
Prof. Dr. R. Borgmeier
HS "The English Ballad"
SS 2007
Please note: If not stated otherwise, signatures refer to the FBB Anglistik. The folder is available for
photocopying in Room 339.
1. Popular or Traditional Ballads
1.1. Anthologies
Brendan Behan Sings Irish Folk Songs and Ballads. New Rochelle, NY: Spoken Arts, 1985.
Kompaktkassette. QK 293 (Sprachlabor)
Bronson, B.H. The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads. Prineeton, N.J.: UP, 1959-66. G AP 187
Buchan, David (ed). A Scottish Ballad Book. London & Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973. G
AP 260
Chambers, Robert. The Scottish Ballad. New York: AMS P, 1974. G AP 9
Child, F.J. The English and Scottish Popular Ballads. New York: Cooper Square Publ., 1962. G AP
Cox, Steven J. Broadside Ballads of the 18th and Early 19th Century. St. Peter, Guernsey: Toucan
P, 1976. G AP 276
Ehrenpreis, A.H. (ed.). The Literary Ballad. London: Edward Arnold, 1966. G AP 209
Farmer, John S. Merry Songs and Ballads. New York: Cooper Square Publ., 1964. G AP 211
Graves, Robert (ed.). English and Scottish Ballads. London: Heinemann, 1969. G AP 179
Grigson, Geoffrey (ed.). The Penguin Book of Ballads. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984. G AP 266
Gummere, F.B. (ed.). Old English Ballads. Boston: Ginn, 1899. G AP 68
Friedman, A.B. (ed.). The Penguin Book of Folkballads of the English-Speaking World.
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982. G AP 172
Hodgart, Matthew (ed.). The Faber Book of Ballads. London: Faber, 1965. G AP 199
Gisela Hoffmann (ed.). Englische und amerikanische Balladen: zweisprachig. Stuttgart: Reclam,
1982. G AP 297
Holloway, John and Joan Black (eds.). Later English Broadside Ballads. London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul, 1975/1979. G AP 262
Joliffe, Maureen. The Third Book of Irish Ballads. Cork: Mercier P, 1970. G AP 216
Kinsley, James (ed.). The Oxford Book of Ballads. London: Oxford UP, 1971. G AP 215
Lomax, Alan (ed.). The Folk Songs of North America. Garden City, New Jersey: Doubleday and
Comp., 1960. D LU 810
Lomax, John A. and Alan Lomax. American Ballads and Folksong. New York: Macmillan, 1935. G
TP 131
Morgan, Gwendolyn A. (ed.): Medieval ballads : chivalry, romance, and everyday life : a critical
anthology. New York [u.a.] : Lang, 1996. I 273
O'Lochlainn, Colm (ed.). More Irish Street Ballads. London: Pan Books, 1978. G AP 219
Peacock, W. Campion to the Ballads. London Oxford UP, 1969-71. G AP 132
Sargent, H.C. and G.L. Kittredge (eds.). English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Edited from the
Collection of F.J. Child. London: Harrap, 1904. G AP 219
Sharp, C.J. and Maud Karpeles (eds.). English Folk-Songs from the Southern Appalachians.
London: Oxford UP, 1973. G SP 132
Whiting, Bartlett J. Traditional British Ballads: A Selection. Arlington Heights, Ill.: AMH Publ.,
1955. G AP 171
1.2. Critical Works
Anders, Wolfhart H. Balladensänger und mündliche Komposition: Untersuchungen zur englischen
Traditionsballade. München: Fink, 1974. F RI 977
Andersen, Fleming G. Commonplace and Creativity: The Role of Formulaic Diction in
Anglo-Scottish Traditional Balladry. Odense: UP, 1985. F RI 1109
Andersen, Fleming G. et al. The Ballad as Narrative: Studies in the Ballad Tradition of England,
Scotland and Denmark. Odense: UP, 1982. F RI 1073
Anon. "The Ballad and History: the Case for Scott." Folkore 89 (1978): 229-242. folder
Anon. "The Non-Art of the Ballad." The Times Literary Supplement (19.11.71): 1433-1434. folder
Anon."The Preludes to Romanticism." The Times Literary Supplement (13.8.1925.): 525-526. folder
Baker, Ronald L. "The Aesthetics of the Folk Ballad." Lore and Language 3.10 (1984): 53-62.folder
Baliff, Sandra. "An Arthurian Remnant in an Appalachian Nonsense Ballad." Ballads and Ballad
Research. Selected Papers of the Int. Conference on Nordic and Anglo-American Ballad
Research. Ed. Patricia Conroy. Seattle: U of Washington P, 1978. 185-192. folder
Becker, Heinrich. "Die Ballade von Johnie Cock." Deutschbeins Festschrift: Englische Kultur in
sprachwissenschaftlicher Deutung. Leipzig: 1936, 191-207. Z 1082
Bold, Alan. The Ballad. The Critical Idiom 41. London: Methuen, 1979. F BC 932/41
Bostetter, Edward E. "The Nightmare World of the Ancient Mariner." Studies in Romanticism 1
(1962): 241:54. folder
Boswell, George W. & J. Russell Reaver. Fundamentals of Folk Literature. Oosterhout:
Anthropological Publications, 1969. F RI 918
Boswell, George. "Reciprocal Controls Excerted by Ballad Texts and Tunes." Journal of American
Folklore 80 (1967): 169-174. folder
Brandl, Alois. "Anfänge der englisch-schottischen Ballade." Brandl Festschrift: Forschung und
Charakteristiken. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1936, 123-137. Z 1040
Bratton, J. S. The Victorian Popular Ballad. London: Macmillan, 1975. F NP 990
Bronson, B.H. "On the Union of Words and Music in the 'Child' Ballads." Western Folklore 11
(1952): 233-249. folder
Bronson, B.H. The Ballad as Song. Berkeley: U of California P, 1969. F RI 919
Brunner, Karl. "Romanzen und Volksballaden." Brandl-Festschrift: Anglico. Vol.2. Leipzig: 1925,
75-82. Z 1039
Buchan, David. "British Balladry: Medieval Chronology and Relations." The European Medieval
Ballad: A Symposium. Ed. Holzapfel, Otto [a.o.]. Odense: Odense UP, 1978. 98-106. folder
Buchan, David. The Ballad and the Folk. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972. F RI 953
Castein, Hanne. Die anglo-irische Straßenballade: Mit einem Anthologieteil. München: Fink, 1971.
F RI 941
Cheesman, Tom. Ballads into Books: The legacies of Francis James Child. Selected papers from
the 26th international ballad conference (SIEF Ballad Commission). Swansea, Wales, 19-24
July 1996. Bern: Lang, 1997. F RI 1253
Coffin, Tristram P. The British Traditional Ballad in North America. Austin: U of Texas P, 1963. F
RI 966
Drake, Carlos C. "'Mary Hamilton' in Tradition." Southern Folklore Quarterly 33 (1969): 39-47.
Dunn, Charles W. "Highland Song and Lowland Ballad. A Study in Structural Patterns." U of
Toronto Quarterly 18 (1948-49): 1-19. folder
Eicker, H. Die historische Volksballade der Engländer und Schotten. Leipzig: Quelle und Meyer,
1926. F RI 451
Einarsson, Stefan. "A Ballad and Folk Tale Motif." Mossé Festschrift: Mélanges de Linguistique et
de Philologie. Paris: 1959, 122-28. Z 1320
Empsom, William. "The Ancient Mariner." Critical Quarterly 6 (1964): 298-319. folder
Entwistle, W.J. European Balladry. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1969. F RI 581
Erwin, Otto. "Balladeske Gegenbewegungen: Folk Ballad and Topical Song." Anglistik und
Englischunterricht 26 (1985): 45-67. Z 306
Fowler, D.C. A Literary History of the Popular Ballad. Durham: Duke UP, 1968. F GP 905
Friedman, Adele C. "The Broadside Ballad Virago: Emancipated Women in British Working Class
Literature." Journal of Popular Culture 13 (1980): 469-475. folder
Friedman, A. B. The Ballad Revival: Studies in the Influence of Popular Ballads on Sophisticated
Poetry. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1961. F CP 821
Gammon, Vic and Peter Stalleybrass. "Structure and Ideology in the Ballad: An Analysis of 'Long
Lankin'." Criticism 26 (1984): 1-20. folder
Gerould, G.H. The Ballad of Tradition. New York: Oxford UP, 1957. F RI 511
Henderson, F.F. The Ballad in Literature. New York: Haskell House, 1966. F RI 887
Hodgart, M.C.J. The Ballads. New York: Norton, 1962. F RI 834
Humbert, Gabriele. Literarische Einflüsse in schottischen Volksballaden: Versuch einer kritischen
Variantenvergleichung. Halle: Niemeyer, 1932. F RI 512
Hustvedt, S.B. Ballad Books and Ballad Men: Raids and Rescues in Britain, America and the
Scandinavian North Since 1800. New York, N.Y.: Johnson Reprint, 1970. F RI 491
Hustvedt, S.B. Ballad Criticism in Scandinavia and Britain During the 18th Century. New York:
Kraus, 1971. F RI 352
Ingham, Patricia. "The World of the Ballad." Review of English Studies (New Series) 8 (1957):
22-31. folder
Köpf, Gerhard. Die Ballade: Probleme in Forschung und Didaktik. Kronberg: Scriptor, 1976. E F
Laws, G. M., Jr. (ed.). Native American Balladry: A Descriptive Study and A Bibliographical
Syllabus. Philadelphia: Am. Folklore Society, 1975. F RI 857
Laws, G. M., Jr. The British Literary Ballad: A Study in Poetic Imitation. Carbondale,Ill.: Southern
Illinois P, 1972. F RI 954
Leach, MacEdward and T.P. Coffin (eds.). The Critics and the Ballad. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern
Illinois P, 1961. F RI 821
Lehmann, Rosamund. The Ballad and the Source. London: Collins,1971. O LEH II 130
Lloyd, A.L. Folk Song in England. St. Albans, Herts: Granada, 1975. F RI 989
Long, Eleanor. "Young Man I Think You're Dying." Ballads and Ballad Research. Ed. Patricia
Conroy. Seattle: U of Washington P, 1978. 159-171. folder
Lyle, E.B. Ballad Studies. Cambridge: Brewer, 1976. F RI 1001
Mackenzie, W. Roy. The Quest of the Ballad. New York: Haskell House, 1966. F RI 882
Meyer, Frank S. Breathes There the Man: Heroic Ballads and Poems of the English-Speaking
Peoples. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishers, 1973.ordered
Müller, Wolfgang G . Die englisch-schottische Volksballade. Bern, München: Francke, 1983. F RI
Muir, Willa. Living with Ballads. London: Hogarth, 1965. F RI 869
Nessler, Karl. Geschichte der Ballade Chevy Chase. Berlin: Mayer, 1911. F RI 301
Niles, J.D. "A Traditional Ballad and Its Mask: Tam Lin." Ballads and Ballad Research. Ed.
Patricia Conroy. Seattle: U of Washington P, 1978. 147-157. folder
Oates, Joyce Carol. "The English and Scottish Traditional Ballads." Southern Review 15 (1979):
229-242. Z73
Odell, George Clinton. Simile and Metaphor in the English and Scottish Ballads. Norwood
Editions, 1972. F RI 156
Palmer, Roy. A Ballad History of England: From 1588 to the Present Day. London: Batsford, 1979.
F RI 1037
Panke, Fritz. Die schottischen Liebesballaden. Berlin: Junker, 1933. F RI 541
Pfügler-Bouillon, Elisabeth (Hrsg.) Probleme der Volksballadenforschung. Darmstadt: Wiss.
Buchgesellschaft, 1975. F RI 990
Pound, Louise. "New-World Analogues of the English and Scottish Popular Ballads." The Mid-West
Quarterly 3 (1916): 171-88. F RI 351
Pound, Louise. Poetic Origins of the Ballad. New York: Macmillan, 1921. F RI 401
Reed, James. The Border Ballads. London Athlone, 1973. F RI 965
Reed, Mark L. "Wordsworth, Coleridge, and the 'Plan' of the Lyrical Ballads." U of Toronto
Quarterly 34 (1965): 238-253. folder
Renwick, Roger deV. "'The Bold Fisherman': Some Symbolic Aspects of British Folksong." Ballads
and Ballad Research. Ed. Patricia Conroy. Seattle: U of Washington, 1978. 172-184. folder
Richmond, Winthrop E. Ballad Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography. - New York [u.a.]:
Garland, 1989. B K 250
Rubin, David C. Memory in Oral Traditions: The Cognitive Psychology of Epic, Ballads, and
Counting-out Rhymes. New York [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press, 1995. FBB06: 15/R 15
Schäfer, Albert (ed.). Weltliteratur und Volksliteratur. München: Beck, 1972. F DA 953
Schmidt, Wolfgang. "Die Entwicklung der englisch-schottischen Volksballaden." Anglia 45 (1933):
1-77 und 113-207. Z 1
Schöne, Annemarie. Englische Nonsense- und Gruselballaden. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und
Rupprecht, 1970. F RI 930
Shepard, Leslie. The Broadside Ballad: A Study in Origins and Meaning. London: Jenkins, 1962. F
R1 835
Shepard, Leslie. The History of Street Literature. Penton Abbot: David and Charly, 1973. F RZ 964
Steenstrup, Johannes C.H.R. The Medieval Popular Ballad. Seattle: U of Washington P, 1968. F R1
Taylor, Archer. "The English Riddle Ballads." Schlauch Festschrift: Studies in Language and
Literature. Warszawa: 1966, 445-54. Z 1458
Ward, Donald."The origin of the Ballad: Rural or Urban Setting?."Ballads and Ballad Research. Ed.
Patricia Conroy. Seattle: U of Washington, 1978. 46-57. folder
Weissert, Gottfried. Ballade. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1980. F RI 1049
Whalley, George. "Preface to Lyrical Ballads: A Portent." U of Toronto Quarterly 25 (1956):
1033-1048. folder
Würzbach, Natascha. "An Approach to a Context-Orientated Genre Theory in Application to the
History of the Ballad: Traditional Ballad - Street Ballad - Literary Ballad." Poetics 12 (1983):
35-70. folder
Würzbach, Natascha. Anfänge und gattungstypische Ausformung der englischen Straßenballade,
1550-1650. München: Fink, 1981. F RI 1061
Würzbach, Natascha. The Rise of the English Street Ballad, 1550 - 1650. - Cambridge [u.a.] :
Cambridge UP, 1990. F RI 1061b
Zimmermann, Georges Denis. "What is an Irish Ballad?" Irish Folk Music Studies 3 (1976-81):
5-17. folder
2. Broadside Ballads
Capraro, Rocco Lawrence. "Political Broadside Ballads in Early Hanoverian England." Eighteenth
Century Life 11.2 (1987): 12-21. folder
Goldstein, Kenneth S. "The Broadside Ballad." Keystone Folklore 9 (1964): 39-67. ordered
Neilands, Colin. "Broadside Ballads and Irish Society: An Examination of the Themes of Religion
and Love." Lore and Language 10.1 (1991): 3-26. folder
Palmer, Roy. "'Veritable Dunghills: Professor Child and the Broadside." Folk Music Journal 7.2
(1996): 155-166. folder
Razovsky, Helaine. "Popular Hermeneutics: Monstrous Children in English Renaissance Broadside
Ballads." Early Modern Literary Studies 2.3 (1996): 5-11. folder
Wehse, Rainer. "British and American Humorous Broadside Ballads (Schwank Songs): A Genre
Neglected in Folkore Research." Nordic Yearbook of Folklore 38 (1982): 133-153. folder
Wehse, Rainer. "Broadside Ballad and Folksong: Oral Versus Literary Tradition." Folklore Forum 8
(1975): 2-12. folder
Williams, W. H. A. "The Broadside Ballad and Vernacular Cutlure." Eigse Cheol Tire: Irish Folk
Music Studies 3 (1975-1981): 45-60. folder
Wiltenburg, Joy. "Madness and Society in the Street Ballads of Early Modern England." Journal of
Popular Culture 21.4 (1988): 101-127. folder
3. Lyrical Ballads
3.1. Primary Texts
Richmond, Winthorp: Ballad Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography. New York, Garland, 1989.
B K 250
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
---. The Annotated Ancient Mariner. London: Blond, 1965. M Col 127
---. The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Ed. Kathleen Coburn. Princeton, N.J.: UP,
1970. M Col 25
---. The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 2 vols. Ed. Ernest H. Coleridge.
Oxford: Clarendon, 1912. M Col 91
John Keats
---. The Complete Poems. Ed. John Barnard. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. M Kea 99
---. The Poetical Works. Ed. H. Buxton Forman. London: Reeves, 1898. M Kea 92
---. The Complete Works of John Keats. 5 vols. Ed. H. Buxton Forman. Glasgow: Gowards and
Grau, 1900. M Kea 10
William Wordsworth
--- and S. T. Coleridge. Lyrical Ballads. Eds. R. L. Brett and A. R. Jones. London: Methuen, 1963.
M Wor III 94
---. Lyrical Ballads 1798. By Wordsworth and Coleridge. Ed. Harold Littledale. London: Henry
Frowde, 1911. M Wor III 93
---. Lyrical Ballads (1798). Hrsg. F. W. Schu1ze. Halle/Saale: Max Niemeyer, 1952. M Wor III
Wordsworth, William. The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. 11 vols. Ed. William Knight.
Edinburgh: William Paterson, 1882-89. M Wor III 94
3.2. Critical Works
Abrams, M.H. (ed.). Wordsworth. A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice
Hall, 1972. M Wor III 761
Balslev, Thora. Keats and Wordsworth. Kopenhagen: Munksgaart, 1962.M Kea 753 / M Wor III
Bate, Walter Jackson (ed.). A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall,
1964. M Kea 681
Bergner, Heinz. "The Middle Ages in the Literary Ballads of English Romanticism."
Fischer-Festschrift. Beyond the Suburbs of the Mind: Exploring English Romanticism. Essen:
1987, 22- 39. Z 1139
Borgmeier, Raimund (ed.). Die englische Literatur in Text und Darstellung. 19. Jahrhundert I.
Stuttgart: Reclam, 1983. F HC 1122
Bostetter, E.E. The Romantic Ventriloquists: Wordsworth Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, Byron. Seattle:
U of Washington, 1975. F MP 846
Boulger, J. D. (ed.). Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: A
Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1969. M Col 731
Breunig, Hans Werner: Verstand und Einbildungskraft in der englischen Romantik : S. T. Coleridge
als Kulminationspunkt seiner Zeit. Münster : Lit, 2002. Ab 4 / 15.722 [Graduierten Kolleg
Bygrave, Stephen: Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Plymouth : Northcote House, 1997
M COL 1011
Campbell, Patrick: Wordsworth and Coleridge : lyrical ballads ; critical perspectives. Basingstoke
[u.a.] : Macmillan, 1991 M WOR III 951 (*M COL 951+)
Coburn, K. (ed.). Coleridge: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall,
1967. M Col 713
Evert, W. H. Aesthetic and Myth in the Poetry of Keats. Princeton: U of Princeton P, 1965. M Kea
Fischer, H. Die romantische Verserzählung in England: Versuch einer Gattungsgeschichte.
Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1964. F MP 857
Fraser, G.S. (ed.). John Keats: Odes. A Casebook. London: Macmillan, 1971. M Kea 753
Fulford, Tim: Romanticism and masculinity : gender, politics and poetics in the writings of Burke,
Coleridge, Cobbett, Wordsworth, De Quincey and Hazlitt. Basingstoke [u.a.] : Macmillan
[u.a.], 1999 Ab 1 / 26.875 [Graduierten Kolleg Germanistik]
Jones, A. R. and W. Tydeman (eds.). Coleridge: The Ancient Mariner and Other Poems. A
Casebook. London: Macmillan, 1977. M Col 773
Jones, A. R. and W. Tydeman (eds.). Wordsworth: Lyrical Ballads. A Casebook. London:
Maemillan, 1972. M Wor III 764
Kitson, Peter J. [Hrsg.]: Coleridge, Keats and Shelley. Houndmills, Basingstoke [u.a.] : Macmillan,
M COL 1001 (*M KEA 1001+) (*M SHE 1001+)
Labbe, Jacqueline M.: The romantic paradox : love, violence and the uses of romance, 1760-1830.
Basingstoke [u.a.] : Macmillan [u.a.], 2001 Ab 1 / 50.575 [Graduierten Kolleg
Magnusson, Paul. Coleridge and Wordsworth. A Lyrical Dialogue. Prineeton, N.J.: Princeton UP,
1988. M Col 921
Meir, Colin. The Ballads and Songs of W. B. Yeats: The Anglo-Irish Heritage in Subject and Style.
London [u.a.]: Macmillan, 1974. O YEA 732
O'Neill, J. (ed.). Critics on Keats. Coral Gables, Fla.: U of Miami P, 1972. M Kea 725
Parrish, Steven Maxfield. "Dramatic Technique in the Lyrical Ballads." PMLA 74 (1959): 85-97. Z
Parrish, Steven Maxfield. "Wordsworth and Coleridge on Meter." JEGP 54 (1960): 41-49. Z 17
Parrish, Steven Maxfield. The Art of the Lyrical Ballads. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1973.
M Wor III 77
Piper, H.W. Nature and the Supernatural in The Ancient Mariner. Sidney: Halstead P, 1955. M Col
Prickett, Stephen. Wordsworth and Coleridge: The Lyrical Ballads. London: Edward Arnold, 1974.
M Wor III 791
Rajan, Tilottama: "Keats, Poetry, and 'The Absence of the Work'". In: Modern Philology:
A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature (MP). 1998 Feb; 95(3): 334-51.
Read, H. The True Voice of Feeling: Studies in English Romantic Poetry. New York: Faber, 1968.
F MP 893
Reed, Mark L. "Wordsworth, Coleridge and the 'Plan' of Lyrical Ballads." U of Toronto Quarterly
34 (1965): 238-53. folder
Riese, T.A. und D. Riesner (eds.). Versdichtung der englischen Romantik: Interpretationen. Berlin:
Erich Schmidt, 1968. F MP 905
Roe, Nicholas: Wordsworth and Coleridge : the radical years. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1990
M WOR III 922 (*M COL 922+)
Stillinger, Jack (ed.). Twentieth Century Interpretations of Keat's Odes. A Collection of Critical
Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1968. M Kea 721
Wallace, C. Miles:"Coleridge's Theory of Language". In: Philological-Quarterly (PQ). 1980
Summer; 59(3): 338-352.
UB ZZ 53/161
Wasserman, E.R. The Finer Tone: Keat's Major Poems. Baltimore: John Hopkins, 1967. M Kea
Watson, John R.: English poetry of the Romantic period : 1789 - 1830. 3. impr. - London
[u.a.] : Longman, 1988. F MP 1111
Whalley, George. "'Preface to Lyrical Ballads': A Portent." U of Toronto Quarterly 25 (1956):
1033-1048. folder
Wolfson, Susan J.: "Keats's 'Gordian Complication' of Women". In: Evert, Walter H. (ed.);
Rhodes, Jack W. (ed.). Approaches to Teaching Keats's Poetry. New York : Mod. Lang. Assn. of
Amer., 1991. xi, 161 pp. 77-85
M KEA 951
Wordsworth, William. "Preface to the Lyrical Ballads." Burke, Paine, Godwin and the Revolution
Controversy. Ed. M. Butler. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984. G MN 291