A Lynn, Huggins, Academia de derecho y de negocios Academia de derecho y de negocios Merrill f. West High School (209) 830-3380 Ext. 4022 lhuggins@tusd.net Horario de oficina: Lunes, 11-11:45 am 12: 45-1:45 mañana el martes hasta el viernes ENTREPRENUERSHIP/iniciativa empresarial y economía OBJETIVOS GENERALES ¡ Bienvenido! ¿Sabías que siete de cada diez alumnos soñar con abrir su propio negocio? Muchos jóvenes dude en adentrarse en empresas porque tienen poca o ninguna experiencia en el mundo de los negocios y la falta de formación. Nuestro mundo de negocios global es madura con grandes oportunidades para experimentar y este curso está diseñado como su guía para su confianza y su lugar en los negocios con la administración de vital y habilidades de planificación para garantizar el éxito! MATERIALES NECESARIOS: Iniciativa empresarial 2E, suroeste publicación Co.2nd edición, McGraw-Hill. Los estudiantes que vienen a clase con una pluma, lápiz y papel de cuaderno. Impresiones de estudiante de asignaciones y de materiales distribuidos deben mantener en un lugar apropiado, como un cuaderno y trajo a clase diariamente. Los estudiantes son mantener el equipo de tecnología de acuerdo con las directivas de equipo TUSD. Política de gestión de libros de texto: Todos los estudiantes deben llevar su libro de texto y el libro a clase a diario. Los estudiantes necesitan cubrir libros y mantener el control de los libros de texto y libros en todo momento. Los libros de texto o libros a la izquierda en la clase se quedan en situación de riesgo del estudiante y tendrán que ser reemplazado si falta o dañado. Ningún conjunto de clase está disponible para los cursos de negocios. OBJETIVOS DE RENDIMIENTO EMPRESARIAL 2E I. entrar en el negocio para usted mismo a. comprender lo que un emprendedor es b. reconocer qué características contribuyen al éxito de un empresario c. reconocer qué nuevas tendencias afectan a las pequeñas empresas f. reconocer el papel de la tecnología en los negocios de hoy e. poder localizar los mercados globales II. investigación y planificación de su empresa a. comprender el funcionamiento de un plan de negocios b. reconocer quiénes son sus clientes y cómo llegar a éstas c. reconocer qué tipo de propiedad es mejor d. saber requisitos, códigos y leyes necesarias e. poder elegir una ubicación de buen negocio III. Administración de estrategias de mercado a. desarrollar planes y objetivos de marketing b. llegar a un precio c. crear un plan promocional d. aplicar los pasos en el proceso de venta IV. gestión de los procesos del negocio a. Cómo crear un Plan de gestión b. lo que se necesita para ser un buen gestor c. Cómo establecer controles de inventario d. el proceso de establecimiento de políticas operativas e. Cómo reconocer problemas posible empleado V. gestión de las finanzas de su negocio a. reconocer fuentes para obtener financiamiento b. comprender cómo maximizar ganancias c. desarrollar habilidades de toma de decisiones relacionadas con la ampliación de crédito d. ser capaz de entender e interpretar los registros financieros y negocios VI. el crecimiento de su empresa a. reconoce los riesgos empresariales y cómo reducirlas b. reconocer oportunidades de crecimiento, dentro y fuera de su mercado c. comprender por qué es necesario un código de ética escrito OBJETIVOS DE RENDIMIENTO DE ALFABETIZACIÓN INFORMÁTICA 1. El estudiante con éxito será demostrar responsabilidad en el uso adecuado y cuidar equipos incluyendo: computadoras, monitores, teclados, impresoras, disquetes y equipos conexos. 2. El alumno será capaz de teclado de mecanografía: palabras, frases, párrafos y informes que contienen vocabulario encontrado en el curso de operaciones comerciales de rutina. 3. El estudiante demostrará la capacidad de utilizar un programa de procesamiento de textos. El estudiante se dará muestras de cartas, informes y varios otros documentos que, a continuación, se organizarán en formato de negocio básico. 4. El estudiante aplicará habilidades de procesamiento de texto a una asignación de otra clase. 5. El alumno adquirirá un conocimiento básico de los equipos y su aplicación en el mundo moderno. 6. El alumno se utilice adecuadamente los sitios de internet y completa tutoriales proporcionados por el juego de bolsa –Dept. de educación, aplicación informática, Micro tipo Pro, clave Champ o negocio Virtual durante cualquier tiempo libre de forma independiente supervisada por el instructor del laboratorio de negocio. DIRECTIVAS DE EQUIPO Todas las clases de equipo en West High School se celebran en laboratorios informáticos (laboratorios). Los equipos de los laboratorios están interconectados a través de una red informática. Este es un sistema muy sofisticado y simula el entorno profesional que los estudiantes se encuentran en la comunidad empresarial. Debido a la complejidad de la red informática, es obligatorio que todos los estudiantes seguir estrictamente las instrucciones del profesor en todo momento. Violación del acuerdo de tecnología WHS puede dar lugar a la restricción del uso de equipo TUSD y puede resultar en la eliminación de un curso de informática en función. Se espera que los alumnos: 1. Muestran un comportamiento favorable para un entorno de aprendizaje en todo momento mientras que en el laboratorio de computación. 2. Obedecer todas las reglas. 3. El estudiante demostrará la capacidad de utilizar un programa de procesamiento de textos. El estudiante se dará muestras de cartas, informes y varios otros documentos que, a continuación, se organizarán en formato de negocio básico. 4. El estudiante aplicará habilidades de procesamiento de texto a una asignación de otra clase. 5. El alumno adquirirá un conocimiento básico de los equipos y su aplicación en el mundo moderno. 2 6. El estudiante utilizará app de sitios de internet. Lynn A, Huggins, Academy for Business and Law Academy for Business and Law Merrill F. West High School (209) 830-3380 Ext. 4022 lhuggins@tusd.net Office Hours: Mon., 11-11:45 a.m. 12:45-1:45 a.m. Tues. thru Fri ENTREPRENEURSHIP/ENTREPRENUERSHIP & ECONOMICS GENERAL OBJECTIVES Welcome! Did you know that seven out of ten high school students dream about opening their own business? Many young people hesitate to venture into business enterprises because they have little or no experience in the business world and lack training. Our global business world is ripe with vast opportunities to experience, and this course is designed as your guide to building your confidence and taking your place in business with vital management and planning skills to ensure success! MATERIALS NEEDED: Entrepreneurship 2E, South-Western Publishing Co.2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill. Students are required to come to class with a pen, pencil, and notebook paper. Student printouts of assignments and any materials distributed should be kept in an appropriate place, such as a binder, and brought to class daily. Students are to maintain technology equipment according to TUSD computer policies. Textbook Management Policy: All students must bring their textbook and workbook to class on a daily basis. Students need to cover books and maintain control of textbooks and workbooks at all times. Any textbooks or workbooks left in the class are left at the student’s risk and will need to be replaced if missing or damaged. No class sets are available for business courses. ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2E PERFORMANCE GOALS I. Going Into Business For Yourself a. Understand what an entrepreneur is b. Recognize what characteristics contribute to an entrepreneur’s success c. Recognize what new trends affect small businesses d. Recognize the role of technology in today’s business e. Be able to locate global markets II. Researching and Planning Your Venture a. Understand how a business plan works b. Recognize who your customers are and how to reach them c. Recognize what type of ownership is best d. Know necessary laws, codes, and requirements 3 III. IV. V. VI. e. Be able to choose a good business location Managing Market Strategies a. Develop marketing objectives and plans b. Arrive at a price c. Create a promotional plan d. Implement the steps in the selling process Managing Your Business Processes a. How to create a Management Plan b. What it takes to become a good manager c. How to establish inventory controls d. The process of establishing operating policies e. How to recognize prospective employee problems Managing the Finances of Your Business a. Recognize sources to obtain funding b. Understand how to maximize profit c. Develop decision-making skills related to extending credit d. Be able to understand and interpret business and financial records Growing Your business a. Recognize business risks and how to reduce them b. Recognize growth opportunities within and outside your market c. Understand why a written code of ethics is necessary 4 COMPUTER LITERACY PERFORMANCE GOALS 1. The student will successfully demonstrate responsibility in proper use and care for equipment including: computers, monitors, keyboards, printers, diskettes, and related equipment. 2. The student will be able to keyboard by touch typing: words, sentences, paragraphs and reports containing vocabulary found in the course of routine business operations. 3. The student will demonstrate the ability to use a word processing program. The student will be given sample letters, reports, and various other documents that then will be arranged in basic business format. 4. The student will apply word processing skills to an assignment from another class. 5. The student will gain a basic knowledge of computers and their application in the modern world. 6. The student will use internet sites appropriately and complete tutorials provided by The Stock Market Game – Dept. of Education, Computer Application Skills, Micro Type Pro, Key Champ, or Virtual Business during any free time at an independent level as monitored by the business lab instructor. COMPUTER POLICIES All computer classes at West High School are held in computer laboratories (labs). The computers in the labs are interconnected through a Computer Network. This is a very sophisticated system and simulates the business-like environment that students will find in the business community. Because of the complexity of the computer network, it is mandatory that all students strictly follow the instructions of the teacher at all times. Violation of the WHS Technology Agreement can result in restriction from TUSD computer use and may result in removal from a computer based course. Students are expected to: 1. Exhibit behavior that is conducive to a learning environment at all times while in the computer lab. 2. Obey all rules and guidelines as stated in the District’s Computer Use Agreement. 3. Remain in the Microsoft Windows Program areas that are set aside for student access. 4. Never disconnect or remove any computer devices (mouse) or cables from the computer network. 5. Any mishandling or destruction of equipment or class set textbook in the computer lab will be dealt with immediately and severely. Students will be assigned a computer seat by number and corresponding textbook for that computer station. Students may only use their computer station and accompanying texts. Any damage must be reported immediately or it will be assumed that it occurred during your use. CLASS PROCEDURES Students are expected to: 1. Come to class prepared to learn. 2. Follow the teacher’s directions, pay attention, and stay on task. 5 3. Begin work as soon as the class period begins. 4. Get your daily assignment from the board. 5. Be responsible for saving work frequently during class period. 6. Students are to plan to use restrooms during passing, break, or lunch recesses. If you know that you are ill, notify the teacher immediately and sign out of class on the Class Log listing where you are going and document your time leaving, returning, and reason for trip. Students always need a pass to leave class for any reason. Any passes requested by a student for personal reasons requiring a student to leave class will be counted as a tardy. 7. Do not ask to go to the office or to see a counselor during the class period. You are to conduct this type of business during breaks, lunch, and before and after school. CLASS RULES 1. Respect your fellow students’ right to learn. 2. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated 3. KEEP ALL FOOD, DRINKS, GUM AND SUNFLOWER SEEDS OUT OF THE COMPUTER LAB! THIS RULE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED! 4. Do not talk while the teacher is talking. You must raise your hand and then be given permission to speak. 5. Remain in your seat at all times. You must be given permission to leave your assigned seat for any reason. In addition, students are expected to comply with all the rules found in the West High School Student Handbook and the Tracy Public Schools Computer Agreement. CONSEQUENCES If a student chooses not to follow the established class or school rules, appropriate actions will be taken. The sequence of actions is listed below. Severe disruptions will result in an immediate referral to office. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Verbal Warning Discussion of the offense and expected change in behavior. A call to the student’s parents or guardian. Detention* Referral to the Office* *Parents or guardian will be notified. ATTENDANCE AND TARDIES Attendance: A student’s academic success is directly related to their attendance. Because this is a skills based class, student success is directly dependent on the time they spend practicing their computer skills. Therefore, regular attendance is a vital part of the curriculum. Tardies: A student’s future success as an employee is heavily based on their ability to get to work on time. This also applies to academic success. Students are expected to be in their seats, quiet, and ready to work when class 6 begins or they are considered tardy. The school’s attendance and tardy policies will be strictly enforced as outlined in the WHS Student Handbook. These are vital work habits for students to learn. 1& 2nd consequences are to tidy up and push in chairs before leaving lab. # TARDY 1, 2 3, 4 5 6 7 CONSEQUENCE(S) Teacher consequence – Tidy Up Classroom and Push In Chairs One 20-minute detention before or after school is assigned. Parent notified by teacher. Referral to Assistant Principal. Assigned 2 hours of Saturday School or 2 lunch time campus community service assignments (Ed Code 48900.6). Parent notified by AP. Referral to Assistant Principal. Assigned 4 hours of Saturday School or 4 lunch time campus community service assignments (Ed Code 48900.6). Parent notified by AP. Referral to Assistant Principal. Assignment to in-house suspension. Parents contacted by AP to schedule Discipline Attendance Review Team meeting (DART). Further consequences determined by DART contract. ASSIGNMENTS AND HOMEWORK POLICY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All class assignments and homework due dates will be posted on the board. Ample time will be given to complete each assignment. Assignments must be completed in class, observable by instructor to receive credit stamp. Students must bring their own textbook to class each day to receive credit stamp. Keep all work for the entire semester. Your assignments are a vital resource to study for tests and quizzes. In the event of an error, you will need your assignment as proof of the error before the grade will be changed. All computer assignments must be done in the lab while under the supervision of the instructor. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This is in keeping with the policies of the business world to get your work done on time. MAKE-UP WORK Excused Absences: All students with an excused absence will be allowed to turn in make-up work. The amount of time allowed to make up this work will be equal to the time absent. School Approved Activities: All students attending school-approved activities will be allowed to make-up work based on the same criteria described in “Excused Absences.” Students must notify the instructor before attending school activities. Unexcused Absences: Students who miss class because they are on out of school suspension will not be given any time extension to complete their assignments and may not make-up quizzes or tests. Students who miss class because of tardiness, in-school suspension, or other disciplinary reasons will be allowed to turn in make-up work. The amount of time allowed to make up this work will be equal to the time absent. GRADING POLICY Grades will be based on total points earned divided by total points possible. The points received will then be applied to the following point scale: 94-100% 90-93% 88-89% 83-87% A AB+ B 78-79% 73-77% 70-72% 68-69% C+ C CD+ 7 60-62% 0-59% DF 80-82% B- 63-67% D The quarter grades will count 80% toward the semester grade, and the class final will count 20% toward the semester grade. Grade printouts will be issued throughout the semester. ACADEMIC HONESTY Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student who cheats on an assignment, quiz, or test will receive a zero, and the administration will be notified for action in accordance with the Student Handbook Homework Policy IN ACCORDANCE WITH TUSD SCHOOL BOARD POLICY 6145 Per night, 9-12 students will typically average two hours of homework per night. 9-12 students may be given limited homework on holidays and weekends to meet course objectives and acquisition of skills. Students in advanced classes may receive more homework, including summer reading. Unfinished classroom work may be sent home to be completed but should not be required in addition to homework. Unfinished classroom work can be done at recess and after school. Regular reading at home on a nightly basis is encouraged but not required in addition to the assigned homework. Discipline & Tardy Policy as outlined in the WHS Student handbook: DISCIPLINE POLICY AND CONSEQUENCES AT WEST HIGH SCHOOL Offense # 1 Teacher Consequences Teacher consequence – may include verbal warning, seat change, conference, packet work, teacher detention. Teacher makes contact with parent. 2 Teacher consequence – may include verbal warning, seat change, conference, packet work, teacher detention. Teacher makes contact with parent. 3 Referral to counselor; teacher and counselor make contact with parent. Discipline & Attendance Review Team (DART) held. 4 Referral to administration for assignment of detention. Student may be returned to classroom once detention has been assigned. OR Teacher suspension from class (Documented in accordance with Ed. Code 48910: as soon as possible the teacher shall ask the parent or guardian to attend a parent/ teacher conference regarding the suspension.) Administrative Consequences 5 Assignment of Saturday School (2 - 4 hr. assignment; 8:00 am – 12:00 pm) 6 Full day placement in-house suspension (held on Friday during normal school hours) 7+ Home suspension with parent conference. Violations of a more serious nature will be dealt with appropriately at administration’s discretion. 8 FIILM, MEDIA CLIP, & WEB SITE TECHNOLOGY & COURSE SYLLABUS AGREEMENT & PERMISSION FORM I have read and understand the rules, procedures, and policies required in International Business, Business Law/Intro to Law, Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurship and Economics, and/or Criminal Justice/Law Order and Public Policy/ Merrill F. West High School’s Academy for Business and Law and agree to comply with all the computer policies of the Tracy Unified School District as well as policies contained in the West High School Student Handbook. My Student has permission to view business related web sites, films, and media clips that include Court TV as assigned by and supervised by the instructor only. STUDENT INFORMATION XX________________________________/________ ***Student Signature Date Home Address:___________________________________________________ Print Student Name Period:_______________ __________________________________________ Home Number: _____________________________Cell:__________________ PARENT GUARDIAN INFORMATION XX________________________________/________ ***Parent Signature Date Home Address:___________________________________________________ Print Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________________ Home Number: _____________________________Cell:__________________Work____________________________ PARENT GUARDIAN INFORMATION XX________________________________/________ ***Parent Signature Date Home Address:___________________________________________________ Print Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________________ Home Number: _____________________________Cell:__________________Work____________________________ 9