Final exam notes

Cooking Principles – 20
Stocks – 20
Thickeners -10
Soups – 20
Beef – 40
Fish and Seafood – 20
Vegetables – 20
Poultry – 20
Eggs – 20
Cooking Principles:
Effects of head on proteins and carbs
Effects of acids, sugars, alkalis on vegetable fibre
Why is it important to add only small amounts of vegetables when sautéing for reheating? –
Foods will reheat quickly
Roasting meat – Air circulation
Conductivity of heat in Convection, Induction, and Microwave cooking
Why should 15-20% of a deep fryers fat be replaced every day? – The frying life will be
Why should sliced meat be covered when heated in a microwave?
Storage of herbs and spices
Keeping foods under heat lamps
Differences between a Bouquet Garni(Parsley stems, bay leaf, thyme), a sachet bag, and a
fagot of herbs
Bones – Which? Why?
Ratio of ingredients to make stock – 20L, how many bones, mirepoix, etc.
Storing stocks after they are made
Why is it recommended to start stocks in cold water? – Increases solubility
Tomato paste used in stocks – Pros/cons
Use of mirepoix in relation to different coloured stocks
Court boullion – How? What use?
How does a fagot of herbs differ from a classical bouquet garni? – Additional ingredients
How to make/assess commercial quality stock base
Strength of stock – How is it determined? – Increased ingredients(ratio)
Why blanch chicken bones? – To remove some of the impurities
How to make a fond lie, fume, glace(meat glaze), remouillage
Cooling stocks – Efficient way to do so in an adverse situation
Starches – Amylose(gel)/Amylopectin(thickens) Freezing a sauce – 20% flour, 80%
amylopectin. The flour is for the look
Characteristics of starches
Beurre-manier – ratio – 50% flour
Thickening 4L of liquid with roux
Difference – Thickening potential – white/brown roux – White has a higher thickening
Egg yolk/cream liason – Temperature can not exceed 75° or the eggs will curdle(For the
minimum ratio)
Difference between a slurry and a white wash
What will occur if the percentage of cream in a liason is reduced? – Curdling temperature
decreases, maximum cooking temperature decreases
Portion size – appetizer vs. main course
Broths/boullions – Why classify as clear, simple soups? Obtained from meats and/or veg
Definitions – Chowder, bisque, cream soup, etc.
Garnish/accompaniment – How would thick soups of one colour be decorated for
How to clarify a consommé – Meatless(egg white), raft
How is a double consommé made? – Additional meat
What is the purpose of an onion brulee? – It imparts colour
Difference between a Boston and a Manhattan clam chowder.
French names – Crecy, etc.
Which soup originated in India?
Colour classification for consommé
Vegan diet restrictions
Pesco diet restrictions
Lacto-ovo diet restrictions
What garnish made from… fine dice? – Brunoise – 3mm x 3mm x 3mm
Grains/pasta/starches – Why cooked separately from soups?
Carcass grade characteristics – 4 A grades, 4 B grades
Yield classifications – Stamped on the rib and loin, each side
Yield classes – 1-3 % of Lean meat
Ground beef – fat% for each grade
Purge in vacuum packed meat – Mishandled?
Vacuum packed beef – why does it lose its red colour? – Oxygen deprivation
Aging times – reasons for aging
Dry aging vs. wet aging
Marbling for A grades
Customers prefer – B) Small marbling (#79)
Retail meats – Why are they red? – Plastic used is oxygen permeable
Lactic acid – What it does, how it gets there
Temperature range for Papain
Primal cuts – where located?
How many bones in primals? – Chuck, rib, short loin
Where are they separated? – Hindquarter and forequarter
Why are roasts often seared in initial stages of roasting? – Develops flavour (Does NOT seal
Rare/medium/well done temperatures
Carry over cooking
Touch sensations (How to tell how done meat is)
Temperature is lowered 50° in convection oven
Stand times – How long, why?
Why does beef info centre state rare = 140° rather than 130° as in book? – Most pathogenic
bacteria are destroyed at 140°
Holding requirement – Fresh/frozen beef – Temperature, how long
How to determine if roast is properly cooked
Storage times for Vacuum packed meat
Barding and larding
What is green meat? – Meat that is not softened properly(not aged)
Oven temperatures for braising
Musty aroma with open vacuum packed meat – What is it? – Lactic acid
Cooking ground beef
Stamps – Inspection, grading, yield
Picture – Market form
Why moist heat cooking is used for fish
Description: Very large, fat, dense, meaty but not flaky texture. Up to 450kg. – Shark or
Swordfish(One of the two)
What is the major flaw in fish cookery? – Overcooking
Salmon ID by colour – Shinook, Sockeye, Atlantic, Chama(sp?)
Why fish storage should not exceed two days? – Bacteria growth/enzymatic action
Frozen storage time for fat and lean fish
Quality(age) – Eyes, fins, scales, etc.
Suggested baking time at 400°F(200°C) per inch(2.5cm) for fish at the thickest point?
How to determine if fish is properly cooked – Flesh yields to touch(flaking)
Grenobloise, meuniere, en papillotte, bonne femme
Defrost fish according to black book
Definitions – Mollusks, cephalopods, bivalves, etc…
Scallop – Coral on it – Orangey red
How to keep oysters alive in a fridge
What market name is given to the largest quahog found in North Eastern American waters?
Steamer/soft shelled clams
Lobster – Boil 5-6 minutes per pound – why?
Terminology – Langouste, shrimp, lobster, etc.
Artificial seafood – Sarine
Crabs – King, queen, Dungeness, tanner, snow, stone, etc.
Green shrimp – Cooked yields
Yields on lobsters (various cooking methods)
Counts of shrimp – Market descriptive name (per pound)
Why cook?
Shapes(cut sizes)
Pigmentation chart – Acids effects on, etc.
Pros/cons – boiling vs. steaming
What vegetables fall into the crucifix classification? – Broccoli
Effects of acids/alkalis/sugar in cooking vegetables
Know vegetables according to family grouping – Leaf, stem, rood, gourde, etc.
Cucumbers, okra, peppers, eggplant, etc.
Why are young vegetables preferred to old vegetables?
Effects of freezing vegetables in comparison to fresh vegetables
Storage temperatures – potatoes, onions, winter squash
Covering/not covering during cooking
Why are greens such as spinach not suitable for cooking in compartment cooker? – Short cook
time, fragile structure
Soaking legumes
Pigment group – red peppers – carrotenoid
Categorize – Class, weight,
Defrost poultry
How to tell if it’s properly cooked
Guarantee – Organic classification? – No guarantee. There is no legal standard
Tag colours/grades
Most common grade used in food service industry
Internal temperature
Why is roasted chicken trussed before cooking?
Different names – Pintade, guinea hen, Cornish hen, etc.
What duck is the most commonly used in North America?
Why hen/fowl not roasted in commercial kitchens? - Too tough
Weight – yield %
How to roast a chicken
Roasting/basting turkey
Safety precautions – Freezing, defrosting
Most important rule in egg cookery
Black/greenish ring around yolk (Ferrous sulphide)
Egg whites – effect of sugar on
Cream of tartar – effect in egg white foam
Boil – soft, medium, hard (time?)
Why should vinegar be avoided when poaching eggs? – Taste
Most popular method of cooking breakfast eggs in North America?
Shirred eggs
Omelettes – French, American, Italian flat
Custard – baking
Eggs per case – 15 dozen
Eggs per double case – 30 dozen
Eggs Benedict
Temperature coagulation ranges – whites, yolks, whole eggs