Sophomore Biology Practice Test for Cell Respiration with

Sophomore Biology Practice Test for Cell Respiration with Photosynthesis
Name _________________________________________________________________
Instructions: Turn in all required sheets and answers no later than the 1st 5-minutes of the
class period on Wednesday, 3-28-07.
1. Go to
a. Choose Student Center
b. Choose Unit 1
c. Choose Chapter 5
d. Do the 3 Check and Challenge
i. Print out your answer sheet and submit with this assignment
e. Do the Chapter Test
i. E-mail your answers to
2. Define
a. Anaerobic
b. Aerobic
c. Cellular Respiration
d. General Respiration
3. Identify the location where in the cell each of the following processes occurs.
a. Glycolysis
b. Fermentation
c. Kreb’s Cycle
d. Electron Transport Chain/Oxidative Phosphorylation [Respiration]
e. Light Reaction
f. Calvin Cycle
4. Summarize the 1st half of Glycolysis. Include the starting and ending materials
and what energy molecules are made and/or used and in what amounts. Include
also a “carbon count.”
5. Summarize the 2nd half of Glycolysis. Include the starting and ending materials
and what energy molecules are made and/or used and in what amounts. Include
also a “carbon count.”
6. Summarize the process of Fermentation. Include the starting and ending materials
and what energy molecules are made and/or used and in what amounts. Include
also a “carbon count.” Identify the 2 different types and what type of organism
might do each.
7. Give an energy summary for Anaerobic Cellular Respiration. Include energy
molecules made and used, where each is made and used and the net energy result
of the process.
8. Summarize the Kreb’s Cycle [with the pre-step]. Include the starting and ending
materials and what energy molecules are made and/or used and in what amounts.
Include also a “carbon count.”
9. Summarize the Electron Transport Chain/Oxidative Phosphorylation
[Respiration]. Include the starting and ending materials and what energy
molecules are made and/or used and in what amounts. Include also an
explanation of the role of hydrogen ions and oxygen gas in the process.
10. Give an energy summary for Aerobic Cellular Respiration. Include energy
molecules made and used, where each is made or used and the net energy result of
the process.
11. In chart form, compare and contrast Anaerobic Cellular Respiration with Aerobic
Cellular Respiration. Be certain to specify those things that are similarities as
well as those that are differences.
12. In chart form, compare and contrast Aerobic Cellular Respiration with
Photosynthesis. Be certain to specify those things that are similarities as well as
those that are differences