Further Resources

Breaking Free: 12 Steps to Sexual Purity for Men
The venom of Internet pornography is slowly killing the spiritual life of millions of Christian fathers.
Pornography, like alcoholism, isn’t a problem that goes away if left untreated. This booklet is
designed to educate Christians regarding this crisis that is facing men in the Church today. Not
only does it help one overcome an addiction to pornography, but it also helps prevent an
addiction. Stephen Wood, Family Life Center Publications.
Clean of Heart: Overcoming Habitual Sins Against Purity
Clean of Heart is written for practicing Catholics who accept all the teachings of the Church, yet are
still ensnared by pornography and self-abuse. There is hope! Through the Sacraments, God provides
all the grace one needs to become pure. No matter how long one has indulged in pornography or
how deep one has sunk into the mire of vice, Our Lord can still break the addiction! What makes
Clean of Heart different? The book takes a complete and full Catholic point-of-view. While
Evangelical Christians have many books and programs for pornography addicts, few titles on the
market have been written for Catholics. Clean of Heart consists of forty-three daily meditations
which draw from the power of the Sacraments and the wisdom of the Saints (elements lacking in
many Evangelical books). Second, Clean of Heart contains no obscenities or explicit testimonies,
which may be an occasion of sin for some. The focus is on attaining a clean heart rather than
recalling past sins. Rosemarie Scott, R.A.G.E. Media (January 18, 2006)
Every Man’s Battle with Workbook: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation
One Victory at a Time
Presents a detailed plan for any man who desires sexual purity – perfect for men who have fallen in
the past, those who want to remain strong today, and all who want to overcome temptation in the
future. Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker with Mike Yorkey, Water Brook Press
Love and Responsibility
Drawing from his own pastoral experience as a priest and bishop before he became Pope John Paul II,
Karol Wojtyla has produced a remarkably eloquent and resourceful defense of Catholic tradition in
the sphere of family life and sexual morality. He writes in the conviction that science—biology,
psychology, sociology—can provide valuable information on particular aspects of relations between
the sexes, but that a full understanding can be obtained only by study of the human person as a
whole. Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) – Ignatius Press.
Men and Women Are From Eden: A Study Guide to John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
Enlightening and informational for all readers and an excellent book for study groups.
Mary Healy, Servant Books, 2005.
Pornography’s Effects on Marriage and the Hope of Recovery and Healing
Sam Meier, MA, LPC, and Beth Meier, MA, published by the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops (2010)
Protecting Your Child in an X-Rated World: What you need to know to make a difference.
Pornography is no longer simply a problem affecting men. Whether it’s cable TV, 900 numbers, the
Internet or music, your kids are facing a flood of pornography. Protecting Your Child in an X-Rated
World offers a practical plan for shielding your son or daughter from the dangers of pornography.
Frank York & Jan LaRue, Tyndale House Publishers.
“Theology of the Body” for Beginners: Revised Edition
Based on the words of Scripture, John Paul II's famous reflection on the body and sex take us to the
root of the modern crisis and chart a path to an authentic sexual liberation. This book takes the rich
(and dense) teachings of the late Holy Father and makes them accessible to the average person. The
first edition of “Theology of the Body” for Beginners (2004) quickly became an international bestseller. This freshly revised and expanded edition is based on Dr. Michael Waldstein's much
improved translation of John Paul II's catechesis.
Christopher West, Ascension Press; 2nd edition (September 1, 2009)
Every Young Man’s Battle
This 58-minute DVD teaches both the pitfalls to avoid and the strategies to adopt to win the battle for
purity. The DVD is a multi-media tool for teens and college-aged young men seeking to break
free from the allure of pornography. However, men of all ages will greatly profit by viewing it.
The presentation wisely avoids showing explicit pornography scenes. Yet it is honest and direct
in its approach.
This DVD was made by men for young men. It uses music, powerful personal testimonies, as well as
football and military analogies to teach the strategies for winning the battle for sexual purity. Every
Young Man’s Battle should not be shown in mixed-gender groups, but it could be an excellent
tool for: any group of young men 13 or older, father/son retreats, or a father and son to view together
at home.
Family Life Center Publications, www.familylifecenter.net
Purity in an Impure Age
Pope John Paul II even describes the body as a “theology.” Why? Because the body and sexuality are
meant to proclaim God’s eternal plan of love to the world. True Christian purity is the ability to
see this! Christian purity is the ability to see the mystery of God revealed through the body and
Christopher West, Ascension Press (January 2, 2009)
Sex & Young America: The Real Deal
Understand the sexualized youth culture.
Examine media’s impact on norms for sexual behavior.
Develop skills and strategies to provide practical help to our youth.
National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families,
Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity –
Straight talk with Men about Love and Life
In this straight talk with men, Christopher West addresses the struggles in the area of sexual purity
and lust that many, if not most, men face on a regular basis. He offers a practical battle plan for
not only avoiding lust, but actually experiencing a victory in viewing others purely. He shows
how we can transform the view of woman as an object for selfish gratification to a deep and
lasting view of woman as a glorious creation of God.
Christopher West, LuminousMedia.org
Breaking Free - Audio Series on CD
1. Twelve Steps to Sexual Purity – Steve Wood
2. An Affair of the Mind – Laurie Hall
3. The Healing Power of Confession – Scott Hahn
This 3-CD series offers practical assistance to help overcome - and prevent - an addiction to pornography. On CD one, Steve Wood outlines twelve steps to sexual purity for men. On CD two, Steve
interviews Laurie Hall (author, An Affair of the Mind) as she shares the devastating effects that
pornography has on a family, and how to save a marriage after a pornography addiction. CD
three is a riveting interview with Scott Hahn on the healing power of confession.
Family Life Center Publications – www.familylifecenter.net
Contemporary Attacks on the Family
It should be no secret that the traditional family is the basic building block from which societies,
good or bad, are built. When the traditional family unit (man-woman/husband-wife, children) is
eroded away, distorted, divided, or otherwise assaulted, society begins to be eroded away,
distorted, divided, and otherwise assaulted, leading to the ultimate demise of that society. Such is
the case today.
God, Sex and the Meaning of Life
Drawing on Pope John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body,” West shares God’s original plan for
marriage and sexuality and how an understanding of this plan gives profound meaning to all our
lives – married, single, and consecrated celibates.
Christopher West, Ascension Press, (March 2004)
The Pornography Plague
In this powerful presentation, Catholic theologian and media host Jeff Cavins notes that many men
struggle with pornography. Given our fallen human nature and the profound effects of permissive
society, it is not surprising that even Christian men fall prey to its snares. With great insight and
charity, Cavins shows how we can fight pornography’s devastating influence and helps us chart a
course to true Christian purity.
Luminous Media.org
Booklets, Pamphlets, Flyers, Etc.
Fireproof Your Marriage
Catholic priests, lay ministries and lay apostolate across the country can use this movie to help
strengthen marriages and couples in parishes and communities. The response from Catholic
leadership to FIREPROOF has been unprecedented. From Catholic marriage prep programs to
healing retreats for Catholic couples, FIREPROOF is opening doors with an opportunity to
communicate God's design for relationships.
Study Guide for Catholics available completely online.
Pure Mind Scripture Memory Kits
These are invaluable resources for men struggling to find freedom from pornography. Each card
has a different Bible verse you can memorize for a pure mind. They fit in your pocket so they are
always at your fingertips. 10 cards in each kit. Volume I & Volume II
Family Life Center Publications, www.familylifecenter.net
Pure Mind Scripture Program for the computer (FREE)
This is an invaluable resource for anyone desiring sexual purity. It is available for free download.
Pure Mind Scripture Program. A different scripture verse will appear each time the computer
starts up. www.dads.org.
Advocacy Groups
Morality in the Media, Inc. is a national, not-for-profit organization established in 1962 to
combat obscenity and uphold decency standards in the media. It maintains the National
Obscenity Law Center, a clearinghouse of legal materials on obscenity law, and conducts public
information programs to educate and involve concerned citizens.
Citizens Against Pornography (CAP) is an interfaith community organization begun in 1989 to
alert and educate the public to the problem, scope, and dangers of pornography. For more
information, contact Chairman Carl Hendrickson at 314-892-6451 or email at
Carl@Hendricksons.org. More information can found on the website http://capstlouis.org