Silent Reading Novel Assignment Select ONE of the following

Silent Reading Novel Assignment
Select ONE of the following activities to complete, with regard to the novel you read. Be sure to
read the expectations very carefully, as there is more than one expectation for each activity.
You will notice that each assignment requires a creative component, in addition to a more formally
written rationale.
Important Dates:
You will be working on this assignment in class on ____________________________________.
The assignment will be due on _____________________________________________________.
Make an 8-10 song playlist for the protagonist, as if he/she were around today. Divide the novel
into four or five sections and choose songs that reflect each section (capture all the main plot
events, character’s perceptions, theme, mood, etc.). Compile a written list of the songs, including
title and artist for each. You may also provide the audio files (though this is optional).
Rationales: For each song in your playlist, write a paragraph describing why you think the
protagonist would like it and/or why it is appropriate for his/her character (i.e. provide an
explanation of why you thought the song was a good choice). The rationale should also
explain the part of the plot to which it corresponds. Be sure to connect the lyrics of the
songs to scenes and situations from the book. Also make sure the lyrics are appropriate.
Write THREE poems (of 3 different forms—see me for handout if you choose this activity), which
are at least 15 lines each (with the exception of the sonnet). You must also provide a rationale (see
below) for each of the poems. Each poem must address a specific aspect of the novel.
Poem 1: Key plot details of the novel
Poem 2: Reflect the emotions of the protagonist and his/her experiences
Poem 3: Reflect the emotions of the antagonist and his/her experiences
As well, you must make use of at least FOUR poetic devices (i.e. auditory devices, imagery,
hyperbole, irony, etc.) in each poem. See your poetry notes for details.
Rationale: For each poem you’ve written, write a paragraph describing how it reflects the
element of fiction that it is meant to address (i.e., provide an explanation of how poem one
reflects key details of the plot or how poem three reflects the experiences and emotions of the
antagonist). Thus, you must connect the ideas in the poems to scenes and situations from the
Locate the climax scene in the novel. Rewrite it from a different character’s perspective than from
the perspective in which it is currently told. Be sure to write in first person (i.e. from an opposing
character’s perspective). You must really capture the “voice” of the character you are embodying.
It is really important that you not only correctly identify the climax, but also accurately capture
this character’s personality and emotions. This narrative should be about 250 words.
In addition to the creative component explained above, you must also provide rationale for
choosing this scene as the climax and for the creation of this character’s “voice”.
1. In one paragraph, you must explain WHY you think this is the climax of the novel.
Provide multiple reasons, which must be explained, as to why this is the turning point in
the novel.
2. In another paragraph, you must explain what this character is like (the one whose voice
you are assuming) and what the key experiences he/she faced leading up to this point in
the novel. Explain also how your diction (word choice) and connotation (the feeling
associated with those words) effectively captures the voice of that character.
Write a theme statement for the novel (the main theme that is developed throughout). Carefully
peruse the novel for significant quotations that develop this theme. You will require 12 to 15
quotes. The quotes must come from throughout the novel (i.e. from the beginning, middle, and
end). Be sure to write the page number after each selected quote.
Once you have located the quotes (and have written them down), choose an image or symbol of
that theme (see the sample). Be creative. For instance, if the main theme has to do with love, do
not use a heart as the symbol. This is a cliché. Avoid clichés!
Arrange the quotes (and citations) in a gestalt (shape, form, configuration of the symbol).
Rationale: On a separate piece of paper, type out the 15 quotes, in the order as they are presented
on the gestalt. For each quote, explain how that particular quotation serves to develop the chosen
theme (similar to what you do when commenting in a paragraph). Be thorough in each
Tip: Use an 11X14 piece of paper for the gestalt.
Create a very thorough Facebook page for the protagonist of your novel. The Facebook page
must look like a real Facebook page (though the paper will be longer than a standard 8 ½ X 11
sheet of paper) and must include the following information. Make sure it looks neat and
A profile picture (this should reflect details about the character’s appearance taken from the
The character’s status, likes, and dislikes;
A “friends” list (which should include other characters from the novel); groups he/she belongs
to; and events/invitations (of events/situations from the novel).
A “wall” with their own postings (at least 10) and responses (5-10) from at least three other
characters in the book. These posts and responses must reflect significant events in the novel
and must also reflect the character who is posting/responding;
Other interactions with characters (i.e. “pokes”, “gifts”);
Two advertisements of products that would be appropriate for or appeal to the protagonist;
Albums and photos of friends (i.e. other characters in the book). Make sure the details
accurately correspond with details from the novel.
Note: This is a lot of information, so you will have more than one page. For instance, any information
that would be a link on Facebook, such as “friends”, or “albums”, or “groups”, should be on a separate
page from the main Facebook page.
Rationale: You must write two or three well-organized paragraphs explaining and justifying how this
Facebook page is an accurate reflection of the protagonist (i.e. what key plot details have you included
in the page; what traits of the protagonist are reflected; what relationships with others have you
included; how do the ads reflect the protagonist and his/her interests; how do the “photos” accurately
capture physical details of the characters; etc.). Be sure to organize your paragraph ideas in an
appropriate and effective manner.
You will create an artistic album interpreting the novel’s key elements. You will have eight
drawings (8 separate pages). Your drawings must interpret key events (i.e. specific plot details,
like exposition complicating incident, conflict, crisis, climax, denouement; character emotions and
perceptions of these events; details of setting; the mood of these situations). Your art may take
any form that can be completed in class (so no computers). This may include drawing or collage
or a combination of the two. The art must be presented in a booklet and should follow the novel
you read in chronological order.
Rationale: For EACH piece, you must write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) explaining the
situation/words/images that jumped out at you to help you make this artistic representation. Explain
how each item fits in with a key element of plot and what that element is (i.e. complicating incident,
climax, etc.). Explain how it reflects the character’s emotions. Explain how it reflects the setting and
mood of that part of the book. Each explanation should be matched up with the corresponding piece of