
Name KEY
Date _______________________
Period _____
Complete the Generals chart below by identifying the leaders for both sides in the Battle. Make sure
you write down their position in the army along with their first and last name.
American Leaders
British Leaders
1. General George Washington
1. Admiral Richard Howe
2. General John Sullivan
2. General William Howe
3. General William Sterling
3. General Henry Clinton
4. General Charles Cornwallis
5. General Grant
6. General Von Heister
1. Explain what happens in the summer of 1775 and the spring of 1776 to set the stage for the Battle of New York.
The Patriots laid siege to Boston and the British eventually evacuate the city. They sail north to Halifax,
where they plan to have reinforcements sent to launch an invasion of the colonies at New York.
2. Where did the British plan to invade the 13 Colonies after they abandoned the city of Boston?
New York
3. Approximately how many troops were the British able to assemble on Staten Island just prior to the Battle for
Long Island?
4. How did the lesson learned from the Battle of Bunker Hill help Admiral Howe in devising his plan for the
Battle of New York?
Admiral Howe did not want to put his troops in line of the Patriot cannon fire from the higher ground by
taking Manhattan Island first. So, he opts to attack the Patriots on Long Island where their cannons are
stationed before he moves to take the city.
5. What mistake did General John Sullivan make on August 22, 1776 that allowed the British to break through
behind Patriot lines?
He only sends 5 scouts out to cover his far left flank.
6. Explain how the British were able to defeat the Patriots on August 26th & 27th of 1776.
The British planned a secret sweep of the left flank. They made the Patriots think that the entire British
army was attacking the main lines and during the battle, under the cover of darkness, British Generals
Howe, Clinton, & Cornwallis move to attack the Patriots weak left flank by surprise.
7. What does George Washington decide to do on August 29, 1776?
Retreat from Long Island to Manhattan.
8. What is George Washington forced to do between October and December of 1776?
Retreat into New Jersey.
9. What did Great Britain do after the Battle of New York?
They decided to establish garrisons to house their soldiers for the winter and protect what they won during
the battle of Long Island & New York.
10. Who won the Battle of Long Island and New York? Great Britain.
11. Explain in a complete paragraph the valuable lesson that George Washington learns from the Battle of Long
Island & New York and how it will help him plan to win the war.
Washington learns that he is unable to win the war outright against the British Army, they are too strong.
He realizes after this battle that he does not actually need to win the war to be victorious. Washington needs
to fight a “War of Posts” where he only engages the enemy when he know that he has superiority and an
escape route. Washington’s plan changes to fight a war that will break the British will to fight until they give
up. All he and his army have to do is hold out!