PACK 505 VOLUNTEER JOB DESCRIPTIONS PACK COMMITTEE POSITIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Conduct a pack planning session early in August each year to prepare for the upcoming year. Attend the District program kickoff meeting at the end of August and distribute information to the pack committee. Plan and conduct new scout Round-Up meetings in the Fall to recruit new boys into the pack. Register new scouts and leaders with the Scout Office. Attend Cub Scout Leader Basic Training, monthly Roundtables, and Super Saturdays (aka Pow Wow) as possible. Organize a Family Volunteers program to recruit parents at the September and April roundups to lead pack activities. Work with these volunteers throughout the year to make sure that each activity or event happens as planned. Make sure that the Pack recharters on time each January. Pick up recharter information at the November/December Roundtable, obtain check from pack Treasurer, complete paperwork and return entire packet to the Scout office by February 15th or February Roundtable. Confer with Cubmaster on policy matters relating to the Cub Scout Program. Using input from the committee, make recommendations for adult leaders to the Den and Webelos Leader Coaches and Cubmaster. Chair the pack committee Plan and conduct monthly committee meetings. Establish responsibilities for committee members. Provide training for committee members as needed. Find adequate facilities for pack meetings. Schedule on the Canterbury Calendar for the entire year. Make sure the pack follows the guidelines for room usage published by Canterbury. CUBMASTER Conduct program according to the policies of the Boy Scouts of America. Attend Cub Scout Leader Basic Training, monthly Roundtables and Super Saturdays (aka Pow Wow) as possible. Working with the Assistant Cubmaster, plan and carryout the September – May monthly pack meetings. Work with the pack committee on: Program ideas Selecting and recruiting adult leaders Establishing a budget plan Establish and maintain good relationships with the local Boy Scout Troops. Assist the pack committee chairman in conducting the annual pack meeting session in August and the monthly committee meetings. Conduct impressive award, advancement and graduation ceremonies. Meet with applicable Scoutmasters, to establish plans for smooth Webelos-to-Scout transitions. Work with the Den Leaders and Webelos Leaders to make sure all dens are functioning well. Keep THE BOYS as a primary focus and help them better themselves through Cub Scouting. ASSISTANT CUBMASTER 1 & 2 Assist the Cubmaster as needed. Be ready to take over the leadership of the pack, if necessary. Attend Cub Scout Leader Basic Training and monthly Roundtables as possible. Assist the Cubmaster at every pack meeting. Make them fun by leading songs, skits and applauses. Assist the Cubmaster with awards, advancement and graduation ceremonies. Work with the pack committee to develop and promote an ongoing plan for recruiting new boys. This includes organizing the September round-ups: Order flyers and posters at the scout office and Distribute flyers through school. Participate in the pack’s annual planning session in August and in monthly committee meetings. Keep THE BOYS as a primary focus and help them better themselves through Cub Scouting!!! TREASURER Help the pack committee and Cubmaster establish a sound financial program with a pack budget plan. Present proposed budget at the September committee meeting for approval at the October pack meeting. Maintain a bank account in the name of the pack and arrange for all transactions to be signed by the Cubmaster or Committee Chairman and the Treasurer. Check all disbursements against the budget and pay bills by check. Keep up-to-date financial records. Enter all income and expenditures under the appropriate budget items. Report all expenditures and deposits. Attend the monthly committee meetings and report on the pack’s financial conditions. Provide a cash box at fund raising and fees collection events when needed. Attend Cub Scout Leader Basic Training. PACK SECRETARY Record minutes at monthly committee meetings and distribute to all present & absent committee members SCOUT ADVANCEMENT COORDINATOR Keep the Pack Record Book up-to-date. At the end of the year it becomes part of the permanent pack record. Collect Den Advancement Reports from all den leaders at the committee meeting. Purchase badges and awards at the scout center and prepare them for the Cubmaster to present at pack meetings. Meet with the Cubmaster monthly to help plan and conduct induction, advancement and graduation ceremonies. Coordinate and promote the use of Sports and Academic awards. TIGER CUB DEN LEADER Introduce boys and their adult partners to the excitement of Cub Scouting as they live the Tiger Cub motto: Search, Discover, Share. Plans a year of activities, featuring the key to the Tiger Cub program—shared leadership. Each boy-adult team hosts one or more months of Tiger Cub activities with the support of the Tiger Cub den leader. These activities include a den meeting, a Go See It activity (a den field trip), and a pack meeting each month. The Tiger Cub den leader coordinates the den’s participation in the pack meeting. CUB SCOUT DEN LEADER (WOLF, BEAR, WEBELOS 1, WEBELOS II) The main responsibilities of the Cub Scout and Webelos den leaders can be summarized as follows: Work directly with other den and pack leaders to ensure that their den is an active and successful part of the pack. Plan, prepare for, and conduct den meetings with the assistant den leader and den chief. Attend the pack leaders' meetings. Lead the den at the monthly pack activity. Structure den activities to be conducive for earning achievements, belt-loops, pins and other awards toward the path of earning rank, including the Webelos badge and Arrow of Light Award. non-PACK COMMITTEE POSITIONS HISTORIAN / PHOTOGRAPHER Solicit photographs from pack families and den leaders. Create a scrap book of all our activities and display it at pack meetings. WEB-SITE / NEWSLETTER COORDINATOR Maintain the Pack website. Solicit pictures, announcements and calendars from pack leadership and HISTORIAN / PHOTOGRAPHER Write a regular (monthly, semi-weekly or quarterly) pack newsletter and distribute it to all pack families at each pack meeting. Publicize and promote pack events in Home & School newsletter and community newspapers, when appropriate. RELIGIOUS AWARDS COORDINATOR Participate in the pack annual planning session in August and necessary monthly committee meetings. Offer and encourage families to work with their scouts on the religious awards (God & Me, Light of Christ, etc…), provide program booklets and upon completion of the award, coordinate review session with Pastor Purchase medals Arrange to have names of scouts earning religious awards published in the Church bulletin and Scouter Compass. SUMMER CAMPING COORDINATOR (Summer 2007) Attend camping kickoff in December Coordinate camp date selection with individual activity coordinators Provide sign-ups and arrange camping promotion presentation in January. PARADES COORDINATOR (2007 Season) 1 person needed to plan, promote and implement Pack 505’s participation in 4 annual Greendale Parades: Memorial Day, 4th of July, Village Daze, and Veteran’s Day,. Our group must be registered with Greendale Celebrations, or applicable, committee American, State and Pack flags obtained from, and returned to, storage at Canterbury basement. FUNDRAISERS WREATH SALES (September – November 2006) 13 People needed to organize and run the wreath sale. Detailed folder is provided. 1-Coordinator (Requires advanced planning) 1-Flyers, orders, finances 1-Prize selection, purchase, award 10-Order pickup crew, organization & distribution (1 Day only) FRIENDS OF SCOUTING (November 2006) Organize and run the “Friends of Scouting” annual fundraising appeal, sponsored by the council office. Presented at the November pack meeting, but communicated to the pack earlier. Detailed folder provided. SERVICE PROJECTS SCOUTING FOR FOOD (March 2007) 1 person needed to organize the distribution of bags and collection of food during this annual Scouting of Food drive. Detailed folder is provided. CANTERBURY CLEAN-UP (May 2007) 2 persons are needed organize, schedule and run a clean-up of Canterbury Elementary grounds to coincide with May Pack Meeting. A BBQ afterward (between the clean-up and Pack Meeting) has worked well in the past OUTREACH COORDINATOR 1 Person needed to plan, organize and implement a Pack 505 Outreach activity. This can include reaching out to underprivileged, inner city and/or newly formed local packs with their activities. SPECIAL PACK EVENTS BLUE AND GOLD CELEBRATION (February 2007) 5+ people work together to arrange program, decorations, invitations and food/ buffet for the Blue and Gold Dinner Committee should consist of at least a representative family from each Den/Age group. Must be coordinated with the Cubmaster and Pack Committee. Detailed folder is provided. PINEWOOD DERBY (March 2007) Team works together beginning in October to plan the Derby to be held in March 2007. Purchase Pinewood Derby kits and distribute them in December at the pack meeting. Coordinate and run a “how to build a Pinewood Derby racer” clinic prior to the race. Detailed folder is provided. OUTINGS SCOUT NIGHT @ MILWAUKEE BREWERS (July 24, 2006) Post sign up sheets and promote event at May Pack Meeting and over the Summer Send ticket order form and collect money from attendees SAFE HALLOWEEN (October 2006) 1 person needed to coordinate sign-up early, as soon as council circulates the information. This event is held at Indian Mound Reservation (IMR). All family members are invited. FAMILY SWIM NIGHT (November 2006) 1 person needed to organize and coordinate outing at Greendale High School pool. Reserve pool Teach Swimming Belt Loop to Tiger Scouts. WINTER OUTDOORS ACTIVITY COORDINATOR (January 2007) (Here are some suggestions) WINTER CABIN CAMP IMR 3 people needed to coordinate this fun winter outing held at Indian Mound Reservation (IMR). Detailed folder is provided. 1 person to sign up for cabin in September of previous year at Council sign up night person to promote event at October pack meeting, develop sign ups, collect fees etc. 2 people to organize weekend activities, meals, equipment needs etc OR (optional) WINTER EVENT/KLONDIKE DERBY 2 people needed to coordinate this “winter fun” event held at Indian Mound Reservation (IMR). 1 person to promote the event and coordinate sign-up. 1 person to organize and man our pack game, with the help of 3 other volunteers of your choosing. OR (optional) WINTER SLEDDING EVENT AT ROSS LODGE 1 person to pick date and reserve Ross Lodge, coordinate signups 3 persons for menu planning & food preparation (WOLF Den Parents suggested) BOWLING (February 2007) 1 person needed to organize and coordinate outing at a local bowling alley. SCOUT NIGHT @ MILWAUKEE ADMIRALS, BUCKS AND/OR WAVE GAME (Spring 2007) 1 person needed to coordinate sign-up and purchasing of tickets (The teams do hold special Scout Day/Night games – Watch for flyers showing special dates and rates). FISHING DERBY (May – August 2007) 2 persons needed to plan, promote and run the annual fishing derby at Scout Lake. Reserve the Scout Lake shelter & kitchen. Prepare light meal: hotdogs, etc. Award prizes for fish caught Award prizes thru lottery/raffle giveaway