Wunderkind Creative Brief Template

Wunderkind Creative Brief Template
What is Brand X?
(Fill in name of the brand here, followed by a succinct description.)
Why are we communicating on/about Brand X?
(Define the business and communication objectives here. Be precise about
what you want the audience to do as a result of your advertising – is it foot
traffic? Market share? Web traffic? Facebook likes? Be honest with
yourself, and if this is an advertising campaign, remember that advertising
is only one part of the larger marketing and corporate effort to sell this
product. Don’t ask one aspect of the communication to do everything.)
In terms of communication, who are our primary audiences?
(Provide a psychographic and demographic description of your core target
audiences. If possible provide a very succinct profile of your “bullseye”
What do they currently feel/think about Brand X?
(Try putting this in first person – and be empathetic to how your
consumers really feel about your brand. And be brutally honest.)
What do we want them to feel/think about Fila?
(As briefly as possible, capture the emotional state/attitude/perception you
want to achieve through your communication.)
What is the Key Insight?
(This is the hardest part, and requires real mental focus. What is the one
thing that your creative team needs to bear in mind, the one
portal/need/motivation in your target audience that will ‘unlock’ their hearts
and wallets?)
What is our Brand Promise?
(What is the underlying promise that your brand offers? And how does this
address the Key Insight?)
What is our Brand Personality?
(Don’t use a lot of adjectives here. Crisply and vividly define the
personality. Use a metaphor or analogy if you have to.)
What are our Reasons to Believe?
(Outline, in bullet form, what the “proof points” are for your brand. In other
words, why should we believe the Brand Promise?)