Examples of Problems and Strategies

Developing Local Crime Prevention Programs: Examples of Problems and Strategies
Strategies for Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour engaged in by young people
Safety Audit - Identifies and prioritises local crime concerns
Fear Mapping - Identifies local sites that cause greatest concern
Cultural Mapping - Identifies places and resources of significance to different groups in the community
Youth Surveys - Identifies issues of concern to young people in the community
Youth Advisory Councils - Provides opportunity for young people to contribute to local decision-making
Local Government Management Plans - Ensure that youth issues are effectively addressed
Shopping Centre Management Plans - Ensure that youth issues are effectively addressed
Design of Public Space - Create safe and stimulating places for young people to meet
Appropriate Recreation Facilities - Develop a range of safe and stimulating recreation options
Develop Transport Options - Provide effective means for young people to travel within locality
Streetworkers - Provide youth support and containment in public areas at night
Police Youth Liaison - Improve understanding and communication between young people and police
Closed Circuit Television - Provide regular surveillance of trouble spots
Improve lighting and visibility of an area - Provides better access for surveillance of an area
Community Arts Projects - Improve channels of communication between young people and the broader
Community Service Projects - Engage young people in community service activities
Employment Programs - Generate meaningful work for young people
School Based Projects and Services - Employ school facilities to reduce anti social behaviour
After School Clubs - Provide constructive activities for young people
Liquor Licensing Laws - Ensure that licensed providers of alcohol are serving within the law; ensure the
peace and good order of the neighbourhood
Strengthen Families - Assist parents and children to effectively communicate with each other; assist
parents to support and guide their children
Strategies for Tackling Violence
Many of the strategies that can be employed to address anti social behaviour - such as environmental
design, lighting, encouraging the participation of the community in issues which concern them - can have an
impact on violent crime. In addition to those strategies the following can be useful.
Conflict Resolution Training - Provide people with skills to resolve conflict successfully
Access Control - Limit or screen people who can be in a given area or site
Analyse role of alcohol (or other drugs) in violent incidents - Determine need for action on alcohol and
other drug issues
Anti-Violence Training - Provide members of the community with skills to prevent violent incidents
Personal Safety Strategies - Equip members of the community with strategies for avoiding potentially
violent situations
Self Defence Skills - Equip people with skills to defend themselves in violent situations
Mediation Services - Provide a local mechanism for resolving disputes
Peer Education Programs - Support and encourage young people not to engage in violent acts
Mentoring Schemes - Provide role models who will discourage violent actions
Anti-bullying strategies in schools - Discourage “bullying” behaviours
Local, State or National Media Campaigns - Strengthen community attitudes against violence
Strategies for Tackling Theft
This section examines strategies, which can be used to address shoplifting, break and enters and other
forms of theft. Many of the strategies that can be employed to address anti social behaviour or violence can
have an impact on theft. In addition to those strategies the following can be useful.
Increase Surveillance Opportunities - Increase risk of detection
Publicise Increased Surveillance Opportunities - Increase perceived likelihood of detection
Shop or Residential Design - Minimise opportunities for theft
Target Hardening - Make the commission of crime more difficult
Community Surveillance - Enlist local residents in surveillance of neighbourhood
Property Identification - Reduce the rewards of theft
Screening - Increase the risks associated with theft
Restrict potential resale sites - Reduces the rewards of theft
Address Underlying Motivations for Theft - Reduce the incentive for theft
Strategies for Tackling Motor Vehicle Theft
This section examines strategies, which can be used to address Motor Vehicle Theft. Many of the strategies
that can be employed to address anti social behaviour, violence and theft - such as environmental design
measures, target hardening, increased surveillance, and the development of youth oriented recreation
programs - can have an impact on motor vehicle theft. In addition to those strategies the following can be
Increase transport options - Reduce the incentives for Motor Vehicle Theft (MVT)
Motor vehicle related activities - Provide alternatives to MVT for young people who wish to work with
MVT Specific Surveillance Programs - Increase the risks of detection
Strategies for Graffiti and Vandalism
This section examines strategies which can be used to address graffiti and vandalism. Many of the strategies
that can be employed to address anti social behaviour, violence and theft - such as environmental design
measures, target hardening, increased surveillance, and the development of youth oriented recreation
programs - can have an impact on graffiti and vandalism. In addition to those strategies the following can be
Create legal sites for aerosol art -Provide constructive local options for creative activity.
Clean Up Programs - Reduce the incentives for graffiti or vandalism
Art related vocational training - Provide training options for use of artistic skills
Target removal - Reduce incentives for activity
Community Action Programs - Encourage community to take ownership of particular sites
Graffiti Prevention Codes of Conduct - Develop a co-ordinated local/state approach to graffiti related
Strategies for Addressing Drug and Alcohol Issues
School education, policies and programs - Provide an educational environment which encourages
young people to treat drugs responsibly
Peer Education - Provide relevant role models to assist young people to make positive choices about
drug use
Brief interventions for young people - Provide appropriate advice and information to assist young people
in making decisions
Alcohol and other Drug Campaigns - Promote an environment which encourages people to make
healthy choices about drug use
Provide viable transport options - Reduce the likelihood of drinking and driving
Parent and Community Education - Assist parents and community to effectively discuss issues of safe
drug use with young people; provide parents and community members with accurate information and
education about alcohol and other drug issues
Liquor Licensing Laws - Ensure that licensed providers of alcohol are serving within the law; ensure the
peace and good order of the neighbourhood
Alcohol Free Zones - Reduce sites where alcohol can be consumed publicly
Strategies for Preventing Criminality
Parent Effectiveness Training - Assist parents to establish positive parenting roles
Early Interventions on Learning and Developmental Disorders - Identify and Address developmental and
learning disorders
School Support Programs - Address cultural/social disadvantage that may be experienced by school
Support for disadvantaged parents - Address behavioural and psychosocial conditions which lead to
poor maternal and child outcomes for disadvantaged mothers
Prevent Disruptive Behaviour and Bullying - Address onset of aggressive behaviour
Prevent Domestic Abuse - Improve safety and quality of life for victims
Strategies for Reducing the Fear of Crime
Environmental design - Create environments where there is less opportunity for crime to take place
Publicise crime prevention measures -Increase community awareness of those mechanisms in place to
prevent crime
 Heighten visibility of security measures - Increase awareness of risk associated with crime