This is a guide for police managers responsible for human resources management. It focuses on general policing roles for Sergeants. The guide contains a bank of competency-based interview questions. It was developed by and for members of
Canadian policing services.
This initiative was funded by the Government of Canada’s Sector Council Program
This is a living document. Last updated July 2009
Sergeant Interview Guide
1. Before the interview, review r ésumé and candidate file information paying particular attention to jobs/experiences and education/training most related to the target position.
2. Review competency profile for the relevant position and select from the competency profile the critical competencies you will be assessing during the interview.
3. Select 1 or 2 behavioural questions for each competency from the interview question bank provided. You may tailor existing questions to your needs or create your own questions. It is important that you ask each candidate the same questions to ensure consistency of evaluation. You can also add to the interview guide, technical knowledge questions.
4. Consider the use of multiple interviewers to evaluate each candidate. Panel interviews tend to be more reliable than individual-based ones because they facilitate the recall of relevant information and minimize the impact of personal biases on the overall interview rating. Before the interview, it is recommended that interviewers receive training to ensure that they have shared understanding of position requirements, the competencies (definition and expected behaviours), and the rating scales.
1. Greet the candidate and introduce yourself, giving your name and position within the organization.
2. Confirm the job for which the candidate is being considered.
3. Explain the purpose of the interview: 1) to gather specific information about the candidate's past experiences and accomplishments, particularly in the past 2 to 3 years and 2) to help the organization make a fair and informed decision on the most qualified candidate for the position.
4. Describe the interview plan:
The questions in the interview guide are designed to obtain information about the candidate's experience and accomplishments (do not have to be work-related) that relate to the competencies that are important for success in the job to be filled.
For each question, you must obtain one or more specific examples of the candidate's experience and/or accomplishments ensuring that the candidate describes:
1. The Situation or Circumstances related to the example;
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2. The Actions taken by the candidate to address the situation, along with the rationale for the action taken;
3. The Results or Outcome of the candidate's actions.
In order to obtain complete descriptions, it may be necessary to ask follow-up questions to clarify or obtain additional information on any one, or more, of the elements noted above (Situation / Circumstance, Action, Results / Outcome.)
5. Take notes on the candidate's answers during the interview in order to have an accurate record of the information on the candidate's experience and accomplishments to evaluate later.
Take notes of facts and behaviours, not your judgments.
6. Provide an opportunity at the end of the interview for the candidate to ask questions or clarify the next steps in the selection process.
Sample script:
Greet the candidate and engage in small talk (e.g., any problems finding the place today?)
First, let me welcome you on behalf of the committee. Before we get underway, we’ll just introduce ourselves a little more formally. (Introductions). Before we begin the interview, I’d like to briefly outline how the interview will unfold.
[why assess] As you know, the purpose of today’s interview is to gather information that will allow us to make an accurate assessment of your competencies.
[what assessed] As you also know, the interview is designed to assess the follow ing competencies: ……... These competencies have been identified as required to be successful in the position.
[how assess] The interview is structured with one question per competency.
Questions will require that you describe past experiences. When you give your answer to each question, we ask that you first give us a brief overview of the situation you will be describing. Then, we would like you to describe the specific actions that you took to handle the situation. It is important that you tell us what you personally did. We’ll be looking for “I” statements: “I said”, “I did” “I thought” etc. Of course, you might describe the roles that others played in the event, if that is relevant. Finally, we would like you to inform us of the outcome or the results. Whenever we feel we would like more information on the situation, actions or results, we might ask clarification questions. We will let you know when we will move to the next question.
[timing] To be fair to everyone, the interview is about the same length for each candidate. So, we will be managing the time, and we ask that you manage your
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Sergeant Interview Guide time as well. As a very rough guideline, about 8-10 minutes per question should be sufficient.
[end of interview] At the end of the interview when we’ve finished asking our questions, it will be your turn to ask us any questions you may have. It is also your chance to give us any information about your competencies that you feel we may not have covered during the interview. As well, at the end, I’ll be taking your copy of the interview questions and your notes.
Do you have any questions before we get underway?
All of the energy and effort devoted to capturing good job-related information during the selection interview will be lost if this information is not evaluated consistently and appropriately for all candidates. The following provides information on how to evaluate candidate information from a competency-based interview.
1. Classify all behavioural examples by competencies they assess. Each behavioural question is designed to elicit information relevant to a specific competency. However, human behaviour can be complex. Accordingly, the following situations may arise:
a behavioural question will be asked focusing on one competency area, but the candidate will provide a behavioural example that demonstrates another competency area.
examples that relate to more than one competency area may be provided.
examples that relate to required competencies will be provided during the introductory or closing phases of the interview.
The whole interview should, therefore, be reviewed carefully, for evidence of the competencies being assessed. One suggested method for doing this is to circle each behavioural example, and if it demonstrates a competency other than the one intended by the question, note the competency demonstrated along side of the example, and cross reference this example in the section of the Interview
Guide devoted to that competency. In addition to classifying all of the examples, the interviewer should note whether the behaviour demonstrated is a positive or negative example relative to the type of performance expected on the job by placing a + (plus sign) or a - (minus sign) beside each example.
Once all relevant information from the interview has been reviewed and correctly classified, the interviewer is in a position to fully understand and evaluate a candidate’s past behaviour for each competency.
2. Weigh each behavioural example in terms of its overall contribution to a specific competency. This is not simply a process of averaging all of the +'s and -'s to arrive at an overall rating. The following factors should be taken into account:
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The importance of examples in relation to the target job should be carefully considered. Two complete behavioural examples may be provided. One may be a good example in a very unimportant situation, and the other may be an example of poor performance in the same competency area in a very critical situation. It is necessary, therefore, to give the more important example more weight in the candidate's overall rating for that particular competency area.
The more recent the behaviour, the better it predicts future behaviour. If the candidate provides a number of negative examples of a competency earlier in their career, but also provides several more recent positive examples, then the recent examples should be given more weight in the overall rating of the competency, other things being equal.
Consistent with the concept of recency, examples which show either positive or negative trends should be taken into account. It is likely that the trend will continue if the candidate is selected for the target position.
3. Using the scoring form provided, assign a rating to each competency based on the behavioural examples provided. For panel interviews, it is important to complete scoring forms individually, and then discuss individual ratings with the other interviewers to reach consensus on the collective rating for each competency. As indicated in the scoring form, only candidates who met expectations on each competency (i.e., obtained a consensus score of 3 or higher) should be further considered for the target job.
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Level Name
Well Below
Somewhat Below
The expected indicators were not demonstrated. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position.
Important gaps were identified that would have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform on the job.
The expected indicators were not addressed adequately. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone not yet at the threshold of the target position.
Meets Expectations
The expected indicators were covered adequately. The points that were lacking were not related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position.
This response was the minimal expected level of performance for the position.
Somewhat Exceeds
Clearly Exceeds
Police Sector Council
The expected indicators were covered thoroughly. Only minor gaps were observed, and the gaps were not related to important job functions, and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone at the target position.
The expected indicators were thoroughly demonstrated (all points were covered well). The candidate excels at this competency and could model it for others.
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Adaptability- Adjusts one’s behaviour and approaches in light of new information and
changing situations. Tailors approach to meet needs of individuals and groups.
What to Look For:
Level 3 –Adapts to widely varied needs.
Thinks diversely and “outside the box” to try new strategies that may differ from established approaches to policing.
Adapts to new ideas and initiatives across a wide variety of issues and situations.
Adapts interpersonal style to highly diverse individuals and groups in a range of situations.
Example Interview Questions
1. Describe a time when you sought an alternative approach in a situation where the usual approach was not working?
Why was the usual approach ineffective in this case?
What were the advantages of using an alternative approach in the situation?
How did you go about finding a new approach?
What was the result of your search?
2. Tell me about a time when you dealt with a diverse group of people and had to modify your approach to meet their needs.
What was the situation?
What groups of people were involved?
What did you have to do differently to ensure that everyone’s needs were met?
What was the outcome of your actions?
Question ______ STAR: Remember to record S ituation/ T ask, A ction, and R esults.
Well Below
Somewhat Below
Meets Expectations
The expected indicators were not demonstrated. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. Important gaps were identified that would have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform on the job.
The expected indicators were not addressed adequately. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone not yet at the threshold of the target position.
The expected indicators were covered adequately. The points that were lacking were not related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was the minimal expected level of performance for the average recruit.
The expected indicators were covered thoroughly.
Only minor gaps were observed, and the gaps were not related to important job functions, and responsibilities of the target position. This response was
Clearly Exceeds
The expected indicators were thoroughly demonstrated (all points were covered well).
The candidate excels at this competency and could model it for others.
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Sergeant Interview Guide expected of someone at the target position
Situation Action Results
Evidence to support rating:
Consensus Evaluation: ______________________________________________
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Conflict Management recognizes that conflict can occur in many ways and intercedes to resolve the situation.
What to Look For:
Level 2 –Uses appropriate strategies to resolve workplace conflict.
Uses appropriate strategy to deal with workplace conflict.
Assists others in dealing and clarifying the underlying issues of the workplace conflict.
Facilitates the identification of mutual and individual interests.
Listens to differing points of view and promotes mutual understanding.
Identifies shared areas of interest in a respectful and timely manner.
Challenges others’ thinking or approaches in a constructive manner.
Example Interview Questions
1. Tell me about a time in which you had to arrive at a compromise or guide others to a compromise in a potentially conflicting situation?
Describe the situation and people involved.
Why did you choose to compromise or guide others to a compromise in a situation?
How did you compromise or guide others to a compromise?
What was the reaction(s) to your actions?
How successful was your strategy in avoiding conflict? Were there other outcomes of your actions?
2. Give me an example of the situation where you were involved in a conflict with an organizational member.
What was the nature of the conflict?
Were other people involved in the conflict?
What did you do to resolve the conflict?
Did you consider alternative conflict resolution strategies?
How did you go about reducing resistance and obtaining cooperation of the organizational member?
What was the outcome? Were your efforts successful?
Question ______ STAR: Remember to record S ituation/ T ask, A ction, and R esults.
Well Below
Somewhat Below
The expected indicators were not demonstrated. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position.
Important gaps were identified that would have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform on the job.
The expected indicators were not addressed adequately. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone not yet at the threshold of the target position.
Meets Expectations Somewhat Exceeds
Clearly Exceeds
The expected indicators were covered adequately. The points that were lacking were not related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was the minimal expected level of performance for the average recruit.
The expected indicators were covered thoroughly.
Only minor gaps were observed, and the gaps were not related to important job functions, and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone at the target position
The expected indicators were thoroughly demonstrated (all points were covered well). The candidate excels at this competency and could model it for others.
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Situation Action Results
Evidence to support rating:
Consensus Evaluation: ______________________________________________
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Decision Making- makes decisions involving varied levels of risk and ambiguity.
What to Look For:
Level 3 –Makes decisions in vague situations.
Applies guidelines and procedures that leave considerable room for discretion and interpretation.
Makes decisions by weighing several factors, some of which are partially defined and entail missing pieces of critical information.
As needed, involves the right people in the decision making process.
Example Interview Questions
1. Tell me about a decision you had to make in a situation that was ambiguous and involved a number of factors.
Describe the situation?
What factors did you have to consider in making a decision?
What did you do to clarify the situation?
Did you seek assistance from others?
How do you know that you made a sound decision in this situation?
2. Describe a time when, to arrive at an important decision, you had to involve key people?
Describe the situation, including your role and that of others.
What decision did you need to make?
What did you do to involve key people?
How did things turn out?
Question ______ STAR: Remember to record S ituation/ T ask, A ction, and R esults.
Well Below
The expected indicators were not demonstrated. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position.
Important gaps were identified that would have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform on the job.
Somewhat Below
The expected indicators were not addressed adequately. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone not yet at the threshold of the target position.
Meets Expectations
The expected indicators were covered adequately.
The points that were lacking were not related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was the minimal expected level of performance for the average recruit.
Somewhat Exceeds
The expected indicators were covered thoroughly. Only minor gaps were observed, and the gaps were not related to important job functions, and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone at the target position
Clearly Exceeds
The expected indicators were thoroughly demonstrated (all points were covered well). The candidate excels at this competency and could model it for others.
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Situation Action Results
Evidence to support rating:
Evaluation: ___________________________________________________
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Developing Self and OthersContributes to learning and development. Provides guidance and feedback to improve performance and achieve objectives.
What to Look For:
Level 3 – Supports individual development and improvement
Provides performance feedback and support, reinforcing strengths and identifying areas for improvement
Encourages staff to develop and apply their skills.
Suggests to individuals ways of improving performance and competence.
Makes positive comments regarding others’ abilities or potential even in difficult cases.
Creates mentoring opportunities.
Example Interview Questions
1. Describe a situation when you gave formal or informal performance feedback to your colleague at work?
Who was the person you gave feedback to?
What was the reason for providing performance feedback?
How did you communicate to the person the need for improvement, if there was any?
How was your feedback received by your colleague?
Did the person act upon the feedback that you provided?
2. Tell us about a time when you helped your colleague meet learning or developmental needs.
What learning or developmental needs did your colleague have?
What did you do to help the colleague meet these needs?
How was your help received by the colleague?
What was the result of your actions?
Question ______ STAR: Remember to record S ituation/ T ask, A ction, and R esults.
Well Below
Somewhat Below
The expected indicators were not demonstrated.
The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position.
Important gaps were identified that would have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform on the job.
The expected indicators were not addressed adequately. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone not yet at the threshold of the target position.
Meets Expectations
The expected indicators were covered adequately.
The points that were lacking were not related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was the minimal expected level of performance for the average recruit.
Somewhat Exceeds
The expected indicators were covered thoroughly.
Only minor gaps were observed, and the gaps were not related to important job functions, and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone at the target position
The expected indicators were thoroughly demonstrated
(all points were covered well).
The candidate excels at this competency and could model it for others.
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Situation Action Results
Evidence to support rating:
Evaluation: ___________________________________________________
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Ethical Accountability and Responsibility - Takes responsibility for actions and
makes decisions that are consistent with high ethical policing standards.
What to Look For:
Level 3 – Proactively identifies ethical implications in policing
Takes necessary disciplinary actions and measures to address violations of ethical conduct.
Promotes the discussion of practical and relevant ethical dilemmas to help members gain understanding of ethical decision making.
Deals directly and constructively with lapses of integrity.
Example Interview Questions
1. Give me an example of the situation in which you dealt with unethical behaviour of your colleague?
Why did you consider the observed behaviour unethical?
What did you do in the situation?
Did you try to alert the organizational member about ethical implications of his or her actions?
Did you discuss the situation with other members of the organization (i.e., supervisor)?
What was the outcome of the situation?
2. Tell us about the time when you initiated the discussion of ethical issues with others in your organization?
Why did you initiate this discussion?
What ethical issues were addressed?
What did you do to help others get on the same page with respect to understanding of the ethical problem at hand?
Did you achieve your goal in this discussion? How do you know?
Question ______
Well Below
STAR: Remember to record S ituation/ T ask, A ction, and R esults.
Somewhat Below
Meets Expectations Somewhat Exceeds
Clearly Exceeds
The expected indicators were not demonstrated. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position.
Important gaps were identified that would have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform on the job.
The expected indicators were not addressed adequately. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone not yet at the threshold of the target position.
The expected indicators were covered adequately. The points that were lacking were not related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was the minimal expected level of performance for the average recruit.
The expected indicators were covered thoroughly. Only minor gaps were observed, and the gaps were not related to important job functions, and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone at the target position
The expected indicators were thoroughly demonstrated (all points were covered well). The candidate excels at this competency and could model it for others.
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Evidence to support rating:
Evaluation: ___________________________________________________
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Interactive Communication - Utilizes communication strategies in an effort to achieve
common goals, influence and gain others’ support.
What to Look For:
Level 3-
Adapts communication to appeal to others’ interest
Adapts content, style, tone and medium of communication to suit the target audience’s language and level of understanding.
Takes others’ perspectives into account when communicating, negotiating or presenting arguments
Facilitates open communication and information exchange
Reads cues from diverse listeners to assess when and how to change a planned communication approach to effectively deliver a message
Asks questions that will help individuals or groups reframe the situation.
Example Interview Questions
1. Describe a time when you had to adjust your communication for a diverse audience to produce the desired effect.
What was the purpose of your communication?
What was the diverse audience you had to reach?
How did you tailor your communication to the language and level of understanding of the target audience?
What did you do to ensure that people had gotten the information they were looking for?
Did your communication produce the desired effect?
2. Give me an example when you facilitated open communication and/or information exchange between several individuals and groups?
Describe the situation, your role in it, and other individuals or groups involved.
What information needed to be exchanged between the parties?
What did you do to ensure that perspectives of all target individuals or groups were heard?
Were there any obstacles to communication or information exchange? What did you do to overcome them?
What results did you achieve in this situation?
Question ______ STAR: Remember to record S ituation/ T ask, A ction, and R esults.
Well Below
Somewhat Below
Meets Expectations Somewhat Exceeds
The expected indicators were not demonstrated. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position.
Important gaps were identified that would have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform
The expected indicators were not addressed adequately. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone not yet at the threshold of the target position.
The expected indicators were covered adequately. The points that were lacking were not related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was the minimal expected level of performance for the average recruit.
The expected indicators were covered thoroughly.
Only minor gaps were observed, and the gaps were not related to important job functions, and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone at the target position
The expected indicators were thoroughly demonstrated
(all points were covered well).
The candidate excels at this competency and could model it for others.
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Sergeant Interview Guide on the job.
Situation Action Results
Evidence to support rating:
Evaluation: ___________________________________________________
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Risk Management- Manages situations and calls to mitigate risk and maintain a safe environment for self and others.
What to Look For:
Level 3-Manages a full range of situations and calls.
Fully assesses the risks involved in a full range of situations and calls.
Implements courses of actions and plans in situations of medium complexity where errors have a medium level of consequence.
Understands and applies health and safety policies and procedures for self and others relevant to a full range of situations
Demonstrates a sense of urgency by taking timely actions to deal with a full range of situations.
Takes timely action and makes quick on-the-spot decisions with little guidance to deal with a full range of situations.
Example Interview Questions
1. Tell us about a situation when health and safety of others depended on your actions?
Describe the situation and people involved?
What health or safety risks were involved?
How did you adapt your actions to minimize the risks for others?
Did your actions produce an expected outcome?
2. There are situations in which the cost of an error is fairly high. Tell us about a time when you managed such a situation?
Describe the situation.
What were the consequences of making a mistake?
What did you do to reduce the risk of errors?
What challenges did you encounter in the process?
Did your actions produce the desired results? How do you know?
Question ______ STAR: Remember to record S ituation/ T ask, A ction, and R esults.
Well Below
Somewhat Below
Meets Expectations
The expected indicators were not demonstrated. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position.
Important gaps were identified that would have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform on the job.
The expected indicators were not addressed adequately. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone not yet at the threshold of the target position.
The expected indicators were covered adequately. The points that were lacking were not related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was the minimal expected level of performance for the average recruit.
Somewhat Exceeds
The expected indicators were covered thoroughly.
Only minor gaps were observed, and the gaps were not related to important job functions, and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone at the target position
The expected indicators were thoroughly demonstrated
(all points were covered well).
The candidate excels at this competency and could model it for others.
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Situation Action Results
Evidence to support rating:
Evaluation: ___________________________________________________
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What to Look For:
Level 3 - Demonstrates informal leadership in teams
Discusses problems/issues with team members that could impact on results.
Communicates expectations for teamwork and collaboration.
Gives credit and acknowledges contributions and efforts of individuals to team effectiveness.
Expresses positive expectations of others, speaks of team members in positive terms.
Shows respect for the intelligence of others by appealing to reason.
Solicits ideas and opinions to help form specific decisions or plans.
Invites all members of a group to contribute to a process.
Example Interview Questions
1. Tell us about a time when you motivated your team to achieve a specific objective.
What was the situation and what was your role in it?
What did you do to motivate the members of your team?
What challenges did you face in the process?
What was the outcome?
2. No individual team member can do all the team’s work. Tell us about a time when you recognized your team-mates for their efforts?
What did your team members do that warranted recognition?
What was your role in team’s success?
What did you do to recognize the team?
How was the recognition received by the team members?
What did you accomplish by recognizing your team for their efforts?
Question ______ STAR: Remember to record S ituation/ T ask, A ction, and R esults.
Well Below
Somewhat Below
Meets Expectations
The expected indicators were not demonstrated. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position.
Important gaps were identified that would have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform on the job.
The expected indicators were not addressed adequately. The points that were lacking were related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone not yet at the threshold of the target position.
The expected indicators were covered adequately. The points that were lacking were not related to important job functions and responsibilities of the target position. This response was the minimal expected level of performance for the average recruit.
Somewhat Exceeds
The expected indicators were covered thoroughly.
Only minor gaps were observed, and the gaps were not related to important job functions, and responsibilities of the target position. This response was expected of someone at the target position
The expected indicators were thoroughly demonstrated
(all points were covered well).
The candidate excels at this competency and could model it for others.
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Situation Action Results
Evidence to support rating:
Evaluation: ___________________________________________________
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Sergeant Interview Guide
Date of interview : _______________________________________
Interviewer's name : _______________________________________
Candidate's name : _______________________________________
Position : _______________________________________
Competency Well Below
Clearly Exceeds
Conflict Management
Decision Making
Developing Self and
Ethical Accountability and Responsibility
Risk Management
Recommendation: [ ] Continued Consideration* [ ] Rejection
* Must meet expectations on all competencies.
Overall Recommendations (type of assignment/department):
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