc. Appending :raw to the header name will inhibit decoding of quoted-printable or base64 encoded strings. Appending :addr to the header name will cause everything except the first email address to be removed from the header. For example, all of the following will result in ``example@foo'': example@foo example@foo (Foo Blah) example@foo, example@bar display: example@foo (Foo Blah), example@bar ; Foo Blah <example@foo> 32 ``Foo Blah'' <example@foo> ``'Foo Blah''' <example@foo> Appending :name to the header name will cause everything except the first real name to be removed from the header. For example, all of the following will result in ``Foo Blah'' example@foo (Foo Blah) example@foo (Foo Blah), example@bar display: example@foo (Foo Blah), example@bar ; Foo Blah <example@foo> ``Foo Blah'' <example@foo> ``'Foo Blah''' <example@foo> There are several special pseudo-headers that can be specified: ALL can be used to mean the text of all the message's headers. ToCc can be used to mean the contents of both the 'To' and 'Cc' headers. EnvelopeFrom is the address used in the 'MAIL FROM:' phase of the SMTP transaction that delivered this message, if this data has been made available by the SMTP server. MESSAGEID is a symbol meaning all Message-Id's found in the message; some mailing list software moves the real 'Message-Id' to 'Resent-Message-Id' or 'X-Message-Id', then uses its own one in the 'Message-Id' header. The value returned for this symbol is the text from all 3 headers, separated by newlines. op is either =~ (contains regular expression) or !~ (does not contain regular expression), and pattern is a valid Perl regular expression, with modifiers as regexp modifiers in the usual style. Note that multi-line rules are not supported, even if you use x as a modifier. Also note that the # character must be escaped (\#) or else it will be considered to be the start of a comment and not part of the regexp. If the [if-unset: STRING] tag is present, then STRING will be used if the header is not found in the mail message. Test names must not start with a number, and must contain only alphanumerics and underscores. It is suggested that lower-case characters not be used, and names have a length of no more than 22 characters, as an informal convention. Dashes are not allowed. Note that test names which begin with '__' are reserved for meta-match sub-rules, and are not scored or listed in the 'tests hit' reports. Test names which begin with 'T_' are reserved for tests which are undergoing QA, and these are given a very low score. If you add or modify a test, please be sure to run a sanity check afterwards by running spamassassin --lint. This will avoid confusing error messages, or other tests being skipped as a side-effect. 33 header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME exists:name_of_header Define a header existence test. name_of_header is the name of a header to test for existence. This is just a very simple version of the above header tests. header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:name_of_eval_method([arguments]) Define a header eval test. name_of_eval_method is the name of a method on the Mail::SpamAssassin::EvalTests object. arguments are optional arguments to the function call. header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:check_rbl('set', 'zone' [, 'sub-test']) Check a DNSBL (a DNS blacklist or whitelist). This will retrieve Received: headers from the message, extract the IP addresses, select which ones are 'untrusted' based on the trusted_networks logic, and query that DNSBL zone. There's a few things to note: duplicated or private IPs Duplicated IPs are only queried once and reserved IPs are not queried. Private IPs are those listed in <>, <>, <>, or <> as private. the 'set' argument This is used as a 'zone ID'. If you want to look up a multiple-meaning zone like NJABL or SORBS, you can then query the results from that zone using it; but all check_rbl_sub() calls must use that zone ID. Also, if more than one IP address gets a DNSBL hit for a particular rule, it does not affect the score because rules only trigger once per message. the 'zone' argument This is the root zone of the DNSBL, ending in a period. the 'sub-test' argument This optional argument behaves the same as the sub-test argument in check_rbl_sub() below. selecting all IPs except for the originating one This is accomplished by placing '-notfirsthop' at the end of the set name. This is useful for querying against DNS lists which list dialup IP addresses; the first hop may be a dialup, but as long as there is at least one more hop, via their outgoing SMTP server, that's legitimate, and so should not gain points. If there is only one hop, that will be queried anyway, as it should be relaying via its outgoing SMTP server instead of sending directly to your MX (mail exchange). selecting IPs by whether they are trusted When checking a 'nice' DNSBL (a DNS whitelist), you cannot trust the IP addresses in Received headers that were not added by trusted relays. To test the first IP address that can be trusted, place '-firsttrusted' at the end of the set name. That should test the IP address of the relay that connected to the most remote trusted relay. 34 Note that this requires that SpamAssassin know which relays are trusted. For simple cases, SpamAssassin can make a good estimate. For complex cases, you may get better results by setting trusted_networks manually. In addition, you can test all untrusted IP addresses by placing '-untrusted' at the end of the set name. Important note -- this does NOT include the IP address from the most recent 'untrusted line', as used in '-firsttrusted' above. That's because we're talking about the trustworthiness of the IP address data, not the source header line, here; and in the case of the most recent header (the 'firsttrusted'), that data can be trusted. See the Wiki page at for more information on this. Selecting just the last external IP By using '-lastexternal' at the end of the set name, you can select only the external host that connected to your internal network, or at least the last external host with a public IP. header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:check_rbl_txt('set', 'zone') Same as check_rbl(), except querying using IN TXT instead of IN A records. If the zone supports it, it will result in a line of text describing why the IP is listed, typically a hyperlink to a database entry. header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:check_rbl_sub('set', 'sub-test') Create a sub-test for 'set'. If you want to look up a multi-meaning zone like, you can then query the results from that zone using the zone ID from the original query. The sub-test may either be an IPv4 dotted address for RBLs that return multiple A records or a non-negative decimal number to specify a bitmask for RBLs that return a single A record containing a bitmask of results, a SenderBase test beginning with ``sb:'', or (if none of the preceding options seem to fit) a regular expression. Note: the set name must be exactly the same for as the main query rule, including selections like '-notfirsthop' appearing at the end of the set name. body SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME /pattern/modifiers Define a body pattern test. pattern is a Perl regular expression. Note: as per the header tests, # must be escaped (\#) or else it is considered the beginning of a comment. The 'body' in this case is the textual parts of the message body; any non-text MIME parts are stripped, and the message decoded from Quoted-Printable or Base-64encoded format if necessary. The message Subject header is considered part of the body and becomes the first paragraph when running the rules. All HTML tags and line breaks will be removed before matching. body SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:name_of_eval_method([args]) Define a body eval test. See above. 35 uri SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME /pattern/modifiers Define a uri pattern test. pattern is a Perl regular expression. Note: as per the header tests, # must be escaped (\#) or else it is considered the beginning of a comment. The 'uri' in this case is a list of all the URIs in the body of the email, and the test will be run on each and every one of those URIs, adjusting the score if a match is found. Use this test instead of one of the body tests when you need to match a URI, as it is more accurately bound to the start/end points of the URI, and will also be faster. rawbody SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME /pattern/modifiers Define a raw-body pattern test. pattern is a Perl regular expression. Note: as per the header tests, # must be escaped (\#) or else it is considered the beginning of a comment. The 'raw body' of a message is the raw data inside all textual parts. The text will be decoded from base64 or quoted-printable encoding, but HTML tags and line breaks will still be present. The pattern will be applied line-by-line. rawbody SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:name_of_eval_method([args]) Define a raw-body eval test. See above. full SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME /pattern/modifiers Define a full message pattern test. pattern is a Perl regular expression. Note: as per the header tests, # must be escaped (\#) or else it is considered the beginning of a comment. The full message is the pristine message headers plus the pristine message body, including all MIME data such as images, other attachments, MIME boundaries, etc. full SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:name_of_eval_method([args]) Define a full message eval test. See above. meta SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME boolean expression Define a boolean expression test in terms of other tests that have been hit or not hit. For example: meta META1 TEST1 && !(TEST2 || TEST3) Note that English language operators (``and'', ``or'') will be treated as rule names, and that there is no XOR operator. meta SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME boolean arithmetic expression Can also define a boolean arithmetic expression in terms of other tests, with a hit test having the value ``1'' and an unhit test having the value ``0''. For example: meta META2 (3 * TEST1 - 2 * TEST2) > 0 36 Note that Perl builtins and functions, like abs(), can't be used, and will be treated as rule names. If you want to define a meta-rule, but do not want its individual sub-rules to count towards the final score unless the entire meta-rule matches, give the sub-rules names that start with '__' (two underscores). SpamAssassin will ignore these for scoring. tflags SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME [ {net|nice|learn|userconf|noautolearn} ] Used to set flags on a test. These flags are used in the score-determination back end system for details of the test's behaviour. Please see bayes_auto_learn for more information about tflag interaction with those systems. The following flags can be set: net The test is a network test, and will not be run in the mass checking system or if -L is used, therefore its score should not be modified. nice The test is intended to compensate for common false positives, and should be assigned a negative score. userconf The test requires user configuration before it can be used (like language- specific tests). learn The test requires training before it can be used. noautolearn The test will explicitly be ignored when calculating the score for learning systems. priority SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME n Assign a specific priority to a test. All tests, except for DNS and Meta tests, are run in increasing priority value order (negative priority values are run before positive priority values). The default test priority is 0 (zero). 37 References [1] [2] Suggested Additions: Linux email client Advanced filtering with SpamAssassin Using Bogofilter for advanced spam monitoring Server side virus scanning Sender Policy Framework 38 ECE4112 Internetwork Security Lab XX: E-Mail and Spam Reduction Answer Sheet Group Number: _________ Member Names: ___________________ Date Assigned: Date Due: Last Edited: December 06, 2006 Authored By: John Cacavias _______________________ David Jacobson Prelab Questions QP.1. What is the protocol most commonly used to send e-mail? QP.2. Why is this protocol beneficial to spammers? How can these problems be curtailed? QP.3. How do spammers circumvent the IP address of their mail server being appended to their spam e-mails? Section 2 Q2.1 Why would it be desirable for users to utilize a client based e-mail program as opposed to a webmail interface? Q2.2 What are the advantages of a webmail interface over a client based e-mail program? 39 Section 3 Q3.1 Why would a network administrator want to install a server side spam filter such as SpamAssassin? Q3.2 What are some of the potential problems associated with installing a server side spam filter? Q3.3 What is whitelisting? What is blacklisting? Q3.4 What are some of the advantages of using whitelisting and blacklisting? Q3.5 Write the commands you placed in your file to correctly whitelist and blacklist specific domains or email addresses. Section 4 Q4.1 Why is it that a user would want to set up a filter in their mail client? Q4.2 Give one example of a filter rule in outlook express and describe what it does. Section 5 Q5.1. How does training effect your spam filter? 40 Q5.2. Why would one want to set up a client side spam program in addition to the server side program? Q5.3. Is it ok to delete spam above a certain spam score? Why or Why Not? General Questions How long did it take you to complete this lab? Was it an appropriate length lab? What corrections and/or improvements do you suggest for this lab? Please be very specific and if you add new material give the exact wording and instructions you would give to future students in the new lab handout. You may cross out and edit the text of the lab on previous pages to make minor corrections/suggestions. General suggestions like add tool xyz to do more capable scanning will not be awarded extras points even if the statement is totally true. Specific text that could be cut and pasted into this lab, completed exercises, and completed solutions may be awarded additional credit. Thus if tool xyz adds a capability or additional or better learning experience for future students here is what you need to do. You should add that tool to the lab by writing new detailed lab instructions on where to get the tool, how to install it, how to run it, what exactly to do with it in our lab, example outputs, etc. You must prove with what you turn in that you actually did the lab improvement yourself. Screen shots and output hardcopy are a good way to demonstrate that you actually completed your suggested enhancements. The lab addition section must start with the form “laboratory Additions Cover Sheet”. 41 Turn-In Checklist You need to turn in: Non-Spam printout Spam printout Screenshot #1 Screenshot #2 Screenshot #3 This Lab The Answer sheet with completed answer Any Corrections or additions to the lab 42