Citizenship Workshop Template

Siga Adelante
Benefits of Citizenship: Lesson 1
Prepared by:
Tulsa City County Library
1) To present the benefits of becoming a citizen
2) To present the steps to citizenship
3) To increase awareness of where to get help
4) To encourage participation in ESL literacy services
Citizenship Warm-up activity
Materials needed for warm-up
1) Welcome by facilitator/interpreter
 Conduct the icebreaker as described in
Icebreaker attachment A2.
 Divide the participants into groups of three or
four. Explain that each group will work
together to answer some questions and they
have 10 minutes to determine the answers.
Advise the group they can write the answers
or report them verbally.
 Distribute questions from Icebreaker
attachment A3. After 10 minutes, the
facilitator will spend 5 minutes getting group
1)Icebreaker attachment A2
Icebreaker A2
Icebreaker questions attachment A3
Icebreaker questions
2) Pre/post-test attachment A1
Pre/post test A1
2) Conduct Pre/post-test attachment A1.
 Questions may be presented in Spanish and
English. Participants will answer with a show
of hands and the facilitator will record the
number of responses on the Pre/Post Test
Questions form.
Siga Adelante
Citizenship Learning Activities
Materials needed for learning activities
1) Facilitator/interpreter will
1) Flip chart/markers
Have participants to remain in groups and ask
each group to discuss the benefits of
citizenship. Each group should agree on one
benefit to report to the large group. Facilitator
may list benefits on a flip chart or white board
as the reports are given.
Distribute the brochure, Benefits of
Citizenship, and discuss each benefit.
Benefits of Citizenshipattachment A4.
As an alternative, show PowerPoint, Benefits
of Citizenshipattachment A5.
2) Benefits of Citizenshipattachment A4
Benefits of
Citizenship A4
3) Benefits of Citizenshipattachment A5
Benefits PowerPoint
2) Distribute a handout of local resources in the
community (i.e. churches, attorneys, government
entities, library, literacy councils, etc.) and explain
what they do to help immigrants.
4) Handout of local resources including
churches, attorneys, government entities,
library, literacy councils. May include
contact information for Catholic Charities,
INS Support Centers or statewide
resources. Include addresses, phone
numbers, contact persons.
Materials needed for conclusion
1) Facilitator/interpreter will
 Use pre-selected easy questions on
flashcards to encourage the participants to
demonstrate that they already know some of
the answers. Flash cardsattachment A6
 Ask a question from the flashcard and have
participants speak or hold up the card with the
answer or
 Using a set of 6 cards (questions & answers)
ask participants to work in pairs with one
partner asking a question and have the other
find the answer. Cards are then given to
participant to study at home.
 Inform participants that the activity in the next
meeting will be to become familiar with
remaining questions.
1) flashcards—1 set for each participant, 6
easy questions with answers—obtained from under
Education and Resources
2) Flash cardsattachment A6
Flash cards A6
3) a copy of the 6 flashcard questions for
each participant. Flash cards can be
purchased through the U.S. Government
Printing Office (GPO). To order hard
copies of the Civics Flash Cards call 1866-512-1800 (toll-free). Approximately
$9+ per set.
4) Post-test attachment A1
2) Conduct the Post-test attachment A1
Post test A1
3) Urge participants to attend upcoming sessions and
invite others to attend.
5) library card applications—bilingual
4) Explain benefits of a library card and distribute
applications. Library staff member will be available
to assist with library card registrations.
Siga Adelante
Benefits of a library card attachment A7
How to get a library card attachment A8
5) Invite participants to enroll in ESL literacy classes.
6) Lead tour of the library.
7) Introduce the library’s public use computers
 use of mouse
 demonstrate how to find previously
bookmarked citizenship related web sites
 identify a minimum of three citizenshiprelated internet sites containing Spanish
language content
6) Benefits of a library card attachment
Benefits of library
card A7
7) How to get a library card attachment
How to get a library
card A8
8) Bilingual library card application
Extensions/Expansions/Support activities
1) Children’s activities
During the time adults are in session, support staff will provide computer and other citizenship
awareness activities for the children of the participants to increase information and encourage use of
library facilities. Activities may include
 Games from Ben’s Guide—
 Technology activities, English/Spanish—
 Reading of books from the children’s book list
1) La bandera que amamos/The Flag We Love), Pam Muñoz Ryan ISBN 1570915199
2) El águila Americana. Símbolos americanos/The American Eagle: American Symbols,
Lynda Sorensen, ISBN 1559160667
3) La bandera de estrellas centelleantes: el himno nacional/The Flag Of Gleaming Stars:
The National Anthem, Catherine Welch, ISBN 0822531143
4) La declaración de derechos. Documentos que formaron la nación/The Bill Of Rights.
Documents That Formed The Nation, David and Patricia Armentrout ISBN 1595156461
5) La constitucion/The Constitution, Warren Colman ISBN 1516312316
6) La carta de derechos/The Bill Of Rights, Warren Colman ISBN 151612324
7) Una union mas perfecta: La historia de nuestra constitucion/A More Perfect Union: The
History Of Our Constitution, Betsy and Guiulio Maestro ISBN 0688101925
2) Adult activities
 A Spanish, bilingual and easy reading book display and book list of citizenship related items
found in the library to encourage use of library facilities and to assist families in seeking
 Tour of the library
 Use public access computers to access bookmarked websites
Siga Adelante
Support resources for all lessons
Citizenship: Ready for the Interview, New Readers Press
Citizenship: Passing the Test, New Readers Press
Citizenship Q&A, New Readers Press
Short Lessons in U.S. History, New Readers Press
Citizenship: Ready for the Interview, New Readers Press
Road to Citizenship, New Readers Press
The INS Citizenship Interview: Will They Pass?, ISBN 4031, New Readers Press
Websites for use with children
Technology activities, English/Spanish—
Websites for use with adult activities
Citizenship activities—
Civil rights—
Naturalization guide—
Naturalization self test—
click Education & Resources, then Civics and Citizenship Study Materials, then Naturalization Self Test
Rights and responsibilities—
Technology—activities for adults and children, English/Spanish—
Technology—how to use the mouse, Spanish–
Tulsa City-County Library Hispanic Resource Center—
White House—
Community contacts/resources
Local Literacy Program/Council
Local ESL classes
Local Multicultural Service Center
Local attorney
Marketing Materials
Siga Adelante
Siga Adelante
Original Materials
Pre/post test A1
Bilingual brochures
Icebreaker A2
How to get a library
card A8
Icebreaker questions
Benefits of
Citizenship A4
Benefits PowerPoint
Flash cards A6
Attachment B1
Attachment C1
Benefits of library
card A7
Attachment D1
Siga Adelante
Eligibility for Citizenship: Lesson 2
Prepared by
Wagoner Public Library
1) To become familiar with requirements for eligibility for citizenship
2) To introduce internet resources to support the citizenship pursuit
Warm up activity
Materials needed for warm-up
1) Welcome by facilitator/interpreter
1) Pre/post-test attachment B1
2) Conduct Pre/post-test attachment B1.
Questions may be presented in Spanish and
English. Participants will answer with a show of
hands and the facilitator will record the number of
responses on the Pre/Post Test Questions form.
Attachment B1
2) Flash cardsattachment A6
Flash cards A6
3) Repeat flashcard activity conducted at the
conclusion of the previous session Flash
cardsattachment A6.
Learning activities
Materials needed for learning activities
1) Facilitator/interpreter will
 Review the previous lesson on benefits of
1) Eligibility for Citizenshipattachment
Introduce immigration lawyer who will speak
on eligibility issues
Use the script from Eligibility for
Citizenshipattachment B2 to inform
participants how to discern eligibility.
Distribute and go through U. S. Citizenship
and Immigration Services, form M-476, A
Guide to Naturalization, available for download
Eligibility for
citizenship B2
2) U. S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services, form M-476, A Guide to
Naturalization, available for download at
Siga Adelante
Materials needed for conclusion
1) Facilitator/interpreter will:
 Urge participants to attend upcoming sessions
and invite others to attend.
1) Library card applications—bilingual if
2) Benefits of a library card 
Invite participants to enroll in ESL literacy
Explain benefits of library card and distribute
applications. Library staff member will be
available to assist with library card
Benefits of card attachment A7
How to get a library card attachment A8
 Lead tour of the library.
2) Introduce the library’s public use computers with
bilingual instructions regarding library procedures.
Demonstrate how to find previously bookmarked
citizenship related web sites.
2) Conduct Post-test attachment B1. Questions
may be presented in Spanish and English.
Participants will answer with a show of hands and
the facilitator will record the number of responses
on the Pre/Post Test Questions form.
3) Attachment A7
Benefits of library
card A7
4) How to get a library card 
attachment A8
How to get a library
card A8
5) Post-test attachment B1
Attachment B1
Extensions/Expansion/Support activities
Children’s activities
During the time adults are in session, support staff will provide educational and entertainment
activities on computers for the children of the families attending. Activities may include
 Games from Ben’s Guide—
 Technology activities, English/Spanish—
 Reading of books from the children’s book list
La bandera que amamos/The Flag We Love, Pam Muñoz Ryan ISBN 1570915199
El águila Americana. Símbolos americanos/The American Eagle: American Symbols, Lynda
Sorensen, ISBN 1559160667
La bandera de estrellas centelleantes: el himno nacional/The Flag Of Gleaming Stars: The
National Anthem, Catherine Welch, ISBN 0822531143
La declaración de derechos. Documentos que formaron la nación/The Bill Of Rights.
Documents That Formed The Nation, David and Patricia Armentrout ISBN 1595156461
La constitucion/The Constitution, Warren Colman ISBN 1516312316
La carta de derechos/The Bill Of Rights, Warren Colman ISBN 151612324
Una union mas perfecta La historia de nuestra constitucion/A More Perfect Union The History
Of Our Constitution, Betsy and Guiulio Maestro ISBN 0688101925
Siga Adelante
Adult activities
 A Spanish, bilingual and easy reading book display and book list of citizenship related items
found in the library to encourage use of library facilities and to assist families in seeking
 Tour of the library
 Use public access computers to access bookmarked websites
Support resources/materials
A Guide to Naturalization, U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, form M-476, , available for
download at
Technology, activities for adults and children, English/Spanish—
Technology, use the mouse, Spanish–
Community contacts/Resources
Local Literacy Program/Council
Local ESL classes
Local Multicultural Service Center
Local attorney
Siga Adelante
The Interview: Lesson 3
Prepared by
Tulsa City County Library
1) To observe a sample interview
2) To practice for the citizenship interview
Warm up activity
Materials needed for warm-up
1) Facilitator/interpreter will
Welcome everyone
Conduct Pre/post-test attachment C1.
Questions may be presented in Spanish and
English. Participants will answer with a show
of hands and the facilitator will record the
number of responses on the Pre/Post Test
Questions form.
Repeat flashcard activity from the conclusion
from the previous session Flash
cardsattachment A6
Learning activities
1) Pre/post-test attachment C1
Attachment C1
2) Flash cardsattachment A6
Flash cards A6
Materials needed for learning activities
1) Facilitator/interpreter will
1) Learn About the United States: Quick
Civics Lessons M-638 (booklet/CD)
 Review the reasoning for the questions
available at
 Explain that the number of questions they will be
asked in an interview will only be 10
 Explain that they need to know answers to all
2) Video, The INS Citizenship Interview: Will
 Distribute and preview Learn About the United
They Pass? ISBN 4031, New Readers
States: Quick Civics Lessons M-638
 Show video, The INS Citizenship Interview: Will
They Pass?
Siga Adelante
Materials needed for conclusion
1) Facilitator/interpreter/volunteers will
 Assist participants in accessing the
Naturalization Self Test on library computers.
 Urge participants to attend upcoming sessions
and invite others to attend.
 Urge participation in ESL classes
 Explain benefits of library card and distribute
applications. Library staff member will be
available to assist with library card
Benefits of a library card attachment A7
How to get a library card attachment A8
 Facilitator/interpreter conducts Pre/post-test
attachment C1. Questions may be
presented in Spanish and English.
Participants will answer with a show of hands
and the facilitator will record the number of
responses on the Pre/Post Test Questions
1) Bookmark: Naturalization Self Test— (click Education &
Resources, then Civics and Citizenship
Study Materials, then Naturalization Self
2) Library card applications—bilingual if
3) Benefits of a library card attachment
Benefits of library
card A7
4) How to get a library card attachment
How to get a library
card A8
5) Pre/post-test attachment C1
Attachment C1
Extensions/Expansion/Support activities
Children’s activities
During the time adults are in session, support staff will provide educational and entertainment
activities on computers for the children of the families attending. Activities may include
 Games from Ben’s Guide—
 Technology activities, English/Spanish—
 Reading of books from the children’s book list
La bandera que amamos/The Flag We Love, Pam Muñoz Ryan ISBN 1570915199
El águila Americana. Símbolos americanos/The American Eagle: American Symbols, Lynda
Sorensen, ISBN 1559160667
La bandera de estrellas centelleantes: el himno nacional/The Flag Of Gleaming Stars: The
National Anthem, Catherine Welch, ISBN 0822531143
La declaración de derechos. Documentos que formaron la nación/The Bill Of Rights.
Documents That Formed The Nation, David and Patricia Armentrout ISBN 1595156461
La constitucion/The Constitution, Warren Colman ISBN 1516312316
La carta de derechos/The Bill Of Rights, Warren Colman ISBN 151612324
Una union mas perfecta La historia de nuestra constitucion/A More Perfect Union The History
Of Our Constitution, Betsy and Guiulio Maestro ISBN 0688101925
Adult activities
 Assist participants in using computers to access previously bookmarked citizenship websites.
Websites (English/Spanish)
Siga Adelante
Support resources/Materials
The INS Citizenship Interview: Will They Pass? ISBN 4031, New Readers Press
Learn About the United States: Quick Civics Lessons M-638 (booklet/CD) available at
Naturalization self test— (click Education & Resources, then Civics and Citizenship
Study Materials, then Naturalization Self Test)
Technology, activities for adults and children, Eng/Sp—
Technology, use the mouse, Sp–
Community contacts/Resources
Local Literacy Program/Council
Local ESL classes
Local Multicultural Service Center
Local attorney
Siga Adelante
Where to now? : Lesson 4
Prepared by
Tulsa City County Library
1) To provide useful information from an immigration counselor
2) To provide current status of immigration legislation
3) To provide positive reinforcement from individuals who have successfully
navigated the immigration process to become citizens
Warm up activity
1) Facilitator/interpreter will
 Welcome everyone
 Conduct Pre/post-test attachment D1.
Questions may be presented in Spanish and
English. Participants will answer with a show
of hands and the facilitator will record the
number of responses on the Pre/Post Test
Questions form.
 Repeat flashcard activity from the conclusion
of the previous session Flash
cardsattachment A5.
Learning activities
Materials needed for workshop
1) Pre/post-test attachment D1
Attachment D1
2) Flash cardsattachment A6
Flash cards A6
Materials needed for learning activities
1) Facilitator/interpreter will
 Introduce the immigration specialist who will
speak to the group regarding current
immigration information.
 Introduce the panel of people who have
successfully navigated the immigration
 Encourage the group to ask questions.
Siga Adelante
Materials needed for conclusion
1) Facilitator/interpreter will
 Identify local citizenship preparation classes in
the community and encourage participants to
 Download and distribute from
Conozca sus derechos en su hogar y su
trabajo respecto a Inmigración’ (Know Your
Rights And Responsibilities With Respect To
 Explain benefits of a library card and distribute
applications. Library staff member will be
available to assist with library card
Benefits of a library card attachment A7
How to get a library card attachment A8
 Invite participants to enroll in ESL literacy
 Lead tour of the library.
 Encourage use of the library’s computers with
bilingual instructions regarding library
procedures. Demonstrate how to find
previously bookmarked citizenship related web
 Conduct Pre/post-test attachment D1.
Questions may be presented in Spanish and
English. Participants will answer with a show
of hands and the facilitator will record the
number of responses on the Pre/Post Test
Questions form.
1) ‘Conozca sus derechos en su hogar y su
trabajo respecto a Inmigración’ (Know Your
Rights And Responsibilities With Respect To
Immigration) found at
2) Library card applications—bilingual if
3) Benefits of a library card attachment
Benefits of library
card A7
4) How to get a library card attachment
How to get a library
card A8
5) Pre/post-test attachment D1.
Attachment D1
Extensions/Expansions/Support activities
Children’s activities
During the time adults are in session, support staff will provide educational and entertainment
activities on computers for the children of the families attending. Activities may include
 Games from Ben’s Guide—
 Technology activities, English/Spanish—
 Reading of books from the children’s book list
La bandera que amamos/The Flag We Love, Pam Muñoz Ryan ISBN 1570915199
El águila Americana. Símbolos americanos/The American Eagle: American Symbols, Lynda
Sorensen, ISBN 1559160667
La bandera de estrellas centelleantes: el himno nacional/The Flag Of Gleaming Stars: The
National Anthem, Catherine Welch, ISBN 0822531143
La declaración de derechos. Documentos que formaron la nación/The Bill Of Rights.
Documents That Formed The Nation, David and Patricia Armentrout ISBN 1595156461
Siga Adelante
La constitucion/The Constitution, Warren Colman ISBN 1516312316
La carta de derechos/The Bill Of Rights, Warren Colman ISBN 151612324
Una union mas perfecta La historia de nuestra constitucion/A More Perfect Union The History
Of Our Constitution, Betsy and Guiulio Maestro ISBN 0688101925
Adult activities
Following the lesson, adult participants search web sites.
Support resources/Materials/Websites
Citizenship rights/responsibilities—
Technology, activities for adults and children, English/Spanish—
Technology, use the mouse, Spanish–
Community contacts/Resources
Local persons who completed the immigration/naturalization process
Local Literacy Program/Council
Local ESL resources/classes
Local Multicultural Service Center
Local attorney
Local immigration counselor