Name _____________________________ Section ______ Scaled Distances of the Solar System Solar System Object Distance from Sun in MILES (mi) 0 Distance from Sun in KILOMETERS (km) 0 Planet Mercury 36 million 58 million Planet Venus 67 million 108 million 93 million 150 million Planet Mars 142 million 228 million Planet Jupiter 484 million 778 million Planet Saturn 887 million 1,427 million Planet Uranus 1,784 million 2,871 million Planet Neptune 2,794 million 4,497 million Sun (star) Planet Earth Distance from (AU) 0 1.0 FYI: One AU represents the distance from the Earth to the Sun. 1 AU = 93 million MILES (93,000,000 mi) 1 AU = 150 million KILOMETERS (150,000,000 km) NOTE: If you choose to use miles as your reference, then divide each number by 93. NOTE: If you choose to use km as your reference, then divide each number by 150. Directions: 1. Using either miles or kilometers, convert the distances into Astronomical Units (AU). 2. On each of the nine notecards you prepared in the size scale activity, write the distance from the Sun in Astronomical Units. 3. Determine the total number of meter stick lengths you will need to show the scaled distances of the planets from the Sun. (One meter stick will represent one AU.) * Total number of meter stick lengths you will need: _________ 4. You will be given five meter sticks. Starting at the location that your teacher assigns to your group, lay out the meter sticks end to end, to measure out the scaled distances. 5. Place the Sun and planet notecards on the floor at the correct locations to show where the Sun and planets would be on your scale model of our Solar System. (FYI: Pluto is 39.53 AU from the Sun.) 6. Show the teacher your scale model for Solar System distances. Teacher Check: _____ Conclusion Questions: 1. A) Write a statement that compares the differences in distance between the inner planets to the outer planets in our Solar System? (What did you visually notice?) B) What surprised you about the distances? A) ________________________________________________________ B) ________________________________________________________ 2. If there were two (2) new planets discovered, one between Earth and Mars (Planet Y), and the other between Saturn and Uranus (Planet Z), describe the characteristics you would expect for each planet using the T-chart below. Make a comparison T-chart and include the following: (A) gaseous or rocky, (B) few or lots of moons, (C) atmospheric composition, (D) gravity compared to Earth (E) average surface temp: hot, med or cool, (F) rings or no rings, (G) other characteristics… NOTE: The T-chart data table is on the back of this sheet. T-Chart of Characteristics for Planet Y and Planet Z PLANET Y A) B) C) D) E) F) G) PLANET Z