Test 4A Chapters 11 and 13 Directions: DO NOT WRITE ON THIS

Test 4A
Chapters 11 and 13
Directions: DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST. Use your own paper. Good Luck!
1. What is true about the difference between race and ethnicity?
a. Race is based on biology, ethnicity is based on culture.
b. Race is based on culture, ethnicity is based on biology.
c. Race is socially constructed, ethnicity is not.
2. The term Hispanic refers to race.
a. True
b. False
3. We discussed four theories of prejudice in class. One theory argues that prejudice springs from frustration among
people who are themselves disadvantaged. What is this theory called?
a. Scapegoat theory
c. Culture theory
b. Authoritarian personality theory
d. Conflict theory
4. We discussed four theories of prejudice in class. One theory argues that extreme prejudice is a personality trait of
certain individuals. What is this theory called?
a. Scapegoat theory
c. Culture theory
b. Authoritarian personality theory
d. Conflict theory
5. Individuals who rigidly conform to conventional cultural values are examples of the _______ of prejudice.
a. Scapegoat theory
c. Culture theory
b. Authoritarian personality theory
d. Conflict theory
6. We discussed four theories of prejudice in class. One theory argues that prejudice is used as a tool by powerful
people to oppress others. What is this theory called?
a. Scapegoat theory
c. Culture theory
b. Authoritarian personality theory
d. Conflict theory
7. We discussed four patterns of interaction between majority and minority groups in a society. One pattern is when
people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing. What is this pattern called?
a. Assimilation
c. Segregation
b. Genocide
d. Pluralism
8. Ethnic villages such as Spanish Harlem and Little Italy are examples of:
a. Assimilation
c. Segregation
b. Genocide
d. Pluralism
9. We discussed four patterns of interaction between majority and minority groups in a society. One pattern is the
physical and social separation of categories of people. What is this pattern called?
a. Assimilation
c. Segregation
b. Genocide
d. Pluralism
10. We discussed four patterns of interaction between majority and minority groups in a society. One pattern is the
systematic killing of one category of people by another. What is this pattern called?
a. Assimilation
c. Segregation
b. Genocide
d. Pluralism
11. Minorities stereotype whites and other minorities.
a. True
b. False
12. What is the relationship between prejudice and discrimination?
a. Prejudice refers to action, discrimination refers to attitudes
b. Prejudice refers to attitudes, discrimination refers to action
13. The family is a social institution that is found in
a. Every society
b. Low income nations but typically not in
high income nations
c. High income nations but typically not in low
income nations
d. Most but not all societies
14. What is the term sociologists use for a group containing parents, children, and other kin?
a. Extended family
c. Family of affinity
b. Nuclear family
d. Conjugal family
15. Sociologists claim that marriage in the United States follows the principle of homogamy, which means that
partners are:
a. People of the same sex
c. People who marry due to social pressure
b. People who are socially alike in terms of
d. Selected bases on love rather than by parents
class, age, and race
16. What term is used to describe the everyday aspects of our lives?
a. Religion
c. Profane
b. Sacred
d. Ritual
17. Which type of religious organization is most integrated into the larger society?
a. Cult
c. Sect
b. Church
d. Counterculture
18. A sect is a type of religious organization that
a. Stands apart from the larger society
b. Is well integrated into the larger society
19. The term “secularization” refers to which of the following?
a. Religion’s becoming more important in
people’s lives
b. The increasing popularity of
20. Sects tend to recruit social outsiders.
a. True
c. Rejects the importance of charisma
d. Has formally trained leaders
c. A decline in the importance of religion and
the sacred
d. Churches’ resisting social change
b. False
21. In general, higher income nations are less religious than low income nations.
a. True
b. False
22. Sociologists suggest that religion will disappear one day.
a. True
b. False
23. Which of these religious organizations is most likely to have a charismatic leader?
a. Church
b. Sect
24. Which of these religious organizations is most likely to have members of high social standing?
a. Church
c. Cult
b. Sect
25. Holy communion and bah mitzvahs are examples of:
a. Rituals
b. Profane norms
c. Folkways