Mathematics: Modeling Our World Lesson Plan: Unit 7 Lesson One Pages 611-619 Vocabulary: approximate probability estimate percentage representative sample event misleading statistics mutually exclusive events complementary events 1. Go over vocabulary 2. Go over the example in the book on page 611-612 3. Do the simulation as a small group project. Make sure to explain that you do not start over with your count and remember to put the bead back into the container. Hand out H7.2. On the 1st page the group records their results, then on figure 2, they copy from the overhead. I would have the students write the math sentence to solve for percentage. 4. On the 2nd page of the hand out, add all group totals together, then go back and figure out the percentage on figure 3. 5. Make a scatter plot for the data. Percentages versus number of draws. Make sure to choose appropriate scales and labels for your axes. Describe any trends that you see. Do you think that you would get the same result if you repeated the experiment 500 times? Now you get to use your calculators to simulate 500 draws. Then do a scatter plot for this information. Remember to use the same scale on the vertical axes as you used on the first plot. Take a moment to look how much difference there is in the plots. Go over vocabulary of mutually exclusive events and a complementary event. Mutually exclusive, means that you can only belong to one group, not both. But a complementary event is a combination of all groups. Explain a two- way table. Individual work on page 619, numbers 1,2, and 6.