World Journal of Engineering EXPANSION OF THE FERROELECTRIC PHASE TEMPERATURE INTERVAL IN THE COMPOSITES (KNO3)1-x (BaTiO3)x AND (KNO3)1-x(PbTiO3)x E.V. Stukova, S.V. Baryshnikov Department of Engineering and Physics, Amur State University, Ignatievskoe shosse, 21, Blagoveschensk, Russia. Department of Physics and Mathematics, Blagoveschensk State Pedagogical University, Lenina st., 104, Blagoveschensk, Russia. mediate phase III with the space group R3m can occur between about 124 °C and 110 °C instead of the direct inverse transition I-II. Transitions between phase II and phases I or III are reconstructive (do not follow the group-subgroup relation). Phase III is ferroelectric. The occurrence of phase III depends on thermal history of the sample and on pressure. At ambient pressure phase I transforms upon cooling directly to phase II when warmed not higher than about 170 °C. The stability of phase III was found to improve for KNO3 thin films [4] and particles confined within porous glasses [5] and on doping bulk KNO3 with a small amount of sodium ions (see [6] and references therein). Three phase transitions, accompanied by changes in the structure and properties, are observed in barium titanate crystals. Phase transitions in barium titanate are transitions of the displacement type. At temperatures above 120 °C barium titanate has a cubic crystal structure of a perovskite type. Below the temperature of 120 °C a phase transition occurs, and BaTiO3 is a ferroelectric with a tetragonal symmetry up to a temperature of 5 °C class P4mm. When distortion of the cell abruptly occurs, spontaneous polarization appears, its value increases smoothly from Ps = 18 µC/cm2 near the Curie point up to about 26 µC/cm2 at room temperature. Lead titanate is a well-studied ferroelectric which has a perovskite structure. At room temperature it has a tetragonal structure (P4mm). When heated to the Curie temperature equal to 493 °C, it undergoes a ferroelectric phase transition from tetragonal to cubic polar nonpolar phase. Among ferroelectrics it is characterized by one of the highest values of spontaneous polarization at room temperature – 75 µC/cm2. Introduction The solution of the problem, connected with understanding the mechanisms of ordering dipole particles in ferroelectrics, has a long history. It dates back to the work of Debye and Langevin, and it is still topical. Without taking into account the ordering and interaction of dipole particles it is not possible to describe any phenomena in ferroelectric solid solutions, nor in dipole glasses, nor influence of dipole impurities on ferroelectrics properties. The nature of cooperative phenomena in disordered systems raises great interest. The mutual influence of ferroelectric particles in different composites (see [1] and references) deserves special interest. As ferroelectrics possess spontaneous polarization, and small particles typically are typically single-domain, they can be regarded as dipoles with a significant dipole moment, and interaction between them can not be neglected. So in [2] it is shown that collective effects are observed for ferroelectric powders KNO3 when all isolated powder particles experience a phase transition at the same time. Composites based on ferroelectric materials may have a very different structure. These may be polar particles in weakly and strongly polarized matrices, polar particles in the polar matrix, etc. Physical properties of small particles in such composites are connected with the size and their geometry. Besides, the volume ratio of the components and the interaction of particles with a matrix and among themselves plays a significant role. All these factors, taken together, lead to the fact that the characteristics of structures obtained in this way may differ significantly from the characteristics of initial materials. This study examines the effect of BaTiO3 and PbTiO3 particles (5 – 30 microns) inclusion on the ferroelectric properties of KNO3 polycrystalline samples. Apparatus and Procedures We investigated the dielectric properties and the amplitude of the third harmonic of the pressed samples (KNO3)1-x(BaTiO3)x for x from 0.05 to 0.5 and (KNO3)1-x(PbTiO3)x for x from 0.05 to 0.6. The samples were in the form of tablets with a diameter of 12 mm and thickness of about 1 mm, the tablets were pressed from the mixture at the pressure of 6000 kg/cm2. As a reference we used samples of polycrystalline potassium nitrate obtained by the same procedure. The dielectric permittivity and conductivity were measured with an LCR-meter at a frequency of 1 MHz. The samples were warmed up from room temperature to 180 °C and subsequently cooled back down. The temperature changes during the warming and cooling thermal cycles were not faster Experiment Materials Potassium nitrate, KNO3, has long been used as an ingredient in explosives. The phase diagram for KNO3 is cited in [3], for instance. At room temperature and pressure, KNO 3 crystallizes in an orthorhombic aragonite (Pmcn) phase. This phase is usually referred to as phase II. Upon heating to about 401 K it transforms to phase I, which has a disordered rhombohedral R 3 m (calcite-type) structure. When phase I is cooling down at atmospheric pressure, an inter1055 World Journal of Engineering than 1° min−1. The temperature was measured with accuracy of 0.1°C. To measure the generation of the third harmonic, the sinusoidal electric field at a frequency of 2 kHz was applied to the samples under study. The voltage amplitude was 50 V. The output signal was Fourier transformed and the third harmonic extracted by a digital spectrum analyzer assembled from an analog-digital converter connected to a computer. 80 Δ Temperature, oC 70 60 (KNO3)1-x(PbTiO3)x 50 40 30 20 10 Results and Discussion (KNO3)1-x(BaTiO3)x 0 0 1. 2. 3. x = 0.50 x = 0.55 4. x = 0.60 γ 0,015 5. 0,01 0,005 0 6. 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0,5 0,6 0,7 References x = 0.30 60 0,4 The results can be explained within the framework of Landau-Ginzburg theory, taking into account the dipole-dipole interaction [see [10] and references therein]. The electric field inside the small particles is directly proportional to the spontaneous polarization. The boundary conditions lead to the fact, that near the surface of the particles the electric field E = Ps(ε1/ε2), where ε1 is permittivity of the particle inclusions, ε2 is the permittivity of KNO3. As we have mentioned, the value of spontaneous polarization for the lead titanate is twice Ps for the barium titanate, but the dielectric constant for BaTiO3 in the investigated temperature range is one hundred times more than the corresponding value for PbTiO3, which causes a larger internal field and leads to a larger range of stabilization of the ferroelectric phase. x = 0.15 0,02 0,3 Conclusion 0,035 0,025 0,2 Fig. 3. The dependence of the ferroelectric phase of the temperature interval on the sample composition Fig 1. Temperature dependence of permittivity at heating and cooling and the harmonics factor for polycrystalline KNO3 at a frequency of 2 kHz. 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