Cheadle Primary School

Cheadle Primary School
English Termly Plan
Year Group:
Year 1
Topic/Theme/Text - Monsters V Aliens
1st Half term
Space Mission
Miss Lomas & Mrs Bell
Spring 1
Learning Objectives
1 week
HA – To predict and describe what might happen next using an illustration as a prompt.
To record on a story mountain a beginning, middle and ending of a story using an
illustration as a stimulus. And to describe this to a peer.
- Write a short narrative using P - ! ?
- To change a story ending. To write extended sentences.
MA - To explain what is happening in an illustration.
To record on a story mountain a beginning, middle and ending of a story using an
illustration as a stimulus.
- To write a short narrative using sentences that have CL and FS.
- To change a story ending. To write sentences that include adjectives.
LA - To act out in role what is happening in an illustration.
Monsters V s Aliens
Monsters inc
1 week
-To draw what is happening in an illustration and what might happen next.
– To practise saying out loud a sentence and use a talking tin to help sound out and write the
-To describe a robot verbally and to write a sentence with support.
To use Wow! Words in a sentence
To write, leaving spaces between words
Use capital letters for the names of people, places, days of the week, etc.
Use full stops in a sentence independently.
To debate which character they think is the most scary and why. To use a conjunction in
sentences recording their decision.
To write in full sentences using a connective.
To use pre cursive writing in sentences.
To create a character. To draw and describe a monster using adjectives and varied sentence
Whatever Next.
1 Week
To write, leaving spaces between words
Use capital letters.
Use full stops in a sentence independently.
To correctly form lower case and uppercase letters in a sentence.
To debate which character they think is the most scary and why.
To write in full sentences using a connective.
To create a character.
To draw and describe a monster using adjectives.
To write, leaving spaces between words with support.
Use capital letters and use full stops in a sentence with support.
To sound out using a sound mat.
To describe an alien to a friend using adjectives, the friend has to listen carefully and
choose which alien the friend is describing from a selection of aliens.
To take turns speaking and listening in a debate to decide which character they think is the
most scary and why.
To write in full sentences using a connective.
To create a character using play doh and describe a monster using adjectives to a friend.
Write a shared sentence describing the monster.
HA-To use capital letters and full stops within a sentence independently.
To write adjectives to describe a character.
To write a full sentence using a connective.
- Order events of a story.
- Identify feature of a fantasy story.
- Look at features of a newspaper, write own newspaper articles.
MA-To use capital letters and full stops within a sentence.
To use adjectives to describe a character.
To use finger spaces.
To spell common cvc words correctly.
Identify feature of a fantasy story.
Look at features of a newspaper, write own newspaper articles.
LA-To use a capital letter in a short sentence with support.
To compose a caption orally and attempt to write it.
To order events in a story.
To retell a story
To identify features in a fantasy story.
Record a report for the ‘News’.
Aliens Love Underpants
1 week
 Read and enjoy a fantasy story about space aliens.
 Read a sentence and write their own matching sentence.
 Sequence a story recalling all the key events.
 Understand that stories have a structure.
 Compare and contrast space fantasy stories, giving reasons for their opinions.
 Relate a story to their own preferences.
 Listen to others and discuss preferences.
 Understand the key features of fantasy stories.
 Identify and describe fantasy characters.
 Create an alien character for a fantasy story.
 Plan the plot of a story.
 Write their own story using their plan.
 Write legibly using correct letter formation and spaces between words.
 Write the second part of a story, following a plan.
 Write in whole sentences, beginning to use full stops and capital letters.
 Read their own work aloud.
 Edit and improve their work.
 Plan illustrations for their work.
Finish writing their stories, and publish these with illustrations.
 Read and enjoy a fantasy story about space aliens.
 Read a sentence and then re-order it to make sense.
 Sequence a story recalling key events.
 Understand that stories have a structure.
 Compare and contrast space fantasy stories.
1 week
 Relate a story to their own preferences.
 Listen to others and discuss preferences.
 Recap on key features of fantasy stories.
 Identify and describe fantasy characters.
 Create an alien character for a fantasy story.
 Begin to plan the plot of a story.
 Write their own story using their plan.
 Write legibly using correct letter formation and spaces between words.
 Write the 2nd part of a story, following a plan.
 Write in whole sentences, beginning to use full stops and capital letters.
 Read their own work aloud.
 Edit and improve their work.
 Plan illustrations for their work.
Finish writing their stories, and publish these with illustrations.
 Enjoy fantasy story about space aliens.
 Read a sentence and then re-order it.
 Sequence a story recalling three key events in order.
 Begin to see that stories have a structure.
 Compare space fantasy stories.
 Relate a story to what they like/dislike.
 Listen to others and discuss views.
 Begin to recognise some features of fantasy stories.
 Describe fantasy characters.
 Create an alien character for a story.
 Plan the plot of a story with support.
 Write parts of their own story.
 Form some letters correctly and begin to leave spaces between words.
 Dictate the 2nd part of a story, following a plan.
 Write several words and begin to write sentences.
 Improve their work by listening to it read & making suggestions for change.
Plan illustrations for their work.
To describe a setting.
To write in sentences using CL, FS, Finger Spaces, Adjectives.
Man on the Moon
1 week
To begin to join sentences using ‘and’.
To write a letter to Beegu explaining that she should not be scared.
Recap ? – Children to write some questions to ask Beegu.
To write an alternative ending to the story.
Checks that their writing makes sense by rereading and simple changes made where
To describe a setting.
To write in sentences using CL, FS and Finger Spaces.
Using a word mat- write a short letter to Beegu explaining why she should not be scared.
Children to unjumble sentences, write them down and add a question mark.
To write an alternative ending to the story.
Writing is read outloud to check it makes sense and changes made with support.
To label a picture of a setting.
Role Play – One child to pretend to Beegu and ask the other children questions about Earth.
Children to think and record shared questions to ask Beegu.
With support to write an alternative ending to the story – leaving spaces between words.
Starting to check writing makes sense through discussions with an adult.
Sentences are planned orally before they are written.
Sequence sentences to form a short narrative.
Character description – CL, FS, Finger Spaces, Adjectives.
Introduce the children to !
To change the middle of the story.
Use sentences to write about their day and compare it to Bob’s day.
Orally plans sentences before they are written – talking tins.
Sequence events from the story.
Character description – CL, FS, Finger Spaces, Adjectives.
Children to change the middle of the story – acting out in role what happens.
Using sentences children to write a diary about their day.
Orally plans sentences before they are written – adult support (draw lines for each word in
the sentence in children’s books to encourage them to write it correctly).
Story board – putting the pictures in order.
Character description – Finger Spaces.
Using stick puppets discuss has a group what would happen in the middle of their story.
Children to create a shared sentence about their day. Then using the same format
independently form a sentence.