S589 - Fdu - Fairleigh Dickinson University

Selected Recent Acquisitions  August 2003
B105 .E46 S67 2003 – GIFT
Solomon, Robert C. Not Passion’s Slave: Emotions and Choice. Oxford; New York:
Oxford U. Press, 2003.
BD518 .H4 Z88 2003 – GIFT
Zaddik, Joseph Ben Jacob Ibn; Horovitz, Saul, Heb. text ed. & Jacob Haberman, Eng.
transl./ed. The Microcosm of Joseph Ibn Saddiq. Madison, NJ: FDU Press, 2003.
BL325 .C7 C55 1994
Clifford, Richard J. Creation Accounts in the Ancient Near East and in the Bible.
Washington, DC: Catholic Biblical Assn., 1994.
BP185.7 .N48 2003
Eickelman, Dale F. and Jon W. Anderson, eds. New Media in the Muslim World: the
Emerging Public Sphere. Bloomington: Indiana U. Press, 2003.
BS535 .B49 1991
McConnell, Frank, ed. The Bible and the Narrative Tradition. New York: Oxford U.
Press, 1991.
BS1225.3 .P55 1981
Plaut, W. Gunther, ed. The Torah: A Modern Commentary. New York: Union of
American Hebrew Congregations, 1981.
BT93 .R84 1993
Ruether, Rosemary Radford & Herman J. Ruether. The Wrath of Jonah: The Crisis of
Religious Nationalism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. San Francisco: Harper
SanFrancisco, 1993.
HISTORY (Outside Western Hemisphere)
DA880 .O6 R58 1978 – GIFT
Ritchie, Anna and Graham Ritchie. The Ancient Monuments of Orkney. Edinburgh:
H.M.S.O., 1978.
DB2783 .T66 2001
Toma, Peter A. and Dušan Kováč. Slovakia; From Samo to Dzurinda. Stanford, CA:
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 2001.
DC131 .J66 2002b
Jones, Colin. The Great Nation: France from Louis XV to Napoleon 1715-99. New
York: Columbia U. Press, 2002.
DG209 .C66613 2003 [Ref.]
Conti, Flavio. A Profile of Ancient Rome. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum,
DG737.26 .L49 2003 – GIFT
Lewin, Alison Williams. Negotiating Survival: Florence and the Great Schism, 13781417. Madison, NJ: FDU Press, 2003.
DK262 .L52 2003
Lincoln, W. Bruce. In War’s Dark Shadow: The Russians Before the Great War.
DeKalb: Northern Illinois U. Press, 2003.
DK549 .F58 2003
Zinovieff, Kyril and Jenny Hughes. The Companion Guide to St. Petersburg.
Woodbridge, Suffolk; Rochester, NY: Companion Guides, 2003.
DK904 .B4 2001
Beljalov, Oleg & Vladimir Morosov. Tau men dala eli: bizdin otanymyz – Kazakstan;
zanuarlar men osimdikter duniesi = Our Homeland, Kazakhstan: The Country of
Mountains and Steppes; The Animal and Plant World. Astana, 2001.
DP526.5 .S2713 2000
Saramago, José. Journey to Portugal: In Pursuit of Portugal’s History and Culture. New
York: Harcourt, 2000.
DS126 .S447 2001
Sherman, A. J. Mandate Days: British Lives in Palestine, 1918-1948. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins U. Press, 2001.
DS135 .G5 D59 2000
Crane, Cynthia. Divided Lives: The Untold Stories of Jewish-Christian Women in Nazi
Germany. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000.
DS376.9 .M85 2003
Mumtaz, Khawar and Yameema Mitha. Pakistan. Oxford: Oxfam, 2003.
DS559.46 .L48 2003
Lewes, James. Protest and Survive: Underground GI Newspapers during the Vietnam
War. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003.
DS827 .F34 R53 2003
Richie, Donald & Roy Garner. The Image Factory: Fads & Fashions in Japan. London:
Reaktion, 2003.
F144 .N69 G76 2003
Grover, Warren. Nazis in Newark. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2003.
GN635 .I65 Y35 2003
Yamashita, Shinji. Bali and Beyond: Explorations in the Anthropology of Tourism.
New York: Berghahn Books, 2003.
GV1853.3 .F62 E636 2002
Mannheim, Steve. Walt Disney and the Quest for Community. Aldershot, Hants,
England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2002.
HC79 .T4 M648 1990 – GIFT
Mokyr, Joel. The Lever of Riches: Technological creativity and Economic Progress.
New York: Oxford U. Press, 1990.
HC401 .B355 2001
Veremis, Thanos and Daniel Daianu. Balkan Reconstruction. London; Portland, OR:
Frank Cass, 2001.
HD9769 .W52 G86 2003
Gunningham, Neil; Kagan, Robert A. and Dorothy Thornton. Shades of Green:
Business, Regulation, and Environment. Stanford, CA: Stanford Law and Politics,
Stanford U. Press, 2003.
HF1359 .B4324 2002
Bello, Walden. Deglobalization: Ideas for a New World Economy. London; New York:
Zed Books, 2002.
HG61 .I65 [Ref.]
International Monetary Fund. International Financial Statistics. Washington, DC:
August 2003.
HM291 .S884 1994 – GIFT
Sumner, Colin. The Sociology of Deviance: An Obituary. New York: Continuum,
HN690 .L33 N67 1991
Norberg-Hodge, Helena. Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh. San Francisco:
Sierra Club Books, 1991.
HT168 .C5 M55 2003
Miller, Ross. Here’s the Deal: The Making and Breaking of a Great American City.
Evanston, IL: Northwestern U. Press, 2003.
HV8964 .S65 A67 2003 – GIFT
Applebaum, Anne. Gulag: A History. New York: Doubleday, 2003.
JK1764 .S544 2003
Skocpol, Theda. Diminished Democracy: From Membership to Management in
American Civic Life. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2003.
JZ1318 .L43 2002
Leadbeater, Charles. Up the Down Escalator: Why the Global Pessimists are Wrong.
London; New York: Viking,, 2002.
KF2994 .G654 2003
Goldstein, Paul. Copyright’s Highway: From Gutenberg to the Celestial Jukebox.
Stanford, CA: Stanford U. Press, 2003.
KF4541 .W35 2003
Waldrep, Christopher & Lynne Curry. The Constitution and the Nation: Establishing the
Constitution, 1215-1829. New York: Peter Lang, 2003.
LB2338 .G7 2004 [Ref.]
The Grants Register 2004: The Complete Guide to Postgraduate Funding Worldwide
22nd ed. Bath: The Bath Press, 2003.
ML655 .P64 1995 – GIFT
Pollens, Stewart. The Early Pianoforte. Cambridge; New York: U. Press, 1995.
NA735 .L55 J46 1993
Jencks, Charles. Heteropolis: Los Angeles, The Riots and the Strange Beauty of HeteroArchitecture. London: Academy Editions; Ernst & Sohn, 1993.
ND3151 .M39 1999
Mayr-Harting, Henry. Ottonian Book Illumination: An Historical Study. London:
Harvey Miller, 1999.
PC3901 .T42 2003
Terry, Arthur. A Companion to Catalan Literature. Rochester, NY: Tamesis, 2003.
PL2861 .A662 M3613 2003
Han, Shaogong. A Dictionary of Maqiao. New York: Columbia U. Press, 2003.
PN161 .W83 2004 [Ref.]
Brogan, Kathryn S., ed. The Writer’s Market. Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books, 2003.
PN682 .W6 W66 1997
Taylor, Jane H.M. and Lesley Smith, eds. Women and the Book: Assessing the Visual
Evidence. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.
PN842 .J48 2003 [Ref.]
Kerbel, Sorrel, ed. Jewish Writers of the Twentieth Century. New York: Fitzroy
Dearborn, 2003.
PN1998.3 .M3385 T87 2002 [Oversize]
Tupitsyn, Margarita. Malevich and Film. New Haven: Yale U. Press, 2002.
PN5124 .P4 V486 1994
Vann, J. Don and Rosemary T. VanArsdel, eds. Victorian Periodicals and Victorian
Society. Aldershot; Toronto: Scolar Press, 1994.
PN6705 .A1 C49 2002
Clark, Vicky A. & Barbara Bloemink et al. Comic Release: Negotiating Identity for a
New Generation. New York: D.A.P. in assoc. with Regina Gouger Miller Gallery at
Carnegie Mellon University and Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, 2002.
PN6725 .W25 2002 [Oversize]
Walker, Brian. The Comics since 1945. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2002.
PN6725 .W74 2001
Wright, Bradford W. Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in
America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U. Press, 2001.
PQ1170 .E6 D74 2003 – GIFT
Brombert, Beth Archer, translator, et al. Dreaming the Miracle; Three French Prose
Poets: Max Jacob, Francis Ponge, Jean Follain. Buffalo, NY: White Pine Press, 2003.
PQ4088 .T36 2003 – GIFT
Tamburri, Anthony Julian. Semiotics of Re-Reading: Guido Gozzano, Aldo Palazzeschi,
and Italo Calvino. Madison, NJ: FDU Press, 2003.
PQ7389 .L78 A25 2002 – GIFT
Loynaz, Dulce María. A Woman in Her Garden: Selected Poems. Buffalo, NY: White
Pine Press, 2002.
PR2833 .S63 2003 – GIFT
Sokol, B. J. A Brave New World of Knowledge: Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Early
Modern Epistemology. Madison, NJ: FDU Press, 2003.
PR3605 .N2 A94 2003 – GIFT
Cottegnies, Line and Nancy Weitz, eds. Authorial Conquests: Essays on Genre in the
Writings of Margaret Cavendish. Madison, NJ: FDU Press, 2003.
PR5442 .S58 B75 2003 – GIFT
Lewes, Darby, ed. A Brighter Morn: The Shelley Circle’s Utopian Project. Lanham,
MD: Lexington Books, 2003.
PR8716 .B75 1970
Browne, Ray B.; Roscelli, William John and Richard Loftus, eds. The Celtic Cross:
Studies in Irish Culture and Literature. New York: Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
PS310 .M57 P38 2002 – GIFT
Paul, Catherine E. Poetry in the Museums of Modernism: Yeats, Pound, Moore, Stein.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2002.
PS374 .M39 B76 2003 – GIFT
Brown, Bill. A Sense of Things: The Object Matter of American Literature. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2003.
PS379 .Y675 2003 – GIFT
York, R. A. The Extension of Life: Fiction and History in the American Novel.
Madison, NJ: FDU Press, 2003.
PS3535 .U4 B6633 2003 – GIFT
Dayton, Tim. Muriel Rukeyser’s The Book of the Dead. Columbia: University of
Missouri Press, 2003.
PS3537 .T3234 Z619 2002 – GIFT
Shillinglaw, Susan and Kevin Hearle, eds. Beyond Boundaries: Rereading John
Steinbeck. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2002.
PS3552 .R297 I5 2003 – GIFT
Brandi, John. In What Disappears: Poems. Buffalo, NY: White Pine Press, 2003.
PS3557 .R283 A6 2003
Grau, Shirley Ann. Selected Stories. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U. Press, 2003.
PS3562 .I4537 B44 1999
Lifshin, Lyn. Before It’s Light: New Poems. Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1999.
PS3606 .R423 S77 2003 – GIFT
Fraser, Gregory. Strange Pietà. Lubbock: Texas Tech U. Press, 2003.
PS3619 .U76 W38 2003 – GIFT
Surowiecki, John. Watching Cartoons before Attending a Funeral. Buffalo, NY: White
Pine Press, 2003.
QA76.9 .C66 P465 1996
Perkinson, Henry J. No Safety in Numbers: How the Computer Quantified Everything
and Made People Risk-Aversive. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1996.
QH75 .W535 2003
Wilson, Edward O. The Future of Life. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003.
QH442 .M5425 1999
Miesfeld, Roger L. Applied Molecular Genetics. New York: Wiley, 1999.
QH442.2 .E77 2000 v.1
Brown, T. A., ed. Essential Molecular Biology: A Practical Approach. Oxford; New
York: Oxford U. Press, 2000.
QL495 .P485 1999
Hardie, Jim & Albert K. Minks, eds. Pheromones of Non-Lepidopteran Insects
Associated with Agricultural Plants. Wallingford, Oxon, UK; New York: CABI, 1999.
QL508 .M4 P7 1999
Prete, Frederick R. et al., eds. The Praying Mantids. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U.
Press, 1999.
QL566 .M53 2000
Michener, Charles D. The Bees of the World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U. Press, 2000.
QL648 .P37 1999
Duellman, William E., ed. Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global
Perspective. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U. Press, 1999.
QP277 .K54 2003
Kiessling, Ann A. and Scott Anderson. Human Embryonic Stem Cells: An Introduction
to the Science and Therapeutic Potential. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2003.
QP620 .B565 2001
Baxevanis, Andreas D. and B.F. Francis Ouellette. Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to
the Analysis of Genes and Proteins. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 2001.
RC569 .M55 2001
Minois, Georges. History of Suicide: Voluntary Death in Western Culture. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins U. Press, 2001.
S589.755 .I45 2003 [Oversize]
Imhoff, Daniel and Roberto Carra. Farming with the Wild: Enhancing Biodiversity on
Farms and Ranches. Healdburg, CA; San Francisco: Watershed Media; Sierra Club,
TX649 .E8 J36 2002
James, Kenneth. Escoffier: The King of Chefs. London: Hambledon and London,
Z253 .U69 2003 [Ref.]
The Chicago Manual of Style 15th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.
Z462 .P83 2003
Baensch, Robert E., ed. The Publishing Industry in China. New Brunswick, NJ:
Transaction, 2003.